Don’t Drink The Gene Juice

Chapter 13

"Jenna, we're really happy to hear all this," Mom said later that night. "I'm glad that you feel so confident about this."

Jenna beamed with delight. She felt so full of relief.

"I knew she'd love being a mermaid!" Lily said, "I totally called it. She's been obsessed with the ocean her whole life. She like an inverse little mermaid."

Jenna giggled. "That gene juice was bad, but it definitely was better than a sea witch."

Dad got up from the couch, and walked over to a little cabinet in the desk in the other room.

"I think," he said, "that now might be a good time to let you know about something."

He came back into the living room with his tablet, which he pulled up to an official looking document.

Dad put it into Jenna's hands. It had a DeNeticA watermark on it.

"Dear Mr. Jones...," she began to read.

It was a long, very legal document. It looked very calculated to sound as nice, but safe, as possible. They expressed, through Dad, how distressed they were to learn that Jenna's order had been accidentally mixed up with, as they'd thought, a transgender girl who was going to celebrate her transition.

Putting a worry of hers to rest, thankfully, the physical orders hadn't literally been switched. The girl hadn't become a wolf. Jenna's had just accidentally become a duplicate of the girl's order.

The legal language went on, transitioning from saying they were sorry to covering their a**. But then Jenna saw what the a** covering was.

"...We are prepared to offer your daughter... A FULL RIDE SCHOLARSHIP TO THE UNIVERSITY OF HER CHOICE!"

She squealed out that last part, than smirked shrinking back a little as she saw her family covering their ears.

"Yes," Dad said with a smug look, "I threatened to sue. They gave in way more than I thought they would though."

Jenna tossed the tablet to an empty couch cushion, jumping up and hugging Dad.

"Oh thank you so much Daddy! Oh thank you thank you thank you!"

Dad laughed. "You really have changed a lot, haven't you?"

"For the better," Jenna grinned, "for the better."

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