Doomsday Circle

Chapter 546: The End of Immortality (Part 2)

This will have a great impact on the personnel of the future emperor.

Some thoughtful people have silently thought of:

Members of the royal family, I'm afraid the cards will be reshuffled.

In the prison of the Imperial Capital Inspection Department, Lu Luo was trapped by the strongest sealing chain of the Inspection Department, and his whole body was also locked in an experimental instrument.

This one is a petri dish filled with nutrient solution.

At this time, Lu Luo's body was completely naked and covered with all kinds of tubes.

The Imperial Inspection Department, Medical Department, Scientific Research Institute and other institutions are extracting Lu Luo's blood, skin, hair, and even bone marrow.

They wanted to study Lu Luo's situation.

By the way, let me know whether Lu Luo is dead or not!

This is a confusing question.

Is Lu Luo dead?

Medically speaking, he was dead.

There is no heartbeat, no brain waves, not even the aura of the living.

But the strange thing is that Lu Luo's body does not seem to die.

The blood extracted from his body was still active.

But this activity is no longer strong, and there is even the possibility of loss.

Moreover, at this time, Lu Luo didn't have any extraordinary aura about him, and he even needed nutrient solution to maintain his vitality.

He seemed to have really become an ordinary person, so ordinary that he couldn't be more ordinary.

The researchers did not sense the existence of the sequence from his body, there was no energy, and his body was no longer strong.

They even began to doubt whether this Lu Luo was the real Lu Luo.

Minister Zhang is here!

Well, just take a look.

Zhang Changming slowly walked to Lu Luo's petri dish without making any extraordinary move.

For example, preventing others from taking Lu Luo away, or preventing Lu Luo from being put into a petri dish.

Because Zhang Changming knows very well that these talents are real professionals.

I am just an extraordinary person, an amateur.

They are better at saving people than themselves.

Lu Luo's current situation was obviously problematic. Even if he tried to take him away, he would be helpless.

Perhaps Lu Luo would be left waiting to die.

Rather than that, it would be better to leave Lu Luo here.

Let them study it, and maybe Lu Luo can have a chance of survival.

How is the situation now?

The situation is still the same, there is no effective improvement, and he still needs nutrient solution to maintain his vitality.

But one thing is certain now, that is, Lu Luo's body is not dead yet!

Can you wake up in 10 days?

“It’s unclear now, we still have to observe, but in his current state, even if he wakes up, it won’t make sense.

He has completely lost his strength, his blood, muscles, hair, and even JY we have tried.

It was useless, there was no reaction at all, he was useless.

The researcher's evaluation made Zhang Changming a little helpless, but he also knew that the researcher was basically right.

Lu Luo was crippled. Even if he could wake up at this time, he would still be completely crippled.

This level of energy loss, sequence dissipation, and even vitality require nutrient solutions to maintain.

In this state, even if Lu Luo woke up, it would be impossible for him to recover.

Is that so...then I understand.

Zhang Changming was a little helpless. After the researcher left, he took out his mobile phone.

A number was dialed!

This number belongs to Bai Yuetong, but his finger stayed on the dial button for a while and finally didn't press it.

Let’s hide Lu Luo’s matter for now!

But the way he is now, the empire will definitely execute him when the ten days are up.

No one would raise a dead person.

Using Lu Luo to heal people's pain and improve morale during the war is the best choice.

This is also the only meaning of Lu Luo's existence to this day.

Lu Luo, if you can wake up... forget it!

Zhang Changming left, leaving only Lu Luo floating in the petri dish.

In the next few days, the situation became even more tense.

Just as she said, Takeyaki personally picked up the weapon and rushed to the battlefield.

And at the cost of being seriously injured, he killed an eighth-level king-level alien species.

This record has surpassed that of many professional soldiers.

Everyone on the battlefield is doing their best.

Behind them is the empire, their home.

There were their wives, their children, their families.

They have no retreat.

So at this moment, human beings burst out with amazing power.

But all this didn't change anything.

Although Bai Mo and Gu Tianfeng, together with the remaining nine level 8 masters, can compete with the two great apostles Meiqi and Leviathan.

But the stalemate between the two sides is not without cost.

