Douluo's power can control

Chapter 410 Unify the world, clear the god position, and the dragon king transforms

Chapter 410 Unifying the world, clearing away the god position, and transforming the Dragon King
"Heh, hurry up and evolve, Deep Sea Demon Whale King..."

Above the sea area, Li Si couldn't help grinning as he watched the deep sea demon whale king escape.

The knife just now was naturally cut crooked on purpose by him.

It was to save the life of the Deep Sea Demon Whale King, but not let him suspect some possibility.

That's why he played the role of the Deep Sea Demon Whale King once, making the other party mistakenly think that he survived by luck.

And in this way, the Deep Sea Demon Whale King will absorb divine power with ease.

When the Deep Sea Demon Whale King evolves into a real million-year soul beast, that's when Li Si went to kill it.

This wave is called pig raising flow!

Raise the Deep Sea Demon Whale King to the million-year quality he is satisfied with, and then take the ring and bone with one blow.

Afterwards, Li Si returned to the ruined Sea God Island.

All I saw was that all the miracles left by the Sea God here lost their brilliance.

The Seven Sacred Pillars collapsed, the Poseidon statue was shattered, and the Poseidon Temple also shattered into pieces in the battle just now, scattered among the ruins of Poseidon Island.

The originally sacred Sea God Island had now been reduced to ruins.

All the prosperity disappeared, leaving only a piece of scorched earth, full of weird stench.

It was the smell of burning, but also the smoke of gunpowder and the chemical smell of liquid shells.

It was seen that Qian Daoliu collected the corpses for Bo Saixi, buried them in a corner of Sea God Island, and then burned all the remaining corpses to ashes, or threw them directly into the sea.

"Elder Bai, go and inform the headquarters to send people to take over Sea God Island and the islands along the way, and let people from the Ministry of Industry come to rebuild Sea God Island!"

On the main ship, Li Si said to Bai Ling Douluo of the Min Clan.

After achieving Title Douluo, his speed is very fast, second only to Limit Douluo.

This is also one of the reasons why the Min family is valued by the empire.

People of this family are really great as scouts and messengers.

Of course, if they wait until the signal station is established, they may lose their jobs.

However, it may take a long time before the establishment of a signal station...

On the main ship, Li Si held a box in his hand.

Inside the box are fragments of the four great artifacts.

The Fragment Artifact has been broken into pieces and lost all its divine power.

However, the material of the artifact is the most incredible material in this world.

Li Si collected them and prepared to hand them over to the research institute to see if they can be reused. After all, these are fragments of divine artifacts.

At this time, Li Si looked up at the sky and murmured:

"Those gods in the God Realm, I'm afraid they really noticed me this time..."

This time, he completely exposed himself!

Domineering, physique, strength!

All exposed!
After all, he chopped the Seagod's incarnation into pieces!

The four major artifacts were also destroyed, and the succession of the gods of Shura, Rakshasa, Sea God, and Angel God was directly eliminated, and the gods were completely suspended.

At least, in this world, these four gods are unlikely to find successors.

"not enough……"

"Either don't do it, or do it or do it!"

Li Si thought for a while, and then a touch of determination appeared in his eyes.


Li Si gave a low drink and called Jiang Narrator.

Afterwards, the two performed the martial soul fusion technique.

Immediately, a sky-reaching giant of light appeared on the sea.

The giant is a full hundred meters high, and there are three vertical eyes on the head without facial features, which are arranged like clover and slowly rotate.

"Big Thousand Worlds, Insight at a Glance!"

Li Si mastered the martial soul fusion technique, fully motivating the world to look around the world.

Soon, he saw a special connection line.

That is the thread of God's law, connecting their divine power left in this world.

And those connected to the law lines of outer space directly reach the God Realm.

And below the law line are the gods left by the gods in this world.

call out!
Then, Li Si memorized the positions of all the gods and disbanded the martial soul fusion skill.

Afterwards, the imperial fleet continued to march eastward!
They crossed the ocean all the way, according to the markings on the sea chart and the guidance of the scouts, they directly conquered all the routes leading to another continent, subdued the residents of all the islands on the route, and suppressed the pirates.

