Doomsday Circle

Chapter 72: Visa for Herb Collectors

Zhou Kai returned to the Circle Studio, Gu Fangyi went to the Siping District shopping mall to make preparations, and Lu Luo walked to Han Shiyu's dormitory.

Lu Luo needs a lot of things now. He needs a lot of energy to improve his attributes and strengthen his basic strength.

Sequence values ​​are needed to complete the missing sequences, a large amount of dark energy upgrading energy is needed to complete the second air pocket, and a variety of fusion materials, synthesis, and upgrade equipment are required.

These things can also be obtained inside the wall, but without exception, they are either extremely difficult to obtain or require a lot of money.

Lu Luo has no money. Now he has to ask Zhou Kai to treat him for meals. The studio doesn't always get big orders like Qian Ming, so he can only go outside the wall.

The purpose is also very simple, to hunt alien species, obtain energy, rely on observers to collect resources, and then quickly accumulate one's own strength.

He has recently read a lot of information and books about outside the wall. With the memory and help of observers, he feels that he should be able to cope with the situation outside the wall.

Arriving downstairs at Han Shiyu's dormitory, it seemed that there was no one lining up here because Han Shiyu had rejected so many people in a row.

When the dormitory aunt saw Lu Luo, she was confused for a moment, and then remembered that Lu Luo was the person Han Shiyu had told him to go up directly.

It's coming!


You are still a student, so you should pay attention to your safety and your identity.

After the aunt finished speaking, she went back to the house, leaving Lu Luo alone in a daze in the wind. What do you mean? what's on your mind? We are blue and white!

Forget it, explanation is just a cover-up, and cover-up is a false start.

Passing through the gray-walled corridor of the teachers' dormitory, Lu Luo came to the door of Han Shiyu's dormitory.

Thump thump thump!

After Lu Luo knocked on the door several times, Han Shiyu, wearing a teacher's uniform, opened the door. She glanced at Lu Luo up and down, as if she had guessed Lu Luo's purpose.

Are you ready to go out?

Now that the monthly exam is over, there are only two things that can make Lu Luo take the initiative to come to her.

One is the exit visa, and the other is about martial arts training instructors.

Martial arts training still takes a long time. Looking at Lu Luo's eager look, it can only be a matter of getting a visa.

Well, I'm ready to go out. As I said before, if Professor Han has any other arrangements or requirements, you can tell me now.

As soon as Lu Luo finished speaking, Qi Xinzhu walked out of Han Shiyu's bedroom and stood behind Han Shiyu.

Huh? You're here too. What's your name?

[Those who admire light are like bamboos in the same heart. 】

Oh yes, classmate Qi Xinzhu, look at me, I forgot to take my brain with me when I went out.

Han Shiyu glanced at Qi Xinzhu. She originally thought that Qi Xinzhu would be a more suitable person to pursue the dawn than her. He was young, beautiful, with an excellent personality and unlimited potential.

Such a woman should be the object of admiration for many men and an excellent choice to serve Li Ming, but she didn't expect Qi Xinzhu to be such a good person. It seemed that she might as well do it herself.

For several days, Lu Luo didn't even remember her name. Isn't this a joke? Serving the Dawn is a serious matter.

Qi Xinzhu stood there awkwardly, a little at a loss. Han Shiyu cleared her throat to relieve her embarrassment.

Now, the condition for letting you go out is very simple, just take her with you.

Lu Luo's expression suddenly tightened.

Have you made any mistake, Professor Han? I'm having sex, not traveling. If you asked me to take a woman with me, wouldn't I just be taking a drag bottle with me?

[The other party's energy response is higher than yours, and it is still rising. How did you come to the conclusion that it is a bottleneck? Do you really think that if you round up, it will become level 2? 】

Is it a problem with the oil bottle? Of course not, mainly because I don’t want to take it with me!

This was an action between him and one or two brothers Gu Fang. What was the point of bringing a woman? Women only affect how quickly they can explore beyond the walls.

However, Han Shiyu's method of treating Lu Luo was relatively simple and direct.

