Do not confiscate my citizenship

Chapter 793: Lanqi predicted the ancestor's prediction

Chapter 793: Lanqi predicted the ancestor's prediction
The morning light was just breaking, the sky was turning pale, and the wilderness was shrouded in a thin layer of mist.

Under the dilapidated thousand-meter-long city gate.

On the inside of his silver mask, the black centipede curse mark on his left cheek glowed faintly, just like the endless magic in his emerald green eyes.

He raised his hand, and the finger that was pointing at the Legion in the distance slowly moved to the right.

There was dead silence all around, with only the rustling of the wind through the weeds to be heard.

In an instant, the entire legion seemed to be cut in half by a ten-thousand-meter-high gale. No life remained wherever the sharp blade of the storm passed, or perhaps it was his decree that cut the scroll of heaven and earth in half!
Countless soldiers once fought bloody battles in front of the city gate, breaking through the gate and guarding the pass. Now, the ten thousand meters of land is once again dyed red with blood, and only the figure in white robe is left in front of the city gate, all alone.

The white-robed Pope withdrew his fingers and put them behind his back again.

To him, it was as if nothing had happened, as coldly as if those lives had already become dead.

"Level 9 is so fast at clearing the minion line."

Thalia commented.

If it were her, it would take some time to destroy a marching army.

If these legions were allowed to enter the city defense barrier, and there was no legion of her own to help withstand the suppression and firepower of the city defense, even she would not be able to clear the soldiers easily. If there were enemy eighth-level hero units in the city defense, she would easily be killed if she tried to attack in a one-on-one duel by bypassing the city defense.

But for the ninth-level Lanclos, he could overcome all of these and kill all of them with force.

Unless there are several top-level eighth-level warriors in the city defense, it is impossible to defeat him.

"It's a pity that I can't bring this account back to the real world to participate in the war in the southern continent. It's too abnormal. This Blood Moon World is the level 99 version, but the real world is the level 89 version. The dimensions are completely different."

Lanqi also felt that Lancros's level was a bit too much for the current version.

But let alone bringing Lanclos's account back to the real world, this account can't even open the illusion of the Mirror of Tiberius.

In the real world of immortality and eternal punishment, he is only a pitiful sixth level.

"It's more normal for you to be a functional shaman. There's always something strange about you playing a core mage."

Taliyah watched Ranci's spell selection all the way. He often prefers a style of play that has more deterrent effect and psychological tactical value, rather than the most optimized spell combination in terms of firepower.
"I hope you can draw one of Lanclos' spells when the Shadow World ends. It's a good deal no matter which one you draw."

She helped Lanqi make a wish.

No matter what, Lanqi is very suitable for Lancros's sealing technique.

Talia felt that apart from Lord Blasphemy, the ultimate powerful enemy who polluted the prize pool, the reward that Lanqi obtained in the Shadow World this time was most likely related to Lanclos.

"You might be able to draw a spell or trinket from Kaliela, too."

Lanqi blessed.

Since the beginning of Kosprekaliyah, Talia has gradually become more useful.

"Haha, you don't want me to dress up as Kaliela and teach you, huh, you're dreaming."

Talia said with feigned reluctance.

In fact, if she could really play the role of Kaliela, she would also like to try it.

This way she would always be recognized as a "good-looking, dignified, mature, and useful" great demon.

"No, no, no, I still have to use your classic skin to make cards. No one else can match your taste."

Lanci denied.


Talia silently repeated the word "endurance" in her heart.

When they returned to the present world of the Kremer Empire, they would live under the same roof and she would have plenty of time to educate him.

The demonic words on the Mirror of Tiberius were still scrolling on the Ilevan Gate.

[You have completely annihilated the First Heavy Cavalry Corps of the Horning Empire, and there is no grass growing on the plains of Ilewen Pass behind you.]

