Dragon Goddess’s chosen

21. Attuning and Bonds [18+]


“I found the book, Alex!” Max announced happily as he entered the kitchen, ending up interrupting the conversation I started with his mother to get more info about her adventuring days while we were preparing dinner.

“That took you a while, you have a library up there or something?” I laughed over my shoulder. 

“There's a f-few books up there… Dad sends one every now and then when he's out…” he mumbled. I smiled a bit as I walked past to hand off the ingredients to his mother.

“Here you go, Mrs. Wells, anything else you need me to do?”

“You've helped me more than enough, hun,” she responded with a smile before taking the bowl I was carrying and looking at Max. “So, you said the quest went fine, anything else exciting happen?”

“U-um well we found that…” he answered, motioning to the poleaxe. “I-it's magic and I was going to help Alex attune to it.”

“Oh, your first magic item, always exciting. You did check it for curses, right?”

“I-I haven't tried appraising it yet but I haven't felt anything off about it…”

“Appraise it first, just in case, then take it outside to do the attuning, I don't want another fire in the house because of magic”

“T-that only happened once!” 

“That sounds like a fun story,” I giggled softly as I walked back over to him.

“Oh, it's not a big one, I just had to put out his bed one time when he was about 10 when he found out he could make sparks in his hands.” His mother laughed, much to his embarrassment. “Anything else exciting you want to tell me?” I quickly caught on to what she was doing.

She's trying to get him to admit that we're together,’ I glanced between the two of them. Max shyly squirmed and broke eye contact with his mother.

“Nothing much… the town we stayed at was nice…” He answered. I smiled a little and decided to help him give the right answer by playfully giving him a chaste kiss. He reacted normally for a split second but then he quickly froze and gave me a shocked look. “A-alex!”

“Sorry but she knows, like you said she would. I was just trying to help you get it out~” 

“F-fine… A-alex... um, she's my girlfriend now...” he whined softly.

“Thank you, Alex,” Mrs. Wells laughed softly. “but I would have gotten it out of him eventually. He knows this too.”

“... yeah…” he sighed.

“You know better not to try to hide it from me,” she chastised in a joking tone then smiled at me. “Alex, I just thought of something you could help with, can you go set the table for us? And don't forget your weapon, please.”

“I-I can help you…?”

“No, I want to talk to you, Maximillian.” I flinched a bit for him as I went to collect bowls and spoons for the table. He quickly gave me a pleading look.

“Sorry, but I know better not to get in the way this time… I'll just be in the other room” I sighed and I gave my boyfriend an apologetic smile and a kiss on the cheek on my way out of the room, remembering to also grab my weapon.

“I like her.” I heard Mrs. Wells laugh as the door shut behind me. I couldn't hear much after that, he was certainly getting a shushed earful from her but nothing that sounded bad that I could make out, so I focused on setting the table. Once I was done, I sat down and passed the next few minutes looking over the poleaxe for probably the hundredth time that day. The sound of the door opening again made me look up again to see a slightly embarrassed Max walking over.

“Sorry for letting you go in by yourself…” he started but I interrupted him with a hug.

“Don't worry about it, I'm the one who suggested it. We should have figured she'd smell you on me… and Kat… when I went in there” I responded, patting his head comfortingly.

“Oh, she knows about Kat too…?”

“I couldn't hide it from her… she was making sure I wasn't cheating on you, or her… I think. Um what else did she say in there…?”

“T-the normal… make good choices and everything…” he mumbled as he let himself relax against me. 

“O-oh, yeah I know those talks…” I giggled softly and gave him a light squeeze. 

“S-so dinner will take like half an hour… we can try getting your ax appraised…?” I smiled a little and kissed his forehead.

“Ok let's go do that then~ outside though so you don't start another fire~” I teased softly and he pouted adorably.

“I-it was one time! Y-you breathe fire, I'm sure your parents have similar stories…” I flinched a bit at this.

“I-I'm sure every fire or lightning dragonspawn has stories like that…m-my lightning still kind of builds up on its own…” I responded dismissively and started towards the door, gently pulling him along with me.

“T-they do, don't they!” He laughed, gaining some confidence from my response. It hurt but I still found it easier to let him believe it than tell the truth yet. 

