Doomsday Circle

Chapter 147: When you come outside the wall, you are fighting for your life!

This time is different from last time. The three of them are well prepared. Gu Fangyi can also carry out long-range sniping without the need to intercept other people's ammunition.

Coupled with Lu Luo's ground pursuit singles, ordinary teams would not care at all.

Everything is ready, just waiting to come out of the wall.

But after they arrived at the high wall of the South Ring Road, the three of them were directly stopped by the wall guards.

The first test from the South Ring appeared.

A female wall guard looked at the visas of Lu Luo and the others, and then at the two big swords behind Lu Luo.

What are you doing??? Mineral exploration?

Well yes, beautiful Lady Wallkeeper.

Lu Luo bowed slightly, showed a charming smile, and then winked at the wall guard sister, hoping that the other party would be accommodating.

Don't compliment me, I don't like men.

After the wall guard finished speaking, he glanced at Qi Xinzhu calmly. When Qi Xinzhu heard what she said, his face suddenly turned red.

She couldn't do what Lu Luo usually did!

[This woman has bad thoughts about Qi Xinzhu, can she bear it? 】

Lu Luo was also shocked. So there are lesbians in this world? He quickly pulled Qi Xinzhu behind him.

Um, stop joking, ma'am. This joke is not very funny.

The female wall guard smiled and ignored Lu Luo.

Then she opened Gu Fangyi's bag again, and her face suddenly froze because what she saw were more than a dozen grenades.

Lu Luo quickly explained again.

Things like grenades are very useful for blasting ores, really!

You use energy grenades to blast mines? That's a bit extravagant.

You have discovered all this. Madam, your thinking is really quick. We are too rich and there is nothing we can do about it.

[Yes, Qi Xinzhu, You Xiaoqi, and Ding Peng’s salaries are all 200 so far. You are so rich. 】

Automatically ignoring the observers, Lu Luo is just a female wall guard anyway. As long as the blow is not fatal, he will blow to death.

The female wall guard pushed away the grenade, followed by a whole pack of bullets. Anyway, apart from bullets, she couldn't find anything related to mining.

What about these?

Gu Fangyi lowered his head in shame. He should have bought a hoe earlier.

Lu Luo knew that he had to keep silent at this time. It would be embarrassing if he was refused a visa.

Ms. Wall Keeper, you are also aware of the dangers outside the wall. We are exploring for minerals, not pure mining.

What we want to do is find the location of suitable minerals, so we may want to go to many areas outside the wall.

This Mr. Gu Fangyi is our guard. He is very strong, but he just wants to retain his student status, so he did not apply for a mercenary visa.

That's it!

The wall guard nodded, closed Gu Fangyi's bag, opened Qi Xinzhu's, and took out two pig-nosed gas masks.

What does this do?

There are sometimes poisonous gases in the mines, so wearing a gas mask is a way to prepare in advance.

But I didn't find any tools related to mineral exploration in your belongings? Isn't this too fake?

The wall guard looked like he was about to refuse the visa. How could Lu Luo agree?

Ms. Wall Keeper, the instruments used for mineral exploration have some flaws.

But the precise sequence will not go wrong, and my eyes can see through everything, whether it is used to explore for minerals or see people, it is no problem.

For example, you are a level 2 wall defender with high strength and agility. I guess you are a senior melee extraordinary person, right?

This female wall guard was a little surprised. Could it be that Lu Luo really had a reconnaissance level?

Yes, but it doesn't seem to have anything to do with your visa.

My eyes tell me you must be a smoker.

Lu Luo handed the cigarette case to the wall guard. The wall guard was about to say that he didn't smoke, but Lu Luo immediately emphasized it.

Believe me, ma'am, you do smoke.

The wall guard took the cigarette case and raised his eyebrows slightly.

Okay, I've been under a lot of pressure in my life recently. Smoking some cigarettes can really relieve my stress. If you pass, please remember to come back on time.

The wall guard finally stamped the visas of the three people.

Although Lu Luo felt sorry for the 3,000 yuan in the cigarette box, losing 3,000 yuan was much better than being refused a visa.

