Dominatrix System

Chapter 86

The pure look of terror on Stacy's face when she finally noticed me looking at her was pristine. My smile was delighted. Horror dawned on her face as she edged herself yet again. This time though, she wasn't going to be allowed to cum for. My smile spoke more than words could.

"Was it worth it?" I asked. Stood from Ingrids twitching body staring deep into those horrified eyes.

"No, MIstress..." She started looking down, but I know her look of atonement also got a perfect look at Ingrids twitching pussy. She was unsavable as a pervert, and I don't want to change my pain doll. My smile brightened as I closed the distance, grabbing her chin. I forced her head up to look at me.

"You naughty little pervert. I will be merciful. You will get a total of four pain orgasms while locked up. While your locked up and four times in total, I will give you a painful orgasm. You may beg when you want but only four in total for the next month. This is the limit of my Mercy. If you cum one extra time more than four, I will increase to total time locked up by a month without mercy." I told her. The sadness and horror of her punishment significantly lessened as I walked to the cabinet, pulling out a Chastity belt for Stacy. I knew she would misbehave and had one made just for her. I locked her up, making sure it was a perfect fit.

I heard her whimper as I picked up the still twitching Ingrid taking her to the bathroom to clean her up, then clean myself up.

I stepped away, putting the Key on my necklace with the two others with a smile. "Maybe I should start a key collection..." I stated for both women to hear but only musing to myself. I ignored their reaction as I carried Ingrid out and to the shower. The rest of the night, when quickly as I cleaned Ingrid and myself up while I heard some whining from Stacy. I ignored it and cuddled with Freya groping her large breasts as I fell asleep.

The next morning I awoke with many more things to do today. I stood that aside as I practiced with my new found strength and flexibility. My control was better, and I didn't break bones by accident level, but my control over smaller actions still needed more work. I worked up more and more sweat as the morning came to a close. I cleaned myself up in the shower and knew the Duchess would be here later. I needed to get some work done, and I needed to check up on construction.

I dressed and took Kitty out of her cage and cleaned her up. I got her ready and took her out for a leisurely walk towards my new warehouse. It was a nice walk with the sun shining brightly as we did so. It was a nice walk when a guard patrol turned by us, and their vision centered on me. I was obviously an adventurer in my current clothing, but my instinct warned me. My fears were confirmed seconds later.

"Stop!" Rang out as I passed. The Guard in a full suit of armor looked me over and down to kitty.

"Meow!" She acknowledged the guard. I crouched and scratched her behind the ear before standing again. I looked at the four guards patrolling in front of me.

They were too busy looking me over with dark looks of lust. I instantly grew disgusted as the men clearly wanted alone time with myself and my Kitty. "Yes?" I asked quickly with a more diplomatic tone than most who know me are used to.

"Yes, We are looking for some fugitives that happen to fit your appearance and would like to take you back to the guardhouse for further interrogation..." HE trailed off, looking at my breasts. I looked at him like an idiot.

"You are saying that you have fugitives that are a Phantom Snow Tigress and a Cat-kin slave being walked on a leash..." I trailed off, vocalizing the absurd statement they just made. That got a blush from the leader of the patrols here. The guards behind him chuckled a bit, and I knew I just entered Idiot hell. With his minor humiliation in front of his fellow guards, I watched as he doubled down.

"Bitch I said you look like a fugitive, so we will take you both back to talk to the Captian!" He announced loudly with citizens scattering from the nearby area. I sighed, knowing that I was in the wrong place at the wrong time.

"Look... I am a Slavemaster and Beast tamer. A C rank adventurer, I currently have several contracts with the nobility for training their slaves. If you want to go down this route, I will send a messenger to the Duchess to deal with you. Now last chance." I left myself open-ended, and the guards thought over their choices. With me being stronger than them, they had second thoughts. The one leading it was a deep crimson of indignation and humiliation at this point, though. I stepped back and receiving an indignant yelp from Kitty, and I started to walk away. They were smart enough not to harp on it. I still felt eyes from that one guard, though. I knew something else was going to happen at some point now.

