Dominatrix System

Chapter 93

The next couple of days continued. I focused on the warehouse and training. My time was becoming more and more filled with the Training. It was after my breakthrough that my speed at movement in training slowed more and more. What used to take me minutes in the past now took hours to complete a cycle. My pace at practice now took four hours every morning. The training was becoming more difficult, but I felt stronger at the end of each cycle. This made it easier for me to be motivated to practice even more. I wanted to spend all day training, but I had too much on my plate.

Three days after playing with Freya, I arrived at the warehouse with Kitty on a leash. I came, and the Foreman walked up to me with a smile. He handed me the keys and said, "It's done. Check it out!" He was smiling as he toured me through the entire warehouse that I had seen set up. I smiled, knowing that I was going to make new playthings. Before, the foreman told me that he couldn't speed it up anymore a couple of days back, but they had put down an incentive to speed up the process. The workers worked extra hard to make it early. I was very plesently surprised. I was expecting it to take even longer.

I asked more into it, and with the recent sales, including my own, they purchased one of their competitors. This opened up the number of workers they made available to my project. That double with the incentives they finished it very early for a plesent surprise. I was very thankful for it and decided I would tip the company for it. Hard work demands compensation. I headed back with Kitty back to the apartment and shop. I picked up the gold and headed back. No one knew where we kept the gold from our business, but usually, no one holds it in their residence. We did since I was so sure of myself.

It wasn't the smartest spot, but this world lacked banks. The problem was with A rankers kept demolishing anyone trying to establish a bank, from what I learned. They would smash them then take the money like common bandits. The problem was that no one could punish these people. I wasn't sure what made someone an A ranker, but I was hoping to learn in my travels.

I arrived at the company headquarters and paid the rest, plus a tip for the contract's early completion. I talked with the representative and left. I continued my walk with Kitty around the City. Kitty was now supremely enjoying each walk with relish. She actively looked around and would go to the bathroom outside with less and less shame. I smiled as she turned more and more into what she resisted so much. Every walk would give me System points at a minor amount, but it was points none the less. I then realized I hadn't looked at my system since I woke up from my breakthrough.

Status, I thought.


Name: Sally

Age: 15

Titles: Ex-Slave, Apprentice of Jack the Torturer, Martial Genius, Apprentice Wizard, War Provoker, Gang leader

Race: Beastkin - Phantom Snow Tiger

Level: 2

XP: 9555/10000

System Points: 31300

Energy: 1340/1340

Strength: 125

Agility: 184

Vitality: 105

Toughness: 88

Charisma: 23

Instinct: 70

Intellect: 89

Wisdom: 81

Luck: 26

Points to Spend: 0

Shop - Items Available;

Inventory - 0 Slots Available;

Lotto - No spins;


I got a decent amount of system points from Stacy and kitty last week. Freya no longer gave points, but her loyalty was unquestioned. I smiled as I walked down the road with Kitty beside me in peace. It was about to become crunch time. I decided I would get my new contract slaves tomorrow. I was in a good mood, so when I arrived back at the apartment, I found Ingrid with another woman. This must be Baroness Hillary. She looked annoyed, but Ingrid must have promised her something she wanted. I had time now as I smiled as I walked into the shop. I waved a finger towards them to follow me in. I headed up the stairs watching Kitty's tail happily wag as she climbed the stairs. When we reached the top, I told Kitty to wait at the bathroom door so that I could clean her up.

I left the front door open, and I watched as the two ladies entered. I watched the women enter, taking special attention to the new woman entering my domain. She was a red-headed woman with sharp facial features. If she were a captain in some of those old Sci-fi's in my previous world, she would fit right in. She looked like a dominant woman with short red hair. It looked unique compared to me since I had not seen many short-haired women in this world. I was surprised Ingrid thought she wanted my services. I looked at the potential toy and noticed her modest B cup breasts and long legs. She was almost as tall as me. Her posture perfect, and her demeanor spoke confidence. Many noblewomen had that feature. Finding what was underneath was something fun to look in to. Her Fire red Chinese style dress made her look elegant. Her skin was white as well. I was intrigued by what she was here for.

Once they entered, I stepped out of the hallway and pointed towards the couches. "Sit, Be comfortable. My Kitty needs cleaning, and I feel like cleaning her. Wait or leave your choice." I said.

I noticed a twitch from the Baroness as I left. She had some reaction to my lack of response to her presence. I did not respect her at all, which sparked it. My eyes narrowed as I decided to observe later. I went over to an excited Kitty, ready to be pampered in the shower. "Nya!" I heard the excitement as she called out to me. I smiled in return and opened the Bathroom.

I turned on the shower and proceeded to pamper the Kitty crawling before me with pets and scratches under the heat of the water. I started to hear her purrs as I used shampoo to clean all her fur and hair all over, taking care to use the right pressure to pleasure and clean. The pampering earned louder and louder purrs as I noticed that her pussy started to moisten as I was massaging the shampoo in. I knew that she was beginning to get excited. I let the water clean out the shampoo once I was done with it. Her slowly growing hair looked impeccable, as did her fur. I made sure I had no shampoo on my hands before I used the soap to start cleaning every inch of her, much to her enjoyment.

