Douluo's transmigration into a soul beast

Chapter 180 Contest with Rakshasa God!

Chapter 180 Contest with Rakshasa God!
After Ling Tian took Tong Yao into the palace, a dull voice sounded behind him.

Both of them were taken aback. When they turned around, they realized that the door that had been pushed open had been tightly closed.

The palace, which was originally dim, became completely dark at this time.

However, the darkness didn't last long, and the palace gradually began to show brilliance.

The brilliance is like sunlight, allowing people to see the true appearance of the palace.

After seeing the location, Ling Tian was very surprised. According to his speculation, he and Tong Yao shouldn't be here.

As soon as he thought of Tong Yao, Ling Tian was horrified to find that Tong Yao was gone!

He slowly calmed himself down, and began to look carefully at the room he was in.

The walls of this room are the same color as the exterior of the palace, also dark red.

However, the decorations and items in the room are in normal colors.

Ling Tian was surprised to find that the decorations and objects in the room were so similar to a woman's boudoir, especially the round bed in the middle of the room.

The round bed is surrounded by translucent curtains.

But he can be sure of one thing, the owner of the boudoir is definitely not here!
When Ling Tian saw the round bed, he couldn't help his inner curiosity, so he walked towards the round bed.

A faint fragrance entered Ling Tian's mind.

This fragrance is a bit special, Ling Tian couldn't help smelling it a few more times.

Involuntarily, she quickened her pace and came to the curtain of the round bed.

Ling Tian walked around the round bed for half a circle, found the opening and closing of the curtains, and pulled the curtains apart.

After the curtain was opened, the fragrance became even stronger, and Ling Tian couldn't help but feel a burst of heat in his heart.

Immediately, he made a bold move.

Ling Tian swooped and fell onto the round bed.

The round bed was very soft, Ling Tian didn't feel any pain.

He lay prone on the round bed, greedily inhaling the fragrance in the curtain.

At this moment, he had a feeling that the bed under him was no longer the round bed, but the mistress of the round bed.

A long time passed, the fragrance faded, and Ling Tian reluctantly left the round bed.

He started to look for the door to leave the room in the room.

In an inconspicuous corner, Ling Tian found the door.

Looking at the locked door, he couldn't help wondering why the owner of the house set the door here.

Ling Tian didn't think about it, but directly opened the door and walked out.

After he left the original room, he found himself in the lobby of the palace.

The lobby is wider than Ling Tian imagined.

Similarly, in the lobby, Ling Tian saw four doors and stairs leading to the upper and lower.

Of course, the decorations used to decorate the lobby are essential.

Each of these decorations is enough for an ordinary family to spend for several lifetimes!
But obviously, Ling Tian at the moment has no interest in these decorations in the lobby.

He selected a door and walked towards it, wanting to see if Tong Yao was in the remaining three rooms.

Ling Tian pushed the door open and entered.

This is a study room, with two rows of bookcases in sight.

In front of the bookcase is a table and a chair.

On the table is a piece of white paper that is about as long and wide as the table.

Beside the white paper is a pen.

The shape of this brush is a bit strange, similar to the brush in Ling Tian's memory.

Ling Tian resisted and walked towards the table.

He picked up the pen and wrote and drew on the paper.

Ling Tian looked at the pen in his hand, but he didn't expect that the pen could still write.

At the same time, he also found that the room was spotless, without a trace of ashes.

But Ling Tian knows that the things in this room are very old, at least tens of thousands of years.

The time attribute allows Ling Tian to see the time clearly in different ways!

When Ling Tian saw that there was no figure of Tong Yao in the study, he put down his pen and walked out of the study.

At this time, he didn't realize that the white paper that he had smeared with black had turned into a blank paper again.

After Ling Tian left the study, he was about to close the door of the study.

But he never thought that the door of the study room would slowly close by itself at this moment.

Immediately, Ling Tian walked towards the next room.