On the human side, two level 8 masters have been seriously injured.

The characteristics of human beings are usually that they are powerful in energy, but physically they cannot compete with alien species.

This is a matter of age and an inevitable result.

If it were a wave of battles, then this characteristic would not matter. The energy would suppress the body and that would be it.

But in the war with the apostles, whether it was energy or physical body, they could not suppress it.

For the apostle, an attack that is not powerful enough is just a scratch.

So every time they attack the apostles, they need to do their best.

The consumption of energy caused them to lose their protection, and in the end, they were scattered by Meiqi and Leviathan.

Although Leviathan was also damaged, his damage was almost negligible.

Meiqi is even more relaxed. From Gu Tianfeng's perspective, Meiqi has not used all her power until now.

In this kind of protracted war and tug-of-war, human beings' disadvantages become more and more obvious!

In the conference room, Wu Yeji came with a serious injury. There was a very important strategic meeting today.

Although the war only lasted less than 10 days, its brutality exceeded many people's imagination.

The purpose of the apostles is now very obvious, they are to destroy mankind.

So this time, there is no retreat.

In the conference room, Gu Tianfeng also warned the military leaders here not to think wildly and disrupt the morale of the military at this time.

“The purpose of the apostles has been made very clear, they will kill everyone.

The people who had sneaked over to surrender before had been killed by them and then hung in front of the trench.

Now, does anyone want to surrender?

There will never be a shortage of anti-bone boys at any time. Even in this current state of human life and death, anti-bone boys still exist and even take action.

They secretly left the military camp at night, hoping to surrender to the apostles.

But the end result, as Gu Tianfeng said, was that he was skinned and hung in front of the trench.

This is a very cruel method.

Normally, this situation will not occur in human wars, whether it is true surrender or false surrender.

These people obviously don't understand the alien mentality.

They never intended to coexist peacefully with humans. From beginning to end, they had only one purpose, to kill all humans.

Under this premise, surrender and strategies are meaningless.

Because the current apostles believe that they have absolute power!

In fact, this kind of confidence is natural.

Although the two sides are currently in a stalemate, human troops are also coming in a steady stream.

But as for the actual situation, the higher-ups on the human side already have some clues.

Unless someone can defeat Maggie and Leviathan.

Otherwise, the human coalition will be defeated!

As for when they will be depends on how long Gu Tianfeng and Bai Mo, the two god-of-war masters, can hold on.

The 10 days are almost here, send Lu Luo over.

Now, the soldiers need some morale!


Wu Yeji opened her mouth when she heard Gu Tianfeng mention Lu Luo, but ultimately said nothing.

She has always been paying attention to Lu Luo's situation.

It's pretty bad, at least for now.

Without energy and constitution, there is no possibility of recovery.

Therefore, Lu Luo must die. His death can be used to calm the fear in the hearts of the soldiers and ignite their fighting spirit.

Arouse the hatred of the soldiers, and finally launch a final charge against the alien species.

This sounds cruel, but war has always been like this!

In the laboratory in the imperial capital, Lu Luo was still floating in the petri dish.

The researcher looked at him with some regret.

If nothing else goes wrong, Lu Luo will be sent away at noon today.

After researching for so long, I still found nothing, which is really frustrating.

If Lu Luo is really as powerful as he showed that day, then he should actually have great research value.

Unfortunately, they have not found a breakthrough so far.

Anyway, the current war situation does not allow them to do this.

Prepare to send people away. The main research doctor nodded, ready to let it go.

However, Zhang Changming spoke out at this time:

Doctor, the President said that experimental weapons can be used.

The doctor was stunned for a moment, and his face became ugly:

Is the front line so tight? Conventional weapons...

“Conventional weapons can still be effective against lord-level weirdness, but when it reaches the level of a great lord, it will be difficult for explosive weapons to cause damage to it.

So, now we have reached the point where there is nothing we can do!

I know, I will prepare immediately, you guys prepare to target!

Yes, Doctor, it's all for the Empire.

Yeah, it's all for the empire.

At noon, some members of the Inspection Department took Lu Luo out of the petri dish.

Simply put some clothes on him and put him in a shipping rack.