[You have come all the way from the destruction of Talberg Province, and now you have arrived at the Lusitany Province south of Horning. Your brutal acts will shock the entire Seville continent, and even alarm the Land of Eternal Night and the Demon Realm, and will be engraved in the history books. ]

You will choose to go to:

A. Annihilation of the Province

[B. Heading straight south]

【C. Drive north】

[D. Personal intervention]

[Life remaining: 2 days, 14 hours, 52 minutes]

"Of course we can only go all the way south. Although Lanclos may miss Siglei in his heart, the battle in the throne room was the last time they met."

Lanqi looked back to the north and shook his head.

There are two options heading south.

Annihilating the Lusitanian province and heading straight for St. Terric can both be counted as heading south.

The Lusitanian province was about to be turned into a scorched earth.

He still has time.

Before heading to Saint Trik, the capital of Horning, we can still deal with a large number of Horning people who have not yet turned into demons.

If nothing unexpected happens, a large number of troops will be sent by Lachar to consume him, causing him to quickly fall from the ninth level.

"Lachar, wait for me, I'll be here for you soon."

Lanqi no longer looked to the north where the Holy Spirit Kingdom was located, and turned to the south.

The white robe gradually disappeared in the morning mist, leaving only a thin silhouette.


The northern part of the Holy Land.

The capital is Hersharem.

After experiencing a catastrophe, Hersharem finally settled down again.

As soon as the sun rose in this ancient city-state, a grand coronation ceremony was being prepared in full swing.

The Holy Roman Empire will usher in a new leader - a hero who will lead everyone to uncover the truth and stop the conspiracy of theocracy.

"Have you heard? The Horning Empire in the south seems to be in danger now."

"I just heard about it. Don't talk nonsense. The source of the troubles in the Horning Empire is our Pope..."

"What Pope! Our current Pope is Sigra Saint Anastasius!"

Upon hearing the horrific news coming from the south of the Seville continent, the residents could not help but feel fortunate that it was Her Majesty Sigra who defeated Lanclos.

Otherwise, it is very likely that the people of Hersarem would be slaughtered indiscriminately by the frenzied Lanclos.

Flowers, ribbons and balloons decorate the streets and alleys of the central city of Hersharem and even the windowsills of every house.

Whether at home or on the streets, people were talking in groups of two or three about the upcoming event.

The coronation ceremony will be held in the Hershalom Sala, the most magnificent and top building in Saint Paul.

After days of cleaning and repair, the scars of the battle were smoothed out and the Papal Hall returned to its former glory.

Outside the hall, priests lined up in neat rows. Today they wore white cloaks with blue edges. The leading paladin held high the flag of Saint Polante embroidered with a unicorn emblem.

Before the coronation ceremony officially began, the entire square in front of the Pope's Hall and even the streets several kilometers away were packed with people, with no end in sight.

Thousands of citizens came from all directions, filling the square to the brim, just to witness this historic moment with their own eyes.

In the center of the square there is a circular stage covered with a red carpet, surrounded by three rows of white marble columns and wrapped with blue and white ribbons. In the middle of the stage stands a statue of the moon goddess holding a wooden staff and wearing silver gauze.

On the front steps, tall knights lined up on both sides. They were wearing silver-white armor, with blue feathers flying on the top of their helmets and holding spears, like a steel wall. The blue and white flags with unicorn emblems fluttered in the wind. The church's musicians were in place at the bottom of the steps, ready to play the celebration music at any time.

Clang, Clang!

Like ripples cast in the pure white sky, the sound of bells rang out along with ritual music.

As the time came, the guard of honor came out of the Pope's Hall in a mighty procession, escorting Sigler, who was dressed in a formal dress, as she slowly walked towards the podium.

At this moment, Siglei was surrounded by a soft and holy light. She was wearing a pure white long dress with gold edges. She walked with a dignified step and a slight smile. Her beautiful and noble face was filled with her unique affinity.

The double doors of the Papal Chamber behind her were open, and the central aisle covered with red carpet stretched to the end, like a holy road leading to heaven.

