Do not confiscate my citizenship

Chapter 790: Lanqi's Immortal Punishment

Chapter 790: Lanqi's Immortal Punishment

"So in that dream..."

Lanqi closed his eyes and recalled silently in his mind.

He dreamed of a tyrant who was unforgivable and destroyed everything indiscriminately.

But there is one difference.

Can't tell what the difference is.

"What dream? Did you have a nightmare again?"

Talia's heart was in a knot as she asked Lanqi.

She didn't want Lanqi to understand anything alone in this shadow world of immortality and eternal punishment.

She can listen to Lanqi's heart.

"We passed through the Land of Eternal Night. When we were in Little Night City, I dreamed that Lanclos killed everyone he saw..."

Lanci confessed to Talia.

If the dream is too absurd, who would take it seriously?

He knew that Talia had a good impression of Lord Black Sun after reading Kaliela's Shadow Weaving Record, and he didn't want to tell about this irrational dream scene.

"Even if I saw such a dream, I would still believe in the historical Lanclos. He would never fall. No matter what kind of dark journey he went through or what kind of mental trauma he suffered, he would never lose himself. He would always be that kind soul."

Talia said Lord Black Sun, but it seemed that she was staring at Lanqi.

In her opinion, her apprentice would always make the same choice as Lancros.

She believed in the determination that Lanqi had taught her, so she also had special faith in Lord Black Sun, who was very similar to Lanqi tens of thousands of years ago.

"Master, please don't be like this... I am embarrassed to do your daily tasks."

With a smile in his eyes, Lanqi looked at the distant daylight and said to Talia in his heart.

"I don't blame you for calling me an old woman just now. You are the only one I would tolerate this from."

Talia snorted and blamed him.

"Can I call you that in person now?"

Lanqi didn't expect Talia to be so easy to talk to.

"Go out and see how long I'll let you lie on the ground."

Talia still felt her blood pressure was high.

This guy just wants to get more and more, and his eager look is really damn annoying.

Give him some color and he will open a dyeing factory.

"Hahaha, no no."

Lanqi chatted with Talia for a while, and seemed to be a lot happier.

He closed his eyes and his expression became solemn.

Just like the silver-white mask, the lines are soft, the expression is serene, and there is a compassionate love between the eyebrows.

He prayed that the lost lives could rest in peace, that the survivors could be strong, and that he would have enough strength to carry this world that was about to fall apart.

When he opened his eyes again, there was a fiery glow in his emerald green pupils.

He now knew that the battle in Blood Moon City was just the beginning, and the real battle was still to come.

The figure of the white-robed Pope disappeared in the Blood King's Palace.

When he reappeared, he had arrived at Saint Trik, the capital of the Horning Empire, which had turned into a demonic domain.

The demons transformed into an overwhelming miasma that surged at the end of the earth and enveloped the entire sky.

Covering the sky and blocking out the sun, the solar eclipse was like an ominous eye, watching the turmoil in the world with indifference.

Lanqi flew away.

In Saint Trique, the once beautiful and prosperous capital of Horning, thousands of demons are running and roaring across the land, their bodies twisted and distorted, their eyes burning with bloodthirst and crazy desire.

More monsters fell from the sky, smashing onto the earth like black raindrops, crushing all living creatures into dust.

The city-state in the distance turned into a sea of ​​fire, with thick smoke rising into the sky. The little devils were torn into pieces by the big devils, or swallowed by the flames, or trampled into a pool of bloody mud.

The South has completely fallen and turned into a hell on earth.

In the north of the Honing Empire, there are still residents who have not been infected with the poisonous seeds of vampire transformation. Further north, the Saint Polant Empire is the last pure land that has not yet fallen into the abyss of demonization.

The demon army is rushing there, their numbers are so large that they are unstoppable.

Once the North falls, the whole world will fall into eternal darkness.

The demons spotted him and roared with joy.


"Eat it!"

This human being can bring them endless happiness.

Thousands of demons swarmed in and rushed towards Lanqi like a tide.

They were either ferocious or ugly, spitting corrosive poisonous blood from their mouths, and their eyes flashing with hungry light.

