Dominatrix System

Chapter 96:

Things were starting to move quickly. After a fun night with Hillary and Ingrid, I gave them some orders to come back next week. I told Ingrid one additional thing. I told her to summon the Duchess for me to see in two days. It was at her peril not to attend me then. Ingrid looked surprised but left with Hillary in the morning. Last night they both were exhausted and rested in my bed. I was smart to have a bed made when we moved into this place. I still had a short time to go before we left the city. Not much longer now. I always felt that itch to get out as soon as possible.

I stalled when I thought that last thought. Why did I want to leave so badly? Many things were happening, and I could turn this city into mine with another year within that. Instead, I am rushing and taking risks. All I knew was that I had to leave. I felt it in my bones. I thought about it more and more, going back to why I wanted to leave. The main reason is that I think the Demon lands would be a better launchpad for my gang to go international. It has a much larger landmass and more room to expand. It also has trade routes going to the most powerful nations on the continent. It made the Ideal spot to lay roots to grow from. I could make a pirate gang and find even an Island to start building on. This would allow me to make a professional corps.

That still did not explain why I needed to leave. Why I wanted out so fast, it was like something was just out of reach for me to grasp. I was a person who followed my instinct. That has saved me time and time again. I used it in a battle to protect myself and kill my foes. That was the only explanation for why I wanted to leave. It was subconscious. That probably means my Instinct is telling me to go. Not only that but to leave as soon as possible.

With this realization, I started to go over the things I knew about this city. The Nobility have mostly been hiding in the noble district. Most come out only to shop, but they only leave with retainers. The City Lord is up to something, and his daughter is looking to take over the family. The Gangs are all on edge, looking to take more territory. This was only sped up with me coming into the picture for part of it. Then there was the Necromancers guild. They have been purchasing bodies regardless of how much we fleece them. There is no way it is worth that much for some of the bodies. They pay without care, only giving a token protest.

I dressed and left the apartment thinking about these things. I was traveling down the street when I felt those eyes on me. This time I just moved. Those hateful eyes on me made me react, and I was instantly in action. The person ran, and I saw them. I caught up this time just as he was about to enter into a crowd.

"HEL-!" The man yelled as I grabbed him by the neck choking off the cry. I didn't give him time to do anything more as I hit the nerve on his neck, knocking him out. I pulled him into an alleyway as people started to turn. It was fantastic how fast my body could move in this world, I thought.

I realized I was in my public persona going to the Warehouse when I captured the guy. I thought for only a couple of seconds before I just hauled the guy onto my shoulder. I decided to walk through town like that—my reputation around paid dividends. I heard whispers about me being a slave trainer and that the man must have been a runaway. This seemed to be the prevailing thought as I still was one of the few Beast-kin among a crowd of Humans. This meant I was easy to recognize in areas I frequented. Soon and without any hassle, even from passing guards, I arrived at the warehouse. I smiled, seeing the young mistress waiting for me by a carriage. I stepped past her without regard and started to open the warehouse.

I placed the man in a spare cell and shackled this man to the wall. I decided to deal with him later. I moved towards the first cell with two women inside. They were both taller women around six feet tall. They both had wide hips and looked a little thin but not malnourished. The Slave master guild did not like to leave slaves dirty, not ready to sell. One was a tall blonde, while the other was a brunette. The Brunette had a breast size, I would guess, around the mid-C cup.

In comparison, the Blonde was on the low end of the D cup. They both looked good, but their faces were not that attractive. They looked plain, to be honest. They didn't cost me a lot and were in the Slave guilds equivalent of a Bargain bin. They were used before and resold. They both had a tired look about them but were happy to have been purchased before the guild thought they cost too much to keep around.

These two would be a good fit to start. I opened the cell, and I wordlessly brought them to the Training room. There were two pillories set up. I opened up one putting the blonde in the restraints, and opened up the other for the Brunette. These pillories were set up not for them to be standing. They were unique in the way that it supported their torso as well. The only thing that was touching the ground was their feet. The women expressed confusion as the Young mistress at one point showed up and watched me work.

I then used the legs of the restraints to spread their legs, not allowing them to move. I paused when I finished. I turned the young mistress and looked at her. "What do you think these two are for and why they are restrained right now," I asked, closing the distance to her. This was the first time I asked her about motives in front of slaves. She had seen how careful I was before some other slaves and gave me a look. "You partially fail for not wanting to answer. You may speak in front of them." I furthered, and the young mistress frowned.

"The reason is not completely clear to me, Mistress Sally. Although if I had to guess, I would be saying you are prepping them for the training of someone else." I smiled at her answer.

"Better, You are correct, and I purchased these two slaves for the training of another. They will be important in that training. Although, That does not make them worthless. If they can keep their minds intact, I may train them to be useful as assistants in the future. This is something a proper trainer needs to take into consideration. Even disposable slaves need an out. These two have thoughts and minds of their own. Making them despair for no reason will lessen their usefulness. If something happens in training, I do not care. It is the one that they are here for that ultimately matters. They, however, are useful in other ways. Making 'scraps' is a sign of a bad Mistress. I could easily make these two women Thralls. Mindless husks of humans simply moving since I say so. Thralls are no fun, though. They bring nothing to the table with no insights or mind of their own. One of the things that make slaves so fun to train is that mind of their own. Their emotions matter." I ranted. "Without those emotions, where would we get our kick?" I asked her with a smile.