Following the zipline of the South Ring, Lu Luo and the others arrived at area C04, which could be seen from the area number.

This area was discovered earlier and explored more often.

Both the map and the danger zone prompts have been relatively complete, so starting from the Exile Jungle, the paths of the three of them are very fixed.

After passing through the Exiles' Jungle, there is a huge mountainous area, the Chuxing Mountains.

The second area after passing through the mountains and rivers area is a place where a large number of small lakes gather, the Qianhu District.

The end of Qianhu District is the swamp area of ​​C04, which is the goal of Lu Luo and the others.

Act first and see if anyone follows. If they do follow, then take action directly.


Gu Fang nodded, and Qi Xinzhu on the side did not express any objection.

After several months of growth, although Qi Xinzhu cannot be hard-hearted, she already possesses the basic psychological qualities of a warrior.

It's still the same recipe, the same routine, Lu Luo holds his sword to open the way for Gu Fangyi, and Qixinzhu cuts off the back.

But this time, before they went very far, Lu Luo stopped.

[The stalker has appeared. 】

I'm still following you!

Do it now?

Too close to the wall, wait until the mountain range.


After that, the three men's actions speeded up slightly.

Because their physical strength was stronger than before, the three of them had passed through the Exile Jungle in only one hour.

Brother Gu, find a higher point and I'll leave some traces for them.


Gu Fang looked at the mountains in the distance and ran directly over.

Qi Xinzhu was following behind him. Gu Fangyi's melee ability was weak and he needed Qi Xinzhu's protection.

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Lu Luo, on the other hand, is more aggressive. In such a low-risk area, he can just stop where he wants and fight casually. If I move, I will lose.

After leaving some footprints and footprints, Lu Luo also found a place to hide.

Not long after, 10 people in mercenary uniforms, divided into two groups of five, came out of the Exile Jungle.

The first group moved very quickly to check the footprints of Lu Luo and the others, and then followed the footsteps left by Lu Luo.

The second group of people kept a distance from the first group.

This method of allocating actions can be regarded as a layer of insurance.

But even so, Lu Luo still had no intention of taking action. He was still waiting, and let Gu Fangyi continue to wait.

It wasn't until more than 20 minutes later that a third group of people actually appeared!

There are 15 mercenaries in total. They are really meticulous.

Judging from their attire, these people are just ordinary mercenaries.

However, whether it is Lu Luo who has an observer or Gu Fangyi who has an eagle eye, it can be seen from their firearms that these people are very well equipped!

Lu Luo raised his hand above his head, making a fist gesture for Gu Fangyi, and then gestured with an index finger.

Although the distance was very far, he knew that Gu Fangyi, who had eagle eyes, could definitely see his movements.

Brother Luo asked us to take action, target team one.

Qi Xinzhu was silent for a moment.

Do you need my cooperation?

Ah? Gu Fangyi didn't react.

Isn’t Qi Xinzhu a member of the church? It doesn't seem like a long time ago, your personality has changed so much? Did you take Brother Luo's medicine?

No, just protect me. It's difficult for them to attack me from this distance.


Although Qi Xinzhu was ready to kill, she felt a little more comfortable after hearing that Gu Fangyi did not ask her to kill.

Gu Fang quickly adjusted the scope, locked on, and fired.


Before the sound came, the leader of the mercenary team 1 had already fallen down.

After he fell, the sound of gunshots came from the top of the mountain. The bullets were much faster than the sound.

Enemy attack! At the top of the mountain, sniper!

In panic, the members of the mercenary team 1 wanted to find a bunker to hide, but there was not even a rock to cover their bodies on the slope halfway up the mountain. Where could they find a bunker.

They could only find some forest trees for cover.

But the trees on the mountain are only about 10 centimeters thick at most, and it is already very difficult to withstand ordinary bullets.

It is simply impossible to block a sniper rifle shot.

What's more, Gu Fangyi's shooting was carried out with archery energy and eagle eyes.


The second shot was fired, and the second man fell down. This group of mercenaries had become very panicked.

