Doomsday Circle

Chapter 153 Lu Luo, behind you!

Mingyan? Lu Luo was about to try to mobilize this power, but an inappropriate voice suddenly appeared behind the three of them.

There is no place to look for after breaking through the iron shoes. It takes no effort to get here. We finally meet, Lu Luo.

It turns out that you also have beads on your hands. If you don’t want them, you can give them to me!

The three of them turned their heads and discovered that a tall and thin man was gradually approaching them. It was Li Qingshu, the spy of Blue Sky Creature.

But Lu Luo clearly remembered that there was a white wall behind him just now.

[Your memory is correct, but this world, or this space, is not fixed.

The rules here are controlled by a certain will master, and everything here will change according to its mood.

The wall behind you just now completely disappeared before this person appeared. 】

Looking at Li Qingshu who was getting closer, the child's voice suddenly sounded in Lu Luo's ears.

My game opponent, aren't my Hades Pearls great? This is a reward I specially created for the game winners, and they all like it very much.

You won again just now. You are so awesome. You broke the dream easily. You are indeed the person I like.

Okay, this person has been following you since you stepped outside the wall, and seems to be spying on you.

And the opponent in his dream is also you. He is full of obsession with you. I brought him in front of you. Be careful. He seems to be a little stronger than you.

A little stronger than me...

Lu Luo would take this reminder as a kind reminder, but the person in front of him might not be easy to deal with.

[High-energy early warning, level 4 transcendent, advanced sequence particles, suspected to be sequence A-31-shadow master.

Strength: 25, Agility: 35, Constitution: 20]

Sequence A-31-Shadow Master (Unknown Level)

Effect -1 Shadow Escape: Escape into the shadows.

Effect -2 Shadow Binding: Control shadows, bind shadows, and destroy shadows.

Effect -3 unknown.

This is a master, a master who can suppress himself simply by his physical fitness! Not to mention that the opponent is still a level 4 transcendent.

A level 4 transcendent, if equipped with equipment and sequences, is even more dangerous than a level 5 lord alien.

Because generally speaking, powerful high-level human extraordinary beings can fight across levels.

Level 4 masters, you go first.

Gu Fang ran away as soon as he took off. He was not a coward. He knew that he would not be able to help if he stayed here and would only become a drag on Lu Luo. Therefore, running away was the greatest help to Lu Luo.

Qi Xinzhu paused for a moment, and then ran forward after Gu Fang.

In this room, only Lu Luo and Li Qingshu were left.

[The sequence particles in this person are very active, and he should be the kind of person who likes to use his own sequence.

According to the teachings of Qiao Xing, Lu Di, and many other books, this kind of people have one characteristic: they are superstitious about the power of sequence and ignore their own practice. 】

Do people who neglect self-cultivation actually have such a level of attributes? What about people who focus on self-cultivation?

Li Qingshu had already arrived in front of Lu Luo. He looked Lu Luo up and down, already thinking that Lu Luo was his prey.

He suddenly made a move and turned into a shadow, quickly approaching Lu Luo.

Lu Luo glanced at the shadow behind him. This method of completely evading physical abilities was really disgusting.

Want to run!

An arm stretched out from the shadow and grabbed Lu Luo.

[Sequence fluctuations, prepare to dodge. 】

This reminder also made Lu Luo understand that when the person behind him wants to attack, he must be in human form. This should be a weakness of his sequence.

Lu Luo turned around and executed a combined Qi and Steam second-level slash. Even a fourth-level master couldn't catch it with his fingers.

When Li Qingshu was avoiding, Lu Luo once again used the jet device to distance himself from him, and the two faced off again.

Do you feel the gap between us? It's a smart idea to let them go. At least this will save our companions from harm.

Who are you and what is your purpose?

You will know it when you die. If you let your companions go, don't you mean you are ready to die? How touching!

Li Qingshu's voice was very soft, giving people a nervous feeling, but Lu Luo shook his head.

If you are neurotic, then I will act more neurotic than you, and you will be confused!

