Don't Destroy the World

5 - Requirements

When Ember asked Rowan to help her save their parents, she expected one of two reactions. The first one was for him to look at her like she had gone insane which, in all honesty, was a valid reaction. She was basically asking him to help her go against a noble. The other possibility was that he would have the wild excitement of a kid wanting to play the hero. In any case, she had plans for both reactions.

What she didn't plan for was the reaction her brother was giving her right now. His entire body stiffened and then his shoulders sagged. Rowan looked down at his feet with a grim expression.

"We can't."

Ember blinked, thrown off by his defeated attitude. Sure, without Rowan knowing about her skills it would seem impossible to help their parents but that had never stopped Rowan from trying.

"You're different," Ember found herself saying.

Rowan glared at her. "I'm not the one who's been acting weird." He yanked away from her. "You think I'm stupid?"

Ember hesitated, feeling bewildered. Did Rowan figure something out about her? "I don't know what you mean."

"Don't lie! I know you came out here after I fought with Dad." He balled up his fist. "He probably told you to try to calm me down, but I'm not some little kid."

Ember had to stop herself from pointing out he was ten.

Rowan must have seen it in her eyes because he glared at her. "I know Dad can't fight against a noble, especially not one who's a Seedling. I just-" He kicked the ground. "I hate it. I hate that we just have to let him do what he wants."

Ember took a deep breath. "Dad didn't send me and neither did mom. When I asked you to help me save Mom and Dad, I meant it."

Rowan snorted in disbelief. "Sure."

Ember grinned. "Come with me. We need to go somewhere we won't be interrupted."

Rowan looked doubtful but he still followed her. She was tempted to take him to the cave but since it was Patricia's secret, she didn't want to reveal it without her permission. She knew just how important it was to have a safe place. Still, despite that she did take him to the same area, but instead of going to the hidden tunnel she pulled him into the woods. Once she felt they were deep enough but not so deep to be dangerous, she stopped.

"Why are we all the way out here?" Rowan asked, looking around him curiously.

"Privacy." She looked her brother in the eyes. "Rowan, you have to promise not to tell anyone about what I'm going to show you. I mean it. If you tell anyone, then our whole family's life will be over."

"Aren't you being dramatic?" Rowan asked dismissively.

Ember grabbed his arm, squeezing it. "I'm serious. If you aren't able to keep it a secret then there's no point in me showing you."

"You're serious?" Rowan asked, staring at her.

"Very," Ember said, looking him in the eyes.

Rowan hesitated and then nodded. "I promise."

Ember studied him to make sure he was serious and then let go. She still hesitated. Would it be smart to even tell him? She could always come up with a different plan that wouldn't involve a ten-year-old having to keep his mouth shut, but it would be better if there was another person around.

Most of all she wanted to include him. In her tyrant life her secrets ended up pushing her brother away. Even now, there were many secrets she still had to keep but at least she wanted to show him a little trust. She didn't ever want to go through losing him again.

"Okay, don't panic." She held out her hand and summoned a small flame.

Rowan's eyes widened. She then held out another hand and several drops of water came together to merge into an orb of water.

"Oh shit! You're a Seedling!" Rowan yelled.

"Shh!!" Ember said, immediately dismissing the elements and clamping a hand over Rowan's mouth. Her eyes darted around, searching for any sign of an intruder.

There was no one. She knew that but she had to be careful. The town's main resource was lumber and most of the townspeople did some work in the woods. Though currently they were focused on the western part of the forest.

A slick, wet feeling pressed against her hand and Ember jerked her hand away with a yelp. She stared at Rowan. "Did you just lick me?"

Rowan smirked. "You shouldn't have covered my mouth."

"You were yelling," Ember hissed, wiping her hand against her skirt. "That's disgusting."

Rowan grinned at her like he was proud of what he done, before his eyes grew serious. "How did you become a Seedling?"

Ember knew she had to be careful about what she said. Rowan desperately wanted to be a Seedling so he would try to do whatever she did to become one.

"A priest awakened me."

Rowan frowned. "What priest? Priest Octorin?"

Ember shook her head. "You know he can't."

Rowan's frown deepened. "Then who's this mystery priest? How can I meet him?"

"He's not here," Ember said. "And I can't tell you any more than that at least not right now."

A frustrated look spread across Rowan's face. "Why not? I want to be a Seedling too!"

"You don't think I know that?" Ember said, putting her hand on her hips. "But if you try to do it now, you'll end up a dud."

Rowan's face grew furious and he shoved her. "Shut up! You don't know that."

"I do! But I know how to help with that."

Anger, worry, and hope flickered across Rowan's face. "You do?"

Ember nodded. "It's something the nobles try to keep secret but I'll tell you and I'll make sure you get a chance to become a Seedling."