Time passed as I pampered her entire body watching as her nipples hardened to join in the excitement. I started to tease her body using skilled techniques to bring up the pleasure as I did so. Soon a hand found her pussy, and I began to tease her clit to start climbing that pleasure up.

"Nya!" She cried out as she was reaching the edge as her purrs blended into her cat cries of enjoyment. I slowly teased her as the soap dripped off under the water, and I gave her a pinch at the perfect moment to bring her past the edge. Her little pussy sprayed ejaculate onto the shower floor as she cried out, "NYAHH!" Cutely. I continue to tease her a bit as she was coming down from her orgasm with shaky legs. I didn't have the time to continue pampering her much longer and started to massage her body as I continued to clean her now slightly trembling body.

I took ten more minutes to finish making sure she was clean before I cleaned myself up in five minutes. I turned off the water and wrapped myself in a robe. I then brought Kitty back to her cage, seeing her happily enter back into the cage before bringing myself back to the couch with Ingrid waiting patently while the Baroness seemed annoyed. I sat with elegance and leaned back with a smile.

I sat in silence for a couple of minutes, eyes closed, waiting to see if there was a reaction. To my disappointment, there wasn't. Ingrid had learned her lessons to wait for me. The Baroness had the patience to wait. The Baroness seems like she was a strong woman; Interesting.

My eyes opened, and I looked at them both sitting together. "Ingrid," I started ignoring the Baroness to see the amount she could take. "You seem to have made your way here today. You are in luck, and I am in an excellent mood today. What seems to bring you here?" I asked.

"Mistress Sally, I am thrilled to see you again. I have been anticipating your return for over a week now," She said, and I noticed Ingrid's legs rub together. She wanted training from me. Her addiction would only grow instead of lessening. Once I leave, she would think about the days I was here and play with herself, wishing it was me. When I come back, she will resist at first before begging me to play with her body again. She was forever captured in my web without even knowing.

"I was busy reaching a new point in my training," I stated.

Both Ingrids and the Baroness's eyes widened at my admission. It was common knowledge that I was a C ranker but not the stage. I could have just reached the peak or breakthrough with that statement. The main point was that I never stated, which allowing the imagination to fill that in.

Ingrid got her wits back to her first and smiled. "Congratulations, Mistress! I am thrilled to hear that. Progress in strength is never a bad thing." I could tell that she was genuinely happy for me. It was a bit of a surprise but not too much of one. Ingrid seemed to be trying to attach herself to me more and more since I first trained her. "With that being said, Mistress, I would like to introduce you to Baroness Hillary," She said, pointing out the attractive woman beside her. "Hillary has been hoping to meet a powerful woman like you..." She trailed off as Hillary turned towards her with intense anger.

"What did you say about me?!" She said sternly and angrily. I was startled that she blew up in a second at that. It was like Ingrid hit a bottom line. Ingrid seemed unfazed.

"Honey, I am doing this for your own good," Ingrid said to the angry Hillary. "Mistress, This woman is a huge Masochi-"

"WHAT THE FUCK!" Hillary screamed out.

"Like I was saying," Ingrid moved on as Hillary threw a literal punch at her after standing up in outrage. Ingrid dodged like it was nothing showing this wasn't the first time this had happened. "She is a Huge Masochist with a particular love of strong women. She hates her husband and wants a woman to do anything to her!" She said over the screaming woman who only stopped now with the truthfully out, or so I thought. "She loves to be humiliated and is an exhibitionist. She simply can't get enough of someone degrading her. It is amazing the difference between the two personalities." Ingrid finished with a smile.

Hillary was now standing there, stunned, mouth open with complete outrage. Her body shook, and she dropped to her knees, crying. It was a complete breakdown with full out sobs. Her outrage turned from anger to complete sadness as what was probably her deepest secret was said to a stranger. "My Friend had Betrayed me!" probably rang through her head over and over again without stopping. Her tears hit the floor, and the complete breakdown made my pussy wet, and a smile appears on her face. The original dislike I hadn't notice built completely disappeared as I was now aroused. This woman will become my next toy to play with. Her complete breakdown didn't last much longer as I didn't want just to hear a woman cry. I stood up. I pointed towards the door.

Ingrid was surprised at my action, and confusion covered her face. I pointed at the door, "Come back tomorrow afternoon." was all I said. Ingrid nodded and stood up, and left without looking back. She left her friend to my care without a thought. This woman was good for grooming, I thought.

I grabbed Hillary's crying face making her look up at me with large fat tears dripping down her face. She looked at me, and her cries redoubled. It only lasted for a second when my hand slapped her face hard. The tears instantly stopped in surprise. Her face initially turned away when her face turned back with tears still staining her cheeks. Her eyes were different. The eyes to her soul were completely different, speaking to her true thoughts. All they showed were complete interest and lust.

