Dragon Goddess’s chosen

26. Turning up the Heat [18+]


Two hours later

“Alright you two, upstairs," Kat teased as she walked behind us with her hands on our backs as Max eagerly clung to me. My own body felt like it was running hot still despite only barely feeling the alcohol from dinner, even with our dwarf acquaintances sending me a second ale to try to get me drunk. Halfway up the stairs I heard the sound of tearing cloth right behind me then I stumbled slightly from suddenly growing taller. "Uh, Alex, you can wait until we get in the room before you let your wings out..."

"Shit…" I whined as I glanced back to find that I was somehow shifting back to quarter dragon without trying "F-fuck why is it so hot… G-give me the key… Please…”

"Um ok? Are you ok…?" She asked as she handed me the key.

"Fine, F-feels like I'm on fire inside... I-I'll see you there," I quickly went ahead of the two of them, fumbling with the lock when I reached it. As soon as I got it open, I started tearing my clothes off, trying anything to cool off, and tossed them to the side, using my tail to close the door behind me before I sprawled out on my stomach on the bed.

“Alex? Y-you ok?" Max called out as I heard the door open again "O-oh you're naked... um... Kat... there's something up with her... s-something smells different.”

“Definitely," Kat replied and I heard her approach me from the side. I instinctively rolled to face her and that's when I felt the cool air on my dick as it came out as soon as there was space to. " 'preciate you liking me that much but I haven't done anything yet cutie..." she glanced back towards Max and I followed her gaze to see him squirming where he stood on the other side of the room. “What do you… wait is something wrong with you too…?”

"H-her scent... m-making me feel warm too..." he whined softly, staying where he is.

“Scent... feeling warm..." she placed her hand on my forehead. "Not a fever, don't think, you're always so warm..." She moved it to my chest between my breasts, her touch making me instinctively press against it. "Definitely hot here. Um..." her hand moved to my inner thigh and that touch felt almost electric, the feeling shooting up my body "Fucking hell you're soaked and feel like a furnace.” 

“Dammit…” I groaned, finally noticing the unmistakable wetness between my legs.


Status: Heat Suppression (1 year) Source: Rissaeth has been nullified.

Status: Heat (28 days) gained 


“Even fucking better…” I growled 

“...what is it…?” Max asked, hesitantly approaching me. I immediately noticed his scent as he got close and it felt like the room got even hotter. Only the faint pain of my tail hitting a bedpost as it thrashed about distracted me from the intoxicating smell and I was able to tear my eyes away from him and hide my face in a pillow.

“F-fuck," I groaned into it, my mind briefly flooded of thoughts of submitting to Max, pinning and riding him as long as he can take it, or finally taking him myself. "I-it got worse...."

“...What did, Alex?” Kat prodded. “Did you get an alert or something…?” 

“Yes… apparently I-I'm in heat…” 

“Heat… like a cat?” she gave a short laugh and I peeked up from the pillow to glare at her but kept my nose buried so I couldn't smell Max.

“O-oh… um i-it happens to a lot of b-beastfolk…” Max mumbled softly, still squirming and shyly covering his groin with my hands. Kat looked between the both of us and a slight smirk appeared on her face. 

“So…” she started, playfully moving closer to Max and his face somehow got even more red.  She cupped his cheek then kissed him softly, giving him plenty of opportunity to back away  that he didn't take. “Alex is definitely really, really horny~ Why don't we help her~?”

“Kat… what are you up to…?” I asked, refusing to move 

“It's earlier than I thought it'd be but~ the three of us could~”

“I-I don't know about t-that… k-kisses are nice b-but I don' know i-if I'm ready for…” Max protested weakly but trailed off as she was already taking her shirt off. The sight of her undressing made my instincts flare up again, flooding my mind with more images that now involved her as well. I quickly got distracted with these and spaced out for long enough that I missed whatever conversation they had after. I only tuned back in when I suddenly found my boyfriend naked and squirming right in front of me. I yelped and pulled back slightly from the surprise but that exposed me to his scent right in front of my face. It took a lot of willpower to tear my focus away from the canid dick in front of me to glare at my girlfriend again, finding that she was completely undressed too.

“Y-you're evil…” I panted, squirming where I was laying.

“I think you've told me that before~ Just mind those fangs, babe~" she rubbed my back a little. I whined softly and squirmed more as I turned my attention back to the rod in front of me. I hesitantly let out my tongue and lapped up from Max's knot to his tip.