I never thought I was going to die, and I didn't think you could kill me.

Lu Luo suddenly took a step forward, and his aura changed!

I am Lu Luo, the terminator of my world. I don't want to be your enemy. I want to be the enemy of the world. Do you think you can kill me?

This series of extremely arrogant, unreasonable, and insane words made Li Qingshu stunned. He didn't understand why Lu Luo was so confident.

But at this moment when he was distracted and stunned, Lu Luo took out two shock bombs and a tear gas bomb, threw them away and ran away.

Even if you run away, he still leaves a few words before running away.

I'm not feeling well today. I'll fight again tomorrow. Say goodbye.

Boom boom!

Phew! Phew!

The jet device sprayed continuously, and Lu Luofei left the room.

In the smoke, a black shadow slowly floated out, and then gradually stared, and Li Qingshu's face emerged.

He covered his eyes, frowned, and shook his head from time to time.

Even a mongoose with a physique cannot stand the effect of the blast bomb, let alone a level 4 human being.

Li Qingshu wiped his tears and nose, holding on to the wall with a look of embarrassment.

This bastard, don't let me catch him! Uh, Ah Sneeze!

Li Qingshu simply covered his eyes and squatted down. After a long time, he slowly recovered.

With a face as cold as frost, he escaped into the shadows again and chased in the direction Lu Luo fled.

After Lu Luo passed through several rooms, he came to a rectangular room.

At the end of the room is a door. This door is made of black and white grid layers, and the surrounding walls are the same, which is very different from the previous white walls.

When Lu Luo was about to walk over, the observer unexpectedly appeared and gave a hint.

[Host, please note that there is a visual error trap ahead. The lattice-shaped door looks like a door, but it is actually a wall. 】

Lu Luo walked to the wall, and when he reached for the door handle, as the observer had reminded him, he couldn't catch anything.

On the sign next to the shield, there are actually many words written crookedly, which seem to be special reminders.

[Your eyes have completely deceived yourself. In this place, you cannot trust your own vision, but you need your own vision to find the real door. 】

Can't believe your eyes? Is it a visual trap? Play a bad game and turn on the overclocking mode.

[Overclocking mode is on. 】

Lu Luo slowly backed away, letting everything in the room come into view.

He knew that the more time was pressed, the less he could panic. Panic would only waste more time.

Lu Luo spent 3 seconds carefully observing the area in front of him, and then quickly built a model in his thinking world.

The alternating grids are not perfect. Some grids will have some unevenness or imperfections.

Lu Luo was in his own thinking world, trying out the differences in these grids one by one.

Finally, he discovered a door handle-shaped protrusion in one of the grids. When Lu Luo looked from the upper right perspective to the lower left.

The blocks on these grids will be connected to the surrounding blocks, and the door handles will be particularly prominent, thus showing the shape of a door.

But the only thing that Lu Luo couldn't accept was that such a visual trap door spliced ​​with visual effects could really be opened? (See this chapter for details)

Exiting the thinking space, Lu Luo reached out and grabbed the doorknob that appeared in his eyes.

To his surprise, he actually grasped a handle and turned it gently.

Click! This invisible door hidden in the air opened.

There was endless emptiness inside the door, and Li Qingshu's voice came from behind him. Lu Luo knew that he couldn't wait any longer.

He plunged into the door and completely disappeared from Li Qingshu's sight.

Li Qingshu also came to the room at this time. He had heard Lu Luo's voice just now, but when he came to the room, Lu Luo had already left.

Li Qingshu walked to the innermost part and grabbed the door handle, but he caught a glimpse of loneliness.

This doorknob? It's actually painted on it? What about the people from Luluo?

Li Qingshu groped the wall while looking for a way to open the door. It was definitely this direction that Lu Luo escaped from just now.

Then these black and white grids in front of you should be the key to unlocking the problem.

That kid can crack it, I don't believe he can still beat me!

