Doomsday Circle

Chapter 214: Distortion in the Ward

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The piercing siren passed by here, it should be the reinforcements of the hunters.

However, they did not stop, but went straight to the location next to the East Ring Wall, where the largest number of polluters were quarantined.

If the collective distortions are all synchronized, then that area should be the hardest hit area.

It seems that the riot caused by the polluters is not so easy to quell.

Brother Luo...

Gu Fang came over and wanted to say something, but Lu Luo just patted him on the shoulder.

Don't blame yourself, no one is to blame for this matter, everyone has done a good job.

Because whether it is intelligence, strength, or design, we are not on the same level.

Nightmare is a monster that makes the entire East Ring agitated. The things it manipulates are no small matter.

There are so many problems that even level 6 masters can’t solve, let alone small characters like us.

On our side, maybe it's just a random addition to other people's plans, so we don't need to take ourselves too seriously.

Lu Luo hugged Bai Yuetong, helped Zhou Kai and Lu Yu, put the other wounded people on a cart, and used a mecha to pull them back to the hospital.

Qi Xinzhu was taken away, and the circle was left without a healer.

Given the current situation in the East Ring Road, it was impossible for an ambulance to come, so Lu Luo had to take these people to the hospital for treatment.

Let's go, let's talk about it when we get back.

Returning to the hospital, Gu Fangyi told Lu Luo about the previous battle with Qin Wanyu while applying medicine and bandages.

From the hospital, to the streets, from him and Qi Xinzhu joining forces, to the final team battle.

Gu Fangyi's retelling was very detailed, and Lu Luo listened very carefully.

Level 5, Black Domain Witch?

Yes, she is already at level 5 now, and she does have the strength of level 5.

Because if it is level 4, Qi Xinzhu and I can deal with it and even kill it.

But in Qin Wanyu's hands, we couldn't compete at all, and the only chance to kill him was dodged by her.

Lu Luo nodded. The name Qin Wanyu had a very deep impression on his mind.

These are the memories of the original owner of the body. Are they considered childhood sweethearts?

And even after he traveled through time, he had some contact with Qin Wanyu.

Beautiful, talkative, and from the very beginning, she unabashedly expressed her admiration for Lu Luo.

But today's Lu Luo is no longer the Lu Luo before. No matter what Qin Wanyu's purpose is, her behavior is unacceptable to Lu Luo.

“I know, her ability is indeed very tricky, if I had been there at the time, I should have had a chance.

Brother Gu, what do you want to do?

Lu Luo was a little confused when he saw Gu Fang getting up, but Gu Fang just shook his head.

Brother Luo, my injury is not serious.

Lu Luo nodded and didn't even ask where he was going. He knew that Gu Fangyi could take care of him.

Gu Fangyi is a real warrior and the one who has made the fastest progress. At this time, he is probably going to continue to participate in the battle in the East Ring.

In fact, Lu Luo also wanted to go, but he was the boss of the circle and couldn't be so free and easy.


Lu Luo stood up and walked towards Zhou Kai's room.

Lu Yu, who was following him, remained silent. She seemed to remember her previous actions towards Qi Xinzhu.

She felt that those were her mistakes, so she followed Lu Luo silently without saying a word.

When Lu Luo came to Zhou Kai's ward, Zhou Kai was lying on the hospital bed with a smile that was uglier than crying.

Brother Luo is here!

Lv Yu, you go out first. Lu Luo turned to Lv Yu and said.

Huh? Oh, then I'll wait for you outside.

Lu Yu left the room obediently and closed the door, leaving some private space for Lu Luo and Zhou Kai.


After Lu Yu left, Zhou Kai began to lower his head and sob softly.

Seeing Zhou Kai, who had always been a bit stubborn, crying here, Lu Luo could only sigh silently at this time.

Brother Kai, if I were here at that time, maybe...

Lu Luo couldn't go on. So many brothers had died, and it was meaningless to talk about it now.

Zhou Kai took a deep breath and adjusted his breathing.

It's useless, Brother Luo, this world is like this, the strong is king, and the weak can only be slaughtered at will.

Since the brothers have followed you, they have naturally been mentally prepared to face the real world.

The so-called abyss, if you really go down it, you will have a bright future.

No one wants to be a loser in the Fourth Ring Road.

They are willing to die, not because they are born heroic, but because they choose to be fearless.

[Brother Kai’s dark energy level is increasing, and his arms may be deformed. 】

Lu Luo knew that emotions were the most likely thing to affect the degree of distortion.

Wu En was like this, and so was Zhuang Yanshan.

