Dorothy’s Forbidden Grimoire

Chapter 94

In the basement of Saint Amanda’s School, Dorothy and Aldrich exchanged a knowing smile. Through a clever word game, Dorothy deduced the rank of the Crimson Eucharist’s mentor.

Aldrich had stated there were no Chalice Beyonders at the White Ash rank in Igwynt, yet he refrained from answering when asked about the Black Earth rank. This led Dorothy to conclude that the mentor was likely a Black Earth rank Chalice Beyonder—one rank higher than an Apprentice.

Since Aldrich couldn’t disclose client-related information, Dorothy cleverly framed her inquiries to glean insights indirectly.

Having gained initial intelligence on the Crimson Eucharist’s mentor, Dorothy decided to dig deeper.

“Mr. Aldrich, could I inquire about specific details regarding Black Earth rank Chalice Beyonders? For instance, their titles or characteristics?” Dorothy asked, her tone calm and direct.

Hearing her question, Aldrich paused, then looked at Dorothy with a serious expression.

Slowly, he replied, “Do you think… I would tell you?”

“Of course, you would. After all, I’m not asking about a specific person’s information. In the world of mysticism, there’s certainly more than one Black Earth rank Chalice Beyonder. So, this isn’t private information tied to any individual—it’s more general knowledge. Naturally, you’d tell me since I’m not breaking any of your rules by asking,” Dorothy answered confidently, her reasoning impeccable.

She was playing a game of semantics with Aldrich, knowing he harbored a subtle disdain for the Crimson Eucharist. While he had to remain neutral due to professional rules, she counted on him being willing to cooperate within those boundaries.

Rules were rigid, but people were flexible.

As expected, Aldrich chuckled at her reasoning and replied, “Heh… you’re right. This kind of information doesn’t violate any rules. But for your question, I’ll need to add a condition—you must specify which kind of Black Earth rank Chalice you’re asking about.”

“Which kind of Black Earth rank Chalice… wait, are there many?” Dorothy asked, surprised. She hadn’t expected there to be multiple variations.

“Of course. You don’t yet understand the distinction between ranks and pathways, do you? Well… explaining that will cost 50 pounds,” Aldrich said, smiling slyly.

Without hesitation, Dorothy slapped the money onto the table.

Pocketing the cash, Aldrich began his explanation.

“You’re already familiar with the concept of ranks—Stone, Black Earth, White Ash, Red Completion, and Gold. At the Stone rank, or Apprentice level, there are six pathways corresponding to the six spiritualities. However, when you reach the Black Earth rank, it’s different. Based on your choice of secondary spirituality and the promotion ritual you undertake, the rank branches into many different pathways.”

“Secondary spirituality?” Dorothy asked, her curiosity piqued. Could this mean she would get to choose another spirituality?

“Yes, secondary spirituality, also known as supplementary spirituality. As a Stone rank Beyonder, you can accumulate a secondary spirituality that doesn’t conflict with your primary spirituality. When you undergo advancement, the combination of your primary and secondary spiritualities determines your pathway.”

“For example, in the Stone pathway I follow, the Apprentice rank is called Shaper. If a Shaper selects Lamp as their secondary spirituality during promotion, they typically advance to the Black Earth rank as a Forge Artisan, gaining the ability to manipulate flames in crafting. If they choose Silence as their secondary spirituality, they usually become a Bone Crafter, able to use animal bones to create items related to the dead.”

Aldrich explained patiently. Dorothy nodded as she digested the information.

“So, this is essentially a class advancement stage,” Dorothy thought, likening it to a game. “At the Apprentice rank, you pick your starting class—your primary spirituality—from the six options. Then, at level 18—Black Earth rank—you choose a secondary spirituality to determine your advancement. This probably leads to something like first awakenings or second awakenings later on.”

Dorothy also had a lingering question.

“What kind of options would the Chalice pathway have for advancement?”

But she quickly reminded herself that her current level was far from promotion. With only three points of experience accumulated, she still had a long way to go.

“So, now you understand the distinction between ranks and pathways, right? Heh… I must admit, I’m curious about your spirituality. You seem like an Apprentice, yet you’re capable of going head-to-head with the Crimson Eucharist. What kind of Beyonder are you, really?” Aldrich asked, intrigued.

Dorothy chuckled softly.

“Let’s stay on topic, shall we? According to your explanation, Black Earth rank Chalice pathways differ based on secondary spiritualities. Do you know all of them?”

“I know the mainstream ones, but there might be rare ones I’ve never encountered. As I mentioned earlier, even with the same spirituality combination, different promotion rituals can result in varied outcomes,” Aldrich explained.

Dorothy frowned in thought. She didn’t know what secondary spirituality the mentor had chosen, so it was hard to pinpoint their exact pathway. Then, suddenly, a thought struck her.

She recalled the mystical book “The Hymns to the Mother of the Chalice,” which she had found in the Buck Mansion. It mentioned a deity worshipped by the Crimson Eucharist—a beastly and hunting god named the “Gluttonous Wolf,” more devoted to consuming flesh than the “Mother of Chalice.”

The poem described the “Gluttonous Wolf” as not being purely aligned with the domain of Chalice. Its authority extended into other domains.

“Would followers emulate their god’s choices?” Dorothy wondered.

Acting on this idea, she asked Aldrich.

“I’d like to know the pathway for a Chalice primary and Shadow secondary Black Earth rank combination.”

Aldrich’s eyes flickered with surprise, but he smiled and said, “30 pounds.”

Dorothy slammed the money onto the table without hesitation. After collecting it, Aldrich began to explain.

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