“Where should we do this?” I asked in an attempt to focus him on the appraisal we were about to do, instead of my non-existent parents in this world.

“Oh, um, over here, we need some dirt to draw in for this.” He happily took the lead in pulling me along to a dirt patch a little ways behind the house. From there, he guided us through making a magic circle on the ground around the poleax almost exactly the same as the one he used to ‘appraise’ me when I got more draconic, at least this time it didn't need my blood. We didn't get much more info inscribed on the ground than what I got out of it with Inspect, other than it was definitely not cursed but it did make it seem like it was related to ice instead of the snippet I got. “Ok, it seems safe to me, you want to try to attune?”

“Sure, just tell me what I need to do,” he quickly got out a different book than what he used for the appraisal and flipped to a bookmarked page before grabbing my hand and leading me to the center of the circle we made.

“Sit,” he directed and I couldn't help but smile a bit as I did as I was told, slightly amused at the adorable confidence he had while following the directions for this ritual. I wanted to comment about it but I didn't want to mess it up and make him lose it. I happily watched as he went around adjusting the circle to a different pattern with different runes. 

“I could help, you know~” I laughed as I moved my tail out of his way, carefully avoiding erasing any lines.

“No, it's fine, I got it,” he yipped happily. I smiled more and picked my weapon back up to hold onto it as he worked.

“Ok~” I sat back and continued to watch him in silence for a few minutes. Eventually he stopped drawing to look over the entire circle before sitting with me in the center, smiling up at me. “You seem happy to be doing this~”

“Of course, it's fun!” His tail started going  behind him and I had to pull him closer before he ended up erasing part of a line behind him. “A-and it's with you…”

“Hey, don't lose all that cute confidence just because I touched you~ let's keep this going, what's the next step, pup~?” His ears folded back shyly for a moment but he recovered and shook his head.

“S-sorry… u-um, ok hold it up like this” he shyly put his hands under mine and guided me to hold the weapon at chest height and parallel to the ground. I chose not to comment more on this and happily let him continue and get confidence back. “And you need to close your eyes and focus on it.”

“Ok” I did as instructed and waited for him to continue. Instead, I felt him press his lips against mine. He stayed like that for a few moments before pulling away and I opened one of my eyes. “Part of the ritual, were you plannin’ this, or couldn't help yourself ~?”

“U-um, the l-last one…” 

“Cute~” I laughed and closed my eye again. “What's actually next, pup?”

“Um, y-you need to channel mana into it while you meditate… f-focus on how it feels when you cast a spell but don't say the words and it should start working… just try to ignore everything.”

How are pure warriors supposed to do this?’ I thought as I recalled the feeling of when I used Shocking Grasp to try to follow his directions. I never actually meditated before so the silence and lack of input other than my focus made the seconds that ticked by feel agonizingly long. I was about to question the process when everything started feeling cold and especially the weapon in my hand.

“Attuning to it like a mage, interesting choice for a warrior's weapon,” a deep voice boomed around me, its similarity to the draugr made my blood run as cold as my surroundings. My eyes snapped open again and I found myself in a void across from a half-dragon man in the same armor as the previous owner instead of Max. If it wasn't for the armor or the voice, I wouldn't had recognized him as the draugr, he wasn't mummified and had the hulking form and beard of a viking warrior along with curved horns sprouting from his head and white-scaled draconic wings and tail spanning behind him.

“What the fuck?! I killed you!” I growled, preparing for a fight again and gripping the weapon tight as my rage flared instantly. His beard hardly hid his grin as he held up a hand.

“I am but a vestige of the previous owner. You are young so you may not know, when you bond with a magic item successfully, some of the magic copies you as a vestige.” He motioned behind me and I hesitantly took a glance. There, curled up and slumbering, was a purple-scaled dragon that was bigger than a Clydesdale horse. The scales alone made it unmistakable that the dragon represented me.

“O-oh…” I quickly looked back at the viking “...a-and is this successful right now?”

“For the time being, whelp.” He laughed jovially. His different personality was throwing me off. He was scorned and aggressive before but this time he seemed more nurturing and fatherly, despite calling me a whelp again. “You bested me in combat, you already have that going for you. Your choice of bonding is interesting though. I connected by training with it.”

