Don't Destroy the World

18 - The Best Laid Plans

Even though they all went to the back together Ember's family ended up standing outside the door. Ember was the only one allowed in and that was because Patricia insisted. So far this was the third time she found herself in these rooms when the only time she had been there in her past lives was during her Choosing.

Lord Felis and Priest Beslen took a seat across from Patricia while a knight stood on either side of the pair. In this situation, they represented the King's authority and were to make sure things remained fair. Ember and Patricia sat across from the pair.

Knight Vantosia spoke first. "Lord Felis and Priest Beslen will explain what it entails to join them. During this time, you can ask questions and they will answer. You are not required to notify the pair of your skills but may do so as they would be better able to tell you the benefits you may obtain in their service."

"If any threats are made to the new Seedling by either Lord Felis or Priest Beslen then that person would forfeit their right to have the new Seedling in their service and other arrangements will be made."

The knight then turned to Ember. "During this, you are not able to say anything unless it is to answer a question directly from the new Seedling. If you do, you will be taken from the room and punishment dealt out depending on the damage."

Ember nodded. She knew this was in order for her to not influence the choice made by Patricia. She was here to observe and if Patricia wanted her advice, she could give a neutral answer only.

Knight Van then turned his attention to everyone, looking at each person. "Does everyone understand the rules of this meeting?"

A chorus of yes went through the group.

"Then we'll start with Lord Felis," the knight said.

Lord Felis gave Patricia a heart-stopping smile that would charm any maiden or at least the ones that didn't know anything about his true nature. Even now, a blush colored Patricia's cheek as the noble gave her his full attention.

"Maiden Patricia, what I offer you is a life of luxury. You will have a monthly stipend of 10 silver flats."

Patricia's eyes widened. The thought of a single silver flat was probably more than she ever dreamed of having and Lord Felis was offering her ten.

The noble's smile grew wider at Patricia's reaction. "Of course, it won't stop there. I will give you a chance to attend one of the magic schools which shouldn't be a problem with your multiple abilities. And if that isn't to your liking, I can always provide a private tutor."

"You know about my abilities?" Patricia squeaked out in surprise.

He nodded with a hint of a smirk. "Yes. My own ability allows me to see yours."

Patricia looked thoughtful at that, frowning just the tiniest bit.

"You will also come to stay at my estate where you will be provided food, a room, and whatever you need. As your abilities grows, you can charge people for using them and whatever you make you will keep minus a percentage that will be given to me." He gave her a soft smile. "With me you will be protected, grow strong, and live a life beyond what was afforded you before. I believe it an easy decision."

Patricia looked at him then at Ember. Ember didn't say anything. In the end it was Patricia's choice and she couldn't interfere.

"It is tempting," Patricia said and then she turned to Priest Beslen.

Priest Beslen gave her a wide smile and shrugged. "Lord Felis's offer is quite generous. Even I would be tempted." He chuckled but when he met Patricia's eyes they shone with a hopeful light.

"What the Akashic Order can offer is a mere stipend of five copper tons a month. There are no luxurious rooms in the temple, our place is simple. When you work, the work will be hard and often times your only payment the knowledge that you have helped a struggling life to live on."

"What I can promise you is a place to belong, a deeper connection to the divine, and to truly understand your abilities in ways that even the magic school could not teach you." The priest stopped, hesitating before he continued. "And I can offer you a choice of freedom to make your own path, though it will not be easy if you decide to go down that road."

The priest said no more and Ember found herself a little disappointed. While the priest's speech was heartfelt it wasn't exactly one that had much to offer to it besides several concepts that a young girl might not even fully understand.

Ember glanced at Patricia who was chewing on her bottom lip, looking lost in thought. When she looked at Lord Felis, he had an air of confidence around him as if the decision had already been made and he was just waiting for Patricia to say the word.

Patricia finally looked up and faced Priest Beslen. "When you said freedom, does that mean I can leave the temple if I want?"

The priest frowned but nodded. "Yes, you will still be considered an acolyte but you'll have the freedom to leave but will be required to check in with a temple yearly. There is also mandatory training that can take around 1-3 months depending on the student. "

Patricia nodded and then looked at Lord Felis expectantly.

"If you are asking if you can travel then certainly. There are many places to go. Of course, you'll be assigned guards for your protection but that is a necessary safety measure given your abilities."

Patricia nodded and then turned to Priest Beslen, a determined look on her face. "I will go with the Akashic Order."

"What?" Lord Felis shouted, jumping to his feet. "What nonsense? They offer you nothing."

"Enough, Lord Felis," Knight Van said.

The noble glared at the knight. "Do you think I don't know you are working with that damn priest? You have tricked this girl into choosing the Order."

Patricia curled up in a ball and Ember pulled her close, shielding her from Lord Felis's wrath.

Knight Van looked at the noble with a stony face, not revealing a hint of emotion. "Knight Garrick, please escort Lord Felis out. The meeting is over."

The knight grabbed Lord Felis's arm but the man shook him off. "I'm fine but don't think I won't bring this up with the king."

Then he stepped out of the room with the knight following after him. Only once the door shut did Patricia uncurled.