“Nngh h-hot," the dogfolk mumbled softly and I felt him grab horns that I didn't realize were out until then. With another whine escaping my throat, I shyly kept lapping at his dick, appreciative that it was quieting my instinct-driven fantasies.

“Good girl, Alex" Kat praised, sending a shiver up me with that and my tail flicked on its own. She playfully rubbed my back as I kept lapping at Max. "So… definitely not safe for you to take him anymore… not raw~" She mused, mostly to herself "Don't even need to check, honestly~” I glanced at her, not pulling away from my boyfriend.

“T-then what are we g-gonna do…?” he asked basically for me.

“There's a few options~” her hand traced down my back and I instinctively raised my hips when she reached the base of my tail. She giggled and rubbed there more. “We have four condoms, or you can try her ass… or she can try yours~” He twitched a little under my tongue with that last one.

“I-I don't know… s-she's kinda… u-um… big…” I reluctantly pulled away a little and looked back at my girlfriend, my instincts a quiet buzz at the back of my head again.

“S-still here you know" I panted "C-can hear just fine... You're a-acting like I can’t…”

"Oh… I wasn't sure if you were spacing off again~ you didn't answer earlier when I asked how you want to handle this and didn't object when I suggested you blow Max~" She giggled then she suddenly cupped my pussy with her cold hand, a moan escaping me before I could hold it back. "You're practically dripping back here, babe~ wonder what idea made you like this~ or were you already getting like this from licking him~”

“S-shut up…” I grumbled softly and she giggled again, just keeping her hand cupped on me.

"Alex... c-can you keep going...p-please? I-it felt really good..." Max asked shyly and my attention snapped back to him. 

"O-of course... sorry j-jus' a-ah!" I started to reply but Kat interrupted me by pushing a finger into my pussy suddenly. I glanced back at her and she smirked at me as she curled and uncurled it in me, the feeling jolting through me and my tail thrashing a bit. "R-rude..." I shyly went back down and lapped at Max's dick.

“Good girl," she cooed as she slowly fingered me.

"Hmph..." I grumbled more but the praise made me squirm.

"Aww don't be like that" she leaned on me, her breasts pressing against my back, and playfully guided my head up to Max's tip by my horns. "Try wrapping your tongue around it~”

"Nngh?" I hesitantly listened to her and coiled my tongue around his dick. He surprised me by almost immediately thrusting into my mouth. "Mmph?!"

"A-alex!" The dog-boy whined happily as he grabbed ahold of my horns and kept himself buried nearly up to his knot in my mouth. I glanced to the side at Kat to see her smirking at me.

'She knew...' I thought to myself with a whine then a muffled moan escaped me as Max thrust into my mouth again. 'Fuck... why does this feel good?'

“Aww, are you getting off on this~? You're tensing up on me~" she teased, curling her fingers again as if for emphasis. Another whine escaped me from the feeling as she kept talking. “So since you're still listening~ how are we going to deal with your ‘problem’?”

“Hmph…” I huffed softly, accidentally making Max squirm and twitch in my mouth. My girlfriend then smirked a little and she playfully pressed against a spot in me that sent an overwhelming jolt of pleasure up my body and I couldn't hold back the moan. My tail instinctively coiled tightly around her arm to stop her from doing it again.

“Y-you ok?" Max asked softly and let go of one of my horns to pet my hair. I could only nod a little to answer, earning quiet mumbles of pleasure as that made me bob my head slightly. "W-what did you do, Kat?"

"Only barely touched a spot I know she loves~ apparently she's really sensitive right now." She replied then I felt her free hand go underneath me and grab my dick, forcing another moan out of me and making me accidentally take the rest of Max's erection into my mouth, knot and all. I gagged immediately when it hit my throat and quickly pulled off of it.

“F-fuck, K-kat..." I coughed and looked back at her. She smiled innocently back at me as she started stroking me.

“What~?" She slowly started fingering me again  and my breath hitched a little as I focused on Max again.

'Takin too long, need it now' a passing thought urged me. I took a deep breath and pushed the thought out of my mind. 

‘What I need is to control myself and make my mate happy before we do anything.’ A low purr in my throat, I sat up a little and playfully pushed Max back onto his back. He squirmed under me as I kissed up to his chest possessively, pausing slightly when I went by his new scar.

“Nngh, A-alex?" He whined softly as I kissed higher towards his neck. I barely noticed that Kat pulled away from me at first but my neediness quickly started increasing again without her touch.

