Dragon Dragon Dragon

Chapter 59 - Perfect life

When she was sitting on the carriage on the return trip, Roland hurried ahead, while Yi Longlong and Riverine were in the car.

The appearance of this carriage seems to be a cart for transporting goods. With this method, three people and one dragon indiscriminately mixed out of Bird City. Inside the huge carriage, the entrance of the carriage was stacked with boxes disguised as cargo, but the actual The upper part contained the fresh water on the road and the materials collected by Levy.

Naturally, Roland doesn’t know yet. Most of these materials were bought after selling his stuff. As for the remaining money, they went into the pockets of bad priests.

The road is uneven, and even if a layer of anti-vibration felt is added to the wheels, the carriage still does not move smoothly, and the passengers in the carriage also slightly shake with the carriage.

Now two days have passed since the countess left, Yi Longlong only felt that his little bone was a bit numb and embarrassed by the carriage, and he wanted to sleep like Lin Qi without knowing anything.

Speaking of Lin Qi, Yi Longlong was worried again.

黑发 Since being rescued by Roland, the dark-haired boy has been unconscious. Initially, Roland examined him and found nothing abnormal. It can only be explained that he was fed too much coma medication, and the effect has not passed. However, he has been lethargic for a few days, which cannot be explained by drug overdose, so Li Wei released Lin Qi a few restorative divine magics, just like the stones sinking into the sea, with no effect.

Yi Yi Longlong squatted carefully beside Lin Qi’s head, and stretched his paws to poke his smooth and delicate cheeks, but Lin Qi did not react at all, and he did not even moan a few days before moving his eyelashes.

Levy flexed his legs and sat opposite, seeing Yi Longlong’s movements, comforted casually: “You don’t have to worry, he can’t die. Although I don’t know what caused his lethargy, but I can guarantee that I have never I have seen such a perfect body function close to art. I am not a doctor. The way I observe a person’s health is to feel his life directly. His life fluctuates very smoothly. The circulation of vitality is so perfect that almost no loss is seen. “

Yi Yi Longlong hesitated to God, hesitated for a moment, and asked, “Can you please explain in detail what you just said?”

She always feels that there is something she is familiar with in Levi’s words.

Levy thought about it carefully. Anyway, the journey is also idle, so he patiently said, “This is the way I personally summarized my perception. I feel more agile than most people in the world. After observing it, I found that everyone has a mass of life energy. There are very few newborn babies. For example, there is only such a small point. “He stretched out his finger and pinched it on the first knuckle of the index finger, indicating the quantity. How much.

“As we get older, the energy of life will gradually increase, until the peak of the body of the adult, the energy of life reaches the peak … well, there are probably so many.” He paused, he stretched out two hands, palms Made a closed pose, about the size of a bowling ball.

“But in the process of growth, life energy does not increase naturally. People’s life energy will be lost every day. They need to be supplemented by eating food, eating less, sleeping less, being in a bad state of mind, or being injured. It will lead to the loss of life energy at an accelerated rate, and when a person has reached maturity, it will be difficult for it to continue to accumulate and increase, and it will gradually decrease with aging.

Yi Yi Longlong understood it.

In fact, this set of statements by Levy is an alternative interpretation of human science on the earth. People ingest food, get nutrients from food, the body absorbs nutrients, proliferates cells or provides energy for exercise consumption, but Levy learns from his From the perspective, there is another set of explanations.

In other words, the energy, vitality, and vitality that he puts forward are actually the uptake and utilization of nutritional transformation energy, and then the translation of Levy’s words means … Lin Qi ’s body has almost no energy loss? Is it all effectively used?

In the next few days, Lin Qi ’s physical condition seemed to perfectly confirm Levy ’s statement. These days, he did n’t eat or drink water, but just placed it in a carriage, but his fair and snowy skin was still full of luster. Elastic, red lips like rose petals. It was as if he had just fallen asleep, rather than sleeping abnormally for a long time.

The magic of time stopped on him.

After spending about ten days, Yi Longlong returned to the first place where she had arrived.

He returned to the temple, and Levy dismissed all the apprentice priests, let them take a few days off, and let them go home. Then, he began to arrange the original plan.

There is a stargazing platform on the second floor of the Temple. However, even if it is Levi, who is the administrator of the temple, he rarely comes up. The environment here is relatively flat and empty, and it is more suitable for large magic arrays.

It took Levy two full days and Roland to assist him, and then he engraved the magic array he called on the stargazing platform. If you look down, you will find that this magic array is an equilateral triangle. But if you look closely, the complicated lines and symbols can easily make you dizzy.

Grind different metal ore into powder or cook into liquid, and apply it in the dents carved out ~ www.mtlnovel.com ~ just like coloring black and white drawings, making the whole magic circle present a colorful and magnificent Color.

Although the magic array is very beautiful, but Yi Longlong is not so confident, she always feels that this stuff looks dazzling, not as solemn and mysterious as she imagined.

When it was almost ready, it was already night and Riveroland and Yi Longlong both stood on the three corners of the magic circle. According to the initial requirements, a good level of magician was needed, but now Lin Qi is still not awake. So Levy intends to take an alternative approach.

Divine silver is a versatile metal. In addition to building this magical array, the remaining amount is just for another thing: it is to directly use Levy as the light power of the priest and transform it into the magical array needed to start. Magic.

This is the first time that Levy has used a magic array that completely changes his appearance. Even himself cannot completely guarantee success. In addition, the transformation of magic power has added an uncertain factor, but Lin Qi has never been able to wake up. Yi Longlong can’t wait forever.

They’re not really laid back.

In the White-Tooth Mercenary Regiment to which Lei Na belongs, Lei Na is not the most powerful role. Although Yi Longlong temporarily relieved her identity from spreading in a threatening manner, this incident will eventually be exposed. Therefore, one day earlier, Yi Longlong was transformed into a human shape, and her security was also increased one day earlier.

He Levy took out the pendant containing the sacred silver from his arms and asked Yi Longlong: “Are you ready?”

Yi Longlong clawed his two claws and nodded anxiously.

Lin Qi, however, is still asleep deep in the temple, as if from the beginning of time, he is asleep like this, and will stay asleep until the end of the world.

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