Lanqi did not retreat a single step. He raised his hand and a ball of bright white light gathered, condensed, and expanded in his palm, eventually turning into a bolt of lightning that spanned the sky and struck the demon army.

In an instant, the sky and the earth changed color, and countless demons were reduced to ashes in this attack, turning into drifting black mist.

His attack was like a flare.

Many people who were heading north turned back.

More demons kept coming, one after another, regardless of life or death.

Lanqi rushed northward like a human weapon, rampaging through the sea of ​​demons, sweeping away all obstacles in his way.

There are too many berserk demons.

It is so densely packed that there is no end in sight.

It even covers the entire continental territory of the Honing Empire.

In the distance, the demon army continued to swarm in, and the horizon was occupied by their dark figures.

Behind Lanqi, there was a sea of ​​blood and corpses, and the stench was unbearable.

He suddenly opened his eyes, his emerald green pupils were filled with glow, he raised his arms high, his body suspended straight in the air, like a rising sun, illuminating every corner of the earth.

The next second, the sky collapsed and the earth broke apart.

A ray of light wider than the mountains and deeper than the ocean burst out from Lanqi's body and went straight into the sky.

It tore apart the gloomy sky, split the surging black fog, and swallowed up all the filth on the earth.

In front of this holy light, even the most powerful demon is just like a moth to a flame.

They let out miserable screams, their bodies burned, annihilated, and turned into ashes. More demons continued to pour in, but without exception, they were buried in this pillar of light.

A moment later, the demon army was reduced to ashes.

The earth returned to peace and the sky returned to its blue color.

Only a figure in a silver face and white robe stood quietly in the center like a majestic god.

"Horning's territory is too vast. Even if [Eternal Punishment of Immortality] holds your body in place, when your life ends and you turn into an undead race, you will gradually decay and collapse."

Talia reminded him.

Although the ninth level's mana recovery speed is also fast, the burden of Yongyao's destruction is too heavy.

She didn't want Lanci to experience the death that Lancroix had experienced again.

"It doesn't matter. Lancross has experienced all of this at least once."

Lanci was sure that he might never fully understand Lanclos's state of mind.

He always felt that everything in the Blood Moon Era was not over yet.

This is not necessarily the worst ending, but it is definitely not the best ending either.

The key to the relatively best ending lies in the last remaining Mirror of Tiberius. If we don't explore it, perhaps one day in the future we will repeat the same mistakes and repeat the same history over and over again.

He took a deep breath and dived toward the north again, forcing himself to ignore his physical fatigue and running out of mana.

His back was straight and firm, as if he wanted to blend into the darkness, yet also seemed to tear it apart.


In the north, tens of thousands of kilometers away, there is a peaceful and tranquil pure land.

The capital of Saint Polante, Hershalom.

The setting sun shines through the gaps between the branches and leaves of the towering ancient trees, casting golden light on the earth.

The breeze blew, and the leaves rustled, as if humming a hymn to life.

The air is filled with the fragrance of grass and soil, mixed with a hint of flowers, refreshing.

In this land live the most honest and kind people of the Northern Pope's Territory.

They have been working hard for generations, keeping to their own ways, and leading a simple and happy life.

On one side of the city-state, the newly built wooden houses are particularly eye-catching.

The walls were made of red bricks, the roof was covered with brown tiles, and the bluestone road in front of the door was swept spotlessly clean.

Smoke rose from the chimney, covering the whole house with a dreamy mist.

"Children, come and eat!"

A kind female voice came from inside the house, her tone full of tenderness and love.

"Coming, Mom!"

Childish voices rang out one after another, and figures jumped into the house from the street.

Inside the house, a sumptuous dinner was placed on a simple wooden table.

The family sat around the table with steaming potato soup, golden and crispy bread, and freshly bought fruits, their faces filled with happy smiles.

The father, a tall, resolute-faced middle-aged man, was smiling at his wife and children. The mother, a plump, gentle woman, was serving soup to the children and humming a little tune.

