Dominatrix System

Chapter 113: Coloring the Streets

The last of the light left the streets, and only the lights on some lampposts lit from the lamplighters. Those posts in this part of the docks were not that common, and the primary source of light was from the windows of the businesses that were still running. The dark was complete, and the night sky was appropriately missing the moon. The darkness in corners was complete, and a single small frame moved through the streets with a cloak hiding the snow-white hair beneath it.

I moved under that darkness and smiled at the accidentally chosen new moon night. It was perfect for the operation that I wanted tonight, and I knew the gang was following me through the streets. The gang members had no idea I was in front of them or what they were going through, and I moved like a phantom in that darkness as I lead the charge through the streets.

On such a dark night, the guards seemed to be keeping themselves hidden so as not to get stabbed from a hidden dagger in the darkness. It was an intelligent decision, but you could still see the occasional low-level young guardsmen barely a day over fifteen. They were hiding under the light, keeping 'guard' as They were near the guardhouse, though, and each of those kids was keeping sentry as the total darkness loomed just outside their vision.

That wasn't saying that there weren't more guards that had a spine moving on patrols; they were just a lot fewer than usual with the tension in the air around the city's docks. Our movement went unnoticed in that darkness, and we moved past a small gang outpost on the edge of their territory without hitting it. The sentries of gangs watched without really watching into that darkness as they sat inside on a night like tonight, ruining their night vision. Some might have been able to see ten feet in front of them if they had good eyes, but they couldn't see the movement past that distance as I moved past.

Still, without a sound, nothing started behind me as the hand moved deeper into the enemy territory on a perfect night to attack. It was going even better than planned, getting to this point without being spotted as I moved past buildings and whores that didn't snag a dock worker to work on tonight. One called out to me surprisingly and called out if I wanted to have some fun. She huffed in disappointment as I didn't even acknowledge her.

Still, with my movement, I was surprised at her ability to see me in darkness and my ability to hide. I ignored it for now and heard a soft exclamation not long later, with her probably seeing the gang move past her.

We soon reached our destination, and I moved into the light, looking at the warehouse in front of me. It was one of the largest I had seen in this world, but it was still made of wood and looked like it needed fixing. I was spotted, and I heard words directed towards me.

"Hey, Dumbass!" That male voice called out as I stared at the sentry that spotted me. "Get the fuck out of here. This territory here is the-" Huis voice cut off as the first drop of blood was reaped this night. My first swift movement never left the sentry a chance as his voice was cut off by a bladed whip wrapping around his neck and severing his artery with brutal speed.

The blood spurted out onto the sidewalk, but the sudden cutting off of his voice alerted those around him. Exclamations sounded throughout the warehouse as the sentry wasn't quiet at all. I didn't care, though, and I stood outside by that dead sentry as the heart still pumped, believing that the head needs blood pumping uselessly.

The first members came out looking into what happened, opening the door to the warehouse for me. It wouldn't have been an issue, but a Mistress like myself won't miss the opportunity for trash to do it for her. The men and women inside this warehouse tonight were no longer people. They were my toys, and my whip lashed out, grabbing the first gang member investigating around the throat.

My whip pulled back, severing the artery around his throat, severing any ability to cry out. I stepped up to him even as I heard boots hit the floor, responding to the situation to investigate what has happened to the Sentry. It wouldn't take long for them to find out, and I stepped up to the boy bleeding out with eyes opened wide, wondering what had just happened to him as those eyes glazed over, never to be able to close on their own again.

Two gang members exit at the same time, slamming the front door of the warehouse open. My whip moved forward swiftly, and instead of going for the quick kill, I decided to alert the members inside what was happening to make them hurry up. The bladed whip moved out, and a scream erupted as that whip landed down the shoulder of the middle-aged man tearing open his chest as it tore down to his hip.

The scream was accompanied by the gang member's companion with a loud curse giving no one a question that they were under attack. The surprise of the attack would delay any action from them, and my whip moved to cut off the string of curses the second member had done. The whip then cut off the artery from delivering that blood in a simple motion. I walked into the door, retracting my bladed whip to a simple sword, and stabbed the screaming man in the eye socket, cutting off any more cries at the source.

