Doomsday Circle

Chapter 165 Girl Gaom

Chapter 167 Girl Gaom (please order the full version)

Just as Zuo Mingliang was looking around, Liu Yu grabbed his arm and pulled hard!

Zuo Mingliang looked towards where Liu Yu was pointing, and there was indeed a woman standing there.

And this woman looks like a wild girl.

She wears a short animal skin skirt on her lower body, and a half-armor made of some alien carapace on her upper body. Her hair is completely yellow-green, which is very different from normal humans.

The specific appearance is unclear, but most of the face is hidden under the hair.

At this time, this woman was kneeling on a wall, muttering something in her mouth.

Is she human?

It's not a ghost species anyway. It has a normal body temperature and is similar to humans. I don't know the specifics.

Zuo Mingliang nodded, although he was very doubtful about the identity of such a person.

But it was very rare to see people in a place like this, so he wanted to negotiate.

Hello, lady, we are the hunting team of Hongtu Military Equipment. I would like to ask, do you live here permanently?

The girl did not answer Zuo Mingliang's words. She carefully touched the wall with a pious look on her face.

Zuo Mingliang shifted the angle of his vision so that he could see what was painted on the wall.

A woman carrying lots of balls? And a robot?

Zuo Mingliang seemed to have seen the two characters in this painting somewhere before, but for a while he just couldn't remember them.

The girl stood up slowly, turned to look at Zuo Mingliang and the team on guard, and finally spoke.

I live here, and I have lived here for more than 10 years.

Zuo Mingliang was stunned, 10 years? Are you kidding me?

It's been almost ten years since Gom's appearance. No matter how strong you are, you can't survive under Gom's nose for ten years.

Moreover, C13 Gaom appeared in the Northern Ring area 2 years ago and was discovered by humans.

I just randomly visited Nanhuan this year. How could anyone live in a place like this for 10 years?

Miss, I'm not kidding you. We really have something to ask you. I want to ask you...

Zuo Mingliang suddenly shut up in the middle of his words because he remembered the two characters on the mural just now.

That robot is Noah!

The woman carrying the ball is the stone mother.

These two guys both belong to the eighth-level disaster that almost caused the destruction of mankind.

It was the Church of Dawn and the original Alliance Legion that defeated them on the Wall of Impasse.

A woman who offered devout prayers to Noah and the Stone Mother?

Do you understand my mural? Haha, a very good human being!

Master Stone Mother gave me a soul, Master Noah gave me wisdom, and so I changed and became the King of the Valley of Decay.

And I am the source of rot, the poisonous seed, the lord of all gluttons, Gaom.

Wisdom and soul allow me to have a mind that is free from beasts, allow me to think, and allow me to understand art and civilization.

I began to understand flowers, I hated rancidity, I began to pursue beauty, and I began to become more and more like a human being.

As I ate more and more people, I found that I could actually become more and more human.

Human women are really perfect. They have fair skin, beautiful faces, and bodies that fascinate men.

ah! I like humans so much, so please die and become part of the nourishment for my evolved body!

As Gom in human form spoke, he was already running on the cliff at top speed, and then instantly sprayed out a poisonous ball.

Next, there was the scene where Hongtu's military preparedness resulted in heavy casualties.

Li Tanya looked at Gaom in front of her in surprise. With such a mutant, such perfect wisdom, thinking, and living habits, could she still be considered a mutant?

Not only that, the Gaom in front of him even learned human language.

In the past, this was simply impossible.

If such things are allowed to develop, will they become a new race?

This is really a question worth pondering.

Zhou Qingyu lifted the barrier and took a slight breath. Gom's attack was too powerful.

Moreover, the danger and combat effectiveness of a fifth-level lord with human thinking are really not comparable to that of ordinary fifth-level lords.

This gap is just like Wu En before!

A human's will and thinking can bring the characteristics of alien species to the extreme.

Just like Gaom now, she completely abandoned her previous bloated body. After spitting out the first poisonous ball, her figure completely disappeared.

Zhou Qingyu looked around. Without an investigation sequence, her observation skills were no better than Liu Yu's.

The team was in a panic, and the stench continued to penetrate the gas masks and enter the mouths and noses of the team members.

The smell was several times more foul than before, making everyone shed tears and feel sick.

Zhou Qingyu was no exception. She covered her throat with one hand to prevent herself from spitting out, and protected Li Tanya with the other hand.

“Tanya, give up, in this case, we are probably going to fail!

Let them cut off the rear, it's still too late to leave now.

Li Tanya was a little reluctant, but at this time she also understood that if the alien species had human thinking, the danger would be increased several times.

Let's go, let's go now!


But as soon as the team took two steps, a huge boulder fell from the top of the valley.


Two team members were killed instantly. Although the road was not blocked, the team would be stretched if they had to pass through the boulder.

Human, where are you looking?

As a mutant, Gaom still maintains some characteristics of a mutant. For example, in battle, it will stare at the strongest opponent, Zhou Qingyu, who protects Li Tanya.

“The strongest thing about you humans is that you know how to use tools, and you have even created a variety of powerful equipment.