"I heard that the Pope will go to the Iron Fortress Oberon to attend the Peace Memorial next week. People say that with him here, we don't have to worry about war and suffering anymore. He will bring us an unprecedented era of peace and prosperity!"

Several children were talking and laughing, discussing with great excitement what they had seen and heard in Hersharem.

"Yes, I have heard that, with the Pope here, we will never be harassed by war again for generations to come."

Another child chimed in excitedly, his eyes sparkling with admiration.

"But no matter how powerful the Pope is, he is still a human being. He will die one day."

"No! The Pope must be immortal. He will stay in this world forever!"

Listen to the noisy chatter of the children.

"What are you guys talking about?"

The father breathed a sigh of relief and held his wife's hand.

They looked at each other, their eyes full of beautiful expectations.

"Eternal life is a punishment. You don't understand it yet."

The mother gave the instructions earnestly, her eyes kind and pious.

Although she knew the children were blessing the Pope, if they had developed a mature understanding of life and death, they would understand how to give the blessing correctly.

"Isn't it good to live longer?"

The child asked in confusion.

"Based on the fact that I feel that my life is very long after living for more than 30 years, if you ask me to live for 3,000 years, I think I will definitely go crazy. As for forever...just think about how long that is?"

The father lowered his head and asked them some questions to think about.

The children thought about it and seemed to understand.

"Forever. Maybe longer than three months?"

"It's definitely longer than a year."

"No matter how long it takes, when I grow up, I will become a knight of the Holy Spirit Kingdom. I will protect the weak, punish evil, and bring peace and happiness to my parents and everyone else!"

However, the young son quickly raised his little fist with a determined look in his eyes.

"Silly child, be safe and sound. As for who you become, your parents will be proud of you."

The father ruffled his son's hair lovingly and encouraged him.

The restaurant was full of joy and everyone's faces were filled with hopeful smiles.

Outside the window, the sun was slowly setting, sprinkling the last bit of blood-red onto the earth.

In the tipsy twilight, a few returning birds flew across the sky, chirping to the south.

Everything is so peaceful and tranquil, as if there will never be sadness and darkness in this world.


They didn't know that at this time, the southern border of Saint-Pierre had been flooded with blood, dyeing the Oberon Canal red.

Thousands of lives perished under the ravages of the demons.

The earth was stained red with blood and the sky was shrouded in mist.

The city fell, homes were shattered, and wailing, crying, and cursing intertwined into a symphony of despair, echoing above the ruins.

In the distance of this hellish city, a figure was still bathing in the blood of countless demons in the northern part of the Honing Empire, blocking most of the demon attacks for the Saint Power Empire.

At this moment, he has lost his former charm.

The once holy and elegant white robe was stained black and red by blood and mud.

The arms holding the scepter were covered with scars, and blood flowed with every swing.

The silver mask had completely shattered, revealing a face that could no longer maintain its disguise.

His horns were an exoskeleton of white jade, but they were full of cracks and dull. His skin was as pale as paper, covered with cracks of varying sizes, like a piece of broken porcelain.

In the deep eye sockets, a pair of emerald green eyes were so bright that they looked like ghost lights.

Blood continued to seep from the corners of his mouth, dripping down his chin and blending with the stains on his body.

The sky above was still gray and dead, and the land was devastated.


The Pope just stood there.

No one knows how long he struggled in this hell and how many demons he killed.

Their fate had already passed the end and they had turned into the undead.

The body of the living dead is collapsing and rotting bit by bit.

The flesh and blood were blurred beneath the shattered skin, and almost all of the internal organs were shattered.

Every breath was accompanied by heart-wrenching pain.

Even more terrifying is the curse that eats away at the soul.

The rules of the undead side were eroding his will bit by bit, but his remaining sanity told him that he had to continue fighting.

He can't stop.

Every extra spell cast could save hundreds or even thousands of families.

"Be careful, there's an oversized demon over there! It might be above level eight!"

A heart-wrenching cry broke the dead silence of the air.

Following the sound, Lanqi saw a group of figures riding on silver-armored horses.

Silvery armor, gleaming spears, and fluttering flags.