“Something wrong?" I purred and rubbed up against him, shivering a bit as our dicks grazed against each other. 

"N-no, you're just acting different now..." I froze, realizing that he's right, and sat up again. 

“Sorry… t-this is taking too long… I c-can't think straight…” I sighed but it came out more as a whine. 

“We need to decide how to deal with your horny ass~” Kat laughed, coming back into my view and sitting next to Max. “Your butt, his butt, or we can see if a condom can survive you.”

“What about you?”

“Cute, still worried about me despite being a dripping mess~” she giggled and playfully pulled me into an agonizingly brief kiss. “I'll just take whoever's dick isn't occupied ~”

“W-what?” Max stammered but I could feel his dick twitch against mine.

“What do you expect? This is a threesome~ I'm not going to just stay on the side~”

“Or b-both of us can fuck you…” I mumbled offhandedly as I considered the options she gave. Her eyes darted down to our groins and she quickly turned as red as Max.

“I-I don't know if I c-can take both of you…” I smiled a little and would have loved to press it but the increasing indecipherable noise in my head and need in my body stopped me.

“A-Alex can d-do me…” My boyfriend blurted out suddenly then hid his face with a pillow as the two of us looked down at him. 

“U-um… are you sure? I-I'm barely holding myself together…” I asked, ignoring the basically static getting louder the longer I put it off.

“... I-I'm not fragile….” he mumbled barely audibly into the pillow 

“I'm not saying you are” I assured him and looked to my girlfriend for help. She only shrugged at me with a slight smirk.

“Well if this is what we're doing, both of you need to get ready~” She giggled and playfully pushed me off of him. Irritation flared up in me for a moment as I propped myself up on my elbows but it quickly disappeared when I found Kat and Max laying next to each other in front of me, their cool breaths going across my dick. Max’s were short and excited and Kat's were already back to being calm and steady.

“C-could have warned me…” I huffed softly. My girlfriend only rolled her eyes before kissing my tip. Max whined softly and as Kat's action sent a shiver up me, he joined in by shyly lapping up the side of my shaft with his soft tongue. 

“Good boy~” she praised and playfully groped his butt as he continued, earning an adorable whine from the half-inugami. He was definitely still flustered but she nailed his apparent praise kink. His tail wagged rapidly as he eagerly kept licking.

“F-fuck…” I panted, trying my best to stay still under his attention. Kat giggled more as she happily joined back in, kissing at the other side of my dick, but she didn't stop groping my boyfriend. Despite their attention, the room felt like it was steadily heating up again, especially when the two of them eventually reached my tip at the same time, essentially making out around me without any second thoughts. ‘Fuck that's hotter than it should be…’

“Such a good boy~” Kat cooed softly when she eventually pulled away from me. “You think you can cast a spell for me Maxie~?” he nodded a little, still making me squirm as he refused to stop what he was doing, even when half-dazed from the kiss. My girlfriend giggled and playfully pulled one of his hands to over his own butt. “Use prestidigitation here~ Get yourself nice and clean for us~”

“Ecce~” he mumbled, half the spell muffled as he eagerly took my tip into his mouth. Both of us shivered as, amazingly, the verbal component counted despite the mouthful of dick and light emanated from his hand. Kat smiled before playfully moving his hand to under me. My instincts took over for a moment and I immediately grinded my pussy against his hand. A moan escaped me as pleasure shot up me and momentarily silenced the noise in my head. Max caught on immediately and gave a muffled yip right before he made me arch by pushing a pair of fingers up into me.

“F-Fuck, M-max!” I gasped, pawing at him needily. 

“Good, keep her distracted for a bit~ Oh and just a warning, this might feel weird~” my girlfriend laughed as she groped him again. He gave another yip around my tip in response. “Partum Aqua” His tail shot up the next moment and let out an adorable yelp and moan as his fingers curled in me, also making me buck up into his mouth a little. He gagged and reluctantly pulled off, whining softly.

“W-what did you do?” I panted as Kat settled back down next to him, her hand staying under his tail. She smiled a little but ignored me as she kissed his cheek.

“They went in a little easier than I thought~ have you played with your butt before?” She cooed softly and his ears shyly folded back. He gave a short nod then moaned more at the same time I saw her hand move a little.

“O-only once” He whined, his fingers making me squirm as Kat made him tense up. She gave me an incredulous look and kept going.