In the end, the empire reached the Sun Moon Continent all the way!

On this continent, soul tools are also very developed.

The empire has devoted all its efforts to researching the nine-level soul guide that has not been researched for more than ten years, but there are several in the Sun Moon Continent, and the crisis is even stronger, far surpassing the eighth-level soul guide.

However, when the ninth-level soul guide met the eighth-level soul guide firearm of the empire, it was directly discouraged.

Soul guide firearms are the fusion of hidden weapons, firearms and soul guides.

Especially firearms, the empire has been researching for more than ten years, and the development and use of various gunpowder has been extremely developed, even Titled Douluo can be killed.

You must know that before the soul power in this world has not reached a very high level, it is difficult to exert a power that can destroy the world.

But gunpowder is different, as long as the equivalent is enough, God can also blow you up directly.

Therefore, when the empire's army landed, it was advancing all the way, and no one could stop the empire's iron hooves.

That day was the twilight day of the Sun Moon Continent.

Even after a long time, someone still remembers it.

On that day, the sky was full of black shadows like locusts, and the 10,000+ army was equipped with flying soul guides. Under the leadership of a hundred Contras, they were divided into one hundred groups, and swept across the entire Sun Moon Continent in the direction of encirclement. All mountains and rivers.

Even if the Sun Moon Empire sent the strongest team of soul masters to fight, it was of no avail.

Because even the Titled Douluo with the ninth-level soul guide, when he met more than 40 Titled Douluos pushing him across the way, he immediately froze.

There were even some titled Douluo from the Sun Moon Empire who turned their backs on the spot and directly joined the Wuhun Empire to help the Wuhun Empire fight against the sun and the moon.

On that day, the sky was full of gunpowder smoke, and countless cities were ruined.

It can be seen that the ground is devastated, and flames can be seen everywhere. It is the scene when the soul guide firearm explodes, which makes people extremely horrified.

In the end, the title Douluo of the Sun Moon Empire was defeated across the board.

The army of the Sun Moon Empire was suppressed and massacred by injuries.

I don't know how many people died in the war!

In the end, the Sun Moon Empire was destroyed, and all members of the royal family died in a blooming fire lotus.

Another day!

The Spirit Empire swept the entire Sun Moon Continent in less than a week.

Wherever the army goes, all surrender!

Then, half a year passed, and the Wuhun Empire divided up its forces to suppress all the cities and forces in the Sun Moon Continent.

The Eastern Expedition did not continue until the follow-up transport ship of Wuhun Empire landed.

The transport ships sent people and troops, and were responsible for taking over everything in the Sun Moon Continent.

One-third of the more than one billion people in the Douluo Continent and the Douhun Continent were allocated, and the entire Sun Moon Continent was enriched at once.

All the cities are occupied by the people of the Wuhun Empire.

The highest and most prosperous locations all belong to the people of the Spirit Empire.

The people of the Sun Moon Continent were driven to the villages and towns to do farming and work.

Aristocrats, large and small, were demoted to common people, just like the original common people.

They lost glory and glory, as well as wealth and liberty.

The Wuhun Empire sent tens of millions of troops, and even a hundred thousand soul sect divisions organized an army of tens of millions of ordinary soldiers, occupying all the cities and villages and towns, forming the center of power.

Not long after, the Academy, Military Headquarters, and Spirit Hall were also established in the Sun Moon Continent.

The Wuhun Empire conquered the Sun Moon Continent, and now it is beginning to conquer people's hearts.

The establishment of the three major institutions is to absorb the hearts of the people on this continent.

They will take in the people of the Sun Moon Continent, and then transform their will step by step.

Especially children are the easiest to accept the Wuhun Empire's ideological transformation.

However, the Wuhun Empire is the Sun Moon Continent conquered by force.

Therefore, the people of the Sun Moon Continent have hatred towards the Spirit Empire.

This is normal, and Wuhun Empire can understand it, and it doesn't matter.

