Doomsday Circle

Chapter 274 Lu Luo’s plan within a plan (Part 1)

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Yuanjiao's accusation made Lu Luo stunned for a moment. What did Chai Ganmei mean?

Came all the way from the inner ring just to target me?


Lu Luo originally sympathized with this girl who had been bullied since childhood.

But she was stabbed with a backhand, which was a bit of a show.

Lu Luo thought to himself that he hadn't done anything harmful to nature!

Do you usually just engage in people's livelihood, talk about your ideals with your sisters in bed, and develop your own strength and power?

What bad intentions could a person like him have? Is it necessary to specifically come out from the inner ring to target him?

After Yuan Jiao spoke, the people from the inner ring investigation team and the hunters also looked at Lu Luo.

If the inference just now has eliminated Lu Luo's suspicion, now, the suspicion has resurfaced.

Because Yuanjiao's ability has been demonstrated before, and it is indeed amazing.

Such a woman is so fragile, and she doesn't know Lu Luo at all. There seems to be no reason to target Lu Luo!

Compared to Lu Luo's words, the people in the inner ring were more willing to believe Yuan Jiao, so their suspicion of Lu Luo subconsciously deepened.

The hunter's side is slightly better, but there are still doubts.

Zhang Anran walked up to the two of them, stared into Yuan Jiao's eyes, and said with a smile:

Miss Yuanjiao? Are you sure it's Lu Luo? Anyone who lies will have to swallow a thousand needles!

I did not lie!

Yuan Jiao's expression was very determined, and Zhang Anran on the side was also a little helpless. This woman was too weak to take action.

Zhang Anran pouted at Lu Luo with an expression that said, It's up to you.

Lu Luo's face didn't look good. He didn't care about helping the hunter solve the problem.

But when trouble arose at this time, he became more irritable, and the situation of the initiator was somewhat special.

[This woman's life aura is not stable, and she is really weak.

With your strength, you will probably die if you do it. 】

Lu Luo felt that there was a problem with the use of the word observer, but the grammatical problem of observer was not just a day or two.

Miss Yuanji, killing always requires a motive. Can you tell me the reason why I killed Li Kaizhe?

How do I know? Maybe, maybe you just want to kill him!

Yuan Jiao was very confident in front of other people, but when in front of Lu Luo, his eyes were very evasive.

Did you lie?

[Conforms to the characteristics of lying. 】

Lu Luo nodded. Even if the Yuan Jiao in front of him was a frail woman, anyone who stood in his way was an enemy.

All enemies should be eliminated.

Lu Luo took a step forward and came to Yuan Jiao, wanting to catch this woman.

Liu Wei, the captain of the investigation team, also immediately noticed Lu Luo's intention and stepped forward to stop him.

Lu Luo, what are you doing? Does threatening such a girl make you feel great?

Although he had previously ruled out Lu Luo as a suspect, he was still more willing to believe Yuan Jiao's accusation.

Not only Liu Wei, but also the people in the inner circle have similar ideas, and Yuan Jiao is a trustworthy partner.

What is Lu Luo? The humble Sihuan people, do you still have to choose?

But Lu Luo didn't agree with them.

Threat? Amazing? Liu Wei, did you make a mistake?

I don't know that people are always more willing to believe the weaker side.

Because the weak will always get sympathy from others, but if you can determine who the murderer is just because of his words.

Then the professional abilities of you internal investigation team members are worthy of question.

Liu Wei shook his head, not caring about Lu Luo's doubts, and still chose to believe Yuan Jiao.

Lu Luo, you don't understand Yuan Jiao's ability at all. We will ask her to provide evidence.

A woman can make people believe her by just saying a few words, and these people still look like they believe her, which makes Lu Luo very dissatisfied.

It was impossible to make him surrender obediently, but the other party looked confident.

Lu Luo felt a little irritated again. Does the Appearing Spirit have any special abilities?

【Who knows? 】

The observers stretched their hips as usual, and Lu Luo was also helpless.

No matter what evidence you present, if you didn't do it, you didn't do it. Those who say I'm guilty, please give me evidence.

At this time, the thin Yuan Jiao stepped forward bravely in the face of Lu Luo's indifference and strength.

The contrast between weakness and strength was vividly displayed by her.

Since Mr. Lu Luo said you didn't do it, can you give me your hand again?

At this time, many people were looking at Lu Luo. If they didn't reach out, it would mean they were afraid.

Moreover, Lu Luo was convinced that nothing would happen if he didn't do anything, so he really had no reason to refuse.


Lu Luo stretched out his hand again. This time, just like last time, Lu Luo saw some blurry pictures again!

【Yuan Jiao! 】


[Help me deal with someone. 】

【I can’t fight! 】

【No one will let you fight. 】

【how should I do? 】

[Li Kaizhe is dead. This is an opportunity. Take advantage of it, Yuan Jiao! 】

【I see……】

The pictures were very blurry, and Lu Luo couldn't see what the other party looked like. The only one he could see in these pictures was Yuan Jiao.

But with this information, that’s enough!

Are you being ordered by someone?

Knowing this woman's motives, Lu Luo's thoughts became clear instantly.