Just like Lu Luo, Li Qingshu also fell into the dream weaver's thinking trap. In the dream battle, Lu Luo was a simple-minded and muscular monster.

Although he had been tricked by Lu Luo just now, his first impression of Lu Luo remained unchanged at this time.

After Lu Luo passed through the space gate, he fell in a black space for a while, and then landed in a new area.

It's still a red carpet and white walls, but there are many more decorations than the previous place.

For example, standing knight armor, various oil paintings, handicrafts, mirrors and the like.

As soon as Lu Luo landed, he saw Qi Xinzhu and Gu Fang standing on the same spot, not moving forward any further.

Have you found that door too?

Well, I have eagle eyes. I can't be troubled by that kind of visual trap!

Then why don't you keep running? Are you waiting for me here?

“No, we want to leave too, but this place is a bit strange, I don’t know how to describe it.

We've been walking, but we've been walking for a long time, but we're still treading water, and there's something wrong with this armor.

Gu Fangyi was a bit clumsy. He pointed at a pair of decorative armor behind him, and then pointed at the almost endless corridor at his feet, gesticulating constantly.

Qi Xinzhu also frowned and said something.

Lu Luo, you will know after you follow us for a while.

Lu Luo glanced at the knight armors behind him. These knight armors were painted with smiling faces, crying faces and other expressions.

I walked over and opened it. The armor was empty and had nothing hidden inside. The armor itself was ordinary, but it was a bit old.

[Ordinary knight armor does not have any special energy response. 】

Looking back at the corridor again, Lu Luo muttered:

Let's go.


The three of them had just taken a few steps when Lu Luo knew what was going on. The decorative armor behind him was following them.

Its footsteps were very loud, and it made a clang, crow sound. It could be said that it was blatant and had no intention of hiding it at all.

The sounds of armor were getting closer and the movements seemed to be getting louder.

Lu Luo had no doubt that if they didn't turn around to look at it, the armor would attack them when it got close enough.

When Lu Luo turned his head, the armor was leaning against the wall tightly, just like before.

The only difference is that its position has moved a large distance.

The smiling face on the armor is still so conspicuous, and when others look at its face, they feel as if they are being mocked by it.

Lu Luo pondered slightly. If it were just the rules of the game, it would be very easy to crack this corridor.

Qi Xinzhu, Brother Gu, you hold my hand, I look at it, you two walk, drag me along.

Huh? That's right. When someone looks at the armor, the armor stops moving.

Qi Xinzhu's eyes lit up. This idea was not difficult. It only took some time to think of it. However, Lu Luo's reaction was really fast. He thought of the solution after just one look.

Qi Xinzhu and Gu Fangyi walked forward in accordance with Lu Luo's request. Lu Luo was pulled by the two of them, and without blinking, he quietly looked at the armor that stayed in place.

Just as he thought, when his armor was in his field of vision, the armor would not move.

So the three of them moved forward slowly until a hand was put on Lu Luo's shoulder and patted him.

What? Lu Luo was a little confused.

Neither of them made a sound, and the only one who responded to Lu Luo was the observer.

[The figures of Qi Xinzhu and Gu Fangyi are both in a fixed state, that is to say, they have not turned around, so this hand does not belong to them. 】

Qi Xinzhu?

Lu Luo felt something was wrong. He shouted and pinched Qi Xinzhu's fingers, but Qi Xinzhu still had no reaction and continued to drag Lu Luo forward.

It's like there is no sense or hearing at all.

The hand on the shoulder had already touched Lu Luo's neck. This hand definitely did not belong to Qi Xinzhu, because Qi Xinzhu's hands were not that big and not that oily.

This greasy feeling was so disgusting that Lu Luo couldn't bear it.

He let go of Ikuru Fangyi's hand and tried to grab the palm on his neck, but failed.

And after he let go, Gu Fangyi didn't seem to notice it and kept walking forward.

He still had to keep his eyes on the armor and could only use his hands to fumble around on his back.

Lu Luo fumbled for a while to no avail. As soon as he put down his hand, Lu Luo found that oily palm appeared again.