“Didn't know that was an option…”

“There's another present, though, helping you?”

“You can tell…?”

“His mana is present, not enough to connect as well but it can be felt.” He seemed to think a bit before standing “Maybe he and any other friends you may have help keep you from falling like I did. Don't sully your death with undeath if you can help it, I felt that corruption try to seep into the weapon for centuries before you came along.”

“Y-you're welcome…?” I responded, still unsure about the half-dragon, and at the same time I became aware of the poleax heating up in my hands.

“It appears your vestige was able to sink their claws into here, I would have fought this, fought you, again, if you did not already prove yourself and have Rissaeth's blessing.” The viking sighed as I felt heat behind me and heard the dragon start to stir. “Promise two things and I will allow the bond to finish.”

“Those are…?”

“Remember the name Torygg as the warrior you fought instead of just a monstrosity in a crypt and keep working to be a mighty and more honorable warrior than what I turned out to be.” I gave him an incredulous look as I felt the ground shake, the dragon starting to creep around into view and revealing it was at least thirty feet long from snout to tail now that it wasn't curled up. 

“That's it…?” I and the dragon asked at the same time, our voices the same and further confirming that she was also me. He smiled at us.

“If you do not keep the second promise, I will be sure to remain and cause you problems in here, like the previous vestige should have against myself,” he laughed as an arctic cold blew past me and even made my dragon self shudder as if to prove his point. 

“O-ok, Torygg, I promise to try to remember your name and remain honorable, even if we might have differences with what that means,” he grinned more before taking a knee and bowing with an arm across his chest.

“I will hold you to that, Champion of Rissaeth, and this weapon is yours to wield.” He quickly started fading away into nothing. “And may you pass it on when you no longer have need of it.”

“So fucking weird” I sighed and looked the dragon over as she sat in front of me. “So… this is-” 

“Alex!” Max's voice interrupted me and snapped me out of the trance before I could get a good look at or talk to her at all. I opened my eyes to my boyfriend cupping my face with both hands and the smell of electricity and ozone in the air as everything was bathed in a purple light. I looked down and found that the edge of the ax blade was coated in a bright purple plasma that sputtered down to an orange flame as the fatigue hit me.

“What the fuck?!” I quickly let it go and it clattered to the ground, extinguishing the rest of the way.

“Y-you ok?!” My boyfriend asked in a panic. “You weren't responding to me then it suddenly lit up like that! I-it was supposed to have an ice enchantment… not that…”

“I-I'm fine” I sighed, leaning a bit into his hands. “A-a bit tired…”

“W-whatever that was, i-it must've taken a lot of your mana… u-um let's get inside… you can rest before dinner…”

“Yeah… that sounds good…” he smiled a bit and helped me to my feet, even if I didn't really need it.



We had a brief time to sit together, though neither of us were brave enough to actually cuddle with his mom in the neighboring room as much as we wanted. It was enough to calm us both down from the attunement before the food was ready. Dinner itself was uneventful, the food was good as always when I ate with both of them but this time, Mrs. Wells was more than happy to tell more stories about Max as a kid. He was lucky they didn't have photographs or she would have probably gotten those out as well with how she was acting.

Eventually, it was time for me to head back to the guild hall, much to my boyfriend's disappointment and his fussing about what happened earlier. I had to remind him that as much as I would love to share a bed with him again, in the same house as his mom wasn't a good idea and it was Kat's turn for me to be with her. The thought of offering to share a bed with both of them crossed my mind but I knew the three of us were definitely not ready for that even if it sounded appealing.

“Hey, cutie, you took your time~” Kat's voice and a sudden hug from her surprised me as soon as I entered the guild hall.

“Sorry, I decided to stay for dinner… I hope you weren't waiting long…” I responded, hugging her back.

“Nope, I just finished eating too, guess it was fate that we met back up now~” she pulled away and grabbed my hand to lead me towards the stairs. “How was the date~?”

“Fine, but still not much of a date especially with his mom there… I helped her make dinner…” Kat smirked a bit at me, still happily leading the way to the room.

“Didn't think you'd fall into the classic girlfriend stuff so easily~” she teased. “So, she knows now?”