Zhang Changming looked at Lu Luo again and saw that Lu Luo was still the same without any change, so he finally chose to give up.

I never thought you would end up here!

let's go.

He turned around and gave the order to set off. He took Lu Luo's transport rack and boarded the troop carrier heading to the front line.

When members of the Inspection Department placed Lu Luo in the personnel carrier, Lu Luo's fingers suddenly moved.

The keen member of the Inspection Department seemed to have seen Lu Luo's activities. He stared at Lu Luo's fingers, trying to confirm whether he was wrong.

But after a long time, Lu Luo didn't move again.

Hey, what are you looking at?

He seemed to have moved just now.

Moved? Members of the Inspection Department are not like those guys who are paid to do nothing.

The quality of the members of the Inspection Department has always been among the best in the empire.

So after hearing their teammates say this, these people immediately paid attention to it.

Notify the Minister!

Minister, Lu Luo seems to be showing signs of recovery.

Resuscitate? Zhang Changming was stunned, immediately jumped out of the car and flew directly over.

Quickly walking to Lu Luo's transport rack, Zhang Changming took a deep look at him, and then squeezed Lu Luo's arm.

Lu Luo, if you wake up, don't pretend to be dead.

This country, your family, needs you, wake up!

Lu Luo, who was in front of him, showed no reaction at all.

However, in Lu Luo's unconscious world of consciousness, he had already heard Zhang Changming's voice.

Lao Zhang...

At this time, Lu Luo was placing building blocks in the Doomsday Disk. If an apostle stayed here, he would probably be shocked by this scene.

The building blocks placed by Lu Luo were squares made up of sequential particles.

Destroyer, Devourer, Fusioner, etc. are all listed.

These powerful sequences were played with at will in his hands.

Incomparable obedience, just like a created object respecting the will of its creator.

That's almost it!

Lu Luo put the blocks back together, and all the sequences were put into place at the same time.

The Doomsday Disk, like a clock, slowly rotates.

“Leviathan, Meiqi… I never thought that this moment would come so early.

But now that everything has arrived, then...

Just get started!

In reality, Zhang Changming shook his head in disappointment. Lu Luo had not woken up. He seemed a little irritable and decadent as if he had lost his last hope.

Lu Luo's existence is no longer for the purpose of explaining the emperor's death.

If Lu Luo is alive, his presence can give people a lot of confidence.

Because Lu Luo is so strong, his strength and his growth rate can give Zhang Changming confidence.

I have the confidence to continue to fight against the apostles and drag them on.

Gu Tianfeng and Bai Mo are both too old. Their age cannot support them in participating in a complicated and tragic battle.

Just when Zhang Changming was about to leave again, Lu Luo suddenly opened his eyes and grabbed Zhang Changming's hand.

A few days?

Uh! It's been 10 days. Zhang Changming asked honestly.

Has it been so is the situation now?

Weirdness has begun to attack the western suburbs, you have to think of a way.

When Lu Luo woke up, he was not only surprised but also weird.

Because Lu Luo asked him questions at this time, there was no sense of violation, and the matter itself had a great sense of violation.

Especially in the eyes of other people in the transportation team, Minister Zhang actually talked to Lu Luo, a heinous criminal.

He looked very submissive and asked Lu Luo to think of a solution.

What is going on in this world?

Minister, is this person a criminal? Our current task is to escort him to the front line.

The commander-in-chief needs his death to calm the soldiers' fear...

The member of the Audit Department was speechless midway through his speech.

Because both Lu Luo and Zhang Changming were looking at him, looking straight at him.

Being stared at by the world's top criminals, even if he is an excellent member of the Inspection Department, he will still be a little scared.

After all, the man in front of him had killed their emperor just a few days ago.

What nonsense are you talking about? Don't you know I'm talking to someone?

Uh, got it.

After being reprimanded by Zhang Changming, the man finally stopped talking.

Lu Luo was actually a little reluctant:

Old Zhang, your leadership level has declined recently!

It's chaotic now. This person is not one of mine. I'll let him clean the toilet later.


The two briefly explained the current situation of the empire. After learning that Meiqi had taken action against the empire, Lu Luo also sighed deeply.

She wanted my body, which was normal because there was something hidden in my body that she liked.