A smile of anticipation grew on my face, unable to get rid of it. I looked around and saw gang members pull out bats, crowbars, or anything that might hurt someone as they were taken by surprise. The men I saw were the normal members that were only the actual warehouse workers. That didn't matter to me, though, and a symphony of screams started to sound throughout the are house as two whips moved at speeds no normal person could react to.

They licked the faces throats, either disabling wounding or killing men and sometimes women in the warehouse. Deeper inside, I could hear cries to gather and get ready to fight as that symphony of screams got closer and closer to them. I neared the internal part of the gang's headquarters, no longer killing dockworkers that would have ran if only I gave them a chance.

I didn't, however, and I couldn't care less as I moved past, walking over the men that had decided to provide for their families to work for my rivals. They never knew that something like this could happen, and they must have believed that war was suppressed by the guards littered the streets taking them as false security that we wouldn't attack.

Through, the symphony of cries became the backdrop as I felt mana start to move around in the warehouse, notifying me that someone here actually knew how to fight. A create busted open, and a fireball landed nearby me as my body moved out of its way. I looked at the floor, then the person who sent it, and looked at them with contempt under my cloak. My whip lashed out, and I was surprised only for a moment as a shield found the whip's critical spot in that simple lash, stopping it from maiming the woman wizard that cast the spell. I looked at them both, and my whips licked out towards them, and they tried to react with practice only those that fought often could do.

They were C rankers, and they didn't even know that I was controlling my strength at this moment to enjoy a fight. The fireballs started to rain down on me, and I found that even if I was trying to enjoy the fight, I felt no danger and neither did my blood rush from it. They continued to doge or blocked my whips for a couple of exchanges as I simply moved with my superior agility and flexibly out of the way of their attacks. They felt so slow in my new body compared to what those same ones would have felt like before.

I grew bored quickly, though, and a frown was pasted on my face. My whips then licked out, and both the C ranked members died as one whip send one onto a sharp spike of metal through his heart. On the other hand, the Wizard could no longer cast as a bladed whip hung her from a rafter.

I looked at the human wizard hanging with the blades cutting deep as she bled out with the oxygen being choked out of her simultaneously. The slow death as she watched me, her fingers digging at the blades as she tried to move her mana to make the whip release her. My mana, though, cover the whip, and as she tried to tackle that mana, she learned that she was outclassed completely.

She continued to struggle, looking to live to reach for the simple of a tomorrow that would never come for her anymore. That light and understanding flowed through her as she choked out, trying to say something only for the light to dim in her eyes as blood pooled on the floor below her.

The slow, brutal death entertained me a little as I heard fresh feet moving, all of them with mana to attack me, and I smiled as more toys that I could break came rushing towards me. I looked to see the enemy, and my whips licked out again and again. Fresh screams echoed in the warehouse as the gang brought all their power to bear on me.

Bodies moved, and men and women died attacking back in a fierce counteroffensive that would have easily killed me when I was just a C ranker. The difference after that simple breakthrough was nothing to ever sneeze at. It was the reason why B rankers would never try to attack an A ranker and why a D ranker had a very small chance of winning against a C ranker. The higher the level, the less likely you have even a snowball's chance in hell of even being worthy of trying.

I watched as C rankers and D Rankers joined together to attack despite their fear, and I questioned why this was happening as my whips licked out, killing many but wounding and maiming more. The fight was lightly taxing, and my instincts started to warn me.

I turned and jumped as I felt mana ripple out of the spot I just lept from. It was the reason why those gang members continued to attack. They were scared of the person who just appeared more than me. My smile only grew as a peculiar mana type flowed out of the man that seemed to have just appeared in front of me.

His mana flowed menacingly, and as it did, I could see that a black cover started to obscure the body again, making it almost invisible while the mana movement seemed to disappear. I didn't care, though; in those few moments he attacked, I realized that this person must not have been too far behind when I ranked up as I felt an unconsolidated B ranker who had just broke through.

Maybe there would be a fight after all.



So I forgot to make the announcement that I have Published the First Book of Life of a Dominant Futanari Week 1: Promises.

I also decided to show a Sneak peek on Web so you can check it out before to see it is up your alley. Thanks for all your wonderful support and Enjoy.

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