Double agent from Douluo

Chapter 114 The Lair

Chapter 114 The Lair
"Northern...Dai Huabin...led his troops to hunt down the remnants of the Sun and Moon Empire...but in reality he was looking for the Frost Horses..."

The general who was completely eroded by dilapidation gave this answer, and when he heard the news, some conditions were almost met, and a blue light point road guide like a firefly appeared in Xu Chuanran's eyes.

This is the guidance of the system. Xu Chuanran's eyes contracted slightly, and he put down the general. The dragon wings behind him suddenly waved, and Xu Chuanran rushed into the canyon like a cannonball.

"Is everything finally coming to an end..."

In the fortress, perhaps only Huo Yuhao noticed the figure of Xu Chuanran rushing towards the canyon at this moment, and Huo Yuhao also took a deep breath. After releasing the gate of the dead, Huo Yuhao quickly jumped off the wall of the fortress and rushed towards the north. go.

The flames that turned into hell in the fortress have attracted the attention of many people, Huo Yuhao must move quickly to leave this place.


"My king, the dragon blood content in your body is about to reach 50.00%. If you don't deal with it, the dragon blood will invade the bone marrow in half an hour, and you will transform from a human into a dragon... "

Xu Chuanran controlled the dragon wings to fly quickly in the canyon, while the ice emperor was monitoring the erosion of dragon blood in Xu Chuanran's body.

"But I have to say that the power of the giant dragon is indeed fascinating. It is worthwhile to discover this in the battle with that Contra today."

Xu Chuanran's eyes flickered slightly, and the dragon's wings shrank suddenly. Xu Chuanran rushed into a crack in the ice at this moment, quickly drilled into the glacier cave, and then ignored the slender stalactites with his incarnation as a dragon at this moment, without any scruples deep into the ground.

Two kinds of dragon blood with different attributes collided in Xu Chuanran's body. They checked and balanced each other, and then formed a subtle relationship, allowing Xu Chuanran's body to accept the power of dragon blood almost without any burden.

"My king, do you want to transform into a dragon?"

For Bingdi, after going through all kinds of fantastic things, it is said that Bingdi completely trusts Xu Chuanran in his heart.

In the face of Xu Chuanran's race being changed due to dragon blood erosion, the Ice Emperor still maintained his composure. As long as the spirit can remain rational, it doesn't matter what race his king is to the Ice Emperor.

"No, the power of the giant dragon can only be used as a prop. After becoming the king of humans, you may be able to conquer the dragon clan through this state."

"But when the matter is over, I want to return to that plane of madness and ruin. In that place, I am the real king of the plane, and I can transform my posture back."

Xu Chuanran maintained communication with the Ice Emperor. Through this communication, Xu Chuanran was able to maintain his sanity in the scour of the dragon's blood, and prevent his sanity from falling into madness under the induction of the dragon's blood instinct.

"My king, you are amazing."

The Ice Empress sighed sincerely at this moment, the Lord of the planes is actually a relative existence of a god in the eyes of the Ice Empress, after all, he is as immortal as a god, and if the plane he is in is powerful...even a god, it is possible Can't beat it.

"Whether it's powerful or not is a later story. Although I can turn my posture around in the plane, it may still need to go through a process of purging the fire. The madness of the madness awakens the instinct of the dragon's blood. God... I need you."

"Happy to serve king."


In the cave, a team of no more than 100 people is advancing rapidly. They are well equipped and have more than 30% soul masters.

Sufficient supplies and proper rest, even if they encounter the remnant army of the Sun Moon Empire head-on, the combat power of their army can wipe out that remnant army.

But in fact, their army did not really come to hunt down the remnants of the Sun Moon Empire. Their real purpose was to find out the lair of the Frost Horse.

According to intelligence, if they can find the lair and bring back a large number of young horses... that is equivalent to adding a new branch of the Star Luo Empire's cavalry, and can strengthen the Star Luo Empire's rule in the north!

Such a great feat is really eye-catching, and now as they go deeper, they find more and more traces of the Frost Horse, making them feel that the Frost Horse's lair is just ahead.

But even so, Dai Huabin, who was the leader of this team, felt a little restless.

"Master Dai Huabin, what are you worried about? If you are worried that the remnant army might ruin our affairs, please rest assured."

A small captain beside him said with a smile: "That army has already run out of fuel, even if they can find the Frost Horse's lair, they will definitely not be able to deal with the soul beasts inside."

"I'm not worried about that."

Hearing the voice of the squad leader beside him, Dai Huabin shook his head and took out a piece of golden barrier fragment. This thing feels very light to the touch, but it is actually made of metal.

And this thing is the fragment of the mortal companion that Xu Chuanran blocked his deadpool's attack on. Every time Dai Huabin saw this thing, he would feel a little depressed in his heart.

When Deadpool brought these fragments back and told him that he failed to kill Xu Chuanran, Dai Huabin was extremely panicked.

And when he took this barrier fragment and asked the strong man, and learned that the technology used by this thing might reach the eighth or ninth level soul guide, Dai Huabin fell into a dead silence.

Shrek's strong man may not have followed him, but the things on him are enough to show that he has got the attention of a certain soul engineer...

Is it still a bit reluctant to assassinate him before the other party grows up... Neither the lineup of a soul emperor or two soul kings can kill him. This is already the biggest force I can use now.

Xu Chuanran... this man can't be provoked anymore, the assassination probably made him alert, and he won't have such an opportunity in the future... and he doesn't need such an opportunity, as long as he finds the Frost Horse's lair, he will be in the army in the future position has a solid foundation.

Compared to this, Shrek's gold plating is not very important.

Dai Huabin put away the fragments of the barrier in his hand, the haze in his pupils dissipated slightly, but at this moment, there was a sudden exclamation from the front.

Dai Huabin's pupils lit up, the martial spirit quickly possessed him, and then rushed up, in front of him was a glowing cave, and when he rushed into this cave, the scene in front of him suddenly became clear.

The crystal emits a strange light... This is an extremely huge space. There is a beautiful little ice crystal grass on the ground, and there is a huge ice roof above the head. The sunlight refracts through the ice, illuminating the carefree young Frost horse herd.

Dai Huabin's heart was pounding, and the horses in the distance were almost equivalent to monstrous treasures in his eyes!It was his first pot of gold to reach the pinnacle of his life!
(End of this chapter)

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