Rowan's face scrunched up as if he wasn't sure whether to believe her but there was a desperate hope in him. "How?"

Ember plopped down on the ground. "Sit with me."

Rowan didn't argue this time, he just sat down.

"There are three main types of power for Seedlings - Physical, Mind, and Soul. In order to be chosen by the Akashic Tree you have to meet the requirements for your power. This means being healthy and physically fit for a physical ability, smart and knowledgeable for a mind ability, and a developed soul for the soul ability."

Rowan looked thoughtful. "That's it?"

Ember nodded. "That's the basics, but think about it. Most commoners don't have good food to keep them healthy or even go to school that's why there are so many duds from commoners."

Rowan looked thoughtful then nodded slowly. "I guess that makes sense but it still doesn't sound like a big secret."

"It's not really but there are certain secrets nobles keep to help them get certain abilities. So, if you eat all the right food and are strong doesn't mean you'll get a good ability. But maybe if you swim every day and like to go diving you might find yourself with the ability to grow gills and fins."

Rowan looked confused. His face scrunched up as if he was thinking and then he nodded. "I think I get it. You have to do something extra that make Akashic be like, oh he likes swimming so I'm going to give him a swimming ability."

Ember nodded. "Yeah, but you can't just like something it has to be meaningful to you or something that saturates your life."

"What does saturate mean?" Rowan asked.

"Um, like it is something you do all the time, something that is in your life and mind every waking moment."

"Okay. That makes a bit more sense."

Ember nodded. "So, you have to meet requirements outside but also inside. That becomes even more complicated. People spend lots of time studying it and there are books that nobles study all about it. But there are some magics that a noble house tries to make sure no one can get but them."

Rowan listened with bated breath.

"There's a lot more to it and I'll explain it more but what's important is that if you tried to get magic now, you'll end up becoming a dud and you only get one chance."

Rowan's face twisted up and then he nodded. "So, I need to get stronger and smarter?"

"Yes, but once you're ready I'll make sure you get a chance to be a Seedling."

From Rowan's expression, it was clear he was struggling with the thought of having to wait. He wanted to be a Seedling but the thought of being a dud because he didn't wait must have been frightening.

"I'll wait."

"Good!" Ember said with some relief. "And I'll help you train but before that we have to help Mom and Dad."

"How?" Rowan asked.

Ember grinned. "I have a plan."

They talked for at least an hour to hash out what she needed her brother to do. He hadn't been too fond of what she asked him to do but he agreed. As the two walked back to the house they made sure to keep an eye out for their parents. Ember was a little worried her parents might be looking for her since she knew her illusion had broken. It was likely her parents had checked on her and discovered that she was gone.

When they got close to their home, the pair dashed to the side of the house. Luckily, their dad hadn't been out chopping wood this time. Ember's stealth only worked on her currently. In the past she was able to use it to spread to a second person but with her powers vastly weaken there was no way she could hide Rowan.

Once they were safely out of sight, Ember checked once more that no one was around. She then quickly summoned an illusion and placed it on them. Luckily, she could put an illusion on multiple objects though beads of sweat spread across her forehead from the strain.

Illusions lasted longer when they were tied to an object. It was also easier to break them in the lower levels when they were freestanding. It was the reason she needed her brother's help. Like before, it took three minutes to settle each of the illusions on them.

"Are you sure I can't be the mage?" Rowan asked with his sister's face.

Ember couldn't help staring at Rowan wearing her face. Despite their limited diet, her bronze cheeks had a natural chubbiness to them. Big brown eyes framed by dark lashes stared up at her, only marred by the strange symbol in her right eye.

Ember couldn't help the small giggle that poured from her mouth. "I'm adorable."

"Ugh," her brother said.

"In any case, I'm the one who needs to demonstrate that I'm a mage." She looked down at herself. "How do I look?"

"Very mage-like," Rowan said with a shrug. "Though you sound the same."

She tried speaking a bit lower, going for a sort of raspy voice. "How's this?"

Rowan's face twisted. "I guess you can say you have a cold."

She nodded then looked at Rowan thoughtfully. "You'll have to avoid talking as much as you can. I don't really think you can get away with sounding like me."

"Yes, I can," her brother said, making his voice just a little higher. It was surprisingly similar.

She blinked and he grinned back at her.

"Let's go!" Her brother said in his normal voice.

Ember sighed and then the two were moving to their house. At the door, Ember took a deep breath and gave a resounding knock.

There was the stomp of feet and the door was swung open. "Ember where have you been? And where is your..." Her mother trailed off as she looked at her or more like she looked at the mage she was pretending to be.

"Hello, Matron Camila. I'm Bloom Larisel and I would like to speak with you about taking your daughter on as my apprentice."

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