“Yep… and she knows you're in the picture too… she could smell you on me.”

“Oh, she's the dogfolk… I was wondering if it was her or his dad… Yeah, you had no chance of hiding me too, how did she take that…?”

“Um… better than expected to be honest, I ended up admitting that you thought he was cute too and that seemed to help…”

“Alex!” She chastised as she opened the door to the room, but her slight smile showed that she wasn't actually upset.

“I don't think she told him yet.” I sighed and set my weapon down and collapsed on the bed as soon as we were inside.

“That's good, that'll probably make him nervous around me too if she did.” I felt the bed shift as she sat by me. “You ok? You seem tired.”

“I'm fine, the attunement took a lot out of me… Max said he thought I was out of mana”

“You could have stayed there, I would've understood,” she gently started rubbing my back between my wings and I couldn't help but to relax under her touch. 

“It's fine…” I gave her a reassuring smile. “So… did you get to read the note…?”

“Yep,” she smiled back and kept rubbing my back “you want to read it or do you just want me to tell you what it said?”

“I'm fine with you just telling me.”

“So first of all… Technically I'm your wife…”

“What?!” I quickly sat up to look at her.

“At least that's how it'll look to other dragons, if we ever meet them but I'm not actually surprised… It was important enough that we got a message after all…” she gently grabbed my hands “and it's permanent so we can't undo it…”

“I'm so sorry, I should've tried to control myself…” I sighed but she only gave a small smile.

“I don't blame you, you didn't know either.” She got a playful glint in her eye alongside the worry I still saw and she giggled a bit. “Just in the future, like far future when we're actually ready, I hope your actual proposal is a bit more romantic than you sinking your fangs into me while you stuff me~”

“Of course you find a way to joke about it…” I sighed again, but she did make me feel a bit better for accidentally forcing this on her.

“What else can I do? If I don't joke you're going to worry that I'm upset about it” She kissed me softly. “I'm still just your girlfriend though, no matter what this,” she pulled the collar of her shirt to reveal the scar I left, “means, ok? Nothing's different to me other than you gave me access to more magic.”

“So just ignore what it means for now?” She gave a nod and smiled at me.

“More or less… if it helps you worry less.”

“O-ok, I think I can do that…” I sighed then suddenly realized something. “Wait, a part of me really wanted Max to bite me last night… would the same thing happen if he did??” My girlfriend gave a short laugh and smiled at me.

“We're not dragons, the note said only dragons can do it so we can bite you all we want~ especially since it seems like you're into that now~” her smile turned into a smirk as she playfully leaned in and kissed from my cheek down to my neck “Maybe I should tell him you like being bit~”

“Kat!” I hissed and she started giggling as I felt my face get warm and my heart start to race.

“What~? You just said you wanted it~!” she laughed more then she nipped at my neck.

“I d-didn't mean right now!” I gasped but still instinctively tilted my head over to give her better access. She giggled more as she climbed onto my lap and pressed up against me.

“Good girl~” those words made my growing arousal worse and I could already feel my dick straining to escape its slit against my clothes.

“K-Kat… F-fucking horny elf…"

“I have no clue what you're talking about~” she bit my neck again. “I'm barely doing anything.”

“J-just focus on what else the note said before you get too into t-this, p-please… I-it feels good... I want it... but… I know the note was longer t-than just saying we were basically married”

“Ok~” She playfully went back to kissing my neck “It said that I'll live for longer, as long as we stay together, any kids I have with you or anyone else, can be sorcerers,” my girlfriend seemed kind of dismissive about these points.

“Any kids we'll have will be dragons according to Rissaeth…”

“Oh… huh, that's going to be interesting… not going to be for a while though,” she shrugged before continuing, a playful tone reappearing in her voice. “Oh and the bond is the reason why you didn't just split me in half when you fucked me~”

“What? There's n-no way that's one of the things it does…”

“It is~ ‘bonded are more resilient to their dragon and less likely to suffer injuries during mating’~ if you don't believe me, you can go read it yourself~”

“Of course,” I groaned softly.

“Well I appreciated it~” she pulled away a bit and grinned at me. “I'm happy I could walk after~”

You're so much more lewd-minded than before…’  “Was there anything else…?” I sighed, trying to keep her on track and she shook her head. 

