Doomsday Circle

Chapter 243 Dusty History and the Disk of Truth

There is no holy light on Duorang's body, but the holy light on the other guy's body is very strong, and he should be at the level of a light seeker.

However, Lu Luo turned around and did not find Gu Fangyi's figure. He must have walked through the door on the other side.

At this time, they were holding a book in their hands and looking through the contents of the book carefully.

It doesn't look fake. Are you reading at this time? I don't know what exactly I'm looking for.

Lu Luo's eyes finally rested on the writing table at the end of the room.

A tall, indescribable monster was sitting there.

Lu Luo was stunned for a moment.

[This guy is quite different from the witch girl you imagined! 】

Her head looks like a woman's, but the size of her head is nearly 3 meters in diameter.

The gray hair was messy, with some disgusting bugs and flies flying on it.

The woman turned her head and looked at Lu Luo. One of her eyeballs had a red pupil and the other had a green pupil.

The whites of his eyes were filled with a large number of bloodshot eyes. From this distance, Lu Luo could even see clearly that these bloodshot eyes were beating continuously.

The huge aquiline nose occupied almost half of the woman's head, and snot hung on the tip of her nose, as if it might flow down at any time.

The woman's mouth is already full of ring-shaped wrinkles, like a woman who smokes too many cigarettes.

The center of the lips was smeared with lipstick, but there were bugs crawling around the lipstick, and some even entered the woman's mouth.

The pores on her face were so big that they looked like huge holes, and centipedes were going in and out of these holes, which was very disgusting.

The woman's body was hidden under the table, and Lu Luo couldn't see what it looked like.

But with the head she was showing now, Lu Luo couldn't help but feel numb even after watching a lot of disgusting movies.

My SAN value is dropping, this guy is even more outrageous than a g-type monster!

[Nightmare Witch-Ellie, a fifth-level lord, a deformed species, the power of nightmares, the power of dark flames, other abilities unknown.

Attributes: Strength 45, Agility 20, Constitution 130. 】

According to a fifth-level lord, the attributes of the Nightmare Witch can be said to be mediocre, but Lu Luo did not dare to underestimate her at all.

Attributes are only a part of strength. Many extraordinary people's attributes are not strong, but this does not prevent them from possessing powerful energy.

When Lu Luo looked at the witch Ellie, Ellie was also looking at him.

The huge head slowly revealed a frightening smile, gradually revealing the teeth in its mouth.

Well, these teeth are not teeth at all, they are mouthparts composed of knives, bugs, and some sharp claws and foreign objects.

In addition to teeth, Witch Ellie's tongue is also a long ball roll.

After rolling her tongue and licking the teeth that were not teeth, the witch asked Lu Luo:

Little handsome boy, I really like your answer at the door. Beautiful people should die.

Now that I have lost my knowledge, can you help me find it?

Looking for knowledge? Is this a test on the second floor?

Lu Luo had no way to analyze the details of Witch Ellie now, but he still got some information about Witch Ellie from Linga.

That is the witch Ellie, who loves unknown knowledge very much.

The authenticity of this information should be very high, because if the linga wants to leave the kitchen, then it has no reason to lie to itself.

And if it is teaming up with nightmares and witches to deceive yourself, there is really no need to bother!

There are a lot of big guys here, don't kill yourself too easily.

Master Witch, what kind of knowledge do you want to find? How can I get through here?

Lu Luo did not directly ask about the key.

Because he felt that doing that would be too purposeful and would attract the attention of other people, and it might also attract the attention of the witch herself.

Call me Miss Ellie, don't call me Lady Witch.

The witch did not reply to Lu Luo immediately, but looked at the clock on the right. The hour hands of the clock were two wriggling earthworms.

The time at this time has reached 2:40, and the witch Ellie finally spoke.

I am the witch Ellie, and I am the servant of the Lord of Nightmares. My existence is to help the master collect knowledge.

There are endless books here, but I can't read so many, so I can only seek help from candidates.

So, smart candidates, who of you can tell me, what is the history before the Alliance was formed?

History before the Alliance? This question is not difficult! Lu Luo thought subconsciously.

But before Lu Luo could speak in a hurry, the slightly older level 4 Shenghui master stood up first.

Miss Witch Ellie, I know what you want!

Tell me about it. Witch Ellie nodded.

The man paused for a moment, seeming to formulate his words.

Then, he told a history that was completely different from what Lu Luo had learned from books and textbooks.

“In the year 210 of the Human Science and Technology Alliance Era, people discovered dark energy for the first time. In the same year, the Church of Truth was born.

Through research, dark energy can be used and developed as a possible source of permanent use.

