Doomsday Circle

Chapter 276 Lu Luo’s plan within a plan (Part 2)

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Liu Wei stretched out his fingers and wanted to use the Cloud Chain to fight back, but what kind of monster was Yang Liya?

A level 6 top hunter, his combat experience is even better than Ludy's.

She didn't give Liu Wei any chance to come back and resist. She cut off her fingers and directly broke Liu Wei's spine. Then she pierced his heart with her right hand and twisted it slightly!

Yang Liya looked at Lu Luo, her expression became a little gloomy, but she also seemed to have some relief.

[This woman is so ruthless and leaves no room at all. 】

Lu Luo, are you satisfied with this result?

Lu Luo looked at Liu Wei, who was lying on the ground with his heart pierced and still breathing heavily, and shook his head.

As the strength increases, the effect of the heart becomes worse and worse, so I prefer beheading to the heart.

What do you mean? Yang Liya frowned slightly.

The heart is not deadly enough.

Yang Liya would not give Liu Wei a chance to resist, while Lu Luo would not give Liu Wei a chance to survive.

Only by dragging the hunter into the water can this matter be truly resolved.


Yang Liya's eyes narrowed slightly, her fingertips swiped hard, and Liu Wei's head flew out.

At this time, Liu Wei, the investigation captain of the inner circle, was really dead.

The internal investigators present were stunned!

Although there are many rumors about Yang Liya, she is powerful, cold and resolute.

But in the hearts of the people in the inner circle, she has always been a very rule-abiding person, and this is recognized by everyone.

But why would this very well-behaved woman suddenly become violent at this time?

Many people wanted to escape, but the hunters present would not give them this chance.

Lu Sen grabbed the two inner circle investigators closest to him.

The huge force allowed him to directly break the neck of one of them, and then smash the sternum of the other person with one punch, shattering the other person's internal organs, and shocking the other person to death.

The members of the Inner Circle fled, but they were killed one by one by the Hunters.

Only Yuan Jiao, a guy who was so weak that he could be ignored, stood there, trembling.

One of the inner circle investigators ran towards Lu Luo, but Lu Luo had no intention of taking action.

Lu Luo even raised his hands as if don't touch me.

[Want to touch the porcelain host? Totally impossible! 】

Zhang Anran's expression on the side was very strange, although he had some guesses about the cause of this incident and the reason for Yang Liya's sudden action.

But Lu Luo's approach of completely alienating himself was really unacceptable.

So he stared at Lu Luo with dissatisfaction in his eyes.

Lu Luo and Zhang Anran stared at each other for a while, and finally couldn't help but said:

What are you doing, Captain Zhang Anran, looking at me? You still have this strange look in your eyes. You don't have any thoughts about me, do you?

If so, I can only be sorry, I like women, and I have a wife.

Zhang Anran ignored Lu Luo's words and questioned:

You used that little girl to coerce Captain Yang, am I right?

Lu Luo was slightly surprised. The hunter captains were of very high quality. Could they have guessed this step from just such a little information?

Zhang Anran's ability is indeed pretty good.

But when things get to this point, who can be blamed? He, Lu Luo, was just trying to protect himself.

I am a good citizen who was called by you to assist in the investigation. You wouldn't let a good citizen of the Fourth Ring Road kill the master of the Inner Ring Road?

What if someone in the inner circle retaliates against me?

Seeing that Lu Luo took the blame for granted, Zhang Anran was speechless!

If it weren't for you...

But before he was halfway through his words, he was interrupted by Lu Luo.

What happened to me? Did I kill anyone? Does this matter have even the slightest bit to do with me?

It was obviously you, or someone you protected, who did it. Why do I need to be responsible for this?

Why should I sacrifice myself? Why do you sacrifice me?

Do you hunters really regard me as a soft persimmon?

If I were really a soft persimmon, I wouldn't be Ludy's successor.

Do you think I don't know what you are thinking? What are you dragging?

Do you really think that this woman alone can lead the East Fourth Ring Road to independence?

Lu Luo's attitude suddenly changed, becoming very tough, and his language was very explicit, causing many hunters to fall into contemplation and silence.