The bells rang, cheers were heard, and the beautiful Pope Siegfried smiled and waved to the crowd, accepting the people's heartfelt welcome.

"Glory - praise -"

The Knights Templar quickly formed a human wall around the platform in the square, ready to ensure that the inauguration ceremony of the new Pope went smoothly.

Following closely behind was a group of white-robed bishops, who saluted respectfully to Siegler and then lined up on the right side of the square, announcing that the Church of St. Paul would fully assist the new Pope.

Everything was ready. Siegler walked slowly onto the stage, accompanied by melodious sacred music and the calls of the Polant people in the square.

Just like a rising red sun, casting thousands of golden rays of light, Siglei's figure seemed extremely dazzling at this moment.

She stood on the high platform, looking at the audience with compassion and gentleness, and gently raised her right hand, signaling the people to be quiet.

In an instant, the square fell silent.

Everyone is looking forward to the new Pope's coronation speech.

Siglei cleared her throat and spoke slowly, her voice powerful and every word ringing.

“Dear people of Saint Polante, today, in the name of the goddess of fate and the people of Saint Polante, I swear that I will lead Saint Polante to a better tomorrow with a sincere heart and passionate blood. After going through hardships, we finally ushered in the dawn of rebirth, but this test may have just begun... Let us work together to implement the original intention of the previous pope!”

As soon as he finished speaking, the audience burst into prolonged applause and cheers.

"Long live Sigra!"

"Long live Saint Polante!"

The shouts that came one after another merged into a torrent that was unstoppable.

Countless petals and ribbons fluttered in the wind, like butterflies flying in the sky, making the entire square look extraordinarily dreamy.

The exciting moment has finally arrived.

Queen Keshia walked slowly forward holding a velvet tray, on which lay quietly the dazzling triple crown that symbolized supreme power.

With bated breath, Queen Keshia carefully raised the crown above her head, waiting for everyone present to witness it.

The eyes of everyone in the square were devoutly focused on the crown and on the new Pope.

Queen Keshia took a deep breath and recited the coronation oath word by word.

"In the name of the Father, the Son of Man, and the Holy Spirit, and in the name of the centuries-old heritage of Polante, I hereby bear witness to the fact that this crown left by the first pope will be handed over to the orthodox successor of the Polante Church, Siglia Anastasius. I wish her nobility, wisdom, and benevolence, and I wish that the Polante country she belongs to will have a long life and that the people will prosper."

The moment the oath was sworn, Queen Keshia entrusted the crown to Sieglei.

The golden crown sparkled brightly, making Sigler's face look even more noble.

Cheers, applause, tears, the joy from the heart seemed to break through the sky and reach the clouds.

Sieglei stared at the crown in front of her and placed it on her head.

A trace of loneliness flashed in her eyes, and she glanced at the stairs, but she knew it was impossible for her to see the figure she wanted to see.

But she had to smile.

"I swear in the name of God and the people that I will live up to their expectations."

She raised her scepter high, looked around, and spoke again.

The bells rang melodiously, the hymns floated in the air, and the morning light shone through the rose windows, gilding the entire Papal Hall. When the sun broke through the clouds and illuminated everything, Siegfried solemnly held up the scepter and led all the people to sing the melody of St. Polanyi's national anthem in unison, bringing the coronation ceremony to its climax.

"Work diligently and conscientiously, win people over with virtue, govern the world with justice, and restore Saint-Pierre to its former glory!"

Sigler's voice was firm and heroic, reaching the sky.

Amidst the thunderous cheers, thousands of white doves fluttered into the sky and turned into a white cloud.

The morning light shines through the clouds, enveloping the entire square in a golden halo.


Hours passed.

The coronation ceremony came to an end, the noise of the lively Hersare faded away, and the new Pope Sigra of Saint Polante returned to her throne room.