But even so, I have to get over it. If you don't get over it, you will definitely lose. careful.

Zhang Changming thought for a long time and didn't know what to say.

I can only give Lu Luo some advice here. Although these advices are useless, they are a kind of comfort to myself.

Okay, I'm leaving then, everyone, take care of yourself.

Lu Luo slowly stood up. The moment he stood up, vitality, strength, and endless dark energy were flowing into his body.

This scene completely shocked other members of the Inspection Department.

Lu Luo's strength increased at a speed visible to the naked eye.

Level 1, Level 2, Level 3... When he left the camp, he had reached Level 4.

Moreover, he is still absorbing the power around him and devouring the lives around him.

This kind of power is more deeply rooted in people's hearts than facing Level 8 directly.

Minister, he's gone.

I know, but he is the person the president wants. Isn't it bad to let him go like this?

Zhang Chang understood this person:

He is going to the front line. What difference does it make whether we let him go or not?

Besides, even if I say no, do you think we can beat him?

When the time comes, your life will be in vain, so why bother?

Can't the minister defeat him?

I have been unable to defeat him a long time ago. His growth rate is too ridiculous!

But he killed His Majesty, this matter...

You don't understand at all. He is not a criminal, he is the savior of the empire.

On the frontline battlefield, Gu Tianfeng faced off against Meiqi in person.

The rickety body looked very weak, and Meiqi in the form of Medusa seemed not to take Gu Tianfeng seriously.

Boy, the human body limits you. If you were a heterogeneous species, you might be able to go further.

Such a talent is really a pity!

It sounds strange that Gu Tianfeng is called a boy by others, but if you take Meiqi's age into account, it is not surprising.

Gu Tianfeng is only 103 years old, while Meiqi is over 1,500 years old.

The two of them are not comparable at all.

However, despite being at a disadvantage, Gu Tianfeng never meant to bow his head.

Let alone compromise with an apostle.

You're not going to win.

Why are you so confident?

The human race will win, it has always been like this.


Meiqi's eyes suddenly opened, and the petrified light instantly shined on Gu Tianfeng.

The iron rod in Gu Tianfeng's hand had begun to turn into stone, while he himself was struggling to support himself in front of Meiqi.

He couldn't close his eyes or turn around and look away.

Facing a ninth-level apostle, if you really dare to close your eyes, then you will face her ruthless sudden attack.

Therefore, Gu Tianfeng could only use the energy in his body to fight against the apostle.

Although God of War masters are already the ceiling of mankind, they are no longer able to compete with the apostles when fighting alone.

Not to mention, the current Meiqi is no longer an ordinary apostle.

She is more violent and powerful than ordinary apostles.

Still holding on? Hahaha, die!

Black scales began to appear around Meiqi's eyes, and her eyes turned red, with lines like eye shadow appearing in the corners of her eyes.

At the same time, Gu Tianfeng also felt a stronger impact at the same moment.

He felt that his body and spirit were being burned by a special kind of flame.

But he couldn't let this flame really ignite himself.

Gu Tianfeng had a premonition that if it was really set alight, he would definitely die.

I said, the human race will win!

Gu Tianfeng suddenly struck out his iron rod. On the way to Meiqi, the iron rod gradually turned into stone, then shattered into ash and dissipated in the air.

This time the counterattack did not have any effect on Meiqi.

Gu Tianfeng carried Minghuo and Shiguang on his shoulders and began to walk towards Meiqi.

This kind of energy confrontation is meaningless, and human beings' technical advantages cannot be used at all.

So at this moment, he had to get close to Meiqi and fight with her to have a chance!

Originally, I wanted to delay with you for a while longer to consume the effective strength of your human army.

Now it seems that it is not necessary.

The experts from the empire are almost here, right?

The number is actually only this small. In recent years, the human race seems to be strong, but in fact it has withered!

Even the instruments used to seal the apostles have been abandoned. Your failure is almost doomed.

Since you want to die, then I will make it happen for you.

Obsidian day!

At Meiqi's fingertips, a black sun slowly rose.

This sun was burning with billowing flames, and under its illumination, the corpses on the entire battlefield began to burn.

The remaining energy in these corpses has become the best nourishment for Ming Yan.

