Doctor Who The Mechanic

Chapter 11: Chapter 11 TARDIS Stuff

A/N: he guys I know I have not uploaded as intended I have been unwell both physically and mentally. This chapter has been run through grammarly in hopes of making it more read able for you if you guys think it is an improvement I will run future chapter through grammarly. As for old chapters we will see how well the newer ones do if everything is fine I will run old chapters through it after I finish the first arc of the story( basically upto the Christmas invasion story) anyway enjoy.


When I am in my room, I begin going through my memories of what happened to my Time Lord self, this was the first time they had affected me so much. The outburst was not expected" Maybe I am just as broken as the current incarnation of the Doctor" It makes sense no one makes it out of the time war unaffected by it.

The main issue is whether will it affect my future judgement of a situation, so far it's just happened with the Dalek. What was strange I was fine till I saw the chip of the Dalek, so maybe it's just that specific one.

I can only hope this is the case, with how many times the Daleks seem to pop up, they are seriously like cockroaches, no matter how many times the Doctor defeats them they just keep coming.

To distract myself I leave my room making my way to the workshop, to come up with a design to do one of two things, build a device that can capture a dying star, the only issue with this is that I would need a way to get it to to the point it will turn into a black hole, unfortunately, this is the tech I never touched back on Gallifrey, according to the memories I have.

My second option is to capture an actual black hole, which in itself it's more difficult but easier in the long run, it's a shame that the tree that appears on the TARDIS during the eleventh era runs on the principles of alchemy, makes seems since something that could become anything would make my job easier.

As for why I need a black hole as the second option, it's because despite not providing as much power as a dying star, they can be used by eyes of harmony, the issue is that it's like a battery, once the black hole uses all the mass it has absorbed it essentially disappears.

Unfortunately, it's impossible to lock a black hole in time like is done with a dying star that's about to become one, so it would only provide a temporary solution. It would give me time to either find what method the time lords used to induce the process of the star decay or find a star that's in that state.

Although if it's the first I should pick a star that's in a system that supports no life, I may not be like the Doctor with his no weapons and killing, but the Time Lord part of me says I should not go killing innocents.

It's strange really, the Master did not have this problem. He showed no indication of hesitation in killing innocent people. Could it be because he was driven mad or was it something that was lost by all Time Lord who took an active part on the battlefields?

I know I never set foot on one, I was deemed too valuable to the council, as the last of the Mechanical Force users. That just makes me think about what will happen when Rassilon finds out I survived. Will he try to get the master to get me during the end-of-time fiasco or will he ignore me?

For now, though I need to get to work making a way to power my future TARDIS, I can't capture a dying star, even with the architectural reconfiguration system. It may be able to make a device that can do it but it will take time and a lot of energy meaning more drain on the TARDIS' eye of harmony.

Even if the Doctor's TARDIS has an eye of harmony with a dying star it's means dividing the energy generated, not sure if that would cause problems or not. I have never worked with something this old, a newer TARDIS would be fine but with one like this, not to mention the TARDIS tends to change the style of the command room. That in itself is a large power drain. I am not even sure why it does that a newer TARDIS would just use a default command room.

Anyway, I will need to leave shortly after nine regenerates to ten. I need some space to figure out things, staying with the Doctor is not an option, but that does not mean I can not pop in now and again, since the Doctor is a trouble magnet.

I believe this because unlike the Doctor I can see his future, surprisingly a lot of his future is fixed and must happen. Knowing me and most Doctor Who fans we would try to change a few things which could lead to disaster.

Anyway for now my best option is to go with a black hole, until I get my hands on a way to capture a dying star, even if this TARDIS could make it, I am sure she wouldn't. She was only willing to give me a seed if I promise to help the Doctor when he needs help.

Such a pain that Gallifrey is trapped in another reality. It would have made things so much easier, with this in mind I got back to the main point.

The TARDIS may be willing to help me with the component but getting her to provide me with anything else will be difficult, although we get on fine, I think she prefers having just the Doctor as the only time lord on board, although I suppose River song is the exception to this, probably due to her being conceived on the TARDIS.