Behind the heavy oak door is a magnificent scene. The towering dome is painted with the newly restored murals of St. Polante's Church, and the walls have been re-inlaid with emeralds and amethysts in the colors requested by the new Pope.

At the end of the stairs is the unchanging throne of Pope Saint Pontiff.

Sieglie sat bored on the throne, staring blankly at the empty throne room.

Her thoughts seemed to drift back to more than ten years ago.

When she was still a street thug in Hersharem.

I never thought that I would become Pope one day.

At that time, she had to worry about being hunted by the vampires every day and couldn't sleep well.

Everything changed after receiving a business to escort a customer to the land of eternal night.

Their story also began.

"Remember that time, I said that one day I would be strong enough to protect you, so you would not suffer any loss if you trained me to be the strongest warrior... But you always smiled and said I was stupid. In your eyes, I would never grow up."

Sieglie murmured.

She is actually a mature woman.

Gradually I understand the pain of liking someone but not being able to pursue them.

She knew that she couldn't keep the man, and fate had determined that they were not destined to have a happy ending in this life.

From the first moment she met him, she understood the fate of a martyr written in his eyes.

Even so, she still couldn't forget many beautiful fantasies.

"Without you to crown me, this throne is so cold to me..."

Tears welled up in her eyes, which were filled with memories. They were empty and tired, no longer as strong as they were outside in the morning.

If possible, she hoped to meet him again.

The silence of the Vatican cannot hide the sadness.

The goddess statue has a compassionate face, holding a bright lamp and gazing at all living beings.

The long red carpet extended all the way to the foot of the throne. On the candlesticks on both sides, the sacred fire burned quietly, reflecting the murals of reincarnation legends on the marble walls.

After a long time.

There was a knock on the door of the throne room.

"Please come in."

Sieglie wiped her tears, regained her serious expression, and preached in the direction of the main entrance of the throne room.

The throne room is a space that only the Pope can enter on his own.

Anyone else who wants to come in must get permission from the Pope.

In fact, to a certain extent, they broke into the throne room two days ago with Lanclos's consent.

It's just that people in the world don't know it.

The heavy oak door opened and everyone standing at the door saw only the solemn new Pope.

Sieglie's hands rested casually on the armrests of the throne, her posture unchanged as she looked at the clergy who had come to the throne room.

In addition to the important figures in the church who were present at the meeting, there were several bishops in pure white robes on the left, important officials of the Pope's Office in blue and black suits on the right, as well as the Chief Inquisitor who fought alongside her, the Chief Paladin, and the Grand Justice of the Holy Court who jointly led this battle.

Chief Justice Elm, wearing a black robe and the silver scale emblem of the Holy Court on his chest, took a step forward.

"Your Majesty, news just came that the chaos in the southern Horning Empire has expanded. They said that the white-robed people wearing silver-white masks are slaughtering provinces indiscriminately. Hundreds of thousands of civilians are killed every minute and every second. They also informed the surrounding countries meaningfully. After hearing the news, the attitudes of other countries towards our theocracy are becoming increasingly severe."

Elm knelt on one knee and reported.

He spoke very tactfully, and everyone knew who the man in the white robe and silver mask was.

Hearing this, Sieglei remained surprisingly calm.

"Although the situation is serious, we cannot afford to panic. The most urgent task is to strengthen the defense in the south and be ready to fight Lanclos at any time. The whole country is under martial law and we must be vigilant. At the same time, we will send envoys to communicate with neighboring countries and make it clear that Saint Polante will never condone its citizens to commit crimes abroad and will severely punish the perpetrators to appease the people. However, if anyone dares to take advantage of the situation, commit crimes against our people, and discredit our Saint Polante Church, Saint Polante will never sit idly by."

She stood up slowly and spoke calmly, her voice neither humble nor arrogant.

When these words came out, the archbishops were first silent, and then they broke out into a low discussion.

Everyone's eyes were focused on Siglei, with mixed emotions revealed in their eyes.

Everyone understood.

This Sigra is a real hard-line radical.