“I doubt that~” she giggled, pressing against him playfully.

“K-kat.” I warned softly, shivering as Max tried to get away from the teasing by taking my dick back halfway into his mouth. She gave an innocent smile and kissed his cheek again.

“I'm not doing anything wrong~”

“Menace,” I huffed, shuddering from the lazy fingering I was also receiving. Kat smirked more and happily just joined Max in making me squirm by starting to kiss at my knot. I would have been jealous of her multi-tasking if I wasn't so distracted by the building pleasure of both of their attentions that made me grow restless under them. Max's moans around my dick definitely did not help and it took much of my willpower to not just fuck his face.

“K-Kat… p-please…” the half Inugami whined after a few minutes when he finally pulled off of me again.

“Hmm?” she gave me a teasingly slow lick up my entire length before looking at him.

“I-I want… I want her… I-I'm too close…” 

“Already~?” She giggled and pulled her hand away from his ass, earning another soft whine from him as she obviously pulled her fingers out of him. “Ok then let's get comfy~” she suddenly gave me a quick kiss before playfully moving to the other end of the bed and laying on her back. 


“F-follow her, I guess, pup…” I sighed, reluctantly moving his hand away from my pussy and making the noise flood my mind again. He gave a soft, confused whine then shyly did as we told him, crawling over to her. She giggled more and playfully pulled him into a deep kiss and on top of her. Catching sight of that, both of their enticing asses and his dick with an already-swollen knot grinding against her pussy, made a set of my instincts flare up. It was made only worse when Kat reached around and groped his butt, giving me a full view of her efforts of getting him ready for me.

‘He definitely looks ready~ I need to claim him!’ the loudest voice demanded as I was driven to move behind him. It was tempting to take Kat as well but at the moment I couldn't resist the initial urge.

“A-ah! G-gods… S-so hot…” The adorable dog boy gasped, breaking the kiss with Kat, as I pressed my tip against its mark. Luckily for us, there was still some slickness left from Kat's Create Water. 

“Tight…” I growled softly as I slowly pushed into him, also earning a cute gasp from my girlfriend underneath him as I drove him down on top of her more.

“F-fuck you're big too…” she mumbled under her breath. I smiled a little and playfully nipped at Max's neck, enjoying him tensing on me from this.

“Aww did I push you in~?” I purred in his ear, rubbing his sides as he gave a wordless nod. I let out a soft giggle and pressed my tits against his back more, intentionally pushing him against her and earning moans from both of my mates. “How do you feel, pup~? You got about half in you~”

“G-good… h-hot…” He whimpered as he tensed around me more but the way his tail was struggling to wag between us told me that he was loving every second of this. “I-is it weird that I-I feel like I have to pee…?”

“No t-that's perfectly ok~ j-just means she's pushing on a feel-good spot in you~” Kat let out a soft giggle “Just wait until it's her knot doing that~" He whined and tensed up again when she put that thought in his head. To my surprise, he shyly started pressing back against me, moaning eagerly as he took a few more inches.

“S-slow down, pup~” I purred more, my instincts screaming for me to just go with it.

“B-but I-I want it…” he panted almost as needily as my instincts felt to me.

“You're s-so adorable,” my girlfriend giggled before she pulled him into another kiss. Like he normally did with me, he practically melted on her and this let me push in nearly all the way. He tensed back up again like a vice when my knot pressed against him.

‘He's twitching like crazy, babe~’ Kat's voice giggled in my head but I couldn't acknowledge her among the other noise in there. A growl escaped me as my hands went to his waist and I slowly started pulling back out.


Status: Heat (28 days) suppressed, Reason: Status: Rut (4 hours) gained. Heat timer will continue to run while suppressed 


I dismissed the useless message, only barely taking in what it said as my mate whined needily into his kiss with my first mate demanded my attention more. I let out another growl as I gave him what he wanted and steadily started to fuck him into Kat. I could still feel her presence in my mind but whatever she said was drowned out with the pleasure and instincts that lit up my mind. At some point, I heard a lewd pop followed by both of my mates moaning loudly but I was still free to move so I kept going at the pace I set.

“S-sorry… c-close…” Max whined softly after a few moments.

“N-ngh? Oh y-yeah?” I playfully gave another buck as I nipped at his shoulder. He couldn't respond, only let out a loud moan as Kat's voice broke though the noise in my head as he tensed harder than all the previous times for a brief second.