That was the Saint Polante army that came from the north. They were the elite knights who had sworn to follow Pope Saint Polante until death.

Seeing this scene, a surge of hope suddenly surged in Lanqi's heart.

Saint-Polante's front-line troops, here they come.

This means that the first round of offensive on the southern border of Saint-Polent should have been blocked.

But the next second, when he saw the expressions of the elite knights, he understood who the super-sized demon they were talking about was.

"The whole army forms an array!"

"and many more!"

"Why does this demon seem to have reason?"

"What...what is that...?"

"His robes, his ornaments..."

"No, impossible!!"

The knights' eyes widened, their faces filled with disbelief and fear.

They trembled, gasped for air filled with blood, and couldn't even hold the weapons in their hands steadily.

Yes, standing in their sight was the terrifying leader of the demons.

From the accessories he wore, it was clear that he was Pope Saint Polante.



This disaster swept from the Horning Empire to the Holy Empire of Saint Polante overnight. No one knew the cause and effect, and no one knew where the Pope had gone. They only knew that there must be a mysterious driving force behind this disaster of the century.

It was hard to tell whether it was blood or mud. Under the broken skin, a strange red light flickered faintly, as if magma was surging in the body.

Even more terrifying are his eyes.

Those eyes that were once as gentle as jade now glowed with a creepy green light, and the deep eye sockets were like two dark abysses that seemed to suck the human soul in.

How could this be their beloved Pope? He was clearly the most terrifying monster!

“Quickly…quickly step back…!”

The Knights' general shouted tremblingly, his voice almost breaking.
"That's not the Pope... that's a demon... run away..."

The silver-armored knights retreated in panic, their silver spears and lances pointing at Lanci randomly.

A berserk demon will make the original strength skyrocket. If the Pope turns into a demon, everyone will die!

Panic completely enveloped the knights' hearts, destroying their long-held beliefs.


Looking at all this, the Pope's eyes were filled with a smile of relief.

This is enough.

You don't have to feel guilty towards the Honing Empire. Protect yourself and go kill the demons with confidence. Don't harbor hatred towards the surviving residents of the Honing Empire.

The chains of hatred should be broken here.

There is no need to explain things that cannot be explained clearly.

Forget the great Pope St. Paul.

As long as you can survive.

Have a happy tomorrow as long as you can.

The Pope wanted to say something, wanted to approach them, to reveal the situation in the south.

But when he opened his mouth, only blood gushed out.

A sharp pain as if my throat was cut came over me, and my consciousness began to fade away.

Every step was extremely difficult.

But every step was taken with great determination.

Finally... is it going to end?

This grudge, this fate.

And this... ill-fated life.

The Pope raised his arms tremblingly, as if trying to grab something.

But the next second, the curse buried deep in his heart suddenly erupted, completely engulfing his broken body.

All the knights retreated instinctively.

In an instant, the whole world seemed quiet.

Amid countless pairs of horrified gazes, the once great Pope Saint Polante was shattered and turned into a pile of ashes.

No last words, no pleading.

Only those green eyes flashed a little as they disappeared.

It's not resentment or hatred.

But a sense of relief.

Just as he knew that his death would take away all the sins.

And his name will be buried forever along with the truth of this catastrophe.

The knights stood there in a daze, with expressions of relief at having survived a calamity.

They originally thought that they had seen the culprit behind this demon disaster and the truth that they shouldn't have seen, and they would be wiped out.

Unexpectedly, the Pope has reached his deadline?


The war between Saint-Pierre and Horning was reignited.

The cohesion of the Northern Saint Polante Empire began to weaken after it lost its spiritual leader.

Although most of the strongest demons have been eliminated, the southern Horning Empire where demons are rampant is still a disaster area that is difficult to enter.

At any time, a horde of demons, like a tide of zombies, could surge toward the south of the Holy Spirit Kingdom.

The endless doomsday battle has begun.

Northern part of the Theocracy of St. Paulant, Hershalem.

Queen Keshia sat in the palace, staring blankly towards the south.

Her tears soaked the carpet under her feet and moistened the knitted freesia.

Those sapphire eyes were filled with longing and sorrow.