And if people in the battle are infected by the dark flames, they will also be ignited at the same time.

The burning of the underworld flames is almost irresistible. Unless your power is higher than the underworld flames, you will not be able to compete with it.

After Obsidian became angry, the entire battlefield was filled with mourning!

Leviathan, flying in the sky, was fighting with several level 8 masters.

After the Black Sun rose, he also laughed.

Before several level 8 masters noticed what was going on, Leviathan suddenly spurted out a large mouthful of black water and sprinkled it into the sky.

The black water was also ignited by the underworld flames.

In an instant, all the 8th-level masters fighting Leviathan, including Bai Mo, were infected by the dark flames.

The power of Mingyan is the real terror!

With the help of Meiqi, I can kill you all easily!

Leviathan has been very frustrated in the past few days. At this time, Meiqi's strength has made him dissatisfied.

But there is no way, he is not as powerful as Meiqi now.

He alone does not have enough organizational skills.

Even with the power of his body, he couldn't fight against the large number of human masters.

He had to give up something and get help from Maggie.

But he is not a completely brainless guy. When he is fighting, he can also use Meiqi's power to reduce his pressure, just like now.

Hahahaha! Burn them to death!

The destructive power of Ming Yan plunged everyone on the battlefield into despair.

Even Gu Tianfeng and Bai Mo knew very well that if Ming Yan continued to burn like this, they would inevitably collapse!

Moreover, it was defeated in one battle, and there was absolutely no chance of a comeback.

But the problem now is that they seem to have no means to fight against the underworld flames!

Are you going to lose?

While Gu Tianfeng struggled to support him, he also had doubts in his heart!

But at this moment, he suddenly felt the thing in his arms!

That thing... is the Omnic Heart?

This thing was given to him by Lu Luo.

No, I haven't lost yet!

Suddenly, among the coalition forces, a large missile launching equipment stood up directly.

The brilliance of electrons flickered in the eyes of the dots it formed. Its perspective scanned back and forth between humans and alien species, and finally stopped at the alien species that pounced on humans.

[Detected the apostle's aura, executed the last line of defense order of the Omnic Heart, and expelled! 】


More than a dozen missiles were fired from its back, instantly repelling several waves of alien species in front of it.

Behind this omnic, more and more omnics stood up.

It's like they are waiting for their final mission to come and rise again here.

Cannons, missiles, lasers, and the Omnic Heart species, as the last resort of mankind, began to fight against the alien species.

Their steel bodies provide the best protection for mankind.

The body of the omnic can be burned in a short period of time without fear. It is indeed the best means of resistance at this time!

For the Empire!

A man whose whole body was burning with dark flames stood up.

After he stood up, more and more people stood up as well.

For the Empire!

Their bodies have been ignited by the dark flames, and there is no cure. They are almost certain to die.

But under such circumstances, they rushed directly towards the alien group.

Contaminate the dark flames on your own body to the bodies of other alien species.

The indiscriminate attack effect of Ming Yan also appeared at this moment.

With the suicidal charge attacks of humans, more and more alien species were ignited by the dark flames.

The discipline of the alien species is almost the fear of superiors, and there is almost no will in them.

Fear, fear, retreat, all situations arise in heterogeneous groups.

Human beings, on the other hand, rushed out with the strong will that sprouted from despair.

The alien species fell in droves, while humans were victorious.

At this moment, the battlefield almost had a reversal trend.

Wu Yeji took the lead with a sword in hand and a large number of bandages all over her body.

For the sake of the empire, we must win today!

Must win!

Humanity once again launched a charge, with teamwork, superb skills, and powerful energy.

There are also a lot of omnic support.

They broke through the alien army for the first time.

After losing control, the alien species were almost defeated and began to be slaughtered wantonly by humans.

They cannot even muster the will to resist.

At the level of life and death, even the pressure of Meiqi, the tenth apostle, has no effect.

Did you see it, Orochi, I said, the human race will win!

Meiqi glanced at the ground. The defeat of the alien army was indeed beyond her imagination.

The number of alien troops can be said to be several times that of humans. I didn't expect them to be so vulnerable.

With so many advantages, it can still be beaten back by humans.