‘A-and that just did it… Fuck… He's really into this ’ 

“You ok?” I purred, my worry letting me slow a bit and focus on kissing and nipping at his neck and shoulder.

“M-more…” He mumbled, half dazed against Kat, who was breathing heavily herself. That was enough for my lust-addled mind and I eagerly resumed my previous pace, still nipping at him occasionally and earning adorable moans from both. 

‘A-alex… s-slow down,  you're getting big, y-you'll hurt him’ Kat warned, her connection very much faltering. ‘He's not b-bound like I am…’

“Bound?” I growled softly against my slowly-shrinking mate, sounding like a great idea. “Want to make you mine~” 

“A-Alex! t-that wasn't a s-suggestion!” She gasped out loud.

“I-I want it…” Max moaned, pressing his ass back against me weakly. I growled more in the excitement and rewarded him with a buck that nearly made me tie with him.

“F-fuck” Kat gasped again, weakly pawing at me. “Max, t-think, it's permanent…”

“D-don't care… want it…” That was enough for me at the time. Without another thought,  I bit into his shoulder as I redoubled my efforts to try in vain to ‘breed’ him as my instincts demanded. Max yelped cutely but the noise quickly turned into a moan. Almost immediately, it started to become easier to fuck him again despite the growing size difference, something I took full advantage of as I picked up the pace of my thrusts.

 Eventually, a particularly eager buck from me finally forced my knot in, making my boyfriend moan even louder than he had been. I growled eagerly against his shoulder and while panting hard, gave a few last thrusts before my building pleasure was released. 

“H-hot!” he gasped, squirming between us and half bucking into Kat as I held both of them close. A rumbling purr escaped me as I happily rocked my hips against him, happy to ‘breed’ my mate. 

‘Wait… mate?’ That thought, paired with the taste of blood in my mouth, brought me back to my senses.

“S-shit, shit, shit” I hissed, frantically lifting the now-tiny half-inugami a bit to examine where I bit, the movement disturbing the panting messes that were my partners. Sure enough, it was already healed and scarred perfectly to match Kat's, same shoulder and everything.

“L-love…” Max babbled half-coherently, going limp as he leaned back against me and nuzzling into my tits the best he could. I sighed and held him close, flinching when I felt how much I stuffed his small body. His stomach was visibly rounded out like when I did the same to Kat.

“Love you too, pup…” I murmured, hesitantly glancing at my girlfriend beneath him now that I had him off of her. She was still breathing heavily, and Max's dick and knot vaguely showing as an outline on her abdomen, definitely locked in her.

“Fucking h-hell, Alex” she groaned tiredly after a bit. “You… you made him c-cum like three times…”

“Oh… I-I didn't notice….” I mumbled.

“O-obviously… didn't even stop during the second time…” she gave a slight smile. “A-and fucking me with him t-too? Y-you weren't even trying to, w-were you?”

“Sorry-” I started to apologize, holding my blissed-out boyfriend like a teddy bear, then stopped when a pop-up confirmed my fears.


Second seal of Rissaeth's Charm broken, default form has been updated.


Abilities have been Updated:

Sense: Scent (imprecise 30ft)

Fire damage resistance (Greater)

Lightning damage resistance (Greater)


Mate bond with Maximillian Wells established.

Mate provided access to dragon sorcery spells and affinity to arcane magic has been increased.

Warning: Mate previously had access to dragon sorcery. Mate’s magic source has been updated from Dragon-blood sorcerer (Sun) to Dragon-blood sorcerer (Plasma). Spells reliant on this source have been replaced.


“Dammit…” I groaned and hugged him more.


“I bound him…” I grumbled and she smirked at me a little.

“No shit,” she giggled.  “Don't know if you remember but I warned him~ but no~ both of you were thinking with your dicks~” I stuck my tongue out at her in response. She laughed more and playfully reached for both of us. “Come here, try to get some rest, you're gonna need it.”


“I guarantee you're going to get needy again sometime tonight~”

“...you checked…?” I mumbled, hesitantly accepting the offer to snuggle but gently adjusted the three of us onto our sides so that I didn't crush both of them. 

“Maybe~ but don't worry~ I'll take care of you if it comes up~”

“Mhmm…” I sighed and draped a wing over the three of us as a makeshift blanket. Even as sleep started to take me, I vaguely started to feel the buzz of my instincts start back up. ‘Dammit, it's going to be a long night…

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