I can't make gear, but simply using tools, I've learned.

Again, Gaom cut through a piece of rock at the top of the valley, and the rock slid down the wall.

At the same time, she spit out another mouthful of poison, the rocks fell, and the poison rushed. There was no way to defend such a narrow space with an ice barrier.

Zhou Qingyu had no choice but to put his hands together and use attack dark energy spells to fight Gaom.

Flame Blade.


It's amazing. The way humans use dark energy is indeed more powerful than our alien species, but your dark energy level and physique are far less powerful than those of alien species!

So, die, beautiful human being!

Just when Gom was about to release his poisonous breath again, two energy mobile armors rose into the air and knocked Gom away instantly.

Damn human equipment! It's outrageous to allow such weak beings like you to fight me head-on!

Zuo Mingliang, who was driving the mecha, looked a little ugly!

If Kaom is still the giant monster he used to be, the mecha will be a very useful combat tool.

Because that kind of Gaom is bulky enough, but the human form of Gaom in front of him is too flexible. She is far more flexible than the mecha.

In this way, many of the mecha's advantages will be lost.

Liu Yu, I will create opportunities for you! When the time comes, don't hold back.


Although Liu Yu is a new recruit, he is the one with the best foundation and the most potential among this group of people.

She has the observation sequence and the ability of a sniper, so letting Liu Yu do the finishing is undoubtedly the best choice.

Ugly, disgusting thing, come on!

Gom looked at the bright mecha on the left. Although there was a trace of anger in her eyes, it was quickly suppressed.

Haha, irritated? Maybe it would have worked before, but I learned a few very useful words from the knowledge Master Noah taught me.

Stay calm before encountering a situation, and capture the king first before catching the thief.

The meaning of the first sentence should be that when encountering a battle, you must remain calm enough to avoid making wrong judgments.

The meaning of the second sentence should be that when we fight with humans, as long as we kill the strongest one, the others will fall apart!

Humans, am I right?

After actually understanding Zuo Mingliang's words, Gaom directly bypassed his mecha and rushed towards Zhou Qingyu again.

Although there was some anger in her heart, she has actually learned to control her anger now!

Die! Human!

Seeing Gom rushing towards him, the remaining members used all their dark energy to fire, and countless bullets attached to dark energy hit Gom's body.

This kind of shooting will actually cause some damage to Gaom.

Because now Gaom has completely given up on his original bloated body.

Although she is still very strong, her physique far exceeds that of humans at the same level.

But it is no longer possible to be almost immune to the damage of ordinary dark energy bullets like before.

The continuous shooting left many scars on Gum's body, and he finally repelled her wave of attacks.

The shooting is effective. Her defense is not as strong as the legend says. Keep shooting! Suppressive fire.

A level 3 player commanded while using a rifle to suppress Gum's movement.

He opened the five grenade safety guards on his bulletproof armor and threw his bulletproof armor directly.

Boom boom boom boom!

Continuous energy explosions completely forced Gom back, and Zuo Mingliang, who was driving the mecha, finally arrived and caught Gom from behind.

With its power fully activated, the energy mobile armor, as the ultimate human weapon, exerted its effect at this moment.

The external armor plates were connected layer by layer, completely clamping Gom's body and lifting it up.

Liu Yu!


Liu Yu looked determined. She was a serious person, and she was ready to say goodbye to her teammates from the first day she stepped outside the wall.

Giving up or even killing a teammate at a reasonable moment, Liu Yu felt that this was something that an outstanding transcendent should adapt to.

However, she didn't expect that the first person she wanted to kill would be the captain who led her, helped her, and treated her like a sister.

SE-energy infusion equipment sniper cannon, has locked the target and is ready to launch!


The violent beam of light instantly penetrated Zuo Mingliang's mecha and completely penetrated Gum's body.

The power of the energy-infused equipment sniper cannon is so powerful that even Gaom's full body cannot resist it. This is the power of human high-tech equipment.

As the strongest weapons manufacturer in mankind, Hongtu Arms' weapons are also the strongest among mankind's conventional weapons.

There was a big hole in the chest of Zuo Mingliang's mecha, and the mecha's arms were still clamping down on Gom.

Gum also has a big hole in his stomach, and the sniper cannon is very effective, piercing it with one hit.

Everyone showed a relaxed expression. Such an injury should kill him!

But Zhou Qingyu suddenly got up at this time and jumped directly into the sky. The ice in his hands gathered directly, forming two huge ice cones that hit Gaom directly, as if he was going to kill Gaom to pieces.

Except for Zhou Qingyu, no one else had any experience fighting against lord-level alien species.

Only Zhou Qingyu knows how powerful the lord-level alien vitality is!

Even the former Wu En was killed by the world-devouring core in the disc world.

The vitality of an upright young alien lord like Gaom is not at the same level as ordinary aliens.

When the ice pick was about to be dismantled into Gum's body, Gum suddenly broke free from the mecha that was locking her. With a hand knife, Zuo Mingliang, including the man and the mecha in front of him, was cut into two pieces.

Looking at the ice pick falling towards him, Gum covered his wound and laughed wildly.