The following year, dark energy was discovered to have the effect of enhancing biological physique, and was listed as the only energy enhancement source. The Dark Energy Association was established.

In 265, the existence of dark energy led to the birth of a large number of superpowers.

Because of the rejection of superpowers, the theory of the use of dark energy and the theory of the threat of dark energy completely broke up.

In 268, the Dark Energy War broke out.

In 270, a large number of weapons of mass destruction were washed away.

The rapid improvement of military technology caused by the war, but after the improvement, it declined permanently. This decline lasted for about 60 years.

This era is called the first era of human crisis.

During the First Human Crisis, dark energy levels continued to increase.

And because a large number of humans died and machines were destroyed, the revival of mankind began to rely more on intelligent technology.

The rise of intelligent machines has brought about a renaissance for mankind and also created the era of omnics.

But in the technological background of the omnic era, the level of dark energy in the world is still improving.

Alliance In 115 BC, the first omnic life form appeared, named Lilith.

Lilith has a biological concept and an omnic body. She can survive through charging and has certain digital thinking abilities.

But Lilith was not powerful enough, so she was imprisoned by humans.

As the first omnic life form, Lilith already has a high ability to evolve her mind.

She began to evolve under the arrangement of humans to meet the needs of scientific research, weapons, and genetic research and development.

But because Lilith has an individual mind, she has always resisted this process.

In the end, Lilith chose to format herself in 91 BC and completely ended the data, that is, death.

Humans don't know if Lilith has any legacy, but the second year after Lilith died, that is, 90 BC.

The omnic king, Noah, was born.

Noah no longer calls himself an omnic, but instead calls himself a mutant.

That is to say, literally, a species different from human beings.

He is no longer an omnic life form that relies on electricity, but an omnic alien species that is separated from human energy and can also rely on dark energy to survive.

Noah was the first omnic, but also the only omnic in the following decades.

Noah is very different from Lilith. He is no longer as pure as Lilith.

Noah seemed to be born specifically to take revenge on mankind.

At the very beginning, he lurked in the omni-mechanical items commonly used by humans.

Through the intelligent machine Internet of Things, a large amount of knowledge has been collected, and through dark energy blessing intelligence and biotechnology, we have begun to actively create more intelligent creatures.

This process was very secretive and lasted for 25 years.

People don’t even know that in 25 years, their smart items, machinery, equipment, and even personal terminals have become omnics.

In 65 BC, the omnic crisis broke out.

This is a race war, a real race war, a war between humans and omnics.

Also known as the Second Human Crisis.

A large number of human beings and intelligent mechanical life died. Under Noah's continuous army attacks, mankind once retreated to the wall of despair.

But at the final moment, the world's dark energy level suddenly increased, and the original energy system was completely broken.

Many omnics were unable to withstand the transformation of dark energy and began to die naturally.

Relying on the extraordinary beings born in the Dark Energy Age and the power of the sequence given by the Dawn Disc, mankind finally defeated Noah and won the war.

However, the war has brought too much pain to the world, the sky is cloudy and the sun no longer appears.

60 years before the park, mankind entered the age of gray wasteland.

The Dark Age lasted for a full 50 years. During this period, dark energy steadily increased, and biological species began to undergo radical mutations.

Even omnics can combine with other creatures to become new species.

This kind of radical mutation is a mutation that spans species and is also called an aberration.

A large number of creatures from the old era died, and a new energy system was gradually established.

World order is gradually re-established, and humanity advances to the Wall of Sighs.

10 BC.

The level of dark energy suddenly increased dramatically, and alien species that were originally rare began to rise.

This year was called the Dark Energy Invasion.

A large amount of dark energy gradually eroded the world, and the alien crisis broke out.

Also known as the Third Human Crisis.

This war is not just against humans, but also against animal species.

All kinds of alien species, such as deformed species, humanoid species, ghost species, omnic species, etc. are fighting each other.

Humans and alien species launched a bloody battle that lasted for 10 years, and finally advanced to the third wall, the Watcher's Wall.

On the Watcher's Wall, humans reorganized order, established the Wasteland Human Alliance, and established a parliament.

In the same year, the Truth Church was renamed Dawn Church.

The Disk of Truth, renamed the Disk of Dawn.

This year is also called the first year of the Wasteland Alliance.

But in Dawn Church, this year is also called the First Year of Truth because of the commemoration of the Church of Truth.

After this, it is what everyone refers to as the 400-year regular history of the Wasteland Alliance.

I've finished saying this. These should be what Miss Ellie wants to know, right?