"Are you okay?" Ember asked gently, keeping her arm around the girl.

Patricia nodded and looked at Ember. There was fear in her eyes but to Ember's surprise there was also excitement.

"I know I made the right choice," she said proudly, though Ember noticed she was shaking slightly.

Honestly, Ember had been unsure if Patricia would follow her warning from before. Lord Felis offer was like a dream come true for most commoners. She wondered how she must have felt hearing it. Did she only choose the Akashic Order due to Ember's warning?

She was curious but that was a conversation for later. Right now, she had other questions.

Ember looked at Knight Van. "Now that the meeting is over, am I allowed to talk freely?"

The knight gave a clip nod.

Ember turned her attention back to Patricia. "You have multiple abilities?"

Patricia grinned and nodded. "I was surprised. I know priest's Blessings are usually only able to unlock one ability but that's not what happened with me. I have three."

"Three?" Ember's eyes widened in surprise.

Patricia nodded. "Oracle, Blessing, and Healing."

Ember stared at Patricia, stunned. Oracle she didn't know much about but that Patricia had both Blessing and Healing... No wonder Lord Felis was after her. Both abilities were rare and widely sought after. Any noble that claimed her would become a powerful force to be reckoned with.

"That's amazing," Ember said.

Patricia smiled brightly.

"I'm glad you picked the Akashic Order," Priest Beslen said, interjecting in their conversation. "But from your questions earlier I assume you're not planning to stay at the temple?"

Patricia looked away guiltily and shook her head. "I want to help people but I can't stay at the temple."

"Can I ask why?" Priest Beslen said with a conflicted look. It was clear he was planning to try to counter whatever reason she gave.

"Because of what I saw during my Blessing. The Akashic Tree showed me something I need to do. Oh! And I have a quest."

Everyone stared at her.

"A quest?" Ember asked, confused.

Patricia nodded. "The Akashic Tree gave me one."

Ember couldn't help her surprise. She never heard of the Akashic Tree giving out quests. No one had mentioned such a thing in her old lives. Was it simply that rare or something only given to oracles?

It looked like there was so much Ember still needed to learn about the Akashic Tree which wasn't a bad thing. It meant that there might be possibilities to her own abilities that she had never discovered. Giving her Blessing to Patricia might have been the best thing she had done so far in this life.

"What is your quest? Perhaps the Order could help you," Priest Beslen offered.

Patricia hesitated and then shook her head. "I can't talk about it. Not yet."

The priest looked surprised. Ember could tell he wanted to push Patricia but, in the end, he held himself back and simply nodded.

"At least let us help you train before you set off on your quest," Priest Beslen said, almost desperately.

Patricia looked at him confused. "I thought I already had to do mandatory training."

Priest Beslen nodded. "That is true. But that is just the basics of being a Seedling and what it entails being a traveling acolyte. If you stay longer, we'll give you training on how to use your abilities and what it means to be an Oracle."

Patricia didn't answer right away instead she turned to Ember. "You are going to Heklar, right? Do you know how long you'll stay there."

Ember raised an eyebrow and then shrugged. "I'm not sure shouldn't decide your future based around me."

Patricia frowned while Priest Beslen looked at Ember gratefully. Ember ignored the man. She wasn't doing this for him. She just didn't want to help Patricia gain her freedom only to chain her by her side. Patricia has a world of opportunity in front of her. She would not do what Lord Felis did to her.

"You'll need a healer," Patricia insisted. "I can help."

This girl is sure making it hard to be generous.

Ember couldn't deny it. Having her own personal healer sounded perfect and with her future plans having a healer who could also do Blessings? She could make an army of Seedlings. No one would be able to defy her. More importantly, she could give her family a chance to become Seedlings. Of course, they would have to get away from the King to do that since there was regulations on giving out Blessings but she was planning to do that anyway.

"Let me think about it. In the meantime, I think letting the Order train you is a good idea."

Patricia didn't look completely satisfied with her answer but she nodded. "You have to promise to talk with me when you make your decision. You can't just leave."

Ember blinked. Why did Patricia think she would do that? Well, it was likely she would do just that if she decided not to keep Patricia around but when did Patricia figure that out about her? Was she just observant or did her Oracle ability show her something?

"I won't," Ember said.

"Promise?" Patricia demanded and her gaze was intense.

Before Ember could speak a loud commotion sounded outside the door. Multiple voices were raised and one of them she recognized as her mother. Ember shot to her feet. A wave of fear went through her but she shoved it down. She rushed out the room.

The hall was in chaos. Several of Lord Felis's guards were there. Two guards held her father's arm while Knight Garrick stood in front of her mother and brother, facing off against Welks and Myron.

In the midst of the chaos was Lord Felis with a smug look on his face.

"What's going on?" Knight Van demanded.

It was Welks that stepped forward to speak. "Under the command of Lord Felis, the family of Mister Zeris and his wife, Matron Camila are under arrest for the crime of theft and the assault of a Goros guard."

Ember's lips tightened. It looked like Lord Felis was making his move. Now it was time to make her own.

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