"You fool..."

"If you are destined to be cursed... why... don't you take me with you? You really don't have to, you don't have to save this terrible world."

After a long while, Queen Keshia wiped away her tears and looked deeply into the distance.

"I understand your choice..."

"I understand... You are probably nearing the end of your life. You know you can't come back to Polante, so you can kill as many demons as you can for us..."

"But without you, can the Holy Spirit Religious Nation really be saved?"


On the scorched earth of the northern border of the Honing Empire.

The Pope's body came to an end after a long battle.

At the moment when the skin cracked and fell off, the flesh became bloody and rotted, and the internal organs were all shattered, even the noble head was transformed into a ball of black mist under the erosion of the curse.

But the real death did not come as expected.

The curse of eternal punishment makes this soul completely immortal.

Lanqi watched his body disintegrate bit by bit and turn into dust, but his heart was extremely calm.

has it ended?

This is what he thought at the last moment before his consciousness faded.

Available in the next second.

Reality gave him the answer.


When his consciousness regained focus, Lanqi found himself in a strange space.

To be precise, it can no longer be called "space".

There was no light, no sound, no trace of any physical presence.

Although he still remains in this world, he cannot touch or see any physical objects, and cannot exchange senses with any entity.

So for him.

Looking around, there is only endless darkness, which seems to devour the human soul.

Lanqi tried to move his body, but found that he no longer had a physical body.

The strength that he once prided himself on, the torso that was once indestructible, have all vanished into thin air.

All that is left is a lonely soul.

Floating forever in a realm that even death cannot touch.

"Is this the price of becoming undead?"

Lanqi's voice dissipated into nothingness, and even he himself could not hear it clearly.

He couldn't see the surroundings, couldn't hear any sound, and couldn't even distinguish the terrain.

Even the concept of time seems to have disappeared.

In this eternal prison, he will be alone forever.

No laughter, no tears.

There is no warm sunshine, no fresh air.

There is no company of relatives and friends.

There is only endless loneliness and boundless despair.

In an instant, Lanqi felt the bone-chilling cold for the first time.

The punishment that is a hundred times more cruel than physical death is——

The consciousness lasts forever, but the body perishes.

"This is where?"

Talia's thoughts rang out.

Unlike Lanclos, Lanci still has her.

Even at this moment, she could share perception with Lanqi and talk to Lanqi.

"It should be that Lanclos fell into an endless experience at the end of his second use of Tiberius."

Ranchi answered her.

If in real history Lanclos also used the Mirror of Tiberius to activate it three times, then at the end of the second activation, Lanclos would probably experience the consequences of immortality and eternal punishment ahead of reality.

"Are our two consciousnesses locked in this space of the Mirror of Tiberius?"

Talia seemed to understand the seriousness of the problem.

This is an ending without an ending.

From the moment you choose the option of immortality and eternal punishment, you may be destined to experience its price.

Although the mechanism of the Mirror of Tiberius is that when it encounters a future that is easy to deduce, it will accelerate to the extreme.

However, there is no concept of time and space inside the Mirror of Tiberius. If the content that continues is "endless", then it will become an endless illusion.


Lanci approved.

This is the world that Lanclos saw after he used eternal punishment of immortality on himself.

The Mirror of Tiberius simulates it exactly.

So Ranchi also experienced infinity in this time-accelerated simulation.

No matter how fast time passes, forever is forever.

"No, no way? Go to sleep, it will be fine after a good sleep, maybe we will be out when you wake up?"

Talia began to feel a little scared.

This is so weird.

But her consciousness was floating in the endless void, like a lone boat drifting in the dead ocean.


Lanqi replied that he was indeed very tired.

the strange thing is.

He should be very tired, but he didn't feel sleepy.

"It's okay, everything will be back to normal when you wake up."

Talia comforted Lanci and talked to him.

As an immortal, she is more resistant to the sense of time.

【After one hour.】


Talia noticed.

She could sleep, but Lanqi couldn't.

"Lanqi, we must move forward positively at this time, and we will definitely find a way out."

Talia suggested again.

