Don’t Mess with Shennong

Chapter 68 - Wang Wencai

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Wang Wencai was three or four years older than Wang Ping’an. When he was a kid, he was a nerd. He read all day long and had few friends.

But Wang Ping’s stagnation and speechlessness, the two were squatting together in a daze, playing with ants, and over time, they became good friends.

Even if Wang Wen was admitted to high school and junior college, this connection was not broken. Every week or on holiday, he would come to Wang Ping and play.

The two’s homes are far away. Wang Ping’s home is in the east of the village, while Wang Wencai’s home is in a mountain valley northwest of the village. If you walk, you will even have to walk for half an hour.

Because of this, the talents in the village can’t figure out why these two young men who can’t fight together are so good.

“It’s not a holiday, it’s a college graduation this year, the internship is over, and I will go back to the village to rest for a while. I should consider where to find a job.”

Wang Wencai replied that he had approached Wang Ping’an, habitually putting a punch on his shoulder.

The muscles in Wang Ping’s body were as strong as iron bumps, and his hands hurt.

“Oh, your kid is really strong, what food is he eating, and he has muscles? It feels different from before.” Wang Wencai was shocked.

“Working in the field, working out, haha, you went to college, there is no chance to become like me.” Wang Pingyang proudly, deliberately clumsily show off like before.

“Praise you, you’re still breathing! Haha, I said that I went to college, but I actually went to college. I haven’t learned anything in recent years. I just panicked when I graduated, and I don’t know what to do next What? “

The two said with a smile, Wang Ping took him to his home, cut a Shennong watermelon, and let him taste.

“This is the legendary high-priced watermelon in the village? It tastes weird and tastes different from ordinary watermelon, but it is really delicious.”

Wang Wencai praised again and again, and then ate four large pieces at a stretch, his belly could not support it, and then stopped.

“The village boss said it was a watermelon mutation, and the taste has improved a lot. Since it is almost sold out, Huaguo Mountain has also raised its price.

Things are rare and expensive, and even if they are mutated in the future, they will not have a similar taste, so the rich people in the city buy them even more fiercely. “

Wang Ping used his usual tone to show off his watermelon to his friends.

Wang Wencai sighed: “It’s your luck to mutate things. Like other people’s ordinary watermelons, it can’t be sold for three or four cents a catty. It’s a pity that they are almost rotten.”

“I heard that you are studying electronic marketing, can you sell these things?” Wang Ping asked.

“Watermelon doesn’t work, it’s too cheap, and it’s too easy to crack. The packaging is expensive, the transportation cost is more expensive, and the cost of selling it is not enough. What is it for selling it? It’s better to make fertilizer in the rotten ground.”

“What about Huaxi Peach? All fruits and melons are harvested this year. I’m afraid that peaches are not easy to sell.”

“Huaxi Peach can be operated, but the time is too short, there is no marketing plan, I am afraid I can’t sell too much. I came back this time, I also have the idea of ​​helping the village to sell agricultural products, but I still hesitate.”

“What is hesitating?” Wang Ping asked.

Wang Wencai replied: “One is that there is no funds, the other is that the transportation environment is too bad, and the third is that the village gangsters and village tyrants are too troublesome … If you make some achievements, there will be more people who come to make trouble.

Funding is indeed a problem, but Wang Ping’s can solve part of it, but the transportation environment is too bad, then it cannot be solved by personal strength.

There are too many potholes in the mountain road from the village to the town. The watermelon may be fine, but the peach is completely destroyed.

And for online sales, there is no courier in town, only a postal parcel, which is too slow. Ordinary things can be mailed, but use it to mail fruits, just wait for customers to complain about refunds.

As for the village gangsters and village tyrants, Wang Pingping can pat his chest to assure him that he will fight whatever he dares to make trouble. I am now the strongest village tyrant.

However, all these thoughts were not immediately spoken by Wang Ping’an. If they were spoken, it would be amazing. He still needs the status of a fool to do some practical things.

So Wang Ping’an just comforted: “Don’t worry, as long as you want to do it, the solution is always more difficult. We can’t do it in the village, we can move it to the town or even the city.”

“Haha, Erbao, you can. I haven’t seen you during this time. You have become smarter. Let’s walk around the village and take a look at the changes in the village. I will tell you about the outside world.”

“Now there is a website called a certain treasure. Many things can be sold all over the world through a certain treasure website. We have a lot of fruits in Huaxi Town, the prices are too low, and the purchase of fruit merchants is too arrogant. Fall to a little hard money. “

“If I can sell these unsalable fruits, not only can I lead everyone to get rich, but I can also get rich by myself.”

Speaking of which, Wang Wencai also took out his mobile phone to show Wang Ping’s what a certain treasure website looked like. By the way, he searched for related fruits, and a lot of them came out instantly.

The marked price is only a bit lower than the market retail price, but it is two or three times higher than the price that the fruit merchant bought, or even three or four times.

Although Wang Ping’s IQ has returned to normal, his knowledge of the world is still in limited TV programs. This is the first time that online shopping knowledge has been learned.

The field of Wang Wencai’s house is a little remote. In the northwest corner, he also grows all kinds of fruits. Almost all the fruits that can be grown in Tiannan Province are grown.

This is the idea of ​​not putting eggs in the same basket, but for orchards, such planting methods increase the difficulty of management.

Together with Wang Wencai, Wang Ping’an walked from the east to the west of the village and saw the orchards and crops nearby.

At this time, he saw the village party secretary Wang Deli and the village director Wang Jingyi, accompanied by a few cadres, pointing beside the orchard.

“These are the cadres in the town. I saw them when I came. The middle-aged man in white shirt was Mayor Lu. The orchard plan of the whole town was made by him, but the farmers were not able to make a profit every year. When it comes to money, he is more anxious than anyone else. “

“Especially this year’s watermelon has a serious sluggish sale. I heard that he found a juice processing company and is negotiating the acquisition. However, the price offered is definitely very low, which is a little stronger than rotting the ground.”

Wang Wen was worthy of being someone who had seen the world, and he said the truth, and he didn’t know where he got the whispers from him.

Wang Ping’an nodded frequently, and he also heard the name of Mayor Lu, because since Mayor Lu came to Huaxi Town, this remote and closed town, it completely opened up the external communication channel.

Some knowledgeable people are talking about his good.

Wang Ping’an thought about what happened during this period of consciousness, and deeply felt that the farmers here need to get rid of poverty and become rich, and some ignorant thoughts need to be changed.

His Shennong mineral water can help himself get rid of poverty and become rich, but he cannot help more villagers. On this point, he feels that he is not as good as Wang Wencai and even less than Mayor Lu.

“So, I can only earn money silently and become the richest man in the village?” Wang Ping thought in his heart.

At this moment, the village party secretary Wang Deli suddenly pointed at them and shouted: “Erbao, you come here for a while, Mayor Lu asked you something.”

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