Chapter 6: Is Goku Dead?
Again, the blue-haired girl screamed in a state of panic, and again Goku arrived just in time to avoid a greater evil. "Goku," she muttered with venom as a sinister aura began to cover her.
"Forgive me, please!!" Goku began to beg for his life as beads of sweat ran down his back, but to his surprise, the blue-eyed girl rolled her eyes and snorted in annoyance, looking at Goku with a devilish smile.
"This afternoon, you are out of cakes or food," Bulma said, causing Goku's face to turn a purple color and causing the blue-eyed girl to laugh. "Don't be scared, it was just a joke. I thought we could go to a restaurant and all that, you know," she mumbled, smiling.
"Great! I want to eat NOW-NOW!!!" Goku exclaimed enthusiastically until an irate look from Bulma made him shut up. "I understand, I'll wait until you get out of class. Will it take long?" Goku asked.
At the end of that question, they had already landed at the back of the university, they both got out and started walking towards the main entrance, where some students were gathered.
"Meh, after about six hours, you will come to find me, right?" Bulma wanted to know as she looked into his eyes.
"Sure and then we'll go eat right?" Goku asked, touching his stomach with a smile and Bulma nodded with a laugh.
"Goku," he looked up at hearing the call from his friend. "Thank you for supporting me. I really don't know how to thank you. You are very important to me right now," Bulma said with a sincere smile.
"Remember that we are friends, and I will always be with you," she said unexpectedly. Bulma raised the sole of her foot and, with unbridled delicacy, brushed the black-haired man's cheek with her smooth lips, impregnating his skin with a little of the crimson lipstick that adorned her lips.
"See you, remember, in six hours" Bulma added saying goodbye to her as she turned to the university. "Bye" and she left, joining the other students.
Goku touched his cheek for a few moments, as in their long friendship, Bulma had never made a gesture like that before. He was really surprised.
"Well, it's time to train," he said before running to the back and calling his flying cloud. He flew out of the place. After a few minutes, Goku reached Kamisama's palace, located in the heavens, where he found Mr. Popo watering the plants as usual.
"It's you, Goku. Were you coming to look for Kamisama?" the black-eyed man asked, looking at Goku, who nodded energetically.
"I was coming to tell Kami something quite important. Is he around here?" Goku asked, receiving a nod in response.
"Follow me," the servant said, starting to walk to another part of the palace. Meanwhile, Goku followed in his footsteps, nostalgically recalling the training he carried out in this place in the past.
In a matter of seconds, Kamisama appeared in front of them, smiling and revealing his wrinkled green face. Goku also smiled at his master.
"Hi Kamisama" the black-haired man began with a greeting being reciprocated. "I was going to tell you something that happened to me a few days ago, hehehe" he scratched the back of his neck nervously while he spoke.
Goku told Kamisama about the incident with Bulma that occurred on the day of his descent to earth, and Kamisama listened carefully, even though he already knew about it beforehand, because he had witnessed it.
"And that's what happened" the boy concluded with a smile, impatiently awaiting the answer or comment from his teacher..
"Now you have a great responsibility on your shoulders, I trust that you will do your best,'' the god commented and Goku nodded. "Both will learn many things throughout these nine months, and above all something will begin to unite them" the black-haired man nodded without understanding the latter well.
"I promise to do my best, and I'll be with Bulma" added the boy with a smile and the god nodded remembering the boy who climbed to his watchtower two years ago in order to be stronger.
"But there is another thing, an old henchman of Piccolo Daimaku is prowling the earth" Goku frowned at those words. "He has become stronger, that's why I need you to find him as soon as possible before something worse happens".
"I'll do it Kami-sama, it sounds exciting to fight against someone powerful," Goku said, clenching his knuckles as he smiled defiantly.
"It will be a training against the future threat" Kamisama spoke, referring to Piccolo Daimaou's son and his disciple nodded, catching the reference.
"I understand, I'll see you both soon Mr. Popo, Kami-sama!" Goku said goodbye, started to run and then called his flying cloud and left the watchtower.
When he got off he met Master Karin and raised his hand to him, being gratefully reciprocated.
He spent hours searching for the place where that monster could be found, until he sensed a certain evil presence in a forest.
He got off his flying cloud and began to walk with all five senses on alert, until he stopped in front of a large rock on which a greenish being was sitting, as if he were meditating.
He had two wings sticking out of his back as well as a tail. His features were extremely wrinkled and riddled with sores, giving him a hideous touch.