"That's right. Although I don't feel hungry here, I can't just lie down and do nothing."

He tried to open his eyes, but found that in the darkness, there was no difference between opening his eyes and closing them.

I couldn't tell whether I had my eyes open or closed when I was sleeping.

Lanqi no longer wasted time sleeping and walked forward.

The surroundings were so dark, and so thick that it seemed to swallow up his consciousness.

The black color was so absolute, like an insatiable beast that wanted to tear his soul apart and eat it.

Lanqi wanted to call out and shout, but his voice fell on deaf ears and was instantly swallowed up by nothingness.

Here, even sound is a luxury and he can only endure eternal silence in silence.

[A few hours passed.]

I don't know how long it took.

The scenery has hardly changed.

"This... this is nothing to be afraid of."

Talia spoke to Lanqi, her heart already beginning to waver.

There was no exit at all, she slowly realized.

But Lanqi still listened to her and kept walking, looking for the exit that was impossible to exist.

Lanqi seemed to understand this fact better than she did.

I just wanted to make her feel at ease, so I listened to her at this moment, even if it was useless.

If you do nothing, your heart will be as dark as the sky.

"Lanqi, we can chat. Think positively. Lanklos could only imagine his old friend chatting with him at the time, but I am real and I can always be with you."

Talia said to Ranci, trying to be positive.

"Well, I'll just keep going."

No matter where I go, my body will not feel tired or pain, but when I talk about food, I still have an appetite but I don’t feel hungry.

【Maybe a month passed.】

Even if the body is not tired, the mind feels bored.

He didn't move on.

If there is nothing you can do, just talk to Talia.

There are only the two of them in this empty world.

【one year later.】

Lanqi lies on the ground.

Looking at the sky.

He could only look at the endless darkness.

"Is this the punishment for using eternal punishment of immortality on yourself?"

He asked in a whisper.

"Lanqi, we will get out. I will accompany you."

Talia said so.

But she had no idea.

How long will it take?

a hundred years?

A thousand years?

Or ten thousand years? One hundred thousand years?

Even farther and farther, so far that it is impossible to see forever.

For humans, whose life span is only a few decades, this long period of time is beyond their understanding.

【Fifty years have passed.】

"Why does this ridiculous magic exist?"

Talia finally couldn't help but complain.

Decades didn't seem like a long time to Talia.

But even she was dreading the long hours that lay ahead.

She couldn't imagine the despair that Lancros had faced in that dark, lonely space.

"Don't worry, Lanclos made it through, which means it's not that hard."

Lanci said to Thalia.


Talia didn't understand since when Lanqi became more optimistic than her.

【Perhaps several hundred years have passed.】

Infinite time continues to pass.

Talia gave up thinking.

She lay on the ground with Ranchi in a ethereal state.

Look at the endless black sky, and then wait quietly for infinity.

She didn't want to do anything anymore.

Lanqi and she gradually stopped talking.

She didn't dare talk to Lanqi either.

I even didn't talk to Lanqi for several months.

She was afraid that Lanqi would be completely broken down during this period of time that even she could not bear.

How long will it take?
It seems like just a drop in the ocean of this endless prison time.

Perhaps this eternal punishment of immortality cannot even be called the “beginning”.

Neither of them had yet to experience the true initial pain.

They are just tiny lives trapped in the dark prison of time.

"Tata, can you tell how long it has been?"

Lanqi’s thoughts came.

He seemed to be able to remain conscious.

But he could neither die nor lose consciousness.

I can only feel every minute and every second.

Understanding what Lanclos was thinking at the time.

“Maybe a few hundred years!”

Talia estimated and immediately answered Lanqi.

She couldn't tell either.

But Lanqi hadn't talked to her for a long time, and now Lanqi was talking to her again, and she was very happy.

"Lanqi, what are you thinking about?"

she asked Ranchi.

"I wonder, if Lanclos had experienced the price of eternal punishment beforehand, would he still use it on himself without hesitation?"

Lan Qi said to himself.

"If you were Lanclos, would you hesitate?"

Talia thought that asking Lanqi would reveal the answer.