No! That's fine, don't go out.

Hey, no, no, no, no, everything is easy to discuss! Can't we just bring someone with us? It's easy to talk!

Being able to advance and retreat is the real magical weapon. Lu Luo, a person who is cowardly, understands this well, but he who is weak understands it well.

That's pretty much it. Han Shiyu held her arms in her arms, squeezing a certain position very hard, which made Lu Luo look sideways.

Forget it, you have big breasts, I won’t argue with you.

Lu Luo looked at the three visas in his hand and raised his eyebrows slightly, feeling a little dissatisfied.

Herbalist visa?

What? I am a professor in the Department of Biology, and major in pharmacy and medicine. I can only issue you a medical visa and a medicine collection visa.

You don’t have medical treatment, so naturally I can only give you a drug mining visa!

Okay! Just be a herbalist!

The alliance has no actual restrictions on people who cheat, but there are still strict regulations on visa periods.

The biggest difference between the medicine collection visa and the mercenary visa is the timeliness of the visa.

Because of the dark energy concentration outside the wall, the longer a person stays out, the higher the possibility that he will be in danger, carry viruses and bacteria, or develop hidden distortions.

People who can get mercenary visas generally have a certain level of strength. Some are extraordinary people, and some are ordinary people with superb skills.

Strong people outside the wall can overcome dangers and have better ability to deal with accidents, so their risk of distortion is lower. The visa time is very long, and they can go out for up to 30 days.

The visas for herbal collectors are only 10 days, which means they must come back within 10 days, and the time spent traveling has to be taken into account.

Said to be a herbalist, in fact, there is almost no difference between this visa and the Fourth Ring Scavenger Visa issued by the alliance. They are both the lowest-level visas.

As for the hunter’s visa! Sorry, hunters don’t have visas, because visas are authorized by hunters.

They can stay outside the wall as long as they want, they are so willful.

It's a pity that Lu Luo still has to maintain his status as a student and hold on to the contract with Lantian Pharmaceutical. Otherwise, he has the status of a hunter and there won't be so much trouble.

“I would also like to ask Professor Han for advice, where can I find the poison of the black tarantula and the saliva of the silver centipede, and whether they are for sale.

I checked many books and visited many stores, but couldn't find it. Before going out, I want to make more preparations.

Have you also practiced poison science? These two poisons are not rare. The silver centipede is only a level 1 variant, and the black wolf spider is a level 2 variant.

The reason why you can't find these two things is very simple, because these two things have almost no medicinal value.

It's not valuable, and the venom is difficult to preserve. No one will drag the whole alien species back. UU Reading www.uukknshu.nett If no one brings it back, of course it will be difficult for you to find it.

Hearing that these two things had to be found outside the wall, Lu Luo nodded silently. He had already made preparations to search for these two things outside the wall.

Asking Han Shiyu was just a final confirmation.

Then, Professor Han, I take my leave.

Lu Luo walked out of the door, but he found that Qi Xinzhu was following him.

You're not going to follow me, are you?

Is there any problem? I was originally going to... go with you.

Qi Xinzhu didn't say protection. Han Shiyu had already told her before that she should pay attention to some special circumstances when talking to men.

Most men don't like to be protected, at least they don't like to hear others say so.

Lu Luo looked at Qi Xinzhu and had more questions in his heart. What was the reason for Han Shiyu and Qi Xinzhu, two admirers of light, to approach him?

Is this the seduction technique from the Church of Dawn? I am the originator of such things as seduction. I think back then...

[Don’t think about those days, when you were drowned because of your seduction skills! 】

Lu Luo automatically ignored the observer's prompts. Professor Han didn't think that letting a beautiful woman follow me would impress me, right?

She still underestimated the strong will of a time traveler, so Lu Luo spread his hands helplessly.

You can follow me, but you must obey my orders during the operation. Of course, I will not ask you to die.

But for normal task assignments and action plans, you must follow my requirements.

No problem, that's very reasonable. If you have any other requests, please put them forward as well.

No, there's danger outside the wall, just take good care of yourself.

I will!

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