Doomsday Circle

Chapter 295: Meeting to Determine the Future (Part 1)

After leaving the door, the group came to the yard of Qiao Xing's house, which was a place Lu Luo was very familiar with.

For a long time, he practiced swordsmanship here.

During the period when he was learning swordsmanship, Qiao Xing gave him a lot of help.

It was also during that time that Qiao Xing's system became known and Lu Luo's combat system gradually matured.

In terms of swordsmanship, he possesses extraordinary skills that are not inferior to those of the Inner Circle Church.

That time is really nostalgic.

When Lu Luo sighed, Mengmeng, Noah, and Qiao Xing had already walked to the center of the yard.

Nightmare kicked the upturned bricks on the ground, as if he was organizing his next words, and also seemed to be brewing the atmosphere at this time.

She, Noah, and Qiao Xing stood in a triangular position.

Although neither of them spoke, their aura gradually rose!

It's a little weird to put something like coercion on your back, but when it's placed on these three guys, it's something that has become completely substantial.

The pressure of the nightmare is like a black mist, full of danger and evil charm.

Noah's pressure is a stream of data that will naturally mix, simulate, and dissipate the power of the other two.

The last Qiao Xing is very simple. His coercion is like the actual golden holy light, sharp and tough.

The pressure of the three has its own characteristics, but the strongest one is undoubtedly Noah.

More than 400 years of accumulation of dark energy have brought Noah's strength to an incredible level.

Maybe he didn't break through to level 9 due to the rules restrictions, but his dark energy background is definitely the strongest among all the mutants.

Then there is Nightmare. Her aura is stronger than Noah's and full of aggression. In the final analysis, she refuses to accept anyone.

Qiao Xing is relatively simple, he is the smallest and most aggressive.

But he always acted like I would fight whoever messed with me.

The pressure of the three people began to affect the surrounding environment, and the power of chaos spread around.

There was no sound from any other living things in the yard, whether it was insects or birds, they had completely disappeared.

Even the dark clouds in the sky seemed to feel the spirit of the three top powerhouses, and gradually dissipated, revealing the moon hidden in them again.

The moonlight illuminated the courtyard and somewhat relieved the depressive atmosphere between the three of them.

Let the trembling person on the side breathe a sigh of relief.

[The big guys have finally calmed down. Lu Xiaoluo, do you want to pour tea for the big guys? 】

I don't need it!

Lu Luo didn't dare to speak, but the three bosses didn't pay attention to him at this time.

Nightmare spoke to Qiao Xing first, and as soon as she opened her mouth, it was a very substantive question:

Lord Qiao Xing, will you side with the fourth ring or the inner ring?

Lu Luo's breathing suddenly stagnated. This question went straight to the core of the current distribution of forces in the Four Rings!

The current East Fourth Ring Road is basically controlled by Nightmare Lu Xiaotian.

With hunters and a large number of guards, Lu Xiaotian can now fully integrate the productivity of the entire East Fourth Ring Road.

This will completely restore the emergence of the Four Rings and social order.

After order is restored in the Fourth Ring, other aspects will be launched, such as cultivating more core forces.

It would be easy to cultivate alienated humans or hide personal items in the new people's training methods.

But before doing these things, Nightmare has another hidden danger that needs to be eliminated.

That is the church of the Four Rings!

The current position of the church in Sihuan is very embarrassing, and even the believers in the church feel the same way.

Most of them are Fourth Ring people, and the believers are different from ordinary Fourth Ring people.

The believers have a certain status, but they are not considered members of the inner circle, so these believers are also very confused about their future.

If it had been before, Nightmare might have considered destroying or breaking up the small group and separating the personnel.

Only in this way can the influence of the church on the Fourth Ring be barely eliminated.

But things are different now, Qiao Xing is back.

As the archbishop of the East Ring, Qiao Xing holds a pivotal position.

Moreover, his strength and abilities are also very special, and he has many similarities with his father Ludy.

Qiao Xing's personal will can largely represent the will of the entire East Fourth Ring Church.

Qiao Xing's status in the hearts of the current Sihuan believers is almost comparable to that of the Pope.

As for the chief judge Bai Qingshuang and so on...the chief judge is nothing, and there is no trial court in the Fourth Ring Road.