Down the streets, I felt those eyes, and I slipped into the Warehouse with people crawling all over it. The construction was heavily underway on the building, with the roof being completely revamped. The Forman spotted me and ran over with a smile.

"You must be Mistress Sally, Pleasure to meet you. My wife has told me all about how amazing the products your tailoring company has made!" He enthusiastically went off while my brows furrowed. I never told them my business, and it should not be under my name. It should be under the protection of the Marchioness and Stacy as the deed holder. This meant people were looking into me more actively now. I pinched the bridge of my nose as he went over details of the construction.

I put on my big girl panties and didn't sweat the small details calming myself down and went over specifics. It was good that I came as they had misunderstood a couple of the orders and almost did them wrong. I talked for a while, correcting misunderstandings before I took Kitty to the Park. As soon as we left the construction, the eyes centered on me again. I sighed as I had attracted some type of trouble for no reason.

It happened when Kitty raised her leg and started to piss on a tree in the small park. A large figure started to catapult its way towards me. My whip met the person attacking me on instinct. It stuck gold and lashed half the person's face off. The skin store and hung off his face in a gruesome scene as his wails echoed out. I looked down, and he no longer had his armor on but was definitely the guard that stopped me earlier. I looked up at the sun and noticed it wasn't even noon yet. The guy attacked me out in the open in the morning. He wasn't wearing his armor and followed me for hours. I was pissed. I looked down at him, and my instinct told me to end him, or more trouble would come. The problem was I was a civilian now and a Known person. I could hear people coming over already. I made a quick choice to finish him differently. I extended my claws and removed his hand before destroying his sight. His screams intensified as I destroyed his eyeballs with my claws. I walked calmly back to Kitty, finishing her business, and forced her to end it short. She obediently followed me away from the screaming wreckage of a soon to be Ex-guard.

The rest of the day went calmly, but I knew that something had just started. Instinct told me I should have killed him. The problem with killing a guard or an Ex-guard was huge in this world. In my previous incarnation, it didn't mean shit. The corrupt cops of my nation "protected" Their own. That included dirty cops that sold drugs on the street harassed civilians. Murdered on the streets. That gave Ex-cops a lot of leeways as well. They were a pain in the ass to deal with. Attacking a guard in the empire was considered a spit in the face of the military. An Ex-guard, though, was a different story. Veterans were not given respect in this country. That didn't mean they didn't deserve it. They didn't get that respect. If I killed this guard that wanted to **** me, it would lead to a strong investigation if they investigate now, though, it will not be as strong, and I can use the Duchess or the Marchioness to make it disappear. Once that guard lost his rank, I can kill him to end the trouble.

I made it back at noon, and the store was bustling with activity and Noblewomen moving around ordering from various workers. The shop was in full swing, and I knew money was flowing in quickly. Things were progressing well, and I stepped up the stairs with Kitty meowing at me as I heard her stomach grumble. "No worries, Kitty, I will get some food for you," I cooed to her and noticed the mess at the top of the stairs known as Duchess Nickey. Ingrid was in better shape after a week than the duchess after three days. She clearly wanted out, and she looked at me like a life preserver in the middle of the ocean. Her eyes lit up, and her legs trembled. I smirked, and I opened the door. I blocked the door letting Kitty in first before entering myself. The door shut in the duchess face before I opened it up again.

The indignant look she had made my pussy wet. "Yes?" I asked her, and she looked with an expression full of hope.

"You told me to come today, Mistress..." She told me like I hadn't remembered. I decided to tease her.

"Hmmm, I don't think I remember that..." I said, looking up and thinking about it. I then left the door open and walked away over to the kitchen to start come cooking. I heard the door shut and saw Nickey come inside, looking embarrassed as she did. I ignored her as I cooked, and Kitty meowed up to me, begging for food properly. She had really grown into her role with the change of training. She still needed some work, but I was happy with the new results.

