Doomsday Circle

Chapter 2 The Power of the Fusioner

Lu Luo wasn't quite sure what was going on. He touched his eyes subconsciously, but even if he covered his eyes, the small words would still remain in his sight.

He looked at the hurried man before, and the observer also gave a hint.

[A dangerous guy, but fortunately he is very eager. If you stare at him like this, your head will be smashed. 】

Lu Luo, what's wrong with you? Qin Wanyu asked looking at Lu Luo who was behaving strangely.

Oh, it's nothing, I'm confused.

After this episode, Qin Wanyu could no longer regain the courage she had just wanted to express her feelings to. She lowered her head and followed Lu Luo upstairs.

As he walked, Lu Luo shrugged the tip of his nose. It was strange that he seemed to smell a strange smell. He didn't know where it came from.

fishy smell?

[Something strange happened here. Due to the lack of information, the noble S-class sequence observer is not sure what happened, but you'd better be careful. 】

Lu Luo narrowed his eyes, stretched out his hand behind him and said:

It feels a little weird. Be careful and pull me.

There was no response from behind for a long time. Lu Luo turned his head subconsciously, and Qin Wanyu's figure had disappeared.

【Are you looking for that human woman? She has not followed him since just now and has not moved downstairs. 】

Looking at the prompt, Lu Luo suddenly felt like his scalp was numb! If Qin Wanyu had been standing downstairs without moving, then who had followed her upstairs just now?

She was clearly following me just now...and who do you think you are?

[Please don’t be blinded by your eyes. As for me, I am a noble and powerful S-class sequence observer, and I am also your real eyes. 】

My real eyes?

Lu Luo calmed down his emotions. He looked upstairs. It was okay if he didn't look at it. But this look made his mind a little unsteady again.

There are endless stairs one after another, no matter whether you are going up or down, it is the same. You can't go to the second floor of the exhibition hall, and you can't go back to the first floor.

Endless stairs, or a ghost wall? What should I do now?

[I am just your talent sequence observer. Do you want me to teach you how to do things? Stop joking, okay? 】

Are you really an S-level talent?

Normally, he would have been very happy if he had awakened a suspected S-level talent sequence, but the current situation seemed not quite right.

Ah! Ah!

When Lu Luo couldn't decide whether he should continue going upstairs or go back downstairs, a harsh scream suddenly came from upstairs.

The sound continued and became weaker and weaker. It seemed that a woman upstairs was in danger or was being attacked.

No, we have to go back downstairs. Lu Luo frowned. Screaming meant danger, so he couldn't venture in again.

He wanted to go downstairs, but there were waves of heavy breathing and difficulty breathing from downstairs.


[There is a dangerous guy downstairs. Although you really want to go downstairs, I think it is better for you to go up. As a noble S-class sequence, the observer has not yet played its due role. I don’t want to sing here. Cool. 】

Lu Luo turned around suddenly and ran directly upstairs. As a detective in his previous life, his judgment was not bad.

Now that the observer sequence has given a hint, if he continues to risk going downstairs, he will seem a little crazy.

Lu Luo ran through the stairs one by one, 2, 3, 4, 5...11, 12.

He tiredly held on to his knees and the railing, and had already reached the 12th floor, but the stairs in front of him had not changed at all.

There was not even a door in the entire corridor. This situation made Lu Luo's heart sink.

The breathing sound downstairs was getting louder, which meant that the dangerous guy downstairs was approaching. At this time, he even dared not look down from the stair railing.

Unconsciously, the stairs and handrails gradually became slimy. Lu Luo looked down and saw that many green plants had wrapped around his feet.

This is kelp?

[Correct answer, this is kelp, which is rich in many trace elements and can be cooked and eaten. However, the one in front of you is a plant species with meat. 】

Plant species, fleshy, is it a different species?

The kelp gradually wrapped around Lu Luo's calf. No matter how hard Lu Luo pulled, there was no way to break it. If this continued, he would only be entangled to death.