Jie Jie, you were caught pretending to be dead.

The large hole in Gum's belly suddenly began to squirm, and a large number of fangs extended from around the wound.

The power of your human weapons is really huge. Even I was almost killed. It's a pity that you don't have a second chance.

Gum kicked the ice pick away and rushed directly towards Zhou Qingyu. His sharp claws grabbed Zhou Qingyu's arm, and the huge mouth on his belly bit Zhou Qingyu's thigh.


Gum's bite force was so powerful that he directly bit Zhou Qingyu's thigh bone and tore off a large piece of meat.

While Zhou Qingyu screamed, a big fireball was stuffed directly into the mouth on Gum's stomach.


Flesh and blood splatter, this is the true ultimate battle. It is not just about skill and strength, but also about the will of both parties.

There is no reversal or dismantling, just head-on confrontation and fighting.

If it were a mutant in the form of a beast, its consciousness would be more biased towards the beast, but now Gaom is in humanoid form.

Her thinking is also more like a human!

She knew very well that although such a fight would also cause her to be seriously injured, she could afford it.

Stupid guy! Are you trying to compete with me for vitality?

Gaom spewed out a large amount of poisonous gas, which began to fill the valley.

These poisonous gases continuously seep into human bodies from their pores, completely blocking the view of humans on the ground.

Zhou Qingyu kept colliding with Gum in the air, and soon she had more than a dozen wounds on her body, but she also found an excellent opportunity.

Boom boom!

The two fireballs exploded again, and they exploded close to Gum's face. Gum fell to the ground howling miserably.

Zhou Qingyu fell to the ground holding her thighs and chest, almost unsteady on her feet.

Liu Yu drove forward on the mecha, and Gaom in front of him seemed to be dead.

However, for the sake of safety, she still put the muzzle of the gun against Gum's forehead, preparing to give her a shot.

But at this moment, Gom suddenly grabbed the barrel of the gun, bit into pieces of the sniper cannon, and his body began to expand and grow bigger!


The response is too slow!

She cut off the mecha's head with one claw, and then kicked the broken mecha away. Fortunately, Liu Yu shrank down and managed to avoid it.

The bloody giant deformed species finally appeared in front of people's eyes.

Gaom, the Lord of Rot.


The aura of the mountain of corpses and sea of ​​blood shocked everyone's hearts.

Li Tanya was already sluggish. Under normal circumstances, their team configuration could definitely kill the fifth-level lord.

But this time, the thinking, combat power, and sensitivity displayed by Gom exceeded their imagination.

Now Zhou Qingyu has lost his combat effectiveness, and the two mechas have been destroyed, but Gaom is not dead yet. This battle has been lost.

Qing Yu, take me away!

Li Tanya just turned around, only to find that Zhou Qingyu had already left with Lin Zhiming.

She glanced at Li Tanya indifferently and said calmly:

If there is no danger, then I will follow you. If something happens, my duty is to protect the Lin family.

That's what it means. I'm sorry, Tanya.

Zhou Qingyu's indifference was like a heavy hammer that knocked Li Tanya out of breath.

Lin Zhiming on the side looked anxious and crazy.

Let's go! If you don't leave, it will be too late. Don't worry about this woman. As long as you take me out, I can satisfy you with anything.

Just like that, the two of them left Li Tanya behind, and the huge rocks that broke continuously blocked the road completely.

Everyone, face Gaom!

Zhou Qingyu dragged his injured legs and body, and rushed out of the valley with Lin Zhiming, who was looking at him wantonly.

Suddenly, Zhou Qingyu stopped.

Lin Zhiming, who was looking at the woman, was stunned for a moment before he realized:

What are you doing? Leave quickly!

Zhou Qingyu somewhat disliked Lin Zhiming, but she had no choice but to protect the Lin family from harm.

She ignored Lin Zhiming and just looked ahead indifferently.

The figure of a master gradually appeared, and the original red cartoon soldier uniform was stained black with blood.

This figure stared at Lin Zhiming and laughed.

Life is always ups and downs! Fate once again arranged for us to meet.

I forgot about that. What is your name? Forget it, the supporting characters don’t have names, I’ll just call you Fatty.

Fat boy, you're going to die!


(PS: The extra bonus for all orders has been confirmed, Qiao Xing and Han Shiyu

I've already written 90% of it, I just need to polish it up a bit. UU Kanshu will be uploaded by the editor in a few days, so don't worry.

Qiao Xing's is more plot-oriented and will reveal some key information.

Han Shiyu prefers daily life, which is the growth of a little girl.

After reading the book friend’s message, I actually thought about Hana Song’s side story before.

I won't whitewash a villain, but the villain must have his own story.

I hope that every character in the book will have his or her own past and experiences, even the villains.

Just like the dead Chu Qi, he was a person of flesh and blood, with shortcomings and advantages. This is what I have thought about before.

In fact, if Song Hana's side story was written, I feel it would be very exciting, but it's a pity that it was rejected by book friends.

Ouch, that’s too lively! Sleep, if you don't sleep I will die suddenly! )

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