Don't mind the lyrics

Chapter 119: Ch 119: The Unmarked Grave.

"I am taking all the sorrows with me"

That was the last line she said.

It was a text found on a letter,

Where the tombstone was laid.

It was an unidentified grave,

With nothing but the letter and a name.

She wanted to give this to her beloved,

But was caught in-between life's game.

Fifty years later, her letter was found,

And the letter was given to her lover.

He still believed that she was alive,

So he was still searching for her.

They wanted to marry and settle down,

But War took them apart.

He was arrested and she was killed,

And knowing that, he was deeply hurt.

As he cried over her grave,

A gentle wind blew past him.

Signaling that she might be dead,

But she is still watching over him.

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