[No need to make a fuss, it’s just a newly mutated first-order plant species. With your strength, you can kill it in minutes. 】

I have chicken strength! Sure enough, I'd better not stand casually in the future. I just said that it started well, but now it's going to be bad.

[The fusion of consciousness is completed, and the sequence S-02-devourer and sequence S-04-fusion are now activated. 】

New sequence? Lu Luo was a little overwhelmed by the sudden prompt. The problem was that there was no instruction manual. How to use it?

The kelp was getting closer and closer, as if it was trying to drag him downstairs. Lu Luo could only hold on to the stair railing with one hand and try his best to resist the entanglement of these kelp with the other hand.

The kelp had completely wrapped around his body and was about to pull Lu Luo down. Suddenly, Lu Luo felt his fingertips heat up and something melted in his hand.

[100 energy points have been consumed for a synthesis: iron block + wood = knife]

Lu Luo looked towards his right hand. His fingertips glowed slightly with white light. Under this white light, the iron stair handrail began to soften and deform.

Soon, a rough machete appeared in Lu Luo's hand, and he could also see the information about the machete.

【Rough machete】

Grade: Tattered

Damage: 3-10

Introduction: Lu Luo's handmade products are very rough, but they can be used.

[Fusioner is a rubbish sequence. It cost 100 energy points to create such a thing. How can it be worthy of being on the same level as S-level me? 】

Lu Luo automatically ignored the observer's comments, clenched his machete, and immediately slashed at the kelp wrapped around him.


This thing can actually scream? It's so weak and easy to deal with.

[Rutang is just a very common plant species. I have said that you can kill it in minutes with your strength, but it can only be regarded as a companion species. The real danger is still below, it is coming! 】

A woman walked up tremblingly, her expression twisted in pain, and Lu Luo had no idea what she wanted to express to him.

What’s wrong with you?

I saw a blue-gray sharp claw sticking out of the woman's chest, and her originally fair face was now completely pale.

She made a sound of Uh! Uh!, but she couldn't speak.

Lu Luo looked behind the woman. The owner of the blue-gray claws gradually became clear under the light, a shark monster.

It should be said that it is a half-human, half-mechanical monster with a shark head and body, but with mechanical legs and arms.

Although Lu Luo had seen various alien species in books, this was inside the wall! How could there be alien species inside the wall? And there's more than one.

What is this, a mix of machinery and sharks?

[There is no record of the newly mutated omnic species. You can give it a name, such as Iron Shark, Iron Shark, etc.

Be careful, although it is both level one, it is much stronger than Kelp. Facing such an opponent, I suggest you perform a sliding shovel. 】

How to to slide the shovel on the stairs?

Lu Luo resisted the thought of cursing because he saw the handrail of the stairs. Under certain circumstances, this kind of sliding shovel seemed to be really possible?

The alien shark opened its huge mouth, bit off half of the woman's body, and then threw the remaining body aside casually.

While chewing, look at Lu Luo!

Lu Luo recognized this look. It was the strange look of the shark in the showcase just now. It seemed to be a smile, or in other words, a joke!

Are you sure it won't be full if I shovel it over?

[This is your business. I am just an observer. The battle is not my responsibility, but I think there is a high probability that it will be full. 】

Fine! Lu Luo gradually began to calm down. The other party seemed to be a monster-level existence. In terms of strength and physique, he should be far superior to him. How could he kill this monster?

Lu Luo looked at the machete in his hand and suddenly asked.

Can it be turned into a firearm?

[Fusioner Plan-Firearms are expected to consume 340 energy points, and the energy is insufficient to proceed. 】

It's because of the lack of energy, not because it can't be turned into a gun. Will your wish come true? This is interesting.

The back of his hand, which was resting on the handrail of the stairs, suddenly felt a touch of warmth and sliminess. Lu Luo took a quick look and found that a large amount of blood was flowing down the handrail of the stairs.

It looks like a lot of people died upstairs!

Lu Luo's mind was spinning rapidly, but in this situation, it seemed a bit unrealistic to think of a way to defeat a monster.

But now he has no good solution. The opponent's lower body is a mechanical body, and he relies on his legs to climb stairs.