"There is nothing better than watching the dread, The humiliation, and the subsequent pleasure they take from that regardless of how they feel. It makes me wet just thinking about it." I hadn't realized I turned to see the despair on the two slaves within earshot. They were holding hope still that I wasn't going to throw them out or be useful. I approached them with a large smile.

"Ladies, I do not know your name. Frankly, at this point, I do not care to learn them either. However, You are here for the next slave to come in. If you survive his training with mind intact, I will not sell you. You will become useful to me, and I will train you in something that will make sure you can live. Survive this and become my slaves instead of useful tools, and the world for you will change for the better." I announced to them. The brunette perked up first, looking at me filled with hope. The Blonde seemed more sullen, but the hope in their eyes was now relighted.

I turned back to the young mistress, "Do you understand?" I asked her.

She was honest and shook her head. I wanted to sigh but didn't. I guided her towards the storage room I had stocked with materials for training. "Okay, first despair in slaves will let their minds weaken easier. This will cause your slaves to enter depressions or even have thoughts of suicide. Understand?"

"Okay..." she came back.

I continued, "When you are dealing with slaves that even if you only use them sometimes. You want them to be of use. The most efficient slave is one that is happy with their current circumstances. I have two toys that I like to play with that frequently do things for me without me needing to ask. They will only come to me if they do not know how to proceed. They beg for attention from me once awhile, and as I am Mistress, I enjoy playing with them. A mistress Slave relationship is give and take. Regardless of if they are there willingly."

"If you constantly mistreat your slave, they will look to get revenge somehow. They will not trust you, and that has various repercussions. You cannot beat the will out of every slave. That will make them thralls losing all self-esteem, and blindly follow your orders. IF you want this, then you don't need me to teach you. Just go mindlessly whip a slave for a couple of months. However, thralls are a little more complicated than that. It isn't far from the truth. Now making a slave want to be under your boot is something different. You cannot mindlessly take from them. You must make them dependent on you in some way. Most of the time, that is pleasure. In return, you will get something. Although you may own the person does not mean you cannot develop the relationship in some way. Understand?" I said, finishing the rant.

She nodded, "Basically, you are saying that If I want slaves to truly do what I want them to. I cannot mindlessly do what I want when I want."

"It is a bit more complicated than that. Have you seen your father try and get something out of another noble? Negotiate in any way?" I asked her. She nodded, "Perfect, Take Training as that. Each noble has a personality. They have wants, desires, and, most importantly, needs. If you want something from them and have something they desire, you have to play off that. If it is only a want, though, and they don't truly desire it, then that negotiation will become harder and more expensive. What we do as slave trainers is make desires into needs. Needs make people give more than they get out of it. They need it, and without it, they feel they cannot survive. This is what we do. Most sex slaves don't need sex to survive. We train them to feel that way so that they enjoy it. Without sex, they feel incomplete or empty, making them hungry for more." I grabbed two jars off the shelf in the storage area. This was something that the Slavemaster guild provided, and I made sure to grab it the other day. After I picked it up, I turned back to her. "Do you understand what I am saying now?"

"I feel I do. You are saying that we need to specify what makes that slave tick. We can then use their wants, desires, and needs against them." She said.

I gave a small smile. I had a lot of work to train her to be a good trainer. She would take time and me repeating myself. "That is part of it. I will talk about it later, though. I have some training to do." I said that, crossing the room. Inside the two jars, I opened on placing them on a cart nearby. I grabbed some leather gloves and turned to the young mistress again. "Now watch, I will be doing some things to them today in the training of a slave. These two girls will be the start of it. Watch and think about everything I do. You do not have to understand it. You don't have to agree with what I do. You watch, and later you can ask why I did something. The main point is I will ask you your interpretation on why I did so." I finished before turning away from her. I turned to the jar gabbing it in a gloved hand. The pillory's middle rail let both their breasts out, and I started to lather them with the jell in the jar. I then lathered their pussy's entirely, making sure I didn't miss anything paying some special attention to their clits. I did it to both the slaves that were restrained.

I then put down the jar and looked at the young mistress. "Stay here. I will be back. Watch the slaves, See how they react. Take in everything you see; nothing I am doing has no meaning." I left the room, walking down to the area of cells. I came across the strongest cell looking at the strong centaur that looked pissed. His upper body had rippling muscles, and I could feel little mana that this centaur was on the brink of becoming a D-rank. At the age of his early twenties, that wasn't that bad in this world. The average of D rankers reaches it at the age of twenty. Anyone higher rank than that was consider prime material for fostering into powerhouses. That didn't mean that the average person wasn't worth cultivating, though. Many just bloomed later or didn't have the discipline to do it when young.

I didn't take that to heart as I pulled the Centar out of his cell. "Follow me, Be quiet, Do not be violent," I told him, watching the slave necklace shine. His frown grew deeper, and I knew that the only order on him was the do not be violent one. He still followed me nonetheless, and I smirked at that. This man wasn't stupid. Shame that he ended up some Nobles pet and not my own. I mentally shrugged and brought him to the training room.