[The information has been recorded, but is there something wrong with this person? 】

Lu Luo was also staring at the person in front of him.

He was silent for a long time without speaking. Not only him, but also everyone else looked dumbfounded.

Because many of the things this man said are completely different from those in history books.

Especially the Church of Truth, the birth of Noah, and the first omnic creature Lilith, he had never heard of these.

It is completely different from the textbook.

And this person clearly stated that the four high walls were not built in the era of human science and technology.

How does this person know so much?

[Unknown human being, level 4, has the power of holy light, is extremely pure, has a sequence, the details are unknown.

Attributes: Strength 45, Agility 70, Constitution 30]

A person with holy radiance and extremely high purity, this guy should be a member of the church.

So, like Siegfried, is he here to pursue the power of nightmares?

Witch Ellie had already stood up at this time, and she looked at the church member with surprise on her face.

What a surprising answer. This answer is indeed something that Lord Nightmare needs very much.

Human, what is your name?

The slightly ordinary man bowed slightly.

My name is Chen Mo. (The extra about Chen Mo's appearance can only be watched through full subscription at Qidian.)

Very well, Mr. Chen Mo, your knowledge has successfully attracted my attention, and perhaps my lord's attention as well.

This is your reward. You can choose to leave directly or stay here.

Witch Ellie took out 4 pieces of candy at a time and put the candy on her tongue.

The beaded tongue extended very long and was placed on Chen Mo's table.

After getting the candy, Chen Mo turned his head and glanced at Lu Luo, his face still calm.

But Lu Luo still felt that Chen Mo was paying attention to him.

Do I know this person?

[There is no impression or record. Judging from Shenghui’s perception, this is also your first time in contact.

Therefore, there is a high probability that he has known you through some channels. He knows you, but you do not know him. 】

“People who know me, people from the church?”

During the first round of the minority game, Chen Mo had already glanced at Lu Luo intentionally or unintentionally.

At that time, Lu Luo was not sure if there was something wrong with this person, but now, he is sure.

Lu Luo's first reaction was that this person might be related to Qi Xinzhu's matter.

But in terms of age, this person is much older than Qi Xinzhu.

So who is this person? What is the purpose?

Master Ellie needs knowledge, and so do I, so I want to stay here for a while and listen to other people's knowledge.

Chen Mo said with a smile. After finishing speaking, he took a new book from the bookshelf next to him.

Then he returned to his seat and started reading again.

Lu Luo already had a general understanding of the situation here.

There are so many books here. If the witch didn't have such high-speed information gathering ability, she probably wouldn't be able to read them all.

So, she needs someone else to do the knowledge gathering for her?

Lu Luo arrived relatively late, but from the conversation between the witch Ellie and Chen Mo just now, it is certain.

If you tell the witch useful knowledge, you can be rewarded with candy.

If this piece of knowledge is very special and novel, then there should be additional rewards.

Just like Chen Mo's special period of history, he was rewarded with 4 pieces of witch candies.

The previous question that I answered out of the norm was rewarded with 2 pieces of candy.

Useful knowledge, unconventional answers, and particularly important information. These points should be the direction to pay attention to.

So now I'm looking for an opportunity to answer a piece of knowledge that Ellie doesn't know, UU read or find a new note?

Can I just leave here?

Lu Luo looked at the bookstore. Just as he was looking up and down, the candidate next door found a note from the book.

The candidate who got the note clenched his fist tightly. His excited look undoubtedly made Lu Luo very strange.

Are you so excited to get the note?

If the note is stuck in a book, you can get it by just flipping through the book.

That can only be due to two reasons. There are restrictions on flipping through the book, or it is difficult to find the note in the book.

Lu Luo stood in front of the witch Ellie and wanted to speak again:

Miss Witch, I...

Little guy, the next question will be in 10 minutes!

Lu Luo's face looked a little ugly.

Is there a 10-minute interval between each time the witch asks and answers a question? Answer every 10 minutes?

The idea of ​​clearing the place appeared in Lu Luo's mind again.

He carefully observed everyone here, including the witch herself.

This bookstore should be the witch's domain. If you fight a lord in an intact domain, what are the chances of victory?

What about adding some other extraordinary beings? After all the other Nightmare Castle creatures that may appear, how many are left?

If you use the doomsday factor, what are the chances of killing them all?

Observer, help me analyze it.

[There is no information, so let me analyze it. 】

Real food!

Lu Luo shook his head. Although the key was with the witch Ellie, he still gave up the idea of ​​using force.

This is not cowardice, this is a kind of rationality. There is still a long time before the obeisance ceremony.

And 10 minutes is not a long time, so wait and see.

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