Doomsday Circle

Chapter 231 I really don’t do it for money

The extraordinary person named Wang Qiang slowly approached the red-skinned corpse. After approaching the corpse, he pulled out one of the corpses with an extended crowbar.

But after completing this action, Wang Qiang suddenly covered his mouth and nose.

Master, it is poisonous! And it is volatile to a certain extent. It is highly poisonous!

Hearing that it was poisonous, Shi Tian immediately gave the order.

Back off, everyone put on mechanical gas masks.

When going out, excellent anti-virus equipment is naturally a necessity. It is common knowledge that alien species are poisonous.

This team of extraordinary beings has extraordinary strength and is well-equipped, so there will naturally be no shortage of anti-virus supplies.

Their anti-virus equipment was not the crude gas masks Lu Luo had bought before, but the mechanical gas masks recently produced by Hongtu Arms.

This kind of mechanical gas mask was designed by Li Tanya after experiencing the Battle of Gaom.

Not only can it defend against poisonous gas, but it can also isolate odors, allowing extraordinary people to maintain a relatively normal breathing state and be able to speak normally, which is very useful.

Wearing masks, these extraordinary people feel a little safer.

Wang Qiang picked up his crowbar again and began to look through the corpses here.

Master, there are not only red-skinned bodies here, but also many level 1-2 mutant corpses, and there seems to be even level 3 ones!

Although it is stained with poison, it should be no problem to put it in a protective bag. We can take the materials off and it will probably be a good income.

Wang Qiang seemed very happy, and many other team members were also very happy at this time.

But if Lu Luo was awake, he would feel a strange feeling.

These people are well-equipped and not weak in strength, but their behavior always reveals a strange feeling of unfamiliarity.

This is because this team is really the first team to enter outside the wall.

Their identity is that of a private army of Haixing Minsheng, and all team members are extraordinary people trained by Haixing Minsheng.

Although these people are just trained armed forces, they are natives of the inner circle.

Compared to the people in the Fourth Ring Road, it is not an exaggeration to say that they are delicate in body and expensive in flesh.

As one of the three major companies in the wasteland, Haixing has always been in charge of people's livelihood production.

This time it was also because of the changes in the Fourth Ring and the emergence of disasters that they had a certain sense of crisis, the idea of ​​exploring beyond the wall, and the formation of some private teams.

Shi Tian's team is one of them.

At this time, Shi Tian heard his apprentice's words and nodded slightly with pleasure.

Although I don’t know where these red-skinned corpses came from, this situation may be a danger or an opportunity.

If a large amount of exotic materials could be obtained for free, it would be very encouraging for a team like them who came outside the wall for the first time.

“Have the team members start using protective bags to collect exotic materials. Remember to protect yourself and try not to have direct contact with the corpses.

If you are poisoned, you need to report it immediately and use an antidote.

I feel ashamed to say that Shi Tian is the only member of this team who has been outside the wall.

Leading a group of people with little outside experience, he felt stressed.

Because of the previous changes in Sihuan, Haixing Minsheng Company found itself unknowingly left behind by Hongtu and Lantian.

And if no solution is found, this gap will become wider and wider.

If the fourth ring becomes the kind of energy intensity outside the wall, then drug and weapons companies will naturally develop vigorously.

The Minsheng Company will definitely be greatly affected, because the increase in dark energy is likely to cause a wide range of plants to appear in the Fourth Ring Road.

And after adapting to the four-ring dark energy for a long time, humans are likely to eat some cleaner alien meat like ordinary aliens.

These seemingly inconspicuous changes will have a huge impact on starfish people's livelihood.

At this time, they, who have been relying on people's livelihood, can no longer sit still and wait for death. They want to reconnect with the outside world, explore resources, and develop new people's livelihood businesses.

Although these are still empty words for the time being, the ideas are always good.

Therefore, Haixing sent a total of 4 teams outside the wall, namely the southeast, southeast, northwest and four rings, to conduct the first wave of exploration outside the wall.

This kind of exploration has no substantive purpose. It is to explore the environment, collect resources, and understand the needs of extraordinary people outside the wall.

Experience the battle, kill some alien species, and bring the alien materials back.

I don’t seek to make money, I just seek to have a clear understanding of the environment and living conditions outside the wall so that I can adapt to the new rhythm of the Fourth Ring Road.

Through your own needs, you can understand the needs of other extraordinary people for living items outside the wall.

Only by understanding the needs of customers can Haixing be able to transform in this huge change.

Shi Tian's team came with this glorious mission.