Because, to completely conquer the Sun-Moon Continent and the Sun-Moon people, time will be spent.

The ruler of the Wuhun Empire also thought so.

Rely on time to spend the lives of those old people, and then transform the children's thoughts step by step, and finally merge together completely.

This is also the reason why Li Si asked the Wuhun Empire to establish an academy in the Sun Moon Continent.

Change Minds, Culture Invasion!
After a hundred years, there will be no Sun Moon people.

There are only citizens of the Wuhun Empire on this continent!
Everyone will be a citizen of the Wuhun Empire, there will be no exceptions.

The empire will use both kindness and power to conquer everyone through legal means.

After pacifying the Sun Moon Continent, Li Si led the fleet to set off again.

They headed east all the way and landed on a continent again.

This continent is very close to Soul Fighting Continent, and there are also not many human traces.

Through repeated investigations, the empire found a human society that was still in a very primitive state, and even the language unique to the mainland had not been standardized.

Therefore, this continent was also easily conquered by the empire.

The population migrated in, built cities, villages and towns, and eroded the area of ​​the soul beast bit by bit.

Moreover, the empire gathered all the primitive people and began to teach them.

And, Li Si personally named this continent the Dou Ling Continent.

At this point, after more than half a year of the Eastern Expedition, the remaining two continents were conquered by the empire.

The territory of the empire has finally spread to the whole world.

Douluo Continent, Douhun Continent, Dou Ling Continent, Sun Moon Continent, and islands of all sizes on the routes between the four continents.

There are also two polar regions, but all areas where spirit beasts haunt have the footprints of the empire.

Afterwards, the world was unified, and there was only one country left in the whole world, and that was the Wuhun Empire.

Li Si did not change the name of the country, and always used the word Wuhun as the name of this huge empire.

After that, Li Si temporarily handed over the government affairs of the empire to the cabinet, and he himself took all the title Douluo of the empire on the road.

They crossed the two polar regions and the four continents, directly wiped out all the 10-year-old soul beasts on the four continents, and turned them into blood-red 10-year-old soul rings and put them on their bodies.

So far, the four continents and the two polar regions have directly lost the traces of 10-year-old soul beasts, and the strongest soul beasts are only 7-year-old soul beasts.

Later, these more than 70 people went to the depths of the sea on a warship, and they went there for more than three years.

And when they came back, all of them had at least three 10 year spirit rings.

What's more, there are 10 year spirit rings all over his body.

And among them, a small number of people's soul power levels have reached the realm of 99th-level Ultimate Douluo.

Like Poison Douluo, he has completed the ultimate evolution of the Hydra Emperor's martial soul, and his nine 10-year-old soul rings have given his martial soul nine extreme attributes.

Coupled with a full set of six 10-year-old spirit bones and a level 99 spirit power, Poison Douluo's strength has directly climbed to the top ten in the empire.

There are also Chrysanthemum Douluo and Ghost Douluo, who have won the gift of His Majesty Panhuang.

Both of them got nine 10-year soul rings. When they used the martial soul fusion technique, they were directly fused with eighteen 10-year soul rings. Sealed for a while.

There is also Tang Yin, who alone has eighteen 10-year soul rings.

The advantage of twin martial souls has been magnified to the extreme.

The gains brought to him by the eighteen 10-year spirit rings directly helped him achieve the body and soul of the demigod, and achieve the top three combat power in the empire.

There are also more than 30 title Douluo such as Dragon Emperor Douluo Yu Guangming, Fire Phoenix Douluo, Ice Phoenix Douluo, Pope Bibidong, Sword Douluo, Bone Douluo, Nine Treasure Douluo, etc., all of which have replaced 10 The ten-thousand-year soul ring, and most of them have been promoted to the realm of level 99 Limit Douluo, all of a sudden, the number of Limit Douluo in the empire has reached more than thirty, which is an unprecedented number.

Li Si's line of work can be said to be quite rewarding.

For this reason, they killed more than 300 10-year-old soul beasts.

But even so, there are still more 10-year-old soul beasts in the vast sea.