It’s not surprising that alien species cannot establish a kingdom.

However, she doesn't care much about the death of these alien species. Any product or creature like alien species can be distorted into a bunch when it encounters dark energy.

Give them a little nourishment and they can grow quickly.

Therefore, Meiqi doesn't care how many alien species die.

Huh, they're just cannon fodder.

Isn’t the value of cannon fodder just death?

Meiqi suddenly grabbed Gu Tianfeng, who had been approaching her, in her hand.

Don't you want to get close to me and fight me in close combat?

Now I give you a chance, but unfortunately, you are useless!

Meiqi's strength has completely exceeded Gu Tianfeng's expectations.

He couldn't understand that Meiqi's energy was almost endless, so her body should be very weak.

But why is her body so strong now?


Gu Tianfeng was speechless and was about to be crushed to death by Meiqi's hands.

But the next second, a steam giant appeared in front of her!

Deliberate punch!

The punch knocked away Meiqi and saved Gu Tianfeng.

When Gu Tianfeng looked at the person, he found that the person was actually a girl about 14-15 years old!

Who are you?

My name is Lu Xiaotian, you can call me Lord Nightmare!

Lu Xiaotian suddenly clenched his fist, and the steam giant in the sky also clenched his fist.

She swung out her fist and hit Meiqi directly in front of her.

But it was blocked by Meiqi's Ming Yan again.

My goddaughter! Why did you betray your mother?

Could it be that I wasn't good enough to you before?

Hmph, what a fart, you snake spirit, you should have died long ago!

Lu Luo should actually bear a lot of responsibility for Lu Xiaotian's bad mouth.

However, at this time, Lu Xiaotian did already possess the eighth-level human purple, and also had the strength and physique of an eighth-level alien king.

Like Lu Luo, she is a true dual-ability person.

This also gave her the ability to fight against Meiqi at this moment.

But Meiqi didn't care at all about Lu Xiaotian's arrival.

Innocent little girl!

She suddenly pulled the obsidian sun in the sky!

This thing that looked like a black sun actually began to fall from the sky.

As the obsidian sun sets, the underworld flames on the ground become more intense than before!

Lu Xiaotian looked at Hei Ri, feeling a little bit of struggle in her heart.

But in the end, she still stood up.

The steam giant landed on his feet, raised his hands, and supported Hei Ri forcefully.

Lu Xiaotian opened her mouth suddenly, and the dark flames on the obsidian sun began to pull away, flowing into her mouth bit by bit.

The power of nightmares is also to control the underworld flames.

Although it is not as powerful as Meiqi in controlling life and death, it can break Meiqi's moves.

However, after Lu Xiaotian resisted the black sun, no one was going to deal with Meiqi at this time.

Unable to defeat Gu Tianfeng, he could only call for Bai Mo's help!

And Bai Mo, a guy who is totally incompatible with Gu Tianfeng, is actually here too!

You old man, why aren't you dead yet?

You're not dead yet, how can I die?

When the two met, they scolded each other for a while, then regained their composure and began to fight against Meiqi together.

Their conflicts, hatred, and complaints are all internal matters.

But the invasion of the apostles was a foreign matter.

Now that mankind has reached a moment of life and death, internal hatred no longer matters.

Because today, both of them may die here.

Maybe this time, I will really die! Gu Tianfeng said suddenly.

Hmph, it's really unlucky to die with a bastard like you.

The two were still yelling at each other, but they also rushed towards Meiqi together!

As human gods of war, they are the last glory of mankind!

But when the two of them joined forces to deal with Meiqi, there was another problem with Leviathan.

Leviathan's body was already very large, and the remaining group of eighth-level masters were already injured and disabled.

Now he was burned by the underworld flames again, and his condition was even worse to the extreme.

Leviathan rampaged through the crowd and quickly killed an 8th level man.

The reduction in the number of people makes it even more difficult for them!

It was about to collapse.

The black crow finally spoke:

It didn't work against Lu Luo last time. This time...

No need to use it this time!

Lu Luo's voice suddenly sounded behind him, and a swift shadow, holding a black and red sword, rushed straight towards Leviathan.

Leviathan saw Lu Luo and opened his huge eyes:

Lu Luo, you finally showed up!