Ling Tian, ​​who entered two rooms one after another, found nothing. He did not find any trace of Tong Yao.

As he left the last door on the floor, he decided to look up.

Just do what you say, Ling Tian came to the stairs and walked upstairs along the stairs.


Coming upstairs, Ling Tian was surprised.

He had seen such a scene before, when he was refining the divine power of the Rakshasa God in the valley.

The palace scene in the valley at that time was shaped in the shape of this palace.

The only difference is that in this palace, he did not see the figure of Rakshasa.

Just when the figure of Rakshasa flashed across Ling Tian's mind, Rakshasa's voice appeared in this palace.

"I didn't expect that, you are quite courageous!"

"Having refined my divine power, you still dare to run into my palace!"

At this moment, Ling Tian noticed that the silhouette of a woman appeared on the other side of the curtain.

Although he didn't see it very clearly, he was almost certain that the woman who appeared was Rakshasa.

At this time, Rakshasa spoke again, "Aren't you coming over?"

"I miss you so much!"

Ling Tian pursed his lips, how could he not know the true thoughts of Rakshasa God.

If the guess is correct, this woman probably wants to regain the power of the Rakshasa God in her body.

So, how could Ling Tian pass by.

However, when he saw that Rakshasa God didn't come directly to snatch it, he couldn't help but have another guess in his heart: Could it be that she couldn't make it through?
Ling Tian began to carefully look at the location of Rakshasa God.

It seems that this curtain is the only thing that can trap her.

Could it be that there is something mysterious about this curtain?

Immediately, Ling Tian walked towards Rakshasa God.

Rakshasa looked at Ling Tian who was approaching him, and smiled even more!

But when Ling Tian stayed outside the curtain, she couldn't help feeling anxious, did he discover something?
But Rakshasa God changed his mind: It shouldn't be, a soul master below the god level should not have discovered the mystery here!

Immediately, Rakshasa figured it out, what a cunning fellow!

Ling Tian stayed in front of the curtain, looked at it carefully, and stretched out his hand to touch the curtain.

When his hand touched the curtain, he didn't lift the curtain as he imagined, but directly passed through it.

At this time, Ling Tian discovered that the curtain in front of him was not a curtain at all, but a strange energy body.

But this energy body is very special, Ling Tian doesn't know what its specific function is.

At this time, Ling Tian had a bold idea.

He stretched his hands back and forth in this curtain-like energy body, and saw that the Rakshasa God was in a panic.

Seeing that the Rakshasa God was not fooled, Ling Tian gave up the idea of ​​entering.

Although the appearance of the Rakshasa God is very tempting to Ling Tian, ​​Ling Tian also has a life to make it!

He was sure that as long as he entered the place where Rakshasa God was, what awaited him would be a result worse than death.

If Ling Tian had a cultivation level above the god level at this time, he would definitely rush in without hesitation, regardless of whether she liked it or not, and forcibly overwhelm her.

Seeing that Rakshasa was unmoved, Ling Tian knew that if he didn't think of another way, he would never leave the palace for the rest of his life.

Immediately, Ling Tian stepped back decisively, away from the curtain.

Rakshasa looked at Ling Tian who was retreating again and again, surprise flashed deep in his eyes.

She asked reproachfully, "Why? Is this the god you hate?"

For Rakshasa's blame, Ling Tian decided to show his cards, and he directly pointed out:

"God Rakshasa, don't use this to me. You are a high god. How dare I have any unreasonable thoughts about you."

"If you want to get back your divine power, tell me how to get out of here."

Rakshasa smiled, and she said: "Haha, you are the first person who dares to speak to God like this, you are so powerful, you don't know how to live or die!"

Ling Tian pursed his lips and said, "God Rakshasa, stop pretending, if my guess is correct, there is no way for you to leave your current position."

After Rakshasa heard this, there was a trace of strangeness in her voice, and she asked, "Are you sure?"

Hearing this, Ling Tian had a bad premonition in his heart.

(End of this chapter)

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