In the end, when more than 70 people returned to the empire, none of them had a soul power level lower than 95.

Today's empire can be described as unprecedentedly powerful!

More than 70 Title Douluo of level 95 and above, plus more than 95 Limit Douluo, are enough to suppress this world.

However, Li Si did not let these titled Douluo go to other continents to guard the empire's territory, but instead let them gather in the Wuhun Imperial City to practice, and began to hunt down evil spirit masters all over the world.

In this way, even if these titled Douluo go out for a while, they will return to Wuhun Imperial City, and then begin to enjoy the life of cultivation.

And during this time, Li Si went on the road alone.

He began to sweep Li Court, criss-crossing the ten directions, and with the strength comparable to four god rings, he removed all the gods in this world.

Even if those gods manifested their divine powers, condensed their divine powers into incarnations, or empowered a hundred-level servants, none of them were Li Si's opponents.

Because his strength is too strong, no matter what kind of god's incarnation or servant, he can't hold back his most advanced domineering sword.

Not long after, all the gods in this world were destroyed by him.

At the same time, he also obtained a large portion of the essence of divine power by sacrificing the god Longtia.

Li Si could feel that if he absorbed that large group of divine essence, he would definitely be promoted to a god, and he could also condense a very high-quality god by himself.

Relying on his Martial Soul, he directly used the Martial Soul as the god position to condense the tenth soul ring, which is the most important first god ring representing the god position.

However, Li Si didn't do this, but sealed this divine power in the Conferred God Platform for preservation, because he didn't want to become a god yet.

Because in this way, God Realm can attack him according to the rules.

And if he has always been a mortal, no matter how much he provokes the gods, the gods will be limited by the rules and cannot directly attack him.

Just like now, he swept across the world and removed all the gods, such as Vulcan, War God, and Phoenix God, all swept away.

But even so, the gods of the God Realm did not directly come down to kill him.

Also, he removed the gods of Shura God, Sea God, Rakshasa God, and Angel God, and he didn't see that god throne and the three main gods kill him in the lower realm.

It is because of the rules in the God Realm that gods are not allowed to descend directly to interfere with mortal affairs.

Although Li Si is strong, he is still a mortal in essence.

It's just that he, a mortal, was beyond the expectations of the gods.

With a mortal body, standing shoulder to shoulder with gods, that's him.

A mortal body without divine power, a peak demigod-level soul cultivation, and 99-level soul power are not gods at all.

Even saying that he is a demigod is a little bit reluctant.

Because, he only has a soul that has reached the demigod level because of the million-year-old skull and divinity, and some god factors were born.

But that's all...

Because of this, even though some gods among the gods were very dissatisfied with him, they couldn't kill him directly, and they couldn't even descend into an incarnation again, because the rules of the gods didn't allow it.

At this time, Li Si was standing on a ruin.

He held a wooden box in his hand, and inside the box were a pair of artifact fragments.

"Finally removed the last god seat..."

Li Si couldn't help smiling as he looked at the artifact fragments in the box, as if they had integrated some sort of collection achievement.

He cleaned up the world, and from now on, there will be no more miracles on Douluo Star.

Moreover, with the battle during this period of time, his domineering has also slightly improved.

However, there are really not many, not enough to reach the second-level god in terms of physique and domineering power.

But it's okay, he's not in a hurry...

Because, as long as he completes one more thing next, he will be able to have the strength comparable to a second-level god, and maybe even surpass a second-level god.

call out!
In the next second, Li Si turned into a cyan streamer soaring into the sky and disappeared at the end of the sky.

Soon after, Li Si came to an area in the deep sea.

Here, he felt a huge aura that was undergoing transformation.

It can be seen that there is a huge golden light group in the deep sea.

It looked like a little sun had sunk into the sea.

"Deep Sea Demon Whale King, no, I should call you the Deep Sea Whale Dragon King..."

Li Si looked at the huge ball of light and muttered.

In his eyes, the light group was clearly a dragon.

A huge whale dragon, and a dragon king who has reached the level of a million-year god...

(End of this chapter)

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