I might as well ask if it would save a lot of hassle for me late on. With that in mind, I reach out with my mechanical force linking it with my thoughts, once I feel the connection I ask the question "TARDIS will you provide me the knowledge I need to power my TARDIS if I agree to help the Doctor".

It does not take long for a response to come" Yes I will provide you with the knowledge but you must be aware that using your mechanical force to accelerate the growth of a TARDIS at your current abilities will kill you or rather this version of you, leading to regeneration" her response makes me smile,

After debating for some time I reply" Normally it would since the amount of mechanical force one can harness will increase over time, however during the war a method was made to ensure that it does not happen, normally I would have to continuously provide mechanical force however my Teacher invented a way to allow for rests to happen between. The only drawback is that once it's done I will enter a recovery sleep for a few days".

The TARDIS goes silent for a bit before replying " I am guessing it means that your TARDIS will need to follow me till you wake up" I just nod to this since I know she can see everything that happens in the TARDIS, thinking this made me realize that she must have been able to see Amy and Rory on there wedding night.

Her response came after I made that realization " ok that's fine I guess you and the Doctor will be Sleeping pals then" I blinked twice at what she just said with only one thought in my mind, Did the TARDIS make a joke or was it unintentional.

With that all decided both myself and the TARDIS got to work, I know that time lords are touch telepathic but I think my way is better, transferring knowledge from the TARDIS using mechanical force is fast, the only downside is if it was a human mind than it would not be able to process the knowledge fast enough, I think I understand now why the Doctor locked Donna's memories now.

As a way to say thanks I also sent some knowledge I had that the TARDIS might not have, such as the blueprint for the device that will prevent me from regenerating after growing my own TARDIS, since my teacher was sure it could help harness any form of energy, although he never told the council this because he theorized that it could Harness Regeneration energy to allow for partial regeneration.

He never got a chance to test this though, the only reason I am giving it to the TARDIS is because it may be able to help with the whole Donna situation by transferring the regeneration energy to something else or just dissipating it like Donna and her daughter did.

Once the Knowledge was transferred I decide to go over the information to make sure I knew what I am doing, as well as tallying what I would need to make the device, not surprisingly there is a lot that is needed, luckily the TARDIS said it could produce everything needed without much issue.

As for why we are producing it in individual parts rather than the device itself is because its faster and more efficient to do it that way, the device needs to be configured in a certain way for it to work.

I would need to configure each part to work with the other parts being used, it explains why the time lords did not just have their own TARDIS themselves but each TARDIS has a whole crew.

After a back and forth it was decided that while the Doctor and Rose explore Satellite Five. Myself and the TARDIS will start building the Device, according to our estimates I may need to sit out the empty child one as well it is a very complex machine that's normally configured by an entire team.

Just as I was thinking the TARDIS informs me that the Doctor and Rose have left the TARDIS with their guest. Hearing this I decide I should start with the production. The first step was asking the TARDIS to start the creation of the parts while I use what I have to build a small transport robot that will move the parts to the workshop for me.

It takes me no time at all to finish the robot while I also include a way for the TARDIS to issue instructions since I will be leaving this one here, as for its appearance I thought of K9 being a dog so I made this one In the shape of a bear, since it will be carrying things it would need to be bigger than K9 while still being an animal of some kind.

Once the Robo bear was built I begin coding him, ensuring that he was only listening to three living beings indefinitely, one being myself, the other the TARDIS and the last being the Doctor. As for the companions, they will have temporary authority for as long as they remain the Doctor's companion.

With that done the Robot bear began to get to work leaving the workshop and making its way to the room that contains the TARDIS Architectural Reconfiguration System. With the robot bear going to go and get the parts I begin clearing the centre of the room since this device is not small it is massive, although once built it can be made smaller but that's only for transportation.

To use it it has to be full size, what's even more annoying is that it needs to be connected to an eye of harmony for it to be activated this means that not only am I building this device but also an eye of harmony.

What makes it worse is that for the best possible power output, the eye of harmony must be made by the TARDIS that is going to use it this means that the Time Lords have a power source that they use to power a TARDIS enough so it can produce an eye of harmony before capturing a dying star.

It was so much easier when this was all nothing but fiction, now it's my reality I am dealing with growing and powering my own TARDIS. If you think about it the Doctor was lucky he did not have to go through any of this.

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