“That's it for what happens for me, if I was a dragon there'd be different things for it.” she gave an innocent smile. 

“... are you going to go back to biting me?”

“If you let me~” she giggled.

“... j-just let me get out of my clothes first… it's… stuck in me again and doesn't feel good…”

“Oh shit, sorry… completely forgot about that…” she quickly slid off of me. 

“Mhmm” I laid back to squirm out of my pants and underwear, sighing in relief when the pressure disappeared when my dick was freed. 

“Oh… I didn't realize it was working that much,” she gave a nervous laugh “Sorry, I was just trying to mess with you a bit… Um… lemme help you take care of it… I don't want to leave you like this again…”

“... if you want to…? You don't have to, it'll go back down on its own, I just wanted to be comfortable.” I gave her a reassuring smile as I sat back up. My girlfriend crawled back onto my lap, pinning my dick between us and kissed me softly.

“Of course I want to, if I don't, that means I left you pent up again...” she mumbled softly as she pressed against me more. I was about to argue that Max helped the next day but that was silenced when she found her way back to my neck and nipped there again. I sighed happily at her touch and tilted my head over for her immediately. “Hehe… so cute… just let me do my job as your ‘mate’ and take care of you~”

“Thought a-ah!” she interrupted me with another nip that sent a shudder through my body. “Nngh, t-thought we were gonna ignore what the bond meant…”

“Doesn't mean I don't want to tease you with it every now and then~” She giggled softly against me and her hands slowly traced down my sides to the bottom of my shirt. She then playfully started taking it off of me but it got snagged on my wings and she cursed quietly. 

“Need help?” I laughed, folding my wings up tight to help fit through the holes I made in the shirt. 

“Stupid wings… getting in the way,” she grumbled as she took my shirt off the rest of the way, quickly followed by my bra. “Hehe there we go~”

“Congrats now I-a-ah!” I started to tease but she interrupted me by playfully groping my chest. “Fuck… “

“What~?” Kat giggled and kept going, watching my face as she played with my chest. “So soft~ who would had thought dragons had big soft tits~”

“Such a t-tease…” I panted softly then shivered as she ran a thumb over a nipple. 

“You're enjoying it though~” she pressed up against me eagerly to nip at my neck again. Another gasp escaped me as I felt her teeth press into my skin and I found myself half-wishing she had fangs like me.

Of course I'm enjoying it! You're doing what a mate is supposed to!’  The intrusive instinct crossed my mind. I quickly forgot about it when Kat started kissing down from my neck to my chest then slid off my lap to kiss further down. I hesitantly reached out and pet her hair a bit as she continued down to my stomach.

“Good girl~ being so still for me~” she playfully kissed my tip before grabbing further down on my dick and stroking it slowly, her cold touch making me shiver in the pleasure she caused. “Hehe so~ I'm dying to know~”

“Nngh?” I gave her a confused look, trying to focus as she kept moving her hand.

“You said Max was bigger than you thought~ Like how big~?” She teased and I felt myself somehow get warmer from the slight embarrassment as she reminded me of it.

“Really? N-now?” she smirked and playfully ran her tongue from base to tip, making me shudder again.

“Of course~ I have something to compare it to now.”

“H-he wasn't much s-smaller… M-maybe a couple inches…?” I quietly admitted. “Dunno h-how big his knot got… S-so you're not getting an answer on t-that…”

“Oh! He had a knot too?” She gave an innocent smile as she went back to her teasingly slow handjob. “No wonder you were sore~" She smirked then playfully cupped her free hand over my pussy as she kept moving the other. “Hehe, you're completely soaked down here, is it from what I'm doing or is it from me reminding you of your cute boyfriend's huge cock~?”

“D-dammit, K-Kat,” I whined and I couldn't stop myself from squirming from the combination of her touch and the memories of being stuffed the previous night. She smirked more then playfully but slowly pressed a finger into me, forcing a moan out of me. 

