Doomsday Circle

Chapter 40 The Bride Left in the Strange House

Do you like children very much? Lu Luo's fingers were a little tense.

I love you so much that I want to have a child for you.

Lu Luo felt bitter, even if I had a child, I wouldn't have one with you! What to do now?

Then give birth to one.

As soon as Lu Luo finished speaking, the woman took his arm, hugged Lu Luo, and kissed him.

Only then did Lu Luo see that the woman's clothes were white gauze. When he came into contact with her warm lips, everything in front of him disappeared again.

The thunder and rain did not stop, and the house was still dark.

[She did not release any resentment or hostility. She is a special species of ghost. Go and have a look in other rooms. 】

Lu Luo slowly walked to another room, which seemed to be the toilet on the second floor. As soon as he walked to the mirror, the room became brighter.

The woman in white appeared in the mirror and hugged Lu Luo's waist from behind. Lu Luo almost drew his knife and struck out. Evil thoughts were ready to summon him at any time, but he still held back because of the reminder from the observer.

The woman in white just hugged him quietly. After a long time, she slowly spoke:

Husband, the pastor said that I am pregnant, and our child will be born in 7 months! Let's give him a name. What should we call him?

The woman in white tilted her head, revealing a very beautiful but somewhat playful look.

I think it sounds better to be called Mingyi. Wu Mingyi, well, that's a good name, what do you think?

Lu Luo was touched by the woman's tenderness, and he nodded slowly.

Wu Mingyi, that's a good name.

Lu Luo raised his head and looked at the woman in the mirror. This look seemed to have a different meaning, as if both parties knew it well.

Haha, let me tell you! You will definitely like this name.

After saying that, the short-lived illusion ended again. Lu Luo felt the residual warmth on his waist and arms, and even began to doubt whether everything just now was true.

Is your husband's surname Wu? Wu Yun, or Wu X Yun, there shouldn't be many people named this.

Lu Luo continued walking, and when he returned to the central studio on the second floor, the color of the room turned into blue-gray.

The woman in white held out her big belly and ran to Lu Luo.

Husband, the pastor said that our child is a heretic and a disaster that will be judged. What should we do? Husband, what should we do?

The panic and pain on the woman's face made people feel inexplicably distressed. In the wasteland world, the Church of Dawn is an existence comparable to the Alliance Parliament. One is in charge of administration and the other is in charge of faith.

Because in the wasteland, the Church of Dawn itself represents light, an existence that ordinary people can never violate and resist.

This time the illusion changed very quickly. The woman lay on the ground in despair, covered in blood, and the white gauze she had been wearing was dyed red. She shouted loudly to Lu Luo:

Husband, leave quickly! If you don't leave, it will be too late!

The illusion disappeared again. After digesting the contents of the illusion, Lu Luo was silent for a while and walked to the last room on the second floor, the room with the dressing table.

As soon as they entered the door, the color of the room turned into dark red. The white gauze before had completely turned red. The quiet woman wearing red gauze slowly leaned on Lu Luo's shoulder.

Her belly didn't swell, and her face didn't have the deep love it had before. The only thing left in her eyes was fatigue and indifference.

Lu Luo looked at the dressing table in front of him. In the mirror of the dressing table, there was him but not her.

Husband, I will definitely listen to you in the future and never go to church again. The church is also filthy. Everything is just an illusion. Will you still leave?

[Analysis completed, a third-level ghost species condensed from personal emotions, regrets, and long-cherished wishes. It is unnamed. Its sequence ability is illusion and perception mimicry. 】

[This is a female spy with a story, and the person who left her here also has a story. I feel that you can talk to her, and you may gain something. But the only thing I don’t understand is why you recruit aliens like this. Like it? 】

What did the church do to them? Husband is dead? A woman turned into a ghost species? Where is the child?

Lu Luo had many questions, but at this time, he felt that he should be able to talk to this woman.

He often talks to people, and this is his first time with Gui, but Lu Luo still likes to take the initiative in his own hands as always.

What is your wish?

Lu Luo's question obviously surprised the woman in red.

Human beings love light, but they use all dark methods. Everyone wears a mask. Behind every mask, there is another mask. Everyone is the same.

Lu Luo nodded, confirming the female spy's words.

But if you wear the mask long enough, you will forget the face behind it. There is a depraved part of the human heart, just like a fetus asking for its mother, but the final path a person takes is still up to his own choice.

[Can the host stop saying such fancy words? As a sequence talent, the observer said... I don’t understand!

It is better to use data to divide people's hearts. 1 point is innocence, 2 points is kindness, 3 points is ideal, and the remaining 94 points are reserved for color batch. Isn't this good? 】

After Lu Luo finished speaking, he looked at the woman. There was no love in her eyes, and she seemed to be still thinking about what Lu Luo had just said. It was obvious that she was not a monster with confused thinking.

It's a third-level ghost species with a calm mind. So what was the purpose of what she let me see before? moved me? Still want to say something to me?

Sorry, miss, I think I can't stay here forever. The illusion game between them should end.

The woman in red rubbed her nose on Lu Luo's neck and sniffed it again. She seemed to like the smell of Lu Luo very much, but when she raised her head, her eyes were still cold.

This is not a game.

Sorry, maybe there is something wrong with my wording. So you can tell me, what has the church done to you? What is the meaning of letting me see these past things?

I forgot, but you are so weak, what's the point of letting you see this? It's really ridiculous.

[I heard it, she looks down on you, hey! It's too difficult to be a host. Even if you are looked down upon by others, you are also looked down upon by Gui.

The strength has not yet reached the first level, even if you want to add more points, it will make those who hear it sad, and those who see it will shed tears. 】

Lu Luo's expression was a little embarrassed, but he felt that it was still necessary to defend himself.

Well, Miss Red, people will always grow. I feel that my talent is quite high. It shouldn't be a problem to become the world's top powerhouse in the future, so tell me!

Okay, future top man in the world, I'll just assume you're serious. Since you want to know about this, I'll tell you.

I forgot everything, even the appearance of my lover. The only thing I remember is these illusions, UU Reading www.uukanshu.nett and the bride.

In addition, Mr. World's Top Powerful Man, my name is not Miss Red, my name is Lumona.


After Lu Luo repeated his words, the figure of Lumengna in red had disappeared. The only thing that could prove that Lumengna in red had appeared was the red gauze in Lu Luo's hand.

[Lu Meng Hongxia]

Grade: Excellent.

Effect 1-Menglu: Call Lumona.

Introduction: Red yarn soaked in blood and scarlet dye.

Looking at the red gauze in his hand, Lu Luo felt that something was not right. It was simply unscientific for a level 3 ghost species to survive inside the wall, opposite the Wasteland Security Bureau.

The level 3 ghost species sounds powerful, but if the hunter takes action, it is estimated that they can be killed in minutes. Lu Luo still remembers the way Qin Wanyu fled in embarrassment in front of Lu Di.

Who handled this case at that time? Did the investigator deliberately keep Lumona behind?

He rented a house here, and the ghost species happened to be alive. He also showed him a vision and even gave him a red gauze. Is it a coincidence?

Apart from the three of them, the only person who knew that they were going to open a studio and needed to rent a house was Ludi.

Lu Luo poured some water and started drawing on the mirror.

[Calm analysis - think about it for a while - there is only one truth. 】

[When coincidences happen continuously, it must be inevitable! ————Detective. Observer. 】

Lu Di - Bride - Ghost Species - Frequent alien events, after connecting with each other, Lu Luo raised his head and erased all the words.

So, what is the probability that Lu Di stayed behind this Lumona on purpose? What do you mean? Let me investigate?

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