Douluo's spirit bead sword

Chapter 498 Seagod Douluo's Examination of God Summoning Technique—Snow Demon

Chapter 498 Seagod Douluo's Examination of God Summoning Technique—Snow Demon

In the early morning three days later, when the first ray of sunlight shone on Sea God Island, on the Sea God Temple towering on the top of Sea God Mountain, the sacred golden color rendered the entire Sea God Mountain, making all the plants here seem to glow with vitality .

In front of the ring sea, several young figures stood on the back of the Demon Soul Great White Shark, heading towards Sea God Mountain.

"Everyone, come on, I don't know why, I feel that even if Seagod Douluo personally takes action, it won't be difficult for you. When you pass the assessment, remember to come to the seaside to announce the good news to me." Xiaobai sent everyone to arrive and turned to leave.

Ning Rongrong, Oscar, Oslo, and Yu Tianheng looked at each other and walked towards Sea God Mountain with firm eyes.

"Are you ready?" A faint voice came, and the red figure descended from the sky. Just like before, no one knew how she appeared, and Seagod Douluo Bo Saixi had already landed in front of them.Compared with before, at this time, she had a little less smile on her face, but a little more seriousness.

"You only have one chance, I won't let you go, if you fail my assessment. Then, you must be very clear about the punishment Lord Seagod will bring to you."

From Seagod Douluo's body, there was an incomparably heavy pressure that made everyone present almost breathless.

"We are all ready, please enlighten me, senior!" Yu Tianheng, as the big brother of the team, took the initiative to step forward to bear most of the pressure for everyone.

"Okay, those who have nothing to do with it can watch the battle from the sidelines, and the assessment will begin immediately." Bo Saixi lit a stick of incense and stuck it on the ground.

"Everyone, get ready to fight, activate the martial soul!" Yu Tianheng said loudly, and the four of them activated the martial soul at the same time.

Blue Lightning Tyrannosaurus Rex, Ghost Leopard, Nine Treasures Glazed Tower, and the magic sword copied from the sausage.

With the assistance of Ning Rongrong's Soul of the Three Suns, Oscar's magic sword can be used for 3 minutes, plus the self-healing of Myriad Souls Returning Light and Extreme Curse Returning Yin and Yang, it can last for about seven to eight minutes.

Moreover, the magic sword this time actually possesses the ninth spirit ring, which is his own new blood that Tianlin gave to Ning Rongrong last night.

"Don't you run?" Bo Saixi was a little surprised. The best way to fight her is to run away in all directions. After all, as I said, as long as there is one person standing, the test is considered passed.

This is what Tang San used in the original book.

But yesterday Tianlin and Ning Rongrong said that this method is not feasible, because Bo Saixi will not deal with the remaining three people at all. If she wants to kill, all attacks will be directed at Ning Rongrong alone. The passing of the other three has no effect on her.

But when the time comes, Ning Rongrong will be unable to support himself alone, and he will surely die.

That's exactly what Bo Saixi thought. Over the past few years, her killing intent towards Ning Rongrong had only been hidden, but it hadn't completely dissipated. The person who promised to bring Tang Chen hadn't appeared yet, so she had to suspect that He was lying to her, just using Tang Chen's news to let her help Ning Rongrong pass the test, and once Ning Rongrong passed the sixth test, she would have no chance to kill her again.

"Then, let's start, the second soul ability, Poseidon's Gazing!" Bo Saixi raised his palm lightly, and the four of them seemed to be held in the palm of a huge hand.

This is a permanent soul skill lock. After Poseidon's Gaze is activated, all of Bo Saixi's subsequent attacks will definitely hit the opponent. It's hard to imagine that this is just a second soul skill.

"The Nine Treasures are famous!" Ning Rongrong flew out several rays of light from the Nine Treasures Glazed Pagoda to cover everyone. This time, she was very unexpected. She gave everyone the same support, that is, the soul of the three suns. Only Oscar had the same support. There is a five-point attack and a six-point increase.

The strongest point of Oscar who used the magic sword is undoubtedly the attack power.

"Do you want to use that sword to defeat me? It's too easy to think. Besides, I have no interest in others. The fourth soul skill, Sea of ​​Annihilation." It spewed out, because of the Seagod's gaze, everyone couldn't dodge at all, except for Ning Rongrong, the other three were trapped by the waves.

This is a controlling soul skill, which can control the entire enemy field, and Bo Saixi trapped the others but only missed Ning Rongrong. The answer is obvious, for others, she just traps, but for Ning Rongrong, She is going to kill.

Sure enough, the next moment, Bo Saixi casually summoned more than a dozen huge water spheres, each with a diameter of hundreds of meters, all added up to cover the entire sky.

"The vast sea is raging!"

All the water polo fell, and the target was Ning Rongrong. Bo Saixi was ruthless enough. If there was no protection from the Seagod's Light, these dozen or so water polo, once they exploded on the ground, would be enough to submerge the entire Seagod Island.

"The eighth soul ability, Nine Treasures Divine Light Body Protection!" Ning Rongrong decisively activated the defensive soul ability, but unfortunately, although her eighth soul ability claims to be able to block the Title Douluo's ninth soul ability, it still depends on the person, Han Hai Kuangtao is Bo Saixi's self-created soul ability, powerful enough to surpass the ninth soul ability of ordinary Title Douluo, and has already exceeded the upper limit of Nine Treasures Divine Light Body Protection.

"It's a good defensive soul skill, but it can last a few tricks." The water balls hit the Nine Treasures Glazed Tower one by one, and there were already cracks on the dazzling pagoda body. Ning Rongrong spat out With a mouthful of blood, Bo Saixi's strength is simply too amazing.

"Damn it, the target is really Rongrong, Xiaotian is not here, if I can't even protect my younger siblings, what kind of Captain Huangdou, the eighth soul skill, Thunder Dragon—Shuang Lei Zhen!"

"Don't underestimate the six spirit bones and invincible golden body that Xiaotian gave me."

At this time, Oslo and Yu Tianheng suddenly exerted their strength, Yu Tianheng's newly acquired eighth soul skill and Oslo's six soul bones exploded completely, and the two Contras broke out and jointly rescued the Oscar.

Oscar has not moved until now, as if he was waiting for something.

Seeing that the three escaped from the Sea of ​​Annihilation, Ning Rongrong realized that the opportunity had come, the eighth spirit ring flickered again, and a new power appeared, "The eighth spirit skill, the art of summoning the gods—Snow Demon!"

From inside the Nine Treasures Glazed Tile Pagoda, suddenly there was a huge burst of overwhelming cold air.

The wind and snow gathered and turned into a fairy-like woman, dressed in a white gauze dress, with long blue hair blowing in the wind.

The Snow Maiden in Rong Rong's body was horrified, her appearance and temperament were very similar to her, but she was ten times nobler than her. Could this be the god of their Snow Maiden clan?

Snow Demon looked at the remaining water polo in the sky, waved his long sleeves, and in an instant, the water polo turned into ice balls, and the ice balls fell down one by one without Bo Saixi's control.

This would destroy Sea God Mountain. Bo Saixi immediately used her soul power to bounce the falling ice ball into the sea.

"Is this the power of the Snow Demon? To break Limit Douluo's attack so easily!" Ning Rongrong said pleasantly, it was as if the Snow Emperor was assisting her in the fight.

(End of this chapter)

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