“Too bad I don't have one too~ I would love to know how it feels to have hot dragon pussy wrapped around me as I fuck you~” She practically purred as she slowly moved both hands. I was quickly unable to stay sitting up under her attention and ended up falling back onto my back. “Such a good girl, just lay back and let me make you feel good~” 

F-fuck… she… she's too good at this…’ I thought as she added a second finger that made me arch up immediately. A yelp escaped me when she inevitably found the spot Max was hitting before and the electric jolt of pleasure shot up my body. My tail instinctively and tightly wrapped around her arm when she hit it the second time the next moment. “K-kat… slow… p-please…”

“Hehe… found your g-spot~” She giggled softly but stopped moving her hands. “Feels good huh~? You're even twitching in my hand~”

“It's… it's a lot,” I panted.

“Tell me when you're ready again~” my girlfriend gave a comforting smile as she stayed still. I gave a slight nod and tried to relax again, not realizing how much I tensed up on her until then. “Maybe Eris was right, I should've been a drakewarden instead of hunter, didn't realize it was so easy to tame a dragon~”

Tame? I-I could stop this if I wanted to’ a different instinct came up this time.

“I w-wouldn't count t-this as me being tamed…” I sighed, still panting a bit. She smirked and before I knew it, she had let go of my dick and there was a taut vine in her hand with the other end wrapped around my neck like a leash. My mind went foggy as a different kind of arousal washed over me and I was vaguely aware of myself tensing up on her fingers again.

“Oh really now? How do you explain trying to crush my fingers and getting blazing hot as soon as you have a leash around your neck~?” She teased, still smirking at me. 

'Dammit, I'm into this, aren't I?' I quickly tried to push the thought back down as I tried looking away from her and stopped tensing on her.

“I…. I can't…”

“Hehe big bad dragon is a huge switch~” she giggled and let the vine go slack but she didn't dispel it. She waited a little while before speaking again “You ready for me to keep going?” I gave a slight nod, unable to find my words. My girlfriend giggled more before slowly pushing a third finger into me and making me arch up from the additional intrusion. “Its ok~ just another finger. I'm gonna try to focus on your cock now, ok? I'm sure Max didn't give it much attention~”

“He gave i-it some…” I admitted quietly, trying to resist the urge to squirm more when she playfully leaned in and licked up half the length of my dick before taking the tip into her mouth.

Good~’  her voice giggled in my head as she started bobbing hers slowly.

“H-how can you f-focus on a spell like t-this??” I panted.

Dunno~' she smirked and happily took a little more of me into her mouth. ‘I was just gonna test it but since it works~’ Her fingers suddenly curled inside me and grazed against the spot she was messing with before. The jolt of pleasure made me arch immediately and a moan escaped my throat as my tail tightened around her arm. There were more giggles in my head as she stopped that hand and focused on my dick in her mouth. ‘You're so cute… you twitch and squirm so much when I touch there~’

“A-and you… you're a r-relentless tease!” I managed to gasp as she continued to bob her head eagerly.

I know you love it~ especially with how much you're leaking here too~’ my girlfriend tried to take a few more inches into her mouth, managing to take half before she gagged and pulled back a little ‘Fuck you're still huge~ Sorry, don't think I can take all of it’.

“I-its fine,” she peeked up at me and pulled off the rest of the way before she smirked at me.

“You aren't trying to fuck my mouth this time~ is it this keeping you in check?” She playfully held up her end of the leash and I quickly looked away out of embarrassment.

“I f-feel like I can b-barely move…” 

“Oh yeah?” She smiled and playfully curled her fingers in me again and the resulting feeling made me arch up immediately and my tail tip thrash a little on her arm. Her grin got wider and, still holding the vine leash, she reached over and unwound my tail from her arm like she was handling a python.

“W-what are you doing?” I weakly tried to resist, wanting to keep this little control I had in case she hit the spot again.

“I have an idea~” she pulled her fingers out of me as she got the last coil off her arm.

No! Don't stop that! Put them back in!’

“Don't worry cutie, I'm giving you something better~” she playfully took my tail tip into her mouth for a moment before lining it up to occupy the same spot her fingers just were.

“... y-you heard it too…?” She paused and looked at me.

“Wait… those are your instincts? They're that clear??” I gave a small nod. “Huh… weird…g-guess I'm doing a good job if those want more too~”

“I guess…” I hesitantly glanced at how she was holding my tail, squirming a bit at the thought of what she was going to do. She quickly caught on and smirked at me.