The name was to attack the former Pope, but in reality it might be to attack the Horning Empire.

It is clearly a military threat to the Honing Empire!
Completely inherited the legacy of the old Pope.


Chief Justice Elm saluted and withdrew with the other dignitaries of the Papal Office.

Originally they were worried that the new Pope Siegfried would have significant differences in decision-making with the old Pope.

It now appears that the new Pope is a female and physical version of the old Pope.

With her here, the Holy Spirit Kingdom will surely usher in a glorious and magnificent era.


Two days later.

In the sunset, the fateful place, St. Trik.

Looking down from a high place, the winding Rhine River divides the city into two like a golden ribbon, and the reflections on the river are particularly dazzling.

Along the riverbank, St. Terrick's Cathedral stands in the dusk, and people on the nearby Horning Empire Square stroll and chat, enjoying the quiet and peaceful time after get off work.

On the south side of the river, the Moonlight Tower, carved from a single piece of marble, is surrounded by spiral staircases and corridors.

The observation deck on the top of the tower looked particularly magnificent when the sun rose, like a sky garden suspended in the morning glow. Lanqi was standing on the edge of the observation deck overlooking the city.

[You have arrived at Saint Trik, the southernmost capital of the Horning Empire.]

[You are the embodiment of the calamity from heaven, standing on the lives of millions, tens of millions, hundreds of millions, and hundreds of millions. Your execution is so fast that even Saint Trik did not realize your arrival.]

[You have wiped out all the lives and troops of the provinces along the way.]

"Magnificent sunset."

Lanqi looked at the setting sun and muttered to himself.

"But it's already dusk?"

A voice sounded in his mind.

Thalia asked.

"It's just that the sunset is so beautiful."

He answered,
"It's time to finish the last thing before sunset."

The words on the Mirror of Tiberius continued, climbing up to the observation deck of the Moonlight Tower like vines, forming densely packed, surrounding demonic words.

You will choose:

A.Wantless destruction

[B. Raid on Blood Boundary]

【C. Lurking tour】

[D. Personal intervention]

[Life remaining: 0 days, 07 hours, 31 minutes]

This time, Lanqi had no intention of looking for the streets he had walked on when he first arrived on the North Shore.

It was no longer meaningful to ask the residents of St. Trik for their opinions.

"This is the last choice."

This time, Talia saw a lot more options when she followed Ranch.

Try to go to the provinces along the southern route of the Honing Empire as much as possible.

Lanci chose to intervene personally.

Then everything slowed down.

He seemed to have woken up from a dream, gained freedom of movement, and stood on the observation deck high above St. Trik as if he were actually there.

Looking around, I saw myself wearing a casual vest, standing on the top of the Moonlight Tower.

"Hey, are you afraid of Pope Saint Polante?"

Lanqi turned around on the observation deck and asked the residents who were visiting the Moonlight Tower.

"The Pope? The guy who wreaked havoc in the Horning Empire?"

"The blood clan has been protecting us all the time. There's nothing to be afraid of about local unrest. Haha."

The customer at the open-air cafe on the observation deck answered generously, his tone full of trust in the vampires.

"Do you really think so?"

Lanqi asked calmly, with a hint of doubt and inquiry.

"Those damn guys from the Holy Spirit Church always like to smear the vampires, but we won't believe their lies! Look, this time it's the Church's fault again, and the vampires have been protecting us all along."

A middle-aged man in elegant clothes said indignantly, his face full of dissatisfaction with the Theocracy.

"Even the Pope himself is not clean, how can the Holy Spirit Religious State be a good thing?"

Another middle-aged man with a resolute look clenched his fists and spoke in a decisive tone.

"Indeed, the Pope is not a good guy this time."

Lanqi listened quietly to the words of these people from the Horning Empire, a smile appeared on the corner of his mouth, and he even agreed.

He vividly recalled how they had become puppets of the vampires, and the way they were manipulated by the vampires remained unchanged.