The height of the 12th floor has almost exhausted his strength. If he runs up again, he will not even have the energy to fight back. This guy must be dealt with.

Looking again at the slippery railing and the iron knife in his hand, Lu Luo said silently in his heart:

Can it be transformed into a tightrope?

[Fusioner's Plan - Steel Wire, estimated to consume 5 points of energy. 】


[5 energy points have been consumed to make a change: Tool→Steel Wire]

White light appeared again, and the iron knife in Lu Luo's hand quickly turned into a relatively tough steel wire.

Steel wire was one of the few ways Lu Luo could think of to kill the monster in front of him.

Hey, Shark, I think we can sit down and talk. Maybe we are from the same era, maybe we have met in the aquarium in the past.

I know you may not like being locked up in a showcase, but you are free now. Congratulations!

Lu Luo said something that sounded a bit irrelevant, but the omnic shark in front of him actually responded, but it was just a sizzling sound of electricity.

[It’s ridiculous for a stupid and weak human being to try to talk to me. ——The above is a translation from the Observer. 】

Alien species, at least omnic species, can understand human speech, but we cannot understand their language. There is information asymmetry.

Lu Luo narrowed his eyes and used a classic move from a certain movie on the mechanical shark, hooking his fingers.

Come here!


The mechanical shark suddenly charged forward, but Lu Luo, who was prepared in advance, accurately dodged its first attack.

While moving, Lu Luo stepped on the railing and wrapped the wire around the shark's fin.


[10 energy points have been consumed to make a change: wire → hook]

The hook caught the mechanical shark's body, and then Lu Luo slid down the stair railing with a sliding shovel.


The steel wire and the hook instantly restrained the mechanical shark. However, this level of weight is completely insignificant for an omnic, and it can be easily torn off.

If he were an ordinary person, he would definitely be dead at this time, but Lu Luo was not an ordinary person, at least not from the time he awakened the Observer and the Fusioner.


[17 energy points have been consumed to make a change: steel wire → gear set]

The gear set got stuck on the fin of the mechanical shark, and Lu Luo jumped directly down from the gap between the stair railings.

He wrapped the wire with clothes, but the pulling still caused his palm to be almost cut off. Fortunately, all of this was effective.

The gear set, which saves effort and consumes distance, directly stuck the mechanical shark on the stair railing as Lu Luo fell rapidly.

Although it is an omnium, its upper body is a real body. UU Reading www.uukanshu. The net hook is embedded in the flesh and blood, and the thin steel wire is tightened and tightened, gradually turning into a sharp knife, cutting off the body of the mechanical shark bit by bit.

The mechanical shark finally showed a look of fear. As an omnic mutant, it had the emotion of fear, but it was already too late.

The steel wire was sharper than expected. With the help of the huge force, it strangled the omnic to death in just ten seconds.

[Can you win in this way? You are as strong as a god of war. I am really impressed by you, but I suggest you run away first. 】

Lu Luo climbed up the stairs with some difficulty. He subconsciously looked behind him and saw that there were no more steps to go down.

The ground is filled with black water that looks like ink. If you get closer, you will see clearly that the ink is actually long black hair mixed with mucus.

【Still watching? Isn’t it good to be alive? Don't forget that you are still a virgin in this world. 】

Lu Luo probably understood what was going on. For monsters like the mechanical shark, observers could make him slide and shovel it, and he did kill the mechanical shark.

But now in this black water, observers are directly prohibited from sliding tackles. This gap is already obvious, so run!

After Lu Luo ran upstairs, a figure gradually appeared in the ink. If it weren't for the long black hair that completely covered her body and the protrusion on her chest, it would be impossible to tell that this was a woman.


The strange noises made by the woman continued to echo in the stairwell, but she did not seem to have the intention to chase Lu Luo. Instead, she stared at the direction Lu Luo left in a daze, as if she was thinking about something.

But soon the woman gave up thinking, broke the wall with her hair, entered a certain floor of the exhibition hall, and continued her killing.

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