Most people know the Hammer Judge.

It is precisely because of Qiao Xing's special status and his special strength that Lu Xiaotian came tonight.

Of course, I also stopped by to see what kind of medicine Noah, an old boy, sells in the gourd.

Faced with Nightmare's question, Qiao Xing did not remain silent for long.

If you want to know my attitude, then it depends on what you want to do next!

Qiao Xing's answer was also somewhat ambiguous.

He did not say that he would definitely stand in the inner ring, nor did he say that he would fight for the fourth ring.

It was Qiao Xing's choice to leave the question to Nightmare and find out what Nightmare wanted to do next.

Nightmare frowned slightly. In fact, she had not thought about how the next four rings would develop.

In other words, Nightmare doesn't know much about social development.

This is really not her fault, although she has gained a lot of human knowledge through many channels.

But she didn't have enough time.

Nightmare only took about 2 years to become an eighth-level king.

Before this, she had been in a state of conquest, fighting and conquering in the alien world.

This state lasted until the entire East Fifth Ring Road was completely controlled by her and the Red and White Castle was established.

After the establishment of the Red and White Castle, Nightmare had a channel to accumulate knowledge about human society.

But 2 years is really not enough.

And even if she could obtain human knowledge, there was no way for her to find books about social development, establishment of political power, law, and governance.

Such things are usually contraband in the Fourth Ring Road.

Only those who are truly connected to the inner circle may have access to that type of knowledge.

Nightmare is powerful, but she is not a god.

So this thing is simply impossible for her.

But Nightmare is not completely helpless.

There are specialties in the profession and dedicated people to do specialized things. She does not understand social construction, development, politics, and law.

It can be said that you know nothing about these, but it would be enough if someone understands.

For example, she specially called Lu Luo...

Lu Luo, come here.

Huh? The weather is nice tonight, the moon is out.

Lu Luo, come here!

Lu Luo looked completely reluctant, but he didn't move anyway.

Nightmare frowned slightly, suddenly showing a pitiful expression.

Have you forgotten my father's will? Have you forgotten that he asked you to take care of me?

Do you still need me to take care of you?

[I won’t go there, why not!

My boss is here, I don’t believe you can still attack me or something? 】

Lu Luo's eyes lit up when he saw the observer's prompt. Yes, Qiao Xing was afraid of a hammer.

Then he stared at Nightmare with confidence. His boss was Qiao Xing, the dignified Archbishop of Donghuan. How could he be afraid of a foreign species?

With this thought, Lu Luo quietly glanced at Qiao Xing.

But he found that Qiao Xing had turned his head and pretended not to recognize him.

Wo said! What does this guy mean?

[The observer has entered a dormant state, the host please save yourself. 】

Before Lu Luo could speak, Noah on the side spoke first.

Mr. Lu Luo, Miss Nightmare asked you something. To be polite, you should answer it, right?

And I also want to hear your answer.

After all, only humans themselves are the most familiar with things like social structure!

Lu Luo glanced at Noah unspeakably. Did the old robot mean to stand on the same side as Nightmare?

No, he has been in contact with both Nightmare and Noah.

Although both are eighth-level alien species, they are always in an asymmetrical state.

It is not impossible for two alien kings to cooperate. For example, Stone Mother and Noah have cooperated many times.

But Nightmare is different. She has expressed her disdain for these old alien kings in every word.

With this kind of attitude, it should be impossible to unite with Noah, right?

Now that the three big bosses are staring at him, Lu Luo is under great personal pressure!

Lu Xiaotian, you're going a little too far! Are you using your status to bully me, or are you no longer a good friend?

Lu Xiaotian curled her lips. They were just friends with each other, but now they are good friends?

This guy Lu Luo can advance or retreat, that's fine.

Of course we are good friends, but as a good friend, shouldn't you give me some advice?

Lu Xiaotian pulled Lu Luo to the center of the yard.

Okay, I know your abilities.

I have also visited your ring base several times, and there is indeed a little something there.

If the next social and industrial development of the Fourth Ring Road is left to you.

Lu Luo, what would you do?

Lu Luo looked miserable. Leave the development of Sihuan to him? Isn't this a joke?

Isn't this burden too big?

It's not big, I believe you can do it.