Oh, are you ready to die? Don't worry, I'll make you into a sashimi.

In the eyes of the people of the Wasteland Alliance, the giant sky-curtain beast is just a lucky big fish.

Maybe it's not a real lucky star, but in the minds of most Alliance people, seeing the giant beast in the sky means that the day is very lucky.

Lu Luo believed that he was also an alliance member, so...

From now on, his luck value is maxed out.

The Fourth Style of Kenshin-Broken Soul!

Lu Luo raised his sword and stepped forward, stepping on Leviathan's huge head and rushing towards him.

The sword blade slid along Leviathan's body, and destructive power erupted from Lu Luo's sword tip.

The powerful force caused Leviathan to be split into two under this blow.

A lot of blood spilled into the sky!

People looked at this scene and were completely shocked!

Lu Luo killed an apostle with one sword?

Killed a ninth-level apostle with one sword?

Then...should he still be considered guilty?

Or, wait until he kills all these apostles before he counts anything else?

The people below were very optimistic, but Lu Luo, who was flying in the sky, was not particularly optimistic.

If an apostle is really so easy to kill, would he still be called an apostle?

of course not!

After Lu Luo split Leviathan with his sword, although the giant fish's body spurted out a large amount of blood, it was not completely split into two.

His disabled muscles and blood vessels began to tremble continuously.

Reuniting the broken body.

Then, the baleen on Leviathan's body began to glow, and strong energy began to surge around his body.

Fuck! It's really not that easy to die. Even Lu Luo couldn't dodge such a large-scale attack with speed.

He randomly slashed out a few sword energy, although it caused damage to Leviathan.

But now I'm afraid there is no way to interrupt the opponent's moves.

Whale falls!

Layers of auras erupted from Leviathan.

Every whale baleen is the origin of energy explosion, which means that Whale Fall is another indiscriminate large-scale attack.

It seems that every move of the apostle has similar characteristics.

The reason for their existence seems to be to kill.

Killing other life forms, humans, and even the alien species themselves.

Neither Meiqi nor Leviathan care much about the lives of other creatures.

Killing is basically their only option.


Level 8 people in the sky fell one after another. Faced with such a big move, even the strong people at level 8 could not withstand it.

After this wave of whales fell, only Lu Luo and Leviathan were left in the sky!

Lu Luo relied on his strong defense and the damage reduction of the unbelievers to steadily withstand this wave.

However, in this passive defense, he also fell into a situation where he was passively beaten.

Lu Luo slowly opened his eyes, and what appeared in front of him was a shadow that covered the sky and the sun.

A huge mouth with almost invisible edges was already rushing towards him!

This is...Leviathan's mouth?

Before Lu Luo could turn around and escape, the opponent had already swallowed him whole.


The huge mouth closed, and Lu Luo immediately felt an extremely powerful sealing force taking effect.

His belly...has the power of a seal?

Swallow everything?

Lu Luo followed Leviathan's esophagus and came into his stomach.

There is actually a town hidden here!

And in terms of architectural style, it should be the same place as Sky City!

Seeing this, Lu Luo finally understood why the Sky City was so small!

Because the other parts were swallowed up by Leviathan!

He has been relying on his own gastric juice to digest the floating city.

This city should be related to his seal!

And the reason why he swallowed himself was very simple, that is, he wanted to use his own hand to completely break the seal.

As long as he destroys the city in Leviathan's belly, a large part of the seal on Leviathan's body will be lifted.

A very simple strategy, but very effective.

It turns out that the apostles are not completely harmonious!

Lu Luo smiled, saying that lifting the seal could actually be left to Meiqi.

But Leviathan did not lift the seal, which meant that there was no complete trust between him and Meiqi.

If it were before, Lu Luo could find a way to provoke a fight between the two sides.

But now, this is no longer necessary.

Use Lu Luo to lift the seal?

It's a very good idea, but the mistake is that Lu Luo shouldn't be swallowed.

Because now Lu Luo holds the Destroyer and Devourer in his hands!

Kenshin 2nd Style, Rain Covering - Tombstone of Death!

The black mist representing the destroyer suddenly appeared, mixed with Lu Luo's sword energy, and began to float in Leviathan's belly.

