Doomsday Circle

Chapter 217 Secretly filming Qi Xinzhu’s little girl

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This problem has always troubled Lu Luo. Lu Di was already a level 6 master many years ago and was known as the King of Hunters.

Then his talent should be the most top-notch, right?

Even though he was being watched all the time, he still went outside the wall three years later, and he should be able to practice even if he was squatting at home.

Then why didn't he break through level 7?

In addition to the case of Lu Di, there is also Qiao Xing. Qiao Xing was said by others many years ago that he would definitely become a sword master.

Lu Luo knew that the Sword Master of the church refers to the 7th level master, so the question is, Qiao Xing, who may become the youngest Sword Master, has he really been in the Fourth Ring for so many years?

Are they unable to break through or do they not want to break through and cannot break through?

Hearing Lu Luo's question, Lu Di smiled.

I haven't reached level 7, so I don't know. I can't answer your question.

[I feel like he just doesn’t want to tell you. 】

You don't know, or you don't want to tell me? Lu Luo was a little dissatisfied.

I do not want to tell you!

Fuck, then why did you come to see me today?

Ludy's expression returned to seriousness, and he pointed at the red envelope.

Originally, I wanted you to help me once, but now that I see you also have an envelope, I don't need it.

I will come to you before December 19th, and you must be ready then.

Lu Di's serious demeanor was much more domineering than before, which made Lu Luo feel a little bit sad.

I know, but why don't you help the hunter?

Just now Yang Liya called me and asked me to find you. Are you related to her?

Speaking of Yang Liya, Lu Di's eyes showed some reminiscence.

Yang Liya, she was my little crush back then. It's not easy to grow up to this point. It's better not to hurt others.

Okay, just remember to stay within the wall when the time comes, and I'll take the initiative to contact you.


Then I'm leaving. I've improved the dust demon and practiced hard.

Lu Di dropped a new booklet, and as soon as Lu Luo picked it up, his figure disappeared in front of Lu Luo like mist.

Dust Devil II

Ask me for help? I also gave you an improved version of the secret book. I feel like you might as well give me money directly.

[Do you think he has money? 】


It started to rain, and the waiter from the restaurant came out with an umbrella. He was very sensible and also took an umbrella for Lu Luo.

Sir, it's raining, please try not to get wet!

Lu Luo glanced at the waiter and did not refuse the waiter's kindness. It was boring to embarrass an ordinary person, so he took the umbrella.

But after taking the umbrella, the waiter did not leave.

Any thing else?

The gentleman just ordered a meal, as well as cigarettes and wine, for a total of 15 yuan, do you think?

Looking at the apologetic waiter, Lu Luo's head was filled with black lines.

This bitch, Ludy, is paying 15 yuan to avoid paying the bill? He is even less human than me!

In the red carpet castle, Qi Xinzhu woke up leisurely.

She wanted to get up and sit up directly, but her body was too stiff.

He was in severe pain all over his body and could hardly move, so he had to use a healer to recover from his injuries.

Fortunately, her physical fitness is quite good, and the dark energy here is also very abundant. As long as there is enough dark energy to restore the holy light.

With the help of the healer and the power of the Holy Light, she could recover from her injuries quickly.

In the process of recovering from his injuries, Qi Xinzhu glanced around at the red carpet and white walls. It seemed like she had been here before!

The castle of nightmares? Why did it bring me here?

Are you awake already?

A little girl's voice suddenly appeared in Qi Xinzhu's ears. This sudden feeling shocked Qi Xinzhu, because she didn't feel anyone next to her at all.


Qi Xinzhu turned to look at the place where the voice came from. She was a 7-8 year old girl wearing a purple lace dress and black leather boots.

The little face is very delicate. To be honest, she is much prettier than Qiao Xiaomi, like a porcelain doll.

However, some details of her dress still made Qi Xinzhu frown slightly, such as the hair of the little girl in front of her.

Although it can be seen that a lot of care has been taken, the way the hair is tied is messy, with several braids tangled together, and there is no beauty at all.

Overall, it's a very messy, thoughtful but perfunctory, and very contradictory look.

Are you human or alien? Qi Xinzhu asked uncertainly.

But the little girl suddenly disappeared from Qi Xinzhu's eyes, and then suddenly sat next to the bed.

This speed is comparable to instantaneous movement.

Of course I'm human! You can't even see that? Your eyesight is too bad, right?

The little girl's tone was a little strange. Although she sounded eccentric, her expression was very serious.

Although Qi Xinzhu often interacts with Qiao Xing, he often hears Lu Luo's weird and strange opinions.