Zhang Anran's expression was also complicated, but he still wanted to defend the Hunter Group.

But the accusation against Yuan Jiao is yours! If you don't do these things...

Lu Luo interrupted Zhang Anran again, this time his words were filled with anger.

If I don't prove my innocence, the shit will be on my head.

At that time, I will either personally kill all these inner circle members, or they will take them back and be sentenced to death for killing officials.

Complete your great cause of sacrificing your ego and achieving your greater self!

In your eyes, what does sacrificing one Lu Luo mean?

right? Is that what you think?

Lu Luo's aura was so strong that the hunters around him didn't even dare to look at him, because they knew they were in the wrong and because of Lu Luo's aura.

Zhang Anran didn't know how to refute Lu Luo, but he still had the final stubbornness.

But you shouldn't use your speculations to coerce Captain Yang.

But now Lu Luo no longer does this.

Captain Zhang Anran, we all treat each other, and I am not polite when doing things.

It's a pity that you are not polite to me.

[Someone took action against you. 】

At this moment, Rosen suddenly took action.

A palm filled with Qihe hit Lu Luo directly. Lu Luo considered many people to take action, including Zhang Anran or other hunter captains.

But I didn't expect that the real pawn would be Rosen.

Steam, third gear!


Palm to palm.

The cuffs of Rosen and Lu Luo exploded at the same time, and the floor beneath their feet gradually formed circles of circular cracks toward the outside.

Rosen took the initiative to attack, but Lu Luo remained motionless.

Which one is strong and which one is weak is clear at a glance.

How can it be?

His sneak attack had no effect and did not even make Lu Luo move, which made Rosen a little unbelievable.

Lu Luo's growth rate is a bit too fast!

He made a fist with his left hand and punched Lu Luo in the face, but this time, Lu Luo didn't hold back.

The pressure of the steam began to gather on his right arm, causing veins to pop out all over his arm.

Rosen's behavior made Lu Luo feel disappointed and angry. He didn't know why he was disappointed.

But at this time, he finally understood the reason why Ludy was born as a hunter, but never gave everything he had to the hunter.

Because hunters are still within the rules, and their thinking has become rigid due to their childhood education.

So this time, let's let them wake up a little bit.

Steam fourth gear-Raiche.

Deliberate punch-thunder punch.


The fists collided, steam mixed with thunder exploded in the air instantly.

Rosen's hand bones were broken layer by layer, and his whole body flew out like a cannonball, falling heavily against the wall, making a huge dent.

Lu Luo won with one blow, shocking the entire audience.

Although there were many rumors about Lu Luo among hunters in the past.

But most hunters' stereotype of Lu Luo has always been that kid or student who ran business in the security bureau and took orders.

But how long has it been? You tell me that little guy who used to run business can defeat a level 5 hunter captain with one punch?

Do you think I believe it or not? Whether you believe it or not, I don’t believe it anyway.

Lu Luo's performance gave these people a strong sense of strangeness. Rosen was not weak at level 5, but why did he lose so quickly?

This is a question that many people can't figure out.

[Your strength shocked most hunters, and you finally stood up, Lu Xiaoluo. 】

Lu Luo smiled and clapped his hands, and slowly walked to Yang Liya.

Okay, the people in the inner circle have been killed and fought. Things have happened. You should be prepared.

Yang Liya never spoke. She was always resolute, but this time she really hesitated.

Lu Luo, do you know what the result will be if I kill these people?

Lu Luo curled his lips.

Of course I know that the hunter killing the inner ring investigators means that the East Fourth Ring Road has completely lost its sense of openness.

The inner ring sent experts over to thoroughly clean the East Fourth Ring Road and restore order to the Fourth Ring Road.

Well, after a while the newspapers should write like this.

Yang Liya's expression was very surprised.

If you knew this was going to happen, why did you do it?

Lu Luo sighed slightly, he was also a little disappointed with Yang Liya's performance.

Yang Liya, so you don't understand Lu Di at all, and you don't understand what Lu Di's back-up plan is.