At this time, Brother Kai's arm had turned into a plant, spreading like a vine that grew disorderly in the room.

He did not have the adjustment and filtering mechanism of the Fusioner and the Devourer, and Lu Luo was really afraid that he would undergo severe distortions.

His eyes became pure white, like white eye disease, which is a precursor to complete deformation.

Looking at Zhou Kai's appearance, Lu Luo frowned and directly grabbed Zhou Kai's plant arm.

Brother Kai, calm down.

Zhou Kai stared at Lu Luo with a pair of white eyes.

Stabilize your mentality, how can I be stable...

Um, Brother Luo, you?

Zhou Kai felt something strange flowing from Lu Luo's palm into his hand.

[Sequence D-189-Seed]

Effect: Create a seed that belongs to you.

The seed created by Lu Luo needs nutrients to grow. If you want to cultivate it well, you can only plant it.

The only exception is Zhou Kai. Because Zhou Kai has a plant-based body, he can nourish the seed instead of soil or a cultivation room.

In addition to carrying Lu Luo's poisonous power, this seed also carried a very balanced life energy.

After the seed entered Zhou Kai's plant arm, Zhou Kai's mood quickly calmed down because of this balancing energy.

The surrounding plants began to retract into Zhou Kai's palm, and his eyes gradually returned to their original appearance.

Zhou Kai scratched his head in embarrassment, as if he knew something was wrong with his state just now.

Brother Luo, what did I just do?


Fuck, I always felt like I was human, but now it's over, I've really turned into a alien species.

Zhou Kai's expression was distressed, but Lu Luo didn't take it seriously.

“As long as you feel that you are a human being, then you are a human being and you don’t need anyone’s approval.”

[That’s because you have long realized that you are no longer a human being, but you have always been stubborn and refused to admit it. That’s why you said this.

Brother Kai has just become deformed, and the change of mentality always requires a process. 】

Zhou Kai nodded slightly after hearing Lu Luo's words.

Anyway, Brother Luo is right. If Brother Luo is wrong one day, just pretend not to hear it and be done with it.

Zhou Kai raised his palm and looked carefully at the green seeds wrapped in the palm of the plant.

This thing seems to be a seed? Why does it feel poisonous!

Lu Luo nodded.

It's poisonous, derived from my alien poison, fire poison, and snake venom.

This seed can absorb nutrients from your body to grow, and it can also give you the ability to be poisonous.

The unstable dark energy in your body will also be absorbed by it, so from now on, like me, you can feel free to get wet in the rain.

When Zhou Kai heard this, he burst into laughter.

Why didn't you give me such an awesome thing earlier?

Lu Luo shook his head.

Do you think there are no side effects? This thing is my seed after all, and the essence of its power is me.

Brother Kai, originally I still hoped that you could grow up on your own.

This is Lu Luo's sincere words. He hopes that his companions can grow up on their own.

He is not the kind of detached person. He doesn't want one day when others see him, there will be only awe in their eyes and no other emotions.

However, after Zhou Kai heard Lu Luo's words, he became disapproving.

What do I think? Brother Luo, you've got a different idea. If I could really embrace a rich woman, I would have stopped fighting long ago.

Next time something good like this happens, think of me! I don't mind.

[Brother Kai really understands his life! 】

Okay, if you can accept it, seeds can only be placed on you besides being planted on the ground.

After a chat, Zhou Kai's mood stabilized a lot, but the smiles between the two still gradually diminished.

Because as the chat progresses, it always comes back to the original topic.

Brother Luo, many brothers have died, and their pensions...

Double the normal pension! Lu Luo decided directly.

The normal operation of the ring is Zhou Kai's hard work. He knows that Zhou Kai must be very sad now. This is an unavoidable problem.

Thanks, Brother Luo.

You don't need to thank me. This is what we should do. Although we are all fighting for our lives in the fourth ring, I still hope that the brothers can fight without any regrets.

Zhou Kai nodded slightly.

Brother Luo, you are actually a pretty good boss.

Why do you say that suddenly?

He showed us a clear path that can make money, understands planning, and never interferes with the normal development of the circle.

This kind of boss can be said to be the rarest kind in the Wasteland Alliance.

Hearing such comments, Lu Luo was a little dumbfounded. He punched Zhou Kai on the shoulder.

Is this a compliment?

Really, Brother Luo, I have always believed that no matter who you meet, he is the person who should appear in your life, and it is no accident.

He will definitely teach you something, just like I met you and the brothers of the Circle met me.

So I also believe that no matter where I go or what happens, that is where I should go, experience what I should experience, and meet the people I should meet.