But when he was in front of this little girl, he didn't know how to deal with it.

If you are a human, why are you here?

What you're asking is very strange. You are also a human being. Aren't you also in this place?

The little girl looked normal, while Qi Xinzhu looked surprised.

But I was captured!

Maybe I was arrested too?


Qi Xinzhu didn't know how to describe the little girl in front of him, she was completely unreasonable.

She reluctantly sat up and leaned on the red bed.

The clothes on her body were soaked with blood and stuck to her skin stickyly, which made her feel a little uncomfortable.

Moreover, this outfit didn't seem to be that shabby before, so why are there so many holes? It was as if someone had torn it apart on purpose.

I wonder how Lu Yu is doing!

Lv Yu stabbed you, and you're still worried about her? Are you too worried?

The little girl looked surprised, but Qi Xinzhu was even more surprised.

How did you know? Were you there?

No, no, I'm just guessing, yes, guessing!

Qi Xinzhu looked at the little girl, well, her level of lying is not as good as Lu Luo!

Although this little girl was very strange and weird, Qi Xinzhu couldn't help but feel a little curious with such a human little girl by his side in the nightmare castle.

May I have your name?

Me? My name is Datian. The little girl stood up straight.

Qi Xinzhu was silent for a moment, this name serious?

Fields of fields?

No, no, sweet, that sweet.

Okay, Datian, why are you here?

Although Qi Xinzhu asked this question for the second time, Datian still hesitated again, as if the question was difficult.

However, she quickly gave Qi Xinzhu a reasonable answer.

Uuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuoriuu, I have been lonely and homeless since I was a child, wandering around, and finally I was caught by a monster here. It's so scary!

He said it was so scary, but there was no trace of fear on his face, and he even wanted to laugh.

You don't even mean to lie, this is how Da Tian feels for Qi Xinzhu, and Qi Xinzhu can only show a dumbfounded expression.

Is that so? Then your life experience is really full of twists and turns, Datian.

Hmm, it's okay if you understand that I'm suffering. These are the clothes I prepared for you. Try them on!

I have something else to do, so I’ll leave first!

The little girl in purple, Da Tian, ​​smiled exaggeratedly, showing her white teeth, and then disappeared directly in front of Qi Xinzhu.

Qi Xinzhu still doesn't know what kind of ability she used to disappear.

This should be the castle of nightmares, yes, but this little girl...

Qi Xinzhu was a little embarrassed. He did not go to get those clothes immediately, but continued to use Shenghui and Healer to heal himself.

With the dual healing power, the wound on the abdomen healed quickly without leaving any scars.

The fact that there are no scars is still a bit important to Qi Xinzhu.

Looking at his clothes that were already in tatters, Qi Xinzhu was a little curious as to how the clothes had become like this.

It felt like it was being torn apart on purpose.

Qi Xinzhu clasped his hands together and closed his eyes slightly.


The blood stains and stains on the body were cleaned up in an instant, but the red patches and holes in the clothes could not be removed.

After treating his injuries and cleaning up his clothes, Qi Xinzhu got out of bed and looked at the clothes Da Tian had left behind.

When she shook off these clothes, her expression suddenly became strange.

What are these? Wedding dresses? And this, cheongsam?

What else is this? Hollow clothes, this is too revealing, right? Lu Luo probably wouldn't let me wear it like this!

Qi Xinzhu's expression was a little tangled. Although these clothes were new, they were too immodest.

But her clothes are torn in many places now. If she doesn't change them...

Qi Xinzhu glanced at the door, walked over to make sure it was locked, and then returned to the pile of clothes and started picking through them.

The wedding dress is not suitable, and clothes with such holes are not suitable for me. It seems that I can only wear a cheongsam.

But when she picked up the cheongsam, she realized that it wasn't any better than the hollow one.

In the red cheongsam, the entire leg line is decorated with transparent lace embroidery. Wouldn’t such a leg line be exposed when walking around?

Except for the legs, the back is almost completely intact.

There is a heart-shaped lace embroidery on the chest. The whole dress looks very thin, well, light and thin!

After struggling for a while, Qi Xinzhu chose to wear this outfit, because at least this outfit was better than what she was wearing.

Qi Xinzhu took off his old clothes and put on the cheongsam left by Da Tian.

This dress seemed to be tailor-made for her, perfectly outlining Qi Xinzhu's always-hidden but very proud curves.

But halfway through changing, a raging sound suddenly came from the closet.

Wow! So you're so big!


Qi Xinzhu's face froze, wasn't he being seen out?