But at this moment, he had no other emotions in his heart except compassion.

He gently raised his fingertips.

The upside-down sunset.

Purifying light.

Gradually falling from the sky.

Even all the sounds in the world are hidden in the blank space and the roar.

In the fire that destroyed everything, only the evil silver-white mask was clearly visible.

The figure wearing the casual vest disappeared again and returned to the true form of Pope Saint Polante.

When the explosion sounded again.

The gust of wind has already blown across the entire city-state of Saint Trik!
The asphalt land of the city-state turned black and instantly turned into steam. The clear lake was evaporated by the high temperature of the explosion, leaving only a dry riverbed and dead silence.

The towering towers, bustling markets, and magnificent temples of the past were all reduced to ashes. Even though the incredibly destructive explosion had ended long ago, the light in the sky was still obscured, leaving only a dim glow.

On the ground, lava-like flames spread everywhere, and heat waves swept around, making the air unbearably hot. At the location of the original landmark building, the Moonlight Tower, there was an unnatural pit with an immeasurable depth, filled with a pungent smell of smoke.

Only the sound of the wind was singing, as if mourning for all this, or as if the suffering souls trapped in this dead city were finally freed and heading for the land of heaven.

At the center of the explosion, the scorching heat waves still did not stop, and the soil at its edge was still undulating with red light as if breathing.

The entire city of Saint Terrick was empty, with only the lonely figure of the white-robed Pope standing in the center.

"Are you paying tribute to the Bishop of Destruction this time?"

Talia discovered that Ranch particularly liked to use the moves of his teammates and former enemies.

Compared to light magic, Lanqi prefers to use magic of other attributes after practicing.

This sometimes makes him look more of a villain than a villain.

"This magic can perfectly simulate the destructive power of an eighth-level warrior who is desperate and desperate. Besides, I already know this move."

Lan Qi shook his head.

"Can your nuclear fusion wolf produce such an effect? ​​Why don't we set one off in Brillda during the next National Day celebration of the Kremlin Empire?"

Talia had never seen the power of Lanqi's nuclear fusion wolf in actual combat.

"No, no, no, this thing can't be kept in Brillda."

Lanci firmly rejected the proposal.

If the current nuclear fusion wolf is detonated by Talia, it will also benefit from the double bonus of the sealing slate and the flint slate, and he himself cannot estimate its power.

At most, threaten the enemy when necessary.

Sometimes, the most useful thing is the bomb that doesn't explode.


Talia was about to say something but stopped herself. Although this boy was very principled, he still had the mindset of a terrorist.

At this moment, Lanqi's body was suddenly locked by several tangible magical powers.

The sound of his magic alarmed the vampire ancestors in the underground of Saint Trick.

Just as in the previous two weeks, the First Ones found Saint Polante the last pope.

"It's time to open the door for me."

Lanqi looked at the scorched earth of St. Trik from a distance and muttered silently.

Before he could wait any longer, the scene around him suddenly changed.

The world was spinning around him, and he fell into a strange enchanted space.

The surrounding buildings and trees fell rapidly upwards, and the sound of the wind whistled in my ears.

He began to fall downward at a very fast speed, and all he could see was the upside-down city.

Countless buildings are inserted upside down into the pitch-black night, wantonly subverting the laws of gravity. The buildings are staggered and interlocked, and the stacked houses outline a geometric pattern with sunken sides on all sides, like a carefully arranged three-dimensional Rubik's Cube maze.

The entire city stretched out desperately towards the sky, and fell helplessly towards the center of the earth.

"Your Holiness, are you so angry today?"

The teasing voice echoed around Lanqi, like a declaration from God.

Lanqi smiled without saying anything under the silver mask.

He hung upside down, his white robe fluttering, and fell freely towards the Blood King's Palace.

"Lancros, I've been looking forward to seeing you these days. I feel really awkward that you didn't inform me in advance when you came."