It wasn't much later that I finished making a meal, putting the food in a bowl for Kitty to eat, and finished the last touches on my own lunch. I walked over to the couch and put the bowl of food on the floor for Kitty by my feet. I sat down across from the silent Nickey and watched her as I started to eat. After I took my first bite, did Kitty start eating. I was proud of the progress again. I finished the light meal before turning my attention to the desperate woman in front of me.

"Well... Nickey, you are here... How have the last three days been?" I asked her as Kitty crawled up into my lap. I started to pamper her with attention earning her Nickey's envy.

"They have been trying, Mistress. Day one, when I got back, my husband wanted to be Intimate for the first time in quite some time... I obviously couldn't, and I told him later. I sent the maid to him to put an end to that problem. The Vibrator was a constant reminder of you, Mistress. I found it hard to deal with my responsibilities when my mind kept wandering to the slow build-up of pleasure. Day two was more of the same, but I couldn't stop looking at my maids and butlers, thinking how good it would be to use them. It grew worse and worse till I just want to orgasm so bad, Mistress. Please let me cum!" She broke down in tears needing release. I adjusted her vibrator up on the second day, letting her feel the sweet torture harder. I used a remote to turn it up higher but not to the point she could find release.

Her moan as the vibrations grew filled the room. "What do you want, Bitch?" I asked her bluntly.

"I want to be FUCKED! I want you, MIstress. PLease anything for some pleasure, Mistress!" She begged. Her tolerance low; I looked at her with contempt. This obviously made her even hornier since I could tell she had a humiliation fetish. I looked at her as she begged me, and I leaned back with a smile.

"What are you?" I asked her with that smile as I made Kitty purr, scratching a sweet spot behind her ear.

"What?" She asked back.

"Last time I told you what you are, now recite to me who you are."

Her blush deepened, "I am your bitch, Mistress,"

"Bitch strip and on your knees to lick my feet clean!" I commanded her. Her blushed somehow turned even deeper red, and she got up and stripped her clothes that should not have been on her anyhow after she entered. She stepped forward then got on her knees in front of me. I lifted my dirty foot and lightly slapped her face with it.

"I'd been walking this morning on the streets; enjoy Bitch,"

She kneeled in front of me as I waved my foot in front of her. I could see in indignation and hesitancy as she looked at my foot.

"Please me, and you might be out of that cage tonight Bitch," I threw out a small incentive, and the hesitation grew in the correct way, and her hands reached out, grabbing my foot lightly, and her tongue stretched out. Disgust and repulsion showed on her face as she started to lick all the grime off my feet. I knew where I had been, and there wasn't anything dangerous, but she didn't know that. The construction site I was never on and safe in that knowledge made Nickey take the next step. She started to pick up speed cleaning my foot, and I saw something die in her.

It was her dignity. It was broken without her knowing. If she could go this far, she could go farther. Without her knowledge and in only three sessions, I broke the pride she kept in herself. She discarded it for the chance of pleasure. I looked down with a smile as I watched her move on to the next foot, thoroughly cleaning that of grime.

When she was done, I smiled happily. I had plans for my new broken toy.



Hey guys, I wish to thank everyone for the support and love you have shown my s. I am sure you may have noticed since December, I have slowed down the number of chapters I produce. This was because I almost burnt out. I was working a full-time job and putting around 70 hours a week into writing. This didn't bother me for the longest time since there was some overlap. This didn't stop me from almost burning out.

I will admit I may have overdone it with 4 books producing chapters on. I honestly was not expecting the popularity of the fourth . This doesn't change the fact that I still try to produce around 6 chapters a week. That brings me to the point of this announcement.

Every week that a book reaches above 500 on the power stone ratings or more than 300 people joining the collections, I will bring out a second chapter. If there is more than 500, I will bring out a third. If the book that week makes it over 200 in power stone ratings, I will bring out a third in that week.

Thank you for all the support and love for my books, and I hope you continue to enjoy my s are quickly growing into a passion of mine. Thank you again, and please, vote, comment, Review, and if you want to share with like-minded people.

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