"Are you Piccolo's henchman? Goku asked in a serious voice and the being jumped off the rock.
He shook his tail and instantly the rock turned to dust while Goku watched earnestly.
"I suppose you have to be Son Goku, have you come to receive your punishment?" The monster questioned seeing Goku with anger radiating from his eyes.
"Punishment?" Goku inquired without understanding very well.
"You were the damned cause we're not ruling the world now," said the monster, who was very angry.
"I can't let beings like you rule the world, NEVER!" Goku shouted as he headed towards the being at enormous speed, connecting a fist to his abdomen and sending him crashing into several trees. The being slowly began to rise, smiling and emerging unscathed from the powerful blow.
"You live up to what they say about you. I didn't expect any less. I hope you can give me a worthy fight," the being spoke, getting into a fighting position.
"Same here," replied the black-haired man, putting himself in a combat position and smiling defiantly at the approaching fight.
"I'm Arkaitz," the being introduced himself as he flapped his wings and flew at high speed towards Goku, trying to kick him in the side.
The black-haired man used his elbow to block Arkaitz's attack, causing the being to float back into the air. Meanwhile, the black-haired man began to inhale a large amount of air.
"What is that guy trying to do?" Goku inquired, not lowering his guard as a thick mist began to invade the environment.
"Let's see if you can fight without seeing me," Arkaitz spoke from an unfamiliar position as the black-haired man closed his eyes to concentrate.
A kick hit Goku's back, sending him meters ahead. Then, a punch to the stomach was followed by a punch and knee combo to the jaw and abdomen, respectively.
"I still can't detect the energy. Damn him," the black-haired man continued to receive blows nonstop while he was still focused on searching for Arkaitz's energy.
Arkaitz kept delivering several blows until he saw one of his blows easily stopped by the black-eyed man, who was smiling satisfactorily.
"Huh?" Arkaitz asked, confused.
"It is true that I cannot see you with this fog, but I can perceive your movements thanks to the noise that your muscles emit when you move. That's why I let you hit me until I anticipated all your movements," the black-haired man answered, surprising the monster.
The mist began to slowly disperse, revealing Arkaitz with an annoyed expression on his face.
"Now you'll see what I'm capable of." Arkaitz spoke angrily as a violet aura began to cover him.
In the meantime:
Meanwhile, Bulma was being harassed by multiple questions from her classmates regarding Goku, as they had seen her kissing him on the cheek and they were curious.
"Bulma-san, is that cute boy your boyfriend?"
"Ara ara, Briefs-san has good taste."
"Ufufu, I wonder if he will agree to have two girlfriends."
"What a cute and handsome boy."
Comments and questions filled the head of the blue-haired girl, who only regretted kissing Goku in front of her companions.
Hours later.
Bulma was walking back to her house after leaving class, her face was one of anger and frustration because Goku had not come to look for her as he had promised this morning, She would surely blow his head off when he comes back.
The sky was beginning to turn orange as dusk was imminent.
Luckily, she soon arrived at her house and was received by her two parents, who arched an eyebrow at the sight of her daughter's angry face.
"What's wrong Bulma?" Asked her mother with her characteristic smile but she did not receive an answer instantly. "Fight with your Boyfriend ? I want to know!!"
"Don't say that mom, we're friends!" Bulma exclaimed with a completely red face. "It's just that Goku didn't come looking for me when I left university, he had promised me," she added. clenching her fists.
"Don't be angry, surely a compromise has arisen and he has not been able to come" suggested the doctor.
"I've been waiting for him for three hours and he hasn't shown up," Bulma revealed in a dry, harsh tone of voice.
"Quiet, how about you eat the cakes I've made?" asked her mother, smiling.
Bulma sighed trying to relax, but she was quite angry with her friend, so she decided to walk to the bathroom and take a little shower, until the doorbell rang, when she heard it, she assumed it was Goku so she rushed to open the door. the
"GOKU WHERE THE HELL HAVE YOU...!?" Her shout did not come to complete when her eyes was met with a horrible Scene:
Goku lay inert on the ground, crimson liquid gushing out from the multiple wounds present on his body as well as his combat dogi was completely destroyed.
Tears began to run down the cheeks of the blue-eyed woman, who was constantly shaking her head trying to refute the possible idea of Goku's death.
"Please... Answer me Goku, do not abandon me, please I ask you ... we still have a lot to live for, we will have a son!!" Bulma bent down to his level and touched his neck, noticing that his blood circulation had stopped, which meant that...