The mocking voice of the Third Ancestor, Lashar, lingered in the darkness like a night ghost.

After dancing for an unknown amount of time, Lanqi was enveloped by a palace.

The wide corridor in front of him disappeared from time to time and reappeared somewhere else. The doors of the rooms continued to shift, leading to completely different spaces. The stairs wound around and around, endlessly. The doors on both sides of the long and narrow corridor kept opening and closing, and a surging sea of ​​blood flowed out, as if it could swallow everything.

Suddenly, a gorgeous sliding door slowly opened in front of Lanqi.

He crossed without hesitation, and his fall began to slow.

Lanqi looked around and slowly landed in the center of the circular plaza of the Blood King's Palace.

"Welcome to Blood Moon City, Pope Saint Polante."

A handsome boy slowly walked out of the blood mist. He was the owner of the voice and bowed to Lanqi as a farewell performance.

He has a handsome face, skin as white as porcelain, and soft brown hair that falls to his shoulders.

The pure black velvet suit brought out his extraordinary temperament, with the golden crest of the Horning noble family embroidered on the lapel. At first glance, he seemed to be just a pampered young master of a wealthy family, but if you gazed into his ruby-like eyes, you would find that they contained a wealth of knowledge far beyond his apparent age.

"Now that you have successfully fought your way to Blood Moon City, you may have learned something about the demons. How do you feel?"

Duke Lachar's mouth curled up slightly, with a hint of amusement in his eyes.

"I feel good."

The Pope in the silver-white mask looked straight at the fog behind Lachar with a sharp gaze, locking onto the positions of the other ancestors.

A blazing arc of fire burst out from his palm and shot straight into the sky, instantly illuminating the entire Blood Moon City as bright as purgatory.

Countless brilliant flames gathered in the void and turned into a net of purgatory, covering the Blood Moon City from all directions.

"Don't start a big fight right away, Your Holiness. There are many more surprises to come."

Duke Lachar sneered.

A purple-red tortoise-shell-shaped magic barrier quickly formed around Lachar, blocking the fire net outside.

The two magical powers collided violently in mid-air, causing a deafening roar.

Lanqi stood still, continuing to cast light and fire spells with the back of his hand.

But gradually, this confrontation seemed to have reached a stalemate.

On the ground within a range of several kilometers, a grand magic circle took shape under the feet of the third ancestor Lachar. The magic power it exuded was far greater than the power just unleashed by the Pope. The purple-red light spots in the sky were flowing wildly in the Blood King's Palace, turning into blood-red giant pythons, whistling towards the Pope's light circle, causing the air to stagnate.

Lanqi remained silent, increased his spell output, and quickly built a rock sealing shield in front of him.

Even facing the full-strength attack from Duke Lachar, the rock shield remained motionless, only fine cracks appeared on the surface, spreading like a spider web.

The next second, countless dazzling lights burst out from the Pope's body, interweaving into thousands of light wheels in mid-air, carrying a tremendous force, and crushing straight towards Lachar.

The two destructive forces collided violently in the void, and a loud noise that shook the earth and sky erupted in the entire Blood King's Palace. In an instant, the offensive of both sides was offset and the situation returned to calm.

"Alas, Lanclos, you are so weak now, do you still think you are still the invincible Pope Saint Polante?"

Lachar had just finished a fight, but he seemed calm and composed, with a playful smile on his face.

The Pope slowly lowered his hands, his expression dim and unclear beneath the mask.

"Lanqi, have I watched this part three times?"

Talia though believed the details were different each time.

But the openings of the three simulations were similar.

Except for the first time, I really couldn't win.

Later it was Lanqi who started to enjoy himself.

"Even though I personally intervened, I still can't skip this part."

Lanqi responded with reason and logic.


Talia was powerless to refute.

Lord Tiberius is at least a qualified designer in this respect, giving the Mirror of Tiberius a function similar to skipping.

But only in situations where there is no personal intervention.