Ingrid's words were confirmed with one slap. She had betrayed her friend to the devil selling her soul to me for no cost. I could tell with that one slap I had her rapt attention and wanting more. This was another case of a hopeless woman. I had a pain doll, and I felt I didn't need another. I thought about it as I looked at the now shining eyes of the woman below me.

"What do you want?" I said, looking down at Hillary. Her mouth opened and closed, not knowing what to say. My hand whipped out across her face again. "What do you want, Whore?" I asked again. She looked back up to me, the approval and lust just growing. The red Chinese dress was still on her body, making her look elegant. This annoyed me as the woman who entered looked stronger than the woman below me now. I wanted more of a fight but loved her submissiveness.

That is when I heard the door open to the apartment; my head turned to see Stacy. I smiled knowingly. I looked at the woman below me, and I saw her composing herself quickly. It seemed she didn't want someone to see her like this. My smile turned bright as I found something fun.

"Stacy come here," I commanded, startling in the silence currently in the apartment. Stacy didn't think twice and crossed the room to stand before me. She took quick peaks at the woman below me with appraising eyes.

"Yes, Mistress?" She stated while looking at the woman who was growing confident quickly.

"I have a task for you. If you pass my test, I might take off that chastity belt..." I stated, looking at her eyes light up. "Don't pass it, and I will leave it on till we enter the demon lands." The horror of her face showed how much hell she thought that to be. I grabbed Hillary by the neck and picked her up. It happened in a couple of seconds, startling her.

"Stacy, I am about to give this woman a slight punishment. You will go to the training room and pick up whatever I tell you. You will bring it back to me without ever looking at her after I state. You will listen hear maybe even see backswings. You will only be allowed to assist in grabbing toys and not allowed to see. But I am merciful..." I said as I trailed off. "You will get to see one thing of my choosing. I will tell you when you can see and if you can hold on till then, you win this. If you fail if you look at her without my permission or you beg for release at any point."

Stacy seemed horrified at the prospects but also wanted to see something. This pervert will never give up an opportunity to see a woman naked. "Yes, Mistress, Thank you, Mistress, for the opportunity," She said politely, but I saw the horror and the lust already in her eyes. Her thighs rubbed, and I held Hillary by the neck still.

"STRIP WHORE!" I commanded Hillary harshly. Her body reacted before her head did. The dress came off, revealing a red lace bra and panties. Stacy reluctantly turned her head while I watched Hillary strip. "Did I say you can keep the Panties and Bra on whore?" I chastised her. My hand followed it up, slapping her breasts, startling Hillary, who was visibly developing a wet spot on her panties. I watched as she removed the bra and her hands to her panties to remove them.

I smacked her hands. "What is this?" I asked her, and my hand went to her pussy. The damp spot was growing larger by the second as I treated her poorly. "Stacy, did I tell this whore that she could get wet?"

"No, Mistress, You did not give her permission." Stacy caroled back to me instantly. Stacy must have been picturing herself in this scenario as she rubbed her thighs in frustration.

"Go get the wooden paddle I have a whore to punish," I told Stacy, who promptly left the room to the training room. "Whores like you will only learn with the stick!" I told her. I put my hand into her hair and pulled her over to the couch. Her strong abs were on showcase, but I sat down and laid her across my lap. Hillary was still questioning reality with a tear-soaked face when my hand landed across her ass. The subsequent yelp echoed in the room. Stacy was exiting the training room as my hand repeatedly beat Hillary's pillowy ass. It was larger and softer than I expected.

Hillarys cry's of confusion and lust grew as the puddle forming in her panties grew larger. "Did I say you could take pleasure in this basic punishment?" I said as if I was outraged. A paddle was placed in my hand as my hand swung back. I noticed Stacy looking away as best as possible. The spank that Hillary was expecting with tears in her eyes was suddenly replaced with a wooden paddle. Her scream and begging for mercy grew as she started to apologize for getting excited. The paddle didn't stop landing on her ass as it turned red to match her red pussy juice soaked panties.

I heard her begging, and as the paddle landed on her ass, again and again, it happened. Her pussy juices squirted through her panties as she orgasmed from the paddling. This was outrageous, and I redoubled my paddling harder, and she orgasmed again in seconds. I stopped before I caused real damage. I couldn't go too far with her today.

Her face was etched with tears and snot, but the pleasure showed through. I looked at Stacy, who was rubbing her thighs together. "You may look," I said and turned the pleasured tear-stained face towards Stacy. I held her body up as I watched Stacy tremble to look at her face. I then saw the puddle forming in Stacy's pants.

"Did you just cum from looking at her face?" I asked very slowly.

Stacy's face paled. She knew not to lie and said, "Yes, Mistress," With a forlorn look.

"I was going to be merciful, but the Chastity stays now. Go cook. I have a whore to clean up." I said with contempt in my voice. I pulled a woman by the hair into the bathroom to clean her up as I notice Hillary seemed cum drunk at the moment and not in this world. I smiled. Ingrid brings some interesting toys.


Powerstone Ranking: 912

Collections: 34

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