I don’t even understand what his ideals and wishes are.

Although your strength is not bad, your vision is limited and you cannot see further.

Therefore, you cannot become the leader of the East Fourth Ring Road!

This is the second time Lu Luo said that Yang Liya could not become the leader of the East Fourth Ring Road.

But everyone is wondering, Yang Liya is already the ceiling of the East Fourth Ring Road's combat power. If even she can't do it, then who can become the leader of the East Fourth Ring Road?

Do you just sit back and wait for death?

Yang Liya narrowed her eyes slightly. She seemed to understand some of the meaning of Lu Luo's words, but she didn't understand them thoroughly enough.

Who are you talking about?

Lu Luo did not answer her directly, but said very ambiguously:

Captain Yang, you already have the answer in your mind, why bother asking again?

If you have any doubts, you can find Wang Jie, the captain of the first team.

At that time, I may be able to give you some answers that satisfy you.

Wang Jie's confession occurred before the inner circle investigation team arrived.

If Yuan Jiao was not included in the inner circle investigation team, then there is a high probability that Wang Jie would be judged as the murderer.

Based on this, Lu Luo could infer a lot of things.

The leader of the hunter team 1 is the murderer, so will the hunter let him go?

There is a high probability that it will not happen, because Wang Jie is already at the ceiling level of hunter combat power, and should be about the same as Yang Liya.

There is no way for the current East Fourth Ring Road to give up such a combat capability.

Therefore, if Yuan Jiao does not come, Wang Jie's ownership will be the source of conflict between the inner ring and the fourth ring!

When we see Wang Jie later, if his condition is really as Lu Luo thinks, he is controlled by someone.

That was enough to prove that all Lu Luo's inferences were correct.

Yang Liya frowned slightly. Wang Jie was not in a very good state at this time, or he was in a state of confusion.

Moreover, he is very strong. It is dangerous to be released from the confinement room at this time.

Are you sure you want to let him out?

Don't worry, you've got something to worry about. If we really can't solve it, I'll run away first.

[A dog is still your dog! 】

Yang Liya was also a little speechless. Lu Luo's non-stick skill was better than his investigative ability.

You are really naughty.

Yang Liya waved her hand and said to the hunter on the side:

Go and bring Wang Jie here.

But Captain? Captain Wang...

You can take it with you.


Taking advantage of this gap, Lu Luo turned to look at Yuan Jiao, who was shivering on the spot.

This woman is the only person in the inner circle investigation team who is still alive.

The reason for her survival is also very simple, the tacit understanding and consent between Lu Luo and Yang Liya.

Lu Luo used a strategy to force Yang Liya to kill someone just for this woman.

He needed to learn from this woman's mouth who the person in the inner circle wanted to deal with him.

If you don't find out clearly, entering the inner ring rashly, the enemy is hiding and he is hiding, this is not a reasonable choice.

Seeing Lu Luo approaching, Yuan Jiao lowered his head in panic and leaned against the wall.

Although she is also a level 4 transcendent, her actual combat effectiveness is not at all.

If Lu Luo wanted to do something to her, she had no ability to resist.

Of course, Lu Luo had no interest in such a woman, so thin, so shriveled, the kind that would break into pieces at the slightest touch.

Who dares to touch such a woman?

What are you going to do to me?

Yuan Jiao was not a bold person, and her tone was already trembling at this time.

Lu Luo looked at her with a half-smile.

Shouldn't I ask you this question? Miss Yuanji, what are you going to do to me?

Then he came all the way to frame me, and even brought his colleagues in with him. What was the plot?

Yuan Jiao remained silent, but Lu Luo didn't care, and he didn't expect to find out the news at this time.

Okay, Miss Yuanjiao, we can discuss the matters between us later.

There are more important things for me to do now.

At this time, 6-7 hunters came over pressing a strong man.

This man's body is very strong, and his height is estimated to be about 2.30 meters.

Zhang Anran, who is not short in height, is like a child in front of him.

The man's eyes were full of chaos and violence, but Lu Luo didn't care.