I heard from Lanqi before that the planner in their company just didn't want to implement the function of skipping the plot, and then the planner's mother died soon after, so Lanqi organized his colleagues to pray for the planner's mother.

A raging flame suddenly erupted from the ground, and the Blood King's divine fire, as hot as magma, instantly engulfed the entire square, dyeing the dark space into a crimson abyss.

The scorching heat began to burn the Pope's body.

This time, the sea of ​​purgatory fire released by the Pope in advance also spread on the ground, and it was impossible to tell whose fire it was.

"Don't just stand there and watch, come and entertain our distinguished guests."

Duke Lachar turned his head and looked toward the sky meaningfully, with a smile on his lips, and shouted to the figures in the blood mist at the edge of the Blood King Palace Square.

"Half a second, I guess."

Before Lanqi could finish his muttering, a figure suddenly appeared in front of him.

A burly man emerged from the fog, the golden tassels on his military uniform fluttering in the wind. A provocative smile appeared at the corner of his mouth, and a surge of power surged around his body, torn his uniform.

He suddenly stretched out his right fist and attacked the Pope in the face with lightning speed.

When the explosion sounded throughout the Blood King's Palace, Lanqi's figure barely avoided the heavy punch.

The Pope's movements seemed awkward, and he looked flustered when he landed on one foot, but the corners of his clothes were still not stained with dust.

"Haha, Pope, are you performing acrobatics?"

The eighth ancestor Somerset asked, looking at the Pope's funny and exaggerated appearance.

Soon the Pope will learn that the peace of this era is an illusion.

The deaths of his fellow worms were doomed to be meaningless.

He would also be furious because he was old and had already lost the power to fight against the vampires.

He didn't even know that even if he still maintained the ninth-level strength, it would be of no avail, because their blood race had already planted poison seeds all over the world.

"Somerset, even though he has fallen from his peak, is naturally restrained towards us."

A cold female voice came from the blood mist, with a hint of warning in her tone.

A beautiful female vampire in a dark purple tulle dress walked out slowly. The moment she appeared and joined the battle, the magical aura of Duke Lachar and Marquis Somerset suddenly rose to a whole new height.

"Your Holiness, haven't you killed enough along the way? We vampires may not have killed as many people as you."

Another voice sounded leisurely.

The blood mist condensed into shape, and an extraordinarily handsome blond man slowly walked out. He was wearing an off-white silk shirt with a velvet vest over it and an emerald green bow tie at his collar. His golden brown curly hair hung casually on his forehead, slightly covering his ruby ​​eyes.

"You wasted the food we raised with so much effort. Shouldn't you give us some compensation? For example, give us a little happiness?"

The ninth ancestor, Marquis Bernhard, asked the Pope in a tone as friendly as that of a hospitable gentleman.

Her prophecies never failed.

The aging Pope Saint Polante now only has one or two days left to live.

"Why is His Holiness so silent? Could it be that he has foreseen his own end and is in despair?"

Duke Lachar asked, his tone full of contempt as if he was playing with his prey.

He looked forward to seeing the gradual collapse of the Pope.


The white-robed Pope raised his index finger and shook it.


Rachel narrowed his eyes.

"Then what do you mean."

To be honest, Lancroix's reaction was beyond his expectations.

The masked figure in white robe was so silent and indifferent that it was a bit too much.

It's like a different person.

Not only could one not sense a trace of surprise from Lanclos, he didn't even feel the difference in combat power between the two sides, as if everything was just natural. There was no trace of madness or anger, and what was left was just the calmness of enjoying afternoon tea.

But he always kept his index finger raised and did not put it down.

Lachal couldn't understand what he meant.

The white-robed Pope slowly raised his hand and took off his mask for the first time. His relaxed smile seemed to have never changed.

"I can fight you with just one index finger."

He looked through his slender fingers and spoke to the four ancestors opposite him in a natural tone.
Please give me the monthly ticket at the beginning of the month!
(End of this chapter)

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