[Brother Kai has grown up. 】

Yes, Brother Kai has grown up, but he is actually only 21 years old.

Lu Luo patted Zhou Kai.

Brother Kai, don't be so emotional at such a young age. Take a good rest. I'll go see Bai Yuetong.


Arriving at Bai Yuetong's room, Dai Mao was lying there obediently, seemingly waiting for Lu Luo's arrival.

Seeing Lu Luo, Bai Yuetong raised her head, frowned and tried to sit up.

Don't force it, your injuries are serious.

Bai Yuetong's chest suffered a penetrating injury. Such an injury would most likely be fatal to an ordinary person.

When Dai Mao saw that Lu Luo wouldn't let her get up, she didn't try to be brave, because she had very little strength and couldn't defeat Lu Luo at all.

At this time, she quietly held Lu Luo's fingers and pinched Lu Luo very hard.

However, this level of movement was not painful at all for Lu Luo. He let Dai Mao hold on and waited for her to speak.

Lu Luo, Qi Xinzhu has been captured, should I be happy?

Lu Luo was stunned by this question, but he still answered truthfully.

Probably, maybe, right!

But why can't I be happy?

[Perhaps there are some indescribable feelings between her and Qi Xinzhu? Lu Luo - Danger! 】

Damn it, Lu Luo also thought for a while.

Maybe he is unwilling to do so.

Not willing to give in? Why should I not be willing to give in? Bai Yuetong was a little unconvinced.

When you encounter a problem that you can't solve, don't you just feel unwilling to do so?

Lu Luo's expression was a little indifferent, but Bai Yuetong also heard the meaning of his words.

Are you unwilling too?

Am I being obvious?

Lu Luo tilted his head and made a puzzled expression. Bai Yuetong finally laughed, and Lu Luo also laughed.

After she glanced at Lu Luo for a few times, she lowered her head.

Are you sad that she was taken away?

As Bai Yuetong said this, she squeezed Lu Luo's hand tightly and stopped squeezing it, like a child who had made a mistake.

Lu Luo touched Dai Mao's head, very calmly.

The nightmare gave me a moonlight and prepared a wedding ceremony and a bride for me. Why should I be sad?

It only takes a little over a month, it will be here soon.

When the time comes, I can just bring Qi Xinzhu back, but Qi Xinzhu didn’t give me a gift, which is a loss!

Lu Luo's expression was very calm, and there was really no trace of sadness at all. Bai Yuetong felt a little more relieved.

Do you really think of her as your wife?

If I don't treat her as my wife, I have no reason to go to the midnight ceremony held by Nightmare. You can't help yourself when you are in the world, young lady.

After listening to Lu Luo's words, Bai Yuetong felt much better. She lowered her head again and said cautiously:

There is also a set of equipment in the company that I specially prepared for you. You should need it very much now.

I originally planned to wait until the New Year to give it to you, but with the current situation, I'm afraid I won't be able to wait until that time.

Thanks, have a good rest.

Bai Yuetong pulled Lu Luo.

We must bring her back!


Lu Luo touched Bai Yuetong's head and left the ward.

When Lu Luo came to Lu Yu again, he discovered that Lu Yu was also crying secretly.

Second brother, I remembered a lot of things. I hurt my sister-in-law. Is it all my fault?

Lu Luo suddenly felt helpless and tired. Everyone needed his comfort, but there was no one to comfort him.

Can he blame Lu Yu? cannot.

Because Lu Yu was controlled by Ming Yan after he had breakfast with him, he could only blame him for being late.

When Lu Yu was in the hospital, he was set up by Qin Wanyu and was controlled for the second time.

Even in the final battle, the reason why Qi Xinzhu was finally caught was because he was one step late.

So Lu Luo couldn't blame anyone but himself.

Stop crying, blame yourself, why do you always feel like this?

Let me tell you now, I am the one to blame most, not you.

Also, when a problem occurs, the first thing to think about is not who to blame, but how to solve the problem.

If you trace the origin of the matter, UU Reading www.uukanshu. NET is also a game between Nightmare and me. In fact, it makes no difference whether you made a mistake or not.

Is it really?


Lu Luo felt very tired, either physically or mentally.

There is something in your heart, but no one can say it. This is a situation that every responsible middle-aged man will feel.

After appeasing Lu Yu's mood, Lu Luo got up again.

I have to go to the Security Bureau to report the case, and have a good rest here.

Second brother, please be careful. I heard that there are still many alien species in the east.

It's okay, second brother is awesome.

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