Doomsday: My sister was killed, I choose doomsday

Chapter 23

Sunset City.

In the air, there was smoke everywhere, dust was granular, and the sky was gloomy and gray

The surrounding area is devastated.

The turbid air gives visibility around, less than ten meters.

It was as if I was in a thick fog.

There were eerie roars everywhere, and dull footsteps, and the sound of tearing, colliding, crushing, screaming and screaming.

True – Purgatory on Earth!

A coalition of United Forces in protective suits was huddled in the corner of a convenience store, and he had nowhere to escape.

Before the disaster, he was monitoring the inside of John’s city with Commander Michael, and about three thousand United Coalition troops had installed cameras around the Southern Defense Net, and he was with Michael to lay a blow to Commander Michael.


Soon something happened inside John’s city, and an earthquake-like sound sounded violently

Nearly 100,000 zombies swarmed in front of the southern defense network, like a tsunami, and in the face of such a terrifying wave, Commander Michael immediately contacted the helicopter gunship to request evacuation.

The coalition soldier thought he could be rescued

But he didn’t expect that Michael actually ran away alone! One man boarded a helicopter gunship and even kicked himself down!

A person….


The soldier’s name was Johns, and he didn’t expect that at such a critical moment, the commander would actually sell himself??

And then,

He didn’t wait for a hundred thousand zombies to pour out, he was frantically retreating, along with more than three thousand other allied troops, but before they could withdraw to Sunset City, the explosion had already happened, a fiery explosion!

Tearing daylight!

Many of the coalition forces were hit by the shock wave of the explosion, and their lives and deaths were unknown.

And he was lucky enough to escape back to Sunset City


He wasn’t familiar with Sunset City, he didn’t know where he was hiding, it was full of zombies, there were zombies everywhere, he had no place to hide, the convenience store had been looted by zombies, and he was hiding here now, desperate inside.

Maybe ordinary people are still longing for the rescue of the Southern United Union, but as a coalition of the United States, he knows, it will not.

There is no way anyone can come to the rescue.

I’m doomed!

Wait to die.

Even if you have a submachine rifle in your hand, this gun is difficult to cause damage to zombies.

Johns shivered in pain, and he closed his eyes and waited quietly for death.

[The Eastern Half Launched The Ballot, and at present, there are ** votes to pass the Mushroom Bomb Proposal!] Once this plan is approved, the United Alliance will officially drop mushroom bombs on Sunset City, John City, and its surrounding areas! 】

[The devil will die, and there will be no accidents!] 】

【Please don’t panic!】 】


Suddenly there was a sound of cheering TV, and Johns opened his eyes fiercely, and he saw that in the upper right corner of the convenience store, there was an old TV, the signal source was extremely unstable, but the picture of the United Alliance was still playing in the picture

In the picture, Joseph is giving an impassioned speech in which he mentions that the boy will perish

His footsteps will also come to a complete halt after the passage of this plan.

No one can continue to destroy the United Alliance!

The United Alliance will unite to destroy the devil, to destroy the zombies, and to nip the end of the world in the bud!

Various oaths,

All kinds of acuras,

Joseph’s eloquence was good, and he even spoke with excitement, fat and rosy.

The fat flesh on his face was trembling.

Joseph’s pupils widened, he knew what kind of birdman Joseph was, only the high-ranking members of the United Alliance who coveted pleasure, and what he said did not need to be taken seriously.

However, he was trembling now

Because seven days earlier, he had appeared outside the gap with Michael, and Commander Michael had not fired, but had given himself the order to shoot.

Josephine shot….

He shot the young devil’s sister to death.

That picture, for Joseph, was also like a nightmare, which had been entangled in his dream for a long time.

“He will definitely take revenge on me, he will!”

Joseph yelled in panic, he only now knew that this earth-shattering destruction, this rebellion to subvert Sunset City, was actually made by the teenager!

Could it be that the millions of zombies obeyed the young man’s instructions?

He hid in the convenience store shivering and tears flowing, and he began to regret it.

At the time,

The muzzle should be raised by five centimeters.

If his sister hadn’t died, none of this would have happened.

He was very remorseful

But all this is the order of Commander Michael! He was just a coalition, just following the orders of his commander!

“Kill Michael, don’t look for me!”

Joseph wiped his nose and wanted to go outside the convenience store, he was really fed up, here is also waiting for death, going out is also waiting for death, this tormented mood, let him overwhelmed,

It’s better to rush out now to find death!

Dead count.

Just as his footsteps were just stepping out of the convenience store, he flinched again, and when he was about to die, he became afraid again.

In case…


What if the United Congregation really sends a coalition?

You know, this time the fall of Sunset City is big enough, the whole world is shocked and panicked, under the pressure of double negative fishing wheels, it is difficult to ensure that the United Congregation will not respond!

Thinking of this, he suddenly wanted to live.

“I want to live!”

“I’m going to live and see that boy die!”

“It’s not him, can I do it now?”

Joseph looked at his tattered protective clothing, and the resentment in his eyes could not even cover the blindfold.

His hand with the gun was trembling, and he was eager to rush out now and shoot the boy to death.


It was also then that when Joseph looked up, he saw

In the ashes.

A figure became clearer and clearer.

The footsteps of this figure were not fast, but they were not slow, walking idly among the ashes, and around him, there were terrible cries everywhere, but this figure did not tremble a little, extremely stable, extremely stable, step by step towards Joseph.

Can’t see the face clearly


Visibility is less than ten meters around.

Joseph was stunned, and then he began to get excited!

It’s human!

Could it be the Coalition?!

He began to scream and beckon, saved! Just know that the coalition of the United States will come!!

His tears of excitement flowed.


This figure tore through the thick fog

Josephine saw that the figure was naked, he had a young but resolute face, and his pupils radiated a demonic red.

“The East … United Alliance? ”

Su Yang lowered his eyebrows and said to himself.

He glanced at Joseph indifferently, and was about to leave when his pupils suddenly shrank suddenly!

“It’s you ?!!!”

Su Yang remembers!

It was this coalition shot!

Even if he wears a mask, even if he wears a protective suit, how can he forget this face!!!

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