Dragon Dragon Dragon

Chapter 22 - Not a pleasant combination

Prior to this, there were never dragons holding hundreds of billions of stars. Dragons have always relied on their strong bodies. They are unparalleled weapons. Any props are just icing on the cake. Therefore, no one knows that if a What happens when the dragon holds the hundred billion stars, and the full strength of the billion dollars stars leads to the sharpness of the sword.

But now Eric and Roland know.

——Roland once tested the firmness of the stone tower. He used the sharpest sword and stabbed it with all his strength. He couldn’t leave a scar like sand on the wall of the tower.

In fact, this tower was completely cut by Jian Feng’s strength when Yi Longlong cut off the shackles. However, because the degree of sharpness was beyond imagination, although it was cut, it still maintained the original shape as intact. However, just after Roland and Eric had a round of confrontation just now, a slight shock broke the close balance, and the tower also collapsed.

This is the power of the dragon.

Eric and Roland glanced at each other quickly, and saw each other’s surprise and horror in each other’s eyes, but now is not the time to sigh. In the next second, the two remembered at the same time, and were stunned by Roland. Followers and clergymen, if the tower collapses, they will be buried.

“Here is for you.” Throwing a message to Roland, Eric has lifted his long legs up to the window and closed it. His arms clasped Yi Longlong and said to her, “Be patient.”

Yi Longlong hasn’t responded yet. The body instantly changed from static to moving, but fortunately, Eric was holding her very carefully, but he was slightly uncomfortable. After a little dizziness, one person and one dragon came to the tower. Below.

As for Roland who stayed on the tower, he only turned his helpless eyes to the still-beautiful young boy who still sat safely on the bed, as if he didn’t know what happened: “Lin Qi, right?” He read the name given by Yi Longlong. I got a little stunned, “I guess you said you wouldn’t understand … just go with me for life.”

The purple-haired thief finished talking in a way that can almost be said to himself, and grabbed Lin Qi. Even with a person, he still lightly crossed the window and jumped from the position near the top of the tower. .

Stepped lightly and flexibly on the tower, Roland landed lightly like a cat, looked up, and looked back. He just saw the humanoid objects thrown out one after another in the lower window.

Humanoid objects accurately fell on the canopy more than ten meters away from the tower.

In the tower, Eric, holding Yi Longlong in one hand, tossing the unconscious people on the ground with his feet, and throwing them out with the other hand. Fortunately, when Roland went downstairs for the last time, he sent five followers and clergymen. Put it all together, eliminating the effort Eric was looking for.

Provoked one to throw one, this series of movements was coherent and smooth. When six people were thrown out like the stars of Renju, Eric also jumped out of the window and landed on the ground easily.

Then, this scene happened to fall into Roland’s eyes.

Although the process is a bit tedious, it is not too difficult for someone who has the same amazing strength to escape from the tower in an instant.

I remembered that I had left hundreds of billions of stars and other legendary treasures in the tower. The distressed thief put down Lin Qi with a blank expression, his body bowed slightly, and he planned to return to the tower to take it, but he did not move, and the back collar was taken. Someone froze.

“Run fast.” Eric only pulled Roland a moment, then held Lin Qi, his body like an arrow off the string, and shot away from the tower.

When he just landed, the cracks in the tower were bigger. Suddenly he felt as if there was a force that he didn’t understand, and it was continuously flowing from the lower part of the tower. Powerful evil dark breath.

The power was originally blocked silently, but Yi Longlong cut off the tower, as if he had opened Pandora’s box …

Although Eric’s movement was fast, it was still not that fast. Roland was facing the tower. He only saw a variety of colorful colors emerging from the bottom of the tower, spreading around like a light curtain. There was no Roland, and then Eric ran three or four steps after catching up.

The splendid light burst instantly, creating a lot of movement in the forest, and even alarmed Yisli and others who were misled by false guidance. At the same time, Yisli realized that he was being fooled.

When they returned to view, the place where a tall tower originally stood was only a pile of ruins at the moment. They searched around and found scattered followers and clergyman a dozen to tens of meters away from the ruins, but However, Roland, Eric, Gottama and Yi Longlong could not be found.


“What the **** is this!”

Little white claws grasped the black robe corner, Yi Longlong vented and shouted at the Tamei teenager, who also learned her tone and repeated what she said: “What the **** is this place!” However, the slightly undulating tone seemed a little weird ~ www.mtlnovel.com ~ After listening to this weird artificial echo, Yi Longlong bowed his head in frustration: “It’s bad luck, Eric is not here.”

Just now, after being surrounded by that strange light curtain, there was a powerful force that separated her from Eric stiffly. She hurriedly grabbed a little cloth that she could reach, and then passed out. When she woke up, she saw that Lin Qi’s black mage robe was caught by her paws, but Eric was missing.

The two of them were lying in a wood at this moment. The sea of ​​trees was so vast that Yi Longlong could not even judge where he was.

What disturbed her even more was that Eric was not with her at this time, and the guy with her seemed to need more care than she did.

“Do n’t bother you, call again, maybe you will attract the beast.” The purple-haired thief caressed his forehead and slowly walked out of the bush.

As soon as Yi Longlong saw Roland, she immediately hid behind Lin Qi, and clawed the mage’s robes. This was the most disturbing factor for her. She came here with them, but she has always discriminated. Professional worker.

Roland stroked his painful forehead and said that he had searched around: “The soil and environment here are very different from the ones we walked before. To be sure, we are at least in another sea of ​​trees from the forest. If I am not mistaken, that strange light curtain should be a defensive magic, and it is a space system that is extremely high in depth and few people can touch, and can send intruders elsewhere. “

“I looked around and didn’t see your blond companion. He might be unlucky and was teleported to another place.”

Yi Yilong Long felt full of sympathy: Being abandoned in the vast sea of ​​trees, if no one else was encountered, Eric would be lost to death.

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