In fact, during the entire march, they were very nervous and terrible. Two of the 20 team members died before reaching the Rift Valley.

Apart from killing some ordinary aliens, the team had almost no real gains.

There is no reconnaissance sequence, no dark spirit stones, no dark corrosion items, and no useful materials can be found.

It's simply a three-no team.

In this situation, even Shi Tian, ​​who was leading the team, felt a little confused.

But it's better now. They found a large number of alien corpses, red skins, and various alien species, including many rare alien species.

Only with the most basic gains can your team gradually build confidence.

However, just as these Starfish Minsheng team members were searching for materials.

A certain sequence is calling out to its host, and its host is sleeping in a pile of corpses, surrounded by poison.

[Host, wake up, there are people around you, get up quickly. 】

[Hey, Lu Luo, why don't you get up? You're sleeping like a dead pig, and others are coming to your door. 】

[Okay, it turns out you don’t care if others take your money. You are no longer the Lu Xiaoluo you used to be. 】

When he heard someone snatching his money, Lu Luo sat up with a bang.

Who robbed me of my money? Are you tired of living?

Lu Luo woke up and found that there were about a dozen people around him who were peeling off the bodies of the alien species, handling the alien materials carefully, and some of them looked surprised.

Such a scene made Lu Luo's expression start to look a little startled.

This? What's going on?

At this moment, Luo Ya walked up to Lu Luo and looked at Lu Luo sitting on the ground.

Her expression also became strange.

Why don't you wear a gas mask? Your body is still dirty. Are you contaminated with toxins from the corpse?

Hey, why don't you speak? Was he poisoned?

Lu Luo looked at the young woman in front of him and didn't know what to say for a moment.

He stood up and glanced around. These people also looked at him and stopped talking when they saw Lu Luo and Senior Sister Luo Ya standing together.

It seems that he doesn't even understand the most basic rules of safety and protection in dealing with enemies in the wasteland.

Are these people all fools?


Lu Luo was about to say something, but was interrupted by Luo Ya opposite him.

Wait, you are not from our company, are you? Who are you? What is your purpose here?

[Did this woman just find out? Are you weirder, or are these people weirder? Why do I feel so wrong? 】

Lu Luo also felt that something was wrong. It was obviously you who were robbing me. Why did you turn around and question me?

Someone from the company? What kind of company can send out a bunch of trash like you?

And in this dangerous environment outside the wall, there is no trust between people.

Even if you want to question me, at least point your weapon at me with a sword or a gun and show hostility. This is the most basic respect for me!

You looked like you were going to quarrel with me, and I was embarrassed to take action.

Hey, forget it!

Why don't you speak? Who are you? Ah!~

Before Luo Ya could figure out the situation, Lu Luo grabbed her by the neck and lifted her into his hand.

Her scream naturally attracted the attention of other Haixing team members. At this time, no matter how slow they were, they knew they were in a situation.

As the captain, Shi Tian pointed his gun at Lu Luo. This man standing in the pile of corpses, covered in blood, gave him a very dangerous feeling.

What does your Excellency do?

I should be the one to ask you this, right?

What's the meaning?

Lu Luo glanced around. He hated it the most when others robbed him of his money.

Why do you want to touch my things?

Shi Tian showed a puzzled expression, your things? What did we touch that belonged to you?

He subconsciously glanced at the alien corpses around him, as well as the members who were collecting alien materials just now.

An idea came to his mind that he thought was unlikely.

Could he have killed all these alien species? How is that possible?

At this time, Lu Luo also frowned slightly. These people were very strong, mostly at level 2-3.

With such strength, if you shoot with energy, it is very likely to hurt him.

So he didn't like humans pointing guns at him like this, not to mention, this was outside the wall.

You robbed my things, pointed a gun at me, and acted like I didn't know anything. It's really quite possible!

As soon as Lu Luo finished speaking, his body suddenly exploded. He wanted to capture the thief first, capture the king first, and then deal with the leader on the opposite side first.

The hot steam made Luo Ya feel uncomfortable in Lu Luo's hands. She suddenly felt a strong wind. This was due to Lu Luo's sudden acceleration.

Before Shi Tianhua could say anything, Lu Luo kneed him in the stomach.


They are both at level 3, but Lu Luo's current strength cannot be described as being at level 3.

Now he is the ceiling of the ultimate biological state!

Shi Tian spit out a large mouthful of blood, flew out instantly, and knocked down another member.

This sudden attack made others a little surprised. When they looked at Lu Luo's position again, Lu Luo's figure was no longer where he was.


boom! boom! boom! boom!