Although he doesn't need evidence to do something, he does need enough evidence to convince others.

Yuan Jiao held Lu Luo with one hand, his eyes changed color, and he slowly stretched out his other hand.

A light-colored ball of light appeared in Yuanjiao's hand. This ball of light released relatively strong dark energy.

Dark energy of this intensity would be no problem if placed on a normal level 4 transcendent.

But the Yuanjiu in front of him was a guy whose physical fitness was not even as good as that of ordinary people.

The moment she released the light ball, violent dark energy fluctuations began to tear the surrounding air.

Yuan Jiao's body continued to tremble, and she suddenly spit out a few mouthfuls of blood.

Not only the mouth, nostrils, and eyes were bleeding.

Lu Luo, who was standing with her, was suddenly at a loss.

Wo Ri, isn’t this guy trying to get something wrong?

It's really just a case of false accusation with the body. Everyone is just making a living, so there is no need to be so hard-core, right?

The two of them are still holding hands. If Yuan Ji dies at this time, will the shit basin be completely pinned on his head?

Hey, you have a lot of nosebleeds, are you going to die?

Lu Luo would still care about him at this time, which made Yuan Jiao's mood even more complicated.

However, she ignored Lu Luo and focused all her limited energy on the ball of light in front of her.

The ball of light became brighter and brighter, gradually showing a picture that was not particularly clear.

In the scene, Lu Luo sneaked into the office of the director of the Security Bureau in the evening and hid.

At night, former Security Bureau Director Li Kaizhe returned here.

When he sat on the office chair, the room was suddenly blocked, and black power covered the entire room.

At the same time, Lu Luo also suddenly attacked Li Kaizhe.

The overbearing steam impact instantly penetrated Li Kaizhe's back, but after all, Li Kaizhe was a veteran level 4 master.

Although he has neglected fighting for many years, he still has the most basic reaction.

He sealed the wound with energy and began to confront Lu Luo.

The battle lasted for a very long time, and just like Lu Luo said, the two people's limbs kept colliding.

The explosion of energy and qihe destroyed the house into a mess. The battle lasted for nearly 8 minutes before it ended.

In the end, Li Kaizhe was punched by Lu Luo and his heart was broken, and he was pinned to death on his seat.

At this point, the screen disappears!

This time, everyone looked at Lu Luo with a strange expression.

The picture just now was clear enough, and everyone could see that the person was Lu Luo.

Same appearance, same body shape, same steam aura.

However, a few people are still a little confused, such as Yang Liya and Rosen, who have seen Lu Luo's combat prowess.

Although the fighting style in the picture is relatively tough, in their impression, Lu Luo's fighting style is more suitable to be brutal.

[The person in the picture is not you. Although the fighting style looks very fierce, it is soft.

If it were you, you wouldn't need to defend or dodge against an attack of this magnitude. 】

Lu Luo naturally knew that the person in the picture was not him, but the question was, how should he clear his suspicions now?

The inner ring investigation team members on the side had already drawn their guns and pointed them at Lu Luo.

Lu Luo, you are suspected of killing senior officials of the Inner Ring and causing a stir in the security and stability of the Inner Ring and the Fourth Ring.

Now we want to arrest you and bring you back to the inner circle to assist in the investigation. Please cooperate.

Lu Luo still ignored them, but looked at Yang Liya and briefly defended himself.

Captain Yang, this person is obviously not me, I'm not that weak.

If I had done it, the entire battle would not have lasted more than 30 seconds.

Moreover, the opponent's attacks are soft. If it really comes to blows, I won't be able to dodge or defend.

I probably know your strength and abilities, but...

Yang Liya nodded, but she hesitated. She was hiding something about this matter.

She didn't want Lu Luo to know these things, nor did she want the hunters and the people in the inner circle to know.

Lu Luo also understood the other party's behavior because he guessed that Yang Liya didn't want to have a complete stalemate with the inner circle yet.

Comprehensibility belongs to understanding, and feeling belongs to feeling.

The last time Yang Liya invited him to join the Hunter 2 team, this was the reason why he didn't join.

Yang Liya is a rationalist. She always considers the interests of the group and ignores emotions.

This point is in conflict with Lu Luo.

Although Lu Luo would also consider the interests of the group, he would choose to give it a go for the sake of his good brothers.

Of course, several girls are also in the category of good brothers.

The two sides have different ideas, so Yang Liya will not choose to fully support Lu Luo at this time.

Liu Wei had already stepped forward and wanted to pull Yuan Jiao back from Lu Luo's hands, but Lu Luo refused.

Lu Luo, there has never been an error in the ability of the manifesting spirit. Please stop resisting needlessly and come with us.

The investigators of the inner ring showed a relaxed attitude. This fourth ring mission was also very stressful for them.

Now that everyone has gained the stolen goods, what is there to argue about? Just take people away and that's it.

Lu Luo, you'd better not do anything stupid, although the situation in the inner and fourth rings is a bit complicated now.

But it’s not like you, the leader of a small force, can interfere.

Liu Wei's sense of Lu Luo was quite good, so he hoped that Lu Luo could return from his lost ways and not make the same mistake again and again.