They are just labor dispatch mercenaries from the Fourth Ring Road, and Blue Sky Pharmaceutical is just a long-term partner. They are paid to do things, and no one really wants to die here.

With team members falling down one after another, the mercenaries had lost the confidence to fight and naturally ran away in panic.

Lu Luo's request to Gu Fangyi was very simple, that is, kill without mercy.

Regarding intelligence and survival, these matters are all handled by Lu Luo himself. Gu Fangyi's mission is to kill people, nothing else.

When the mercenary team 1 was attacked, the mercenary team 2 naturally heard the gunshots.

They usually have two options, first, move forward to help Team 1, and second, return to round with Team 3 for evacuation.

But no matter which one they choose, they will end up in a dead end, because Lu Luo has already appeared behind Team 3.

Uh-huh! This is the sound of strong wind swirling.

The huge and exaggerated two-handed sword flew towards the three groups of people like a rotating electric fan. The sword was also wrapped with Lu Luo's Qi.

The entry-level mercenaries were unable to resist this outrageous impact.


The giant sword chopped one person's chest open, but its power was not reduced, and it broke another person's arm before it could stop.

Not to mention the dead man, the one who was hit lay on the ground crying and howling because his three teammates had already run away.

Not only was his arm cut off, but his ribs were also broken by the impact of the giant sword. He could only lie on the ground, showing the most vulnerable side of human beings, and howled loudly.

Lu Luo suddenly rushed towards the scattered fleeing Sanren, connected his Qihe to the jet-type three-dimensional maneuvering device, activated his steam Qihe, and attempted an energy jet.


The feedback from the impact of the jet was very strong. Lu Luo, who was not used to this type of jet action, almost fell down because he lost his balance.

However, his attributes were high enough and he quickly adjusted.

If this equipment is used by Qi Xinzhu or Brother Gu, they should need a long period of practice!

Phew! Phew!

Steam gasification can be said to be one of the most suitable energies for jet devices, because the pressure of steam can become Lu Luo's jet power without much additional conversion.

Using the jet device, Lu Luo's movement speed can be increased several times.

He didn't take a jet flight because the equipment could only be used for 10 minutes. It was just to deal with a few mercenaries and test the equipment. That would be too luxurious.

Lu Luo drew out the second sword from his back and charged with a jet, killing one of them.

The remaining two people looked at Lu Luo who was blocking them, and finally mustered up the last courage to take out their guns and shoot.

Firearms are undoubtedly the most effective weapons for those who are not strong enough.

Unfortunately, they met Lu Luo.

Lu Luo specifically turned off his Qihe defense and allowed these bullets to hit his face, body, and arms.

But these shots only made a tinkling sound and had no real effect.

Advanced Extraordinary One!

Lu Luo threw out a wire hook, grabbed the two people's thighs, stepped forward, kicked their calves off, and dragged the crying two people towards the person whose arms had been cut off just now.

The whole process took less than 2 minutes, and the third team of mercenaries was almost completely wiped out.

Lu Luo was not in a hurry to ask them, because there was still a group of people.

Seeing that he didn't speak, the three mercenaries who were still alive naturally became even more panicked. Before Lu Luo asked, they had already started telling them everything they knew.

Brother, we are only doing things according to the requirements of Blue Sky Company. Oh, yes, yes, I am a member of Blue Sky Pharmaceutical Cooperative Mercenary Company.

Seeing one of them speak, the other two also rushed to speak.

I also have information. Blue Sky Company requires us to follow you. There are no specific requirements, just follow.

Yes, we don't intend to attack you. We really don't know anything. At least I don't know anything. Really, brother, please believe me.

Can the mercenary's words be trusted? Believable, but will Lu Luo let them go? Won't.

Don't be so spineless. You also know the rules outside the wall. Since you are the breadwinner and have this high salary, you must be brave enough to do what you want.

You are monitoring me to provide information to Lantian. If you don't harm me, it doesn't mean that Lantian Pharmaceutical, which has learned my information, will not harm me.

You earn several thousand yuan a month, but the sweeper aunt is only 165. If you really want to save your life, you can just sweep the floor inside the wall, and there is no need to come outside the wall.