Not only Lu Xiaotian, but also Noah and even Qiao Xing himself showed some expectant eyes.

Although they are very powerful, they are still in a state of confusion regarding the future development of Sihuan.

Noah may have his own theory, but his theory is actually more inclined to the inner circle's theory of exploitation.

Compared with this, he wants to know whether there is a more reasonable development policy.

Lu Luo looked at me with the expectant eyes of the three bosses, and suddenly felt...

I'm going to start filling the cups!

How can I say this feeling? It's quite refreshing.

Lu Luo turned on the overclocking mode and used the observer to sort out his thoughts.

Then his expression gradually became serious.

“Establishing a new social order is easy to say.

But when you actually do it, it will be difficult, very difficult.

To talk about the development of the Fourth Ring Road, we have to talk about the governance of the inner ring road.

Don't worry, tell me in detail!

Lu Xiaotian raised her hand.

But this time Lu Luo was not polite to her and went directly into teacher mode.

“The rule of the Wasteland Alliance is not a complete rule of capital, it is the true core of the inner ring.

Or resources and power!

The resources here do not refer to food and water, but dark energy resources.

After I took over many production lines, I discovered that the shortage of food and water was deliberately created by the people in the inner circle.

But dark energy is different. Dark energy looks at the sky but not people.

No matter how powerful human productivity is, there is no way to control the production of dark energy.

In the past, the biggest advantage of the inner ring was dark energy.

It is precisely because there is enough and safe dark energy that the inner ring can continuously create force.

But now, this advantage is gone.

After the dark energy mutation, the dark energy of the fourth ring has reached the same level as the dark energy of the inner ring.

Dark energy is the real core resource. Without the advantage of resource monopoly, in fact, the inner ring's control over the fourth ring can be said to have been weakened by most.

The population advantage of the fourth ring is very obvious, and the scope of the inner ring makes it impossible for them to have too many people.

So after Sihuan has enough resources, if it develops steadily.

The future scale will definitely exceed that of the Inner Ring.

At this time, Noah poured cold water on it.

“But now it seems not easy to achieve steady development.

Forget it, keep talking, I'm listening.

Lu Luo also nodded.

“It is indeed not easy. If Sihuan wants to rise, it must be based on the four words of steady development!

I am not able to solve the issue of force and can only look to you, but I can still talk about the issue of the inner circle.

I read a lot of inner circle books and learned some information from these books.

As for the current inner circle, the dual-power cooperation of Parliament + Church has brought about a super-powerful trinity model of administration + faith + force.

Use super strong force as the basis of rule, radiating the entire wasteland ring.

I used to think this model was very crude, but then I thought about it, how stable it is!

Under the Trinity model, this kind of rule can even continue as long as there are no huge changes in the entire world.

As soon as Lu Luo said this, Noah, a talkative man, started to answer again.

“But unfortunately, the world is not static!

Changes in dark energy are opportunities for change.

And I feel that human beings, as the representatives of civilization in the wasteland circle, should not be so partial to a corner.

This world is not so narrow. There are wider places in this world that are worthy of our discovery and exploration.

In fact, my purpose is very simple. I want to create a world where alien species and humans coexist.

So, I want to hear your opinion, Lu Luo.

[Why does this old robot like to grab conversations so much? 】

I do not know! Lu Luo looked at Noah, although what he said was very beautiful.

But the ambition is not concealed at all. UU Reading

Moreover, Lu Luo has always suspected that Noah's ultimate goal is not just to establish an order.

A world where alien species and humans coexist? What a utopia!

Do you think there will be any problems?

Seeing that Lu Luo didn't quite agree with his idea, Noah asked questions.

At this time, Lu Luo had no intention of hiding his thoughts.

“The idea of ​​alien species coexisting with humans is, how can I put it, quite rich indeed.

But I think people's hearts are very realistic, and reality is very skinny.

Lu Luo, do you mean that humans and alien species will never coexist peacefully?

“I can’t be 100% sure, but I can probably be 99.8% sure.

Those who are not of my race must have different hearts. This is an ancient saying originating from mankind.

Most games between races will end with the demise or complete domination of the other race.

If humans want to coexist peacefully with alien species, both parties need a reasonable blend of cultures and habits.

Judging from the current situation between humans and alien species, this is simply impossible.

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