What the hell! What's going on?

He turned around and saw not Qi Xinzhu and Gu Fangyi, but a fat woman in an oil painting.

Its whole body is composed of greasy oil, which is why Lu Luo feels greasy.

The only thing about the woman in the oil painting that looked human was the hand that Lu Luo never let go of.

But when Lu Luo looked at that hand, his fingers began to become greasy quickly.

The fat woman in the oil painting also smiled at Lu Luo and made a hug gesture towards Lu Luo.

Lu Luo was so disgusted that he retreated suddenly, but the moment he retreated, the sound of armor behind him got closer and closer.

Lu Luo made a quick decision and immediately punched out deliberately, smashing the fat woman in oil painting in front of him into pieces with one punch.

Taking advantage of the moment when the painting girl died, Lu Luo quickly looked back at the armor.

Sure enough, all their efforts were in vain, and they returned to the bottom of the corridor about 20 meters away. The corridor space seemed to be pulled again.

Looking into the distance, Qi Xinzhu and Gu Fangyi were pulling a greasy man away. Without saying a word, Lu Luo drew out his sword and threw it away.

[You just walked forward 101 meters normally, stepped back 2 meters, moved forward 1 meter again, and threw the weapon.

All these movement processes are real and effective, and observers can guarantee that the host does not experience hallucinations. 】

Didn't you have an illusion and become like this?

Originally, Lu Luo and Qi Xinzhu were dozens of meters apart, but at the moment they turned their heads, they were only 4-5 meters away. The space here was impossible to calculate.

The rotating sword cut the oil painting man in half. When they saw Lu Luo's sword, Qi Xinzhu and Gu Fangyi finally woke up.

Lu Luo?

Both of them wanted to turn back, but Lu Luo immediately stopped them.

Brother Gu, don't look back. Qi Xinzhu looks back. Don't be in a hurry. Now hold Qi Xinzhu's hand. Qi Xinzhu looks back at me. Hurry!

When Lu Luo was speaking, the footsteps of the armor had stopped, and Lu Luo knew that it was behind him.

Maybe the armor's action at this time is to raise the sword high, or maybe it wants to break his own neck?

Qi Xinzhu turned around and his armor returned to normal, which made Lu Luo relax a little.

Because the sense of crisis just now was definitely not false. That seemingly ordinary piece of armor was very dangerous.


After stabilizing the situation a little, Lu Luo began to analyze quickly.

“The three of us just now should have blind spots in our field of vision.

Although we were back to back and holding hands, there was no view of the distance between the two parties. This must have been the mistake just now.

Now Lu Luo is looking at Qi Xinzhu, Qi Xinzhu is looking at Lu Luo, and Gu Fang is looking ahead. There are no more blind spots in the three sections of vision, and the corridor without blind spots has returned to calm.

Lu Luo wiped the oil from his neck and threw it on the ground.

Okay, let me briefly talk about the situation in this area.

Just when Lu Luo was about to explain the principle of this corridor and his analysis to the two of them, Qi Xinzhu's pupils narrowed.

Lu Luo relied on the strong field of vision brought by the observer to see Li Qingshu behind her through her pupils.

Lu Luo!

You don't need to say it. I have already seen it in your pupils. He is far enough away from us. Don't worry about him now. Just listen to me.



After getting affirmative answers from the two of them, UU Reading Lu Luo continued to tell what he had inferred.

In this corridor, a single sense can be deceived.

Even if it is something seen by the eyes, heard by the ears, or touched by the fingers, if it is a single feeling, it will still be deceived.

Only double confirmation can guarantee the accuracy of the information in this place.

If you see something scary, make sure you see it + hear it, or see it + touch it, then it is real.

So from now on, while the three of us hold hands, our field of vision needs to cover all the aisles.

We need to chat while we are walking. Every 30 seconds we talk about something from the past. There is no fixed matter, so we can say whatever we want.

Time is running out, got it?

But Lu Luo, behind you!

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