At this time, Da Tian directly opened the cabinet door and walked out of the closet.

It's okay, it's okay. I just forgot something. I'll leave now. You continue. I promise not to peek.

Datian picked up the clothes that Qi Xinzhu didn't choose and ran out sneakily.

Watching her leave, Qi Xinzhu's expression became even stranger.

Isn't what this guy is holding in his hand a camera?

In the corner of the door, Da Tian squatted on the ground, looking through the photos in the camera with golden eyes.

Wow, wow, wow! This is good, this is the ideal body shape!

While she was still looking through the photos, a black shadow slowly appeared from behind her.

The black shadow suddenly reached out to grab the camera, but Da Tian easily dodged it.

You secretly filmed me?

Qi Xinzhu said angrily, but after Datian hesitated for a moment, he immediately responded:

That house is obviously my room. I took photos in my room. Isn't this illegal?

You were changing clothes in my room and suddenly broke into my camera. How could this be called a candid photo?

If it was possible to scold a child, Qi Xinzhu would have scolded him long ago, and this big sweet doesn't look like a normal human being.

What you say is a bit unreasonable, right?

Also, you said this is your room, but if I read it correctly, this should be the red and white castle of nightmares. How do you live here?

Qi Xinzhu was not sure about Datian, but it was one thing not to be sure, and another thing to do nothing.

Because the nightmare is my master! It was the one who asked me to change your clothes!

Nightmare is your master?

Qi Xinzhu immediately made preparations for fighting. She spread her legs, clenched her fists, and raised them one after another, looking at Datian in a prepared manner.

Then Da Tian suddenly took out her camera...

Click! Click! Click!


Qi Xinzhu punched out in an instant, and the Shenghui gathered and penetrated, shattering the wall behind Datian with one punch.

However, Da Tian's figure had already disappeared without a trace, and when he reappeared, he was already standing on the other side.

Okay, okay, this is the position, keep it.

Qi Xinzhu had already confirmed one thing by this time. This little girl's speed, or the weirdness of her abilities, far exceeded her imagination.

At this speed, there is nothing you can do against the opponent.

Boring, too much!

Hey, don't be angry, why don't I just take some beautiful photos! My master is still waiting for you, come with me to take a look.

Your master, Nightmare?

The big sweet spot is like a rattle.

Yes, yes, it's very ferocious. If you behave a little better then, you might still be alive.

Qi Xinzhu took a deep breath.

I won't let him use me to threaten Lu Luo.

Ah? This... Datian suddenly didn't know what to say.

Lead the way.

Oh well!

Qi Xinzhu followed Ziyi Datian and walked towards the higher levels of the Red and White Castle.

They arrived at the top floor of the castle where Lu Luo had been before. Different from the last time Lu Luo came, this place had been decorated magnificently.

Because many ancient items were prepared, the decoration of this auditorium is even more luxurious than the best church within the wall.

Various animal clocks stood on both sides of the road, wearing the same red soldier uniforms that Lu Luo had before.

When seeing Qi Xinzhu, these animals will naturally bow and salute.

Although their body shapes and heights are very different, this salute posture is still very standard.

It can be seen that it took a long time to train these etiquette.

This is it.

At the end of the castle, a huge double door stood there.

When Qi Xinzhu approached, the soldier at the door took the initiative to open the door for the two of them.

It was still the same room without walls and could see the outside. The nightmare was still lying on the edge of the soft cave as always. UU reading

Qi Xinzhu's expression was a little solemn, the scene in front of him was a bit big!

Next to the nightmare is a woman wearing a red mask. It can be seen that her status here is the most transcendent.

In addition to the woman in red, there are two characters hidden in black robes whose figures cannot be seen clearly.

Finally, Qin Wanyu, who had killed them all on the street, was standing quietly in the corner of the room.

She lowered her head, looking completely different from her previous strong look on the street.

After Qi Xinzhu arrived, she just raised her head slightly to glance at Qi Xinzhu, and then lowered her head again, very low-key.

Looking at the alien species in this room, Qi Xinzhu always felt an indescribable strange feeling in his heart.

My master, I have already brought him. Datian said softly.

The nightmare on the soft floor finally stood up, turned around, and walked towards Qi Xinzhu.

The rolling dark flames burned on its body, and the strong pressure almost made Qi Xinzhu unable to breathe.

However, when Qi Xinzhu faced the nightmare, he finally figured out what was so weird about this place.

That is, except for nightmares, all the other creatures in this room, whether they are humans or aliens, are humanoid.


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