Lu Luo didn't want to pay attention to these people at all. All he cared about was Yuan Jiao in front of him.

Why are you targeting me? Coercion?

Lu Luo's fingers tightened slightly, and then...


Yuan Jiao's hand was actually dislocated. The fragile woman was stunned at first, and then her expression turned a little painful and helpless.

Lu Luo also didn't expect that just by exerting a little force, the opponent's arm would be dislocated!

With such a physique, even if he wanted to torture him to extract a confession, it would be unrealistic.

Lu Luo, what are you doing? Don't hurt Yuan Jiao!

I didn't hurt him, I just wanted to ask Miss Yuan Jiao, is your manifesting spirit really infallible?

Yuan Jiao suddenly panicked when she saw that Lu Luo had no intention of letting him go. He was different from the person she had met before.

No, the manifesting spirit never makes mistakes.

[She is very confident and must be telling the truth. 】

What about fraud? Like you framed me or something?

Lu Luo grabbed Yuan Ji's collar and picked her up with one hand.

Although Yuan Jiao has been bullied since he was a child, he has never experienced such rude and rude behavior in the inner circle.

So now, Yuan Jiao was panicked!

I didn't! I really didn't.

【lie! Her physical fitness was so poor and her heartbeat fluctuated violently. 】

Lu Luo, put Yuan Jiao down.

All the people in the inner circle have raised their guns, including Liu Wei.

The expressions of the hunters were also a little strange. In their opinion, it was indeed unethical for Lu Luo to bully a fragile woman like Yuan Jiao.

Lu Luo didn't bother to pay attention to these people at all. A shot with this level of strength would be forced to take it.

Did the people from Sihuan ask you to deal with me?

I really don't. Yuan Jiao shook his head.

【lie! 】

Is it from the inner circle?

No! Yuan Jiao continued to shake his head.

【lie! 】

Members of Council 13?

No... Yuan Jiao shook his head again.

【lie! 】

The other party is very powerful? Are they coercing you?


Yuan Jiao simply stopped talking, but Lu Luo seemed to have found the key to the problem.

Your loved ones are in their hands and you are being threatened?

Can you please stop asking?

【Truth! 】

Yuan Jiao looked at Lu Luo imploringly, and Lu Luo finally nodded.

I probably understand.

Lu Luo finally let go of Yuan Jiao, and the investigation team from the inner circle suddenly took action!

Four level 4 masters attacked boldly, and at the same time, behind them, several dark energy pulse bullets hit Lu Luo's body.

Bang bang bang!

The bullets fired at close range made Lu Luo's head tilt back slightly!

His muscles bulged slightly, Lu Luo put one foot on the ground.

Deliberate punch!


The three level 4 investigators flew out in response. The steam tore their clothes and shattered their muscles and skin, leaving these people lying on the ground wailing in pain.

Lu Luo grabbed the arm of the last investigator and punched him suddenly!


The punch nailed the man's ear, and the entire ground beneath him began to shatter.

Lu Luo picked up the man and threw him aside casually.

The strength he showed surprised everyone!

Did you see it? I just said that if I wanted to kill Li Kaizhe, it would not take me 30 seconds, so I can't be the murderer.

You seem to be more willing to believe this woman's sequence than the evidence.

But I can tell you that sequence is the easiest thing to fake.

Because except for herself, no one of you can know what her sequence ability is!

Liu Wei looked at Lu Luo. At this time, he already understood that if the hunters didn't help, they would have no way to capture Lu Luo.

Then what do you want to do now?

What do I want to do? My request is very simple, that is, give me a chance to find evidence and prove my innocence.

Of course, I will prove by the way that this woman is lying to you.

The people in the inner circle wanted to come forward and say something, and it was obvious that they really trusted Yuan Jiao.

However, Liu Wei still stopped them. At this time, he could not continue to anger Lu Luo.

Is your request that simple?

“Of course, it’s already the 5th century, the first year of the alliance.

Is there really anyone who still believes in the Goddess? No way? No way?

Lu Luo's exaggerated appearance made the people in the inner ring a little at a loss, UU read www.uukanshu. net also changes the senses of hunting people a little bit.

Maybe this woman really has a problem.

Lu Luo, if you need any help, just ask.

Yang Liya finally spoke at this time, but Lu Luo no longer wanted to cooperate with this woman.

What will happen to the Four Rings in the future cannot be left to a woman like Yang Liya.

Although Yang Liya is very capable, she does not have the qualifications to be a leader.

The future of Sihuan needs a higher will to lead it.

I need to see Li Kaizhe's body.

Yang Liya noticed the alienation in Lu Luo's tone, but she didn't care.

Okay, I will arrange these.

Lu Luo looked at Yuan Jiao again.

All the adults in the inner circle, if you can, please bring this Yuan Jiao with you.

Liu Wei did not agree immediately, but he looked at the confident Lu Luo and frowned at Yuan Jiao.

Yuanji, your hand?

It's okay, it's already taken care of.

Then come with us, just in time to see what kind of confidence this kid has.

Okay. Yuan Jiao lowered his head, not knowing what he was thinking.

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