“You want it~?”

Do it! Fuck me, please!’ She smirked more as my instincts answered for me.

“... yes please…” I mumbled and looked away in my embarrassment.

“They're really loud~” she giggled softly. I was going to respond but the words escaped me as she slowly speared me with my own tail. The odd pleasure of each bump of the scales that entered me left me squirming under her. She stopped after she got a few inches in and let go of my tail entirely to gently grab my dick again, making me freeze up for a moment. 

“Nngh…” I moaned quietly and I could only watch as she took my dick back into her mouth, using her hand to stroke whatever she couldn't fit.

Good girl~ just enjoy it, Ok?’ she teased, smiling around me as she continued. Each lick and movement she did wore down the last of the willpower I didn't realize was being used up to keep myself still for her. I quickly became a writhing mess under her, the movement traveling up my tail and making the tip thrash and squirm in me like some crude vibrating toy. 

“K-Kat!” I moaned loudly when I ended up hitting the sensitive spot with my tail and my hands quickly found their way to her head, instinctively trying to pull her against me. I also started to become aware of a pressure quickly building in my lower abdomen right near where my tail was prodding.

It's ok, cutie, no pulling, just let it happen~ I'll take care of you~’ she slowly increased her pace as I hesitantly obeyed and switched to petting her hair. ‘Good girl~’ the tightness in my chest and the fuzzy feeling those words gave me were so much stronger while I was leashed and at her mercy. 

“Kat… I… I'm close…” I warned after a bit of the nearly overwhelming pleasure I was trying to resist. 

Oh yeah~?’ she put both hands around my dick, just above my half-swollen knot and ever so slightly pushed down on it before playfully moaning in my head ‘Come on, baby, fuck me~ t-tie with me, I need it!’ Immediately my instincts took over for a brief moment and I bucked up hard. 

As soon as my knot popped in between her hands and “locked in”, I felt myself clamp down hard on my tail as I came. Kat made an effort to take me further into her mouth but gagged a little as I stuffed her mouth and throat and she quickly pulled away, letting me make a mess of her shirt instead. I was stuck in a loop of pleasure as my tail kept twitching in me as I laid there and I couldn't find the energy to pull it out myself. 

“Agh…” she coughed and sat up. “D–damn ack… so fucking much… “

“Nngh…” I moaned and she turned her attention back to me.

“Shit… sorry! Lemme help…” she finally came to the rescue and saved me from my own tail by pulling it out finally. “You ok, cutie…?” I could barely manage a nod and she gave a relieved sigh. “Lemme get us cleaned up then we can cuddle…” She got up but then looked at the vine still in her hand.

Leave it! Feels good!’ I silently cursed my instincts as she smiled slightly and gave me a questioning look.

“I-it does feel good…” I panted softly, still recovering from everything and she happily just tied her end to the bedpost instead.

“Maybe I should get you a choker or something~” my girlfriend mused as she disappeared into the bathroom and left me alone for a few agonizing moments before returning shirtless and with a towel. She then gently went about cleaning both of us up with the towel and Create Water. Once she was done, she tossed the towel back into the bathroom and cuddled up to me, protectively holding my head to her chest. “Good thing you only got us, dunno what I would've done if you got the bed… how are you doing…?”

“Fine… head feels cloudy…” I happily nuzzled against her and instinctively tried to take in her scent as much as I could.

“Sorry… might have been a bit much…”

“ ‘s fine… feels weirdly good…” she let out another relieved sigh and started petting my hair comfortingly. I felt the vine move a bit a moment and I quickly glanced over, half worried she was getting rid of it but I was relieved when I saw that she was just retrieving the end.

“What? Something wrong?”

“... can you keep it until I fall asleep…?” I mumbled against her. She paused for a moment before responding.

“You like it that much…?”

“It… it's keeping some of my instincts quiet… whatever is awake right now is… a lot easier to manage…”

“Ok, I'll keep it going for you~”

“Thank you… I... I love you, Kat” I draped one of my wings over us as I nuzzled into her chest more.

“Love you too, Alex” she kept petting my hair as I slowly drifted off to sleep.

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