The sword energy is getting more and more, more and more.

Lu Luo released all his power almost instantly, and then condensed it all into sword energy.

The black rain of swords was densely packed and began to squeeze Leviathan's organs.

Lu Luo knew what he wanted to get, and if Lu Luo wanted to get out, he really needed to destroy everything here.

Because without destroying the city, there is no way to remove the power of the seal.

That would mean that he, like Leviathan, was sealed in this city.

And you have to resist the acid in Leviathan's belly at all times.

This city can always exist in Leviathan's belly because of the power of that seal.

Since you want to destroy this place, I'll let you do it.

Lu Luo wanted to destroy, but his destruction was definitely not limited to this engulfed city.

But everything.

Destroy it!

Lu Luo waved lightly, and all the sword energy was like the chirping of birds.


The black sword rain exploded instantly, and countless sword energy began to penetrate Leviathan's body.

How terrifying would the sword energy containing the power of destruction be?

It was so terrifying that every sword energy could take away several meters of Leviathan's flesh and blood.

At this moment, Leviathan finally understood what Lu Luo had and what he had gained!

The power of destruction!

That was a more terrifying and outrageous power than the Devourer.

You got...yang?

I don’t know if it’s exclamation or his last words.

As soon as Leviathan finished speaking, his 100,000-meter body exploded and shattered in an instant.

A large amount of flesh and blood floated in the air.

It rained blood on the people on the ground!

The dark flames scattered everywhere ignited the flesh and blood.

But Lu Luo didn't care.

He directly stretched out his right hand and condensed all his dark flames into the palm of his hand.

Then, the underworld flames on the ground began to gather here.

A tearing feeling appeared on Lu Luo's right hand.

This is a side effect of him peeling off the underworld flames.

Mingyan is Meiqi's power. If it is normal, it can be used.

But now, Lu Luo has no use for it anymore!

And he also possesses more powerful destructive energy, destruction!

Therefore, the existence of Ming Yan has become an obstacle for him to kill Meiqi!

Now is the time to peel back!


Lu Luo directly tore off his right arm, without his right arm as a sustenance.

The violent dark flames directly swallowed Lu Luo's arm.

This ball of hell fire had absorbed all the surrounding hell flames, and a violent explosion appeared next to Lu Luo!


Everyone who was close to Lu Luo was killed in this explosion.

Only at this time did Lu Luo finally understand why the apostle's abilities were all indiscriminate killing moves without distinguishing between friend and foe.

Because at this point, even he himself has no way to control the power of violence.

When any force reaches a certain level, the only result is destruction.

Lu Luo walked out of the center of the explosion.

The broken arm begins to grow rapidly!

The fusion person's will has been poured into himself, and not long after, a brand new arm appeared in front of others.

Everyone looked at Lu Luo and exclaimed in surprise.

What they marveled at was not Lu Luo's regenerated arm, nor Lu Luo's amazing second brother.

It was the countless tiny tentacles extending from Lu Luo's back.

These tentacles pierced into the broken flesh and blood, absorbing and devouring them in waves.

Anyone with a discerning eye can see that Lu Luo is devouring the flesh and blood of these alien species.

Even Wu Yeji, who had always been leaning towards Lu Luo, had disbelief in her eyes.

Lu Luo...are you really a mutant?

Although they were far apart, Lu Luo's perception was too strong now.

He turned around and said to Wu Yeji:

Yes or no, does it matter?

After saying that, he suddenly increased the speed of absorption.

Leviathan and the corpses of hundreds of thousands of dead alien species all merged into Lu Luo's body at this moment. UU read

His body began to swell and grow larger.

The dark-red skin and muscles, as well as the pair of magic horns, all showed Lu Luo's current state.

The previous Lu Luo was only 4 meters.

And now, it is already 7 meters high!

Although this reminder is far different from Meiqi's doomsday snake form.

But in its complete form, Meiqi's Medusa is on par.

This state is exactly what he wants.

it's time!

Endless energy was still flowing towards Lu Luo, and Lu Luo himself had already rushed towards Meiqi.

His body shattered the space, and in an instant, he was in front of Meiqi.

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