Coming outside the wall is a life-and-death struggle.

You... Lu Luo's words undoubtedly sentenced the three of them to death. Since Lu Luo couldn't let them go no matter what, they naturally had to fight to the death.

But when they thought about the scene when they shot Lu Luo just now, they felt a sense of despair in their hearts.

This man is not even afraid of bullets, how can he kill him?

It was originally a reconnaissance mission, and they were not equipped with heavy weapons or grenades.

Now that Lu Luo was sitting in front of them without fighting back, these mercenaries couldn't even find a way to kill Lu Luo.

The first group of mercenaries had all been shot dead by Gu Fangyi, while the second group of mercenaries had just escaped in front of Lu Luo after a long time.

But what greeted them was only despair!

It is different from the previous 3 teams. One person in the 2 teams should be a squad leader or something like that.

He told Lu Luo some news that surprised him.

You said that besides Song Hana from Blue Sky Pharmaceutical, there is another person who entrusted you to find me? Who is it?

If I tell you, can you let me go?

Lu Luo thought for a moment, then nodded.

I can either kill you or let you go, provided your information is valuable.

“She asked us to investigate you before Song Hana found us, and I don’t know her name.

But I am pretty sure she is from the church because she smells of church musk, very strong.

Lu Luo's mind first flashed to Qi Xinzhu and Han Shiyu, but he quickly eliminated these two people because there was no need for them to investigate him.

Moreover, these two women only have the fragrance of women and milk, but no musky smell.

[Excluding the two, the church women who have the most contact with hosts are Yu Luo 45%, Lu Shan 50%, and others 5%]

Lu Luo's mind quickly flashed through the figures of Lu Shan and Yu Luo, and finally settled on the light seeker named Yu Luo.

The woman who cut her own skirt?

When Lu Luo was doubting himself, the mercenary asked cautiously:

I've told you everything I know, can you let me go?

Well, I said before that I can let you go or not kill you.

Lu Luo turned around. When the mercenary was ecstatic, a bullet from the sniper rifle penetrated his soul and exploded in his head.

Lu Luo took away all the firearms from the three groups, then found a hole and buried them.

They have no way to carry so much supplies now, so they can only put it on hold temporarily.

Whether you can find it again when you come back basically depends on whether the scavenger bosses will give you face.

When they reached the top of the mountain and met up with Gu Fang and two others, Lu Luo pointed to the Qianhu District far away under the mountain.

Let's go! These 20 days have been quite busy.

After Lu Luo left, a person suddenly appeared in the shadow of the mountain wall.

Like a ghost, he came to the corpses of several groups of mercenaries. UU Reading briefly inspected the corpses and frowned slightly.

The speed of Lu Luo's strength improvement is too astonishing!

According to Song Hana, they are a group of company-sponsored students, and they should have very few resources before college.

Even if there is a financial sponsor behind them, and someone helps them provide them with training resources such as dark spirit stones, their physical fitness will not be able to reach this level.

Because physical fitness training and energy system training are completely different things.

The only ones that can truly significantly improve physical fitness are alien species.

The tall and thin man checked the mercenary's wound again, and it could be judged from the incision made by cutting the man's waist.

Lu Luo's power can even reach close to a level 3 ordinary strength extraordinary person, or a level 2 strength extraordinary person among hunters.

But he also knew very well that Lu Luo had used Qihe before, so it was definitely impossible for him to use force.

With normal cultivation, it is impossible to have such great power in a few months. This person's growth cannot withstand scrutiny.

There is only one possibility, and that is that he has a way to quickly strengthen his body.

Maybe Song Hana's guess is wrong, there is no company behind it.

All the secrets have been with Lu Luo from beginning to end.

The alien life force.

After Li Qingshu threw the man's half body on the ground, his body gradually turned gray, then merged with the shadow and disappeared again.

At the same time that he appeared and disappeared, Lu Luo's upgraded observer gave two prompts respectively.

[Advanced sequence fluctuations detected, too far away to know other information! 】

[Advanced sequence fluctuations detected, too far away to know other information! 】

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