"Don't hesitate, you must use it."

Lanqi's answer was as firm as ever.

It's like no matter how many times he is given the choice, his choice will not change.


Talia finally broke down.

"You idiot, even an immortal like me can't stand it, why are you not afraid at all?"

she asked Ranchi.

"Please, someone can save him. My apprentice is a madman. Although he is not a good person at ordinary times, he has a kind heart and does not deserve this kind of punishment."

"Anyone can take him out of here."

"Goddess, please."

Talia's voice gradually began to tear up.

She could accept Lanqi's collapse, but she couldn't accept seeing Lanqi still so awake.


Lanqi closed his eyes and said no more.

He let his consciousness float in the darkness and allowed himself to be swallowed by the eternal night.

His idea was very clear. If it was really infinite, then anything that played with time would be meaningless.

"Illusion Demon."

Just as Lanqi was thinking, a childish voice suddenly penetrated the darkness and awakened his consciousness.

The sound is so warm and soft, like the afternoon sunshine and the morning dew.

"Who's calling you?"

Thalia asked him.

"Did you hear that too?"

Lanqi asked back in surprise.

Not an illusion?

The dark space flickered.

The world becomes unreal and flickering.

It's like this void can't be sustained.

A ray of silver light penetrates through layers of darkness, as beautiful as a gentle paradise.

In an instant, the endless darkness was shattered by the dazzling light.

It is so dazzling, so pure, dyeing the fantasy world with light pink, and it seems like the color of dawn.

Lanqi felt his soul being enveloped by a warm current, melting the shackles and curses on his body one by one.

It was as if he had regained control of his body, having survived a desperate situation and been resurrected, and was able to move again.

Lanqi moved his body, broke free, and walked out of the Mirror of Tiberius in surprise.

He once again returned to the deepest underground place of Purgatory Corridor Academy, which he had been away from in this conscious world for a long time.

Only seen in the distance.

Tamisa cut off the energy source of the Mirror of Tiberius.

She also looked a little hesitant.

"I saw you stayed in there for several hours and didn't come out. I was a little worried about you. It's time for you to eat."

Tamisa threw away the energy line and explained.

She wasn't sure if she had done anything wrong.

But she felt that if this phantom demon used the mirror normally, it should come out in about two hours. But now several hours have passed, it has become dark, and he still has no response.

Tamisa was worried, so she forced the mirror to turn off.

Perhaps it was the authority given to her by Kaliela that allowed her to accidentally turn off or on the energy in this central energy room.


Lanqi looked at her, almost unable to stand, and sat on the ground leaning against the mirror wall.

I never expected that it was Tamisa who saved me.

He shed clear tears as if he had seen redemption.


He laughed with mixed feelings of sadness and joy.

Someone will save Lanclos.

He defies his fate and wants to protect everything, and being foolish is just common human nature.

But fantasy turns into miracle.

There was one last little spark left in Kaliela that would guide him in the direction of heaven.

"Illusion Demon..."

Tamisa came over and observed Lanci.

"what happened to you?"

Tamisa reached out her hand ignorantly and wiped away the tears from the phantom's cheek.

"If I've done anything wrong, I apologize."

Tamisa wondered if her reckless behavior had made the phantom angry and cry. Perhaps it was because of her character that her parents left her.

She slowly hugged the phantom demon like an imaginary mother, wanting to comfort him and embrace his miserable state.

He looked very sad, and she was surprisingly understanding.

"Thank you, Tamisa."

Ranchi sincerely thanks,
"You're the best. You did nothing wrong. You saved me."

Lanci patted Tamisa's head and shook his head.


Tamisa's voice sounded slightly surprised.

She stared blankly at her face reflected in the mirror, feeling lonely and tired, with no one missing her in the dark night.

Tamisa's eyes slowly shifted from the mirror to the phantom's cheek.

Slowly, she lowered her eyes.

Hug this fellow alien tightly.

In the dim space of the underground energy room, two figures, one big and one small, were standing there in silence without any perfunctory attitude. Only the dim pure white light was reflected on the Mirror of Tiberius.

(End of this chapter)

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