The bullet couldn't touch Lu Luo at all. It wasn't that Lu Luo was faster than the bullet, but that these people's reaction speed was too slow.

Their field of vision, shooting speed, and angle were all unable to capture Lu Luo.

Therefore, this battle can only be a one-sided beating.

Lu Luo kicked an extraordinary person holding an anti-riot shield with great force, and the strong anti-riot shield was bent by Lu Luo's kick.

The whole person also flew out upside down.

Lu Luo felt his own power and began to shuttle among the group of people.

Gunshots continued to ring out, and the crowd was in chaos, with no ability to cooperate at all.

Although these people's personal strength is quite strong, in terms of combat experience, Lu Luo only feels that they are noobs.

Why are you so weak? A level 2-3 transcendent shouldn't be so weak.

Is it because I've become too strong? No, there is something wrong with this team itself. They have no synergy and no actual combat experience.

Lu Luo punched one by one, and each blow would destroy one of the team's combat effectiveness, but he did not kill these people.

Because he vaguely felt something was wrong, this team was strange.

A team of this level was sent outside the wall and got here, but the team was still not wiped out?

Is there anything stranger than this? Looking at the group of people lying on the ground, Lu Luo fell into deep thought.

Seeing that his team had been wiped out, he thought Lu Luo was going to kill someone and silence them.

Luo Ya, who was still held in his hand, endured the pain on her neck and shouted quickly:

Wait a minute, sir, we don't mean to offend. It was a misunderstanding. We didn't see you, so we picked up your things.

We are the people of Haixing Minsheng. Please let us go. We will compensate you for your losses according to the price!

People from Haixing Minsheng?

Lu Luo's first impression of this company, which was as famous as Hongtu Arms and Blue Sky Creatures, was a bit bad.

How does a company like this survive?

Compensation? Okay, let's talk about compensation!

[As expected of you, when we talk about losing money, we immediately become energetic! 】

He stood in front of Luo Ya with his upper body naked, and his fair hair and skin were very impressive.

Luo Ya looked at Lu Luo in front of her and swallowed subconsciously. This person is so strong!

Lu Luo asked Haixing's people to open his backpack and pour out all the foreign materials.

There are all kinds of materials for levels 1-3, but the quantity is actually not very large, because these people didn't have much time to search.

Lu Luo took a rough look, and the observer had already given a rough price analysis.

[There are 53 different kinds of materials in total, with prices ranging from 300 to 4,000, and the total price is about 41,000 yuan. 】

There are a bunch of things here, including the things on the ground. I won't cheat you. I'll just give you 100,000.

100,000? Why don't you go and grab it? And there are some things here that are obviously ours.

What did you say? I didn't hear you clearly!

Luo Ya wanted to argue with Lu Luo, but when she and Lu Luo looked at each other, she was inexplicably cowed.

Then, can it be cheaper?


Yes sir.

When going outside the wall, you need to bring a certain amount of funds with you, which is something many large companies do.

Because no one knows what will happen outside the wall, leaving some money or dark spirit stones and exchanging things with the scavengers is now a common thing outside the wall.

Although the people of Haixing are inexperienced, they still know this.

They already have money. Although 100,000 yuan is a lot of money, it does not put any pressure on them.

After getting the money, Lu Luo was about to leave, but Luo Ya stopped him again.

We are the Starfish Company's outside-the-wall exploration team, and I would like to hire you as our outside-the-wall activity guide to teach me some outside-the-wall knowledge.

May I?

Not interested in.

[Don’t you ask how much it costs? 】

The observer is indeed an S-class sequence, and can always find the key points of things.

So Lu Luo turned his head again and looked at the submissive Luo Ya in front of him.

How much can you offer?


It's only 100,000, I'm not interested.

100,000 a day! We only need 3 days. UU Reading All the alien harvests in these three days belong to you.

But in these three days, I hope you can try your best to give us something useful.

300,000 in 3 days, this is really a lot of money! But what is really valuable is the harvest of exotic species within 3 days.

Originally Lu Luo wanted to refuse, but after he took a look at the configuration of the team and saw that there were actually 5 level 3 players and 13 level 2 players, Lu Luo began to hesitate.

These people are quite strong, and it's not just a matter of strength. Their equipment is also very advanced. The only drawback is that they have no combat experience.

He suddenly had an angry thought.

If he is considered to be at a real level 4 level, can a level 4 master with an elite team try to attack the lord?

Mother and son water mongoose! Just be there!

Well, it’s about raising the level of competency within the ranks of giant companies within the walls.

I'm really not doing this for money!

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