Just like what he said before, if something happens to Wang Jie, it will definitely be caused by Yang Liya and has nothing to do with him.

It seems that he is really being controlled by someone!

[Wang Jie, a sixth-level extraordinary person, has the abilities of Liuhe Strength, Liuhe Weapon, and Liuhe Qi.

Strength 190, Constitution 250, Agility 110.

Possess sequence particles, the specific sequence is unknown. 】

A strong player in all-round development! No wonder such a person can be the leader of a hunting team.

Wang Jie's attributes and abilities are indeed very strong. He has practiced three paths at the same time, and his attribute values ​​are amazing.

Such a person would indeed act very tough in front of ordinary hunters.

But in Lu Luo's eyes, this Wang Jie was far less dangerous than Yang Liya.

Almighty first mover is not entirely a compliment, because ordinary people's almighty often represents mediocrity.

They know a little bit of everything, but they don’t do anything to perfection.

Of course, the Wang Jie in front of him was also a super strong man in the eyes of hunters, and even Lu Luo couldn't touch him now.

However, Wang Jie at level 6 is not as perverted as Yang Liya, with attributes like sharp knives.

If it's 1 to 1, the 1 to 1 here refers to Wang Jie's normal state.

Lu Luo was sure to escape from this level 6 master. This was absolutely possible.

But if the opponent was Yang Liya, Lu Luo would not be so sure. Yang Liya was too fast and powerful, and there was no chance of escape.

Lu Luo himself is also an almighty warrior, but he only practiced strength and qi.

Coupled with comprehensive high attributes, high speed, high defense, and high attack, it has created today's combat effectiveness.

Therefore, Lu Luo believed from beginning to end that only people like himself could be called a hexagonal all-powerful warrior.

People like Wang Jie are purely high-level and false hexagon warriors.

Wang Jie kept twisting his body, as if he might break free from the restraints of others at any time.

Although he was handcuffed, muzzled, and shackled, if he really went crazy, the only person present who could restrain him was Yang Liya.


Suddenly, Wang Jie broke away from the hunters around him, grabbed one of them and flicked him away.

The direction of this man's flight happened to be the direction of Lu Luo.

The hunter flying over in front of him was about to hit Yuan Jiao. Yuan Jiao backed away in fear, but there was already a wall behind him and it was too late.

Seeing that the situation was almost over, Lu Luo finally took action.

Gentle Qihe sprayed behind the person, slowly holding him up and putting him down.

The rescued Yuan Ji took a deep breath and glanced at Lu Luo quietly. He found that Lu Luo was not paying attention to her, and lowered his head in embarrassment.

Thank you! The hunter thanked him quickly.

If Lu Luo hadn't helped him, at least a few bones would have been broken in this fall.

Lu Luo waved his hand and locked his eyes on Wang Jie opposite him.

And Wang Jie also targeted Lu Luo because of his actions.

A level 6 without reason! Without fighting reason, it shouldn't be considered a normal level 6.

But for such an opponent, UU Reading www.uukanshu. net is in line with my current level.

Steam fourth gear!


Steam began to spread around Lu Luo, and the other hunters looked at Yang Liya.

Captain Yang, don't you need to stop it? With the strength of Captain Wang Jie, if it is not stopped, it will cause great damage.

Yang Liya looked at Lu Luo, then at Wang Jie, and finally shook her head.

No need to stop them, let them fight.

Zhang Anran was a little surprised. From Yang Liya's tone, she put Lu Luo and Wang Jie on the same level.

But Lu Luo's strength and age!

No, Lu Luo defeated Rosen with one blow just now. If calculated this way, it is indeed possible for his strength to compete with the crazy Wang Jie.

Captain Yang, are they going to fight like this?

Lu Luo knows this well. Since he asked Wang Jie to come over, he should have his reasons.

Everyone has been killed. At this time, besides trusting him for a while, do we have any other choice?

I don’t know why, but Yang Liya seemed to be speaking much more relaxedly at this time.

Is it because of what Lu Luo said just now? Is Yang Liya not suitable to be the leader of the Fourth Ring?

The hunters had their own guesses in their minds and stopped talking.

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