"PLEASE FUCK ME!" I heard as I entered through the door. The two women knew the Young mistress was there and begged her for relief. I smirked as the women continued to beg for a fucking. I brought the centaur in front of the ladies. "Do not move a muscle," I said, activating their slave collars. The ladies shut up and stopped moving in their restraints. The centaur looked uncomfortable but didn't move. I walked over to the cart and grabbed the other jar and the previous gloves that I carefully put on, making sure not to touch the jelly on it.

I made my way back, and I squatted quickly, finding the centaur's horse cock. It was still flaccid, and I took the glove bringing a large amount of the jelly to his cock. I started to lather it, and I waited. Soon his cock started to grow, and I saw slight tremours in his body despite the orders contrary. I didn't say anything. I only put another layer on his cock as it grew.

Two inches long. I lathered his cock in the jelly.

Three inches long. I lathered his cock in the jelly.

Five inches long. I lathered his cock in the jelly.

Nine inches long. I lathered his cock in the jelly.

Twelve inches long. I lathered his cock in the jelly.

Fifteen inches long. I lathered his cock in the jelly.

It finished becoming erect at sixteen inches. The veins in it looked scary in its own way as I finished the jar of jelly on his cock, making sure this time to coat his balls. When I stood back up, I started to take off my gloves. The look on his face had changed from a frown. He looked at the two restrained women no longer with indifference; his eyes were now filled with want. His raging erection looked painful.

I then unleashed hell on him as I whispered into the two women's ears. "You may move now; the only cock you will get is his," I told them.

They didn't wait around. They needed cock as their pussies and breasts were an inferno of artificial want. The unrestrained Centaur looked pained as the next second became hell. "Please fuck us with your Cock! PLEASE! I WANT YOUR THICK BURLY COCK INSIDE MY PUSSY! I WANT IT HAMMERING MY WOMB!" The women lost all decorum and begged him with whatever they could to entice the centaur to fuck them first.

The smell in the room started to smell like pussy juices as I stood back watching the show. The two restrained women had pussy juices slowly coating their thighs. The smell of precum started to fill the room as his cock needed to hammer a pussy. Instead, the slave collar stopped him from making a move. The two wanting women continued to beg him. Promises rang out as they competed for the only cock in the room. They needed fucking as he needed to fuck, but he couldn't move. His lust built over time. The jelly drug was doing its job well as the centaur wanted to cry out in tears. He was overwhelmed in lust, only wanting to fuck the two begin women in front of him.

I kept him in that hell. His eyes and the emotions in them making me wet. I watched unmoving though for an hour as the begging turned their voices hoarse. I saw the absolute need in them, and I finally said the words that he had been begging for in his head. "You may move!" I announced to the room. The Centaur needed no time as he quickly ran around and mounted the Brunette as the blonde cried out in agony. I knew that the Centaur picked the one closest to him and took two attempts to get lined up with her pussy. He immediately, much to her delight, started to ram her hard and deep.

He was humping her with his full body when to his horror, I put him into the pits of hell again. "You cannot orgasm," I told him, making it so only he heard. The slave collar activated, binding the new order. The brunette orgasmed on his cock quickly. That didn't stop him fucking her now sensitive pussy. She was delighted as the Blonde started to beg louder. I stepped away, looking at the young mistress, who was looking fascinated at the scene in front of her.

I snapped my fingers in front of her face bringing her out of her stupor. "This is a form of training; This will be a long time for the effects to show." I smiled at her with a large smile as cries of delight and pain came from behind me as I engaged the learning young woman. "This is just the start!" I started to laugh as the effects of the slave collar grew bright, forcing the Centaur to edge again. He loudly cried out, ramming the girl even harder as he listened to the begging. Felt the pleasure but never the release.

That's Two, I thought. I wonder how long he could last?

He jumped off the brunette, mounting the blonde, and started to ram her in hopes of orgasm shortly. Still, the release never came. His cock was on fire. His mind was burning with desire and need of release and again being edged while still ramming the wanting women below him. Again and again, he did so.

I watched clapping as he did so. His agony was beautiful.


Bonus Chapter! Plus an Announcement:

Hey guys,

I want to thank you all for the support. I truly thank you all. I have two things coming up and I would like to announce to you guys issues personally happening to me that might affect my chapter production.

In my life the contract that I am currently working on ends at the end of the month. I work as a security guard that allows me to work so much at my writing. I am fighting to continue working where I work so I can continue working on this. This brings me to this post. I truly enjoy writing. I really love it to be honest and I love all the support and appreciation on my works. I realized more that I want to make this my full-time job at some point in the future if I can.

So have created a P*atreon only book that I will eventually intend to publish on Amazon. This book is called Life of a Dominant Futanari. I am still in the creation of it and It will become a book series. I will not be publishing it on this site at this point.

I wanted to give you an update though on my situation and this will not affect the current releases of my web s. Thanks for all the support, Comments, Votes, And reviews I appreciate it.



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