Do not confiscate my citizenship

Chapter 786 Black Sun Tyrant Blessing Moment

Chapter 786 Black Sun Tyrant Blessing Moment
"Hmm? How come there is an option to torture the townspeople? Did Lanclos really think of this back then?"

After reading it, Talia hummed in confusion.

The Lancros that she had imagined to be dignified and majestic suddenly became a bit like Lanqi.

"I wouldn't do such a thing, okay."

Lanqi thought that this was Talia's prejudice against him, and responded to her in his heart.

"That's true."

Talia thought about it and agreed.

She thought Lanqi would use a more elegant way to torture him.

After all, in Talia's impression, Lanci never did the dirty work himself or got involved in blood.

But there are so many ways he can make people uncomfortable.

"I talk to them about their dreams and the future, so that they will fall in love with me willingly and form a community of consciousness."

Lanqi was thinking about how he would eliminate options and come up with the best solution if he were faced with this problem.

He is always good at catching traitors.

Back then at Lichtens Castle, he had exposed the two impostors.

"You call that a dream and a future?"

Talia questioned him.

That's just pyramid schemes and brainwashing.


Lanqi sat in the church of the town of Lilm in the Hansabeck province, hesitating in the face of the old mayor's questions.

His eyes were looking both at the old mayor and at the rose window behind him.

It is clear that a critical event has been triggered. You cannot choose A and do nothing.

Torturing the townspeople was too much.

"Take the commission."

Lanqi didn't discuss it too much with Talia and still chose C.

According to Talia's idea, this would probably be the choice.

His eyes fell on the third option on the rose window and he nodded.

[You received a commission in a small town on the border of Hansabek, a province in the central part of the Horning Empire.]

[You don't care about the time you have left, nor whether you can return to your hometown. You are sure that the things in front of you are important, and those things have nothing to do with you. You start to investigate. ]

The transparent words of the Mirror of Tiberius on the Rose Window began to continue like a worm.

Lanci's perspective began to change.

[In this province called Hansabek, there is a city-state with a long history - Solon. ]

It is located in the north of Hansaberg. The midday sun reflects colorful light through the stained glass, illuminating the quaint and elegant buildings inside the city of Solln.

On this day, Soran welcomed a traveling merchant.

The traveling merchant Randall has soft eyes and facial features, and his gray clothes make him look more low-key.

Although he looks like just a businessman, he has power that no one knows.

[As the first step of the investigation, you went directly to the Shengshi Chamber of Commerce branch in Soren City where "Randall" was.]

[Here you can get a lot of conveniences. Not only can you get intelligence through hearsay, but you can also buy intelligence directly. ]

As soon as Lanqi stepped into the door of the Chamber of Commerce, he heard the whispers of the merchants in Sauron City.

"I heard that someone in the southern city of Vioc saw a demon in the woods outside the city last night."

"Demon? Isn't that a creature that only exists in rumors? Does such a thing really exist?"

"Who knows? It seems that it is no longer just a rumor. There are more and more witnesses and victims. The Empire can no longer suppress the news."

【You listen to people's gossip and walk among the crowd. 】

"Tsk, with the vampires here, what are we afraid of? That demon can't possibly turn the tables and kill us all."

Some people also scoffed at this.

In their view, demons are nothing but absurd rumors fabricated by ignorant people.

Often during such times, people cannot tell truth from falsehood and have different opinions on facts that may cause panic.

Lanqi walked silently in the Chamber of Commerce.

No comments were made.

"If the rumor has spread to this extent, it is likely to be true."

Talia said to Ranci.

As a witness who had personally experienced the Flower City of Parië, she knew the situation very well.

The demon must be real.

And the severity of the problem far exceeded that of Pariah, the flower capital of the Persian Kingdom at that time.

But she couldn't figure out where these demons came from.

Logically speaking, Lanclos should be the last demon.

"Then we must catch a demon and see."

Lanci was convinced that completing the old mayor's commission did not conflict with Lanclos's own goals.

As long as you can find clues about the demon and meet him, some puzzles will be solved naturally.

And in the accelerated Mirror of Tiberius simulation, he should see the results soon.

[You showed your Chamber of Commerce ID to the receptionist at the Chamber of Commerce counter and immediately received the highest level of reception. The local branch president invited you to the VIP room for a detailed discussion.]


The luxurious VIP room on the top floor of the Chamber of Commerce.

Several wealthy businessmen dressed in elegant clothes were sitting around a low sandalwood coffee table and chatting.

"Speaking of which, the rumors about the demons really add a lot of interest. The masters in my house are already discussing what the demons look like."

A wealthy businessman joked.

"Our city is actually fine, but the main problem is that in the city-state further south of us, Vioc City, it seems that demons have indeed appeared there."

"There's basically no mistake. It's the demon."

Today, a high-level inspector from another place, named Randall, came to the city-state's Chamber of Commerce. Mr. Randall wanted to know something about the demons, so the president gathered them all here to meet Mr. Randall.

As prominent and powerful people in the city-state, they are often the first to obtain intelligence.

"Extremely stupid."

The middle-aged man with the hooked nose snorted in a sarcastic tone.
"Demons are just stories made up by lunatics. They are good enough to fool three-year-old children."

He imitated the voices of some ordinary citizens and spoke deliberately, as if he was mocking those guys who did not believe in the existence of demons.

The topic of demons did not disappear despite the disdain of some citizens.

In these two days, shocking news spread throughout Sauron City—

In the southern city of Vioc, two knights who were returning home at night were attacked while patrolling on the outskirts of the city. Witnesses claimed that the attacker was an ugly monster covered in scales and with red eyes.

The rumors were spreading like wildfire and people were in panic.

If the city-states in the same province suffered, then their city of Sauron would be targeted by the demons sooner or later.

"The mayor of Vioc has already sent a request for help to the Hansabek Province and the capital of Saint Trique. We have also stepped up night patrols in the past few days to ensure the safety of the citizens. However, in order to prevent excessive panic, our city has not yet exaggerated the threat of the demons."

The wealthy businessmen in the VIP room were talking.

Lanqi just sat aside and listened quietly, nodding from time to time.

There were several magic lamps burning on the wall, and the swaying sunlight cast their silhouettes on the wall panels.

Until the whole scene dimmed, when Lanqi looked around clearly again, he was no longer in the VIP room of the Chamber of Commerce.

[Based on the information you received, you came to the city-state in the south, Vioc City, the place where demons are most likely to appear in the suburbs.]

[You find that the further south you go, the more certain the news about the demon becomes.]

[There are neither vampires nor demons in Vioc City, only humans. 】

[You were very sure of this after using the detection magic, as if the demon didn't exist at all.]

[You understand that this is why demons cause panic, and people can't even tell whether they are real or not.]


A full moon hangs high in the night sky, and the cold moonlight pours down on the ground like mercury.

Lanqi was carrying a suitcase and walking around aimlessly like a businessman who had just arrived in this city-state.

"Now is not a good time to wander around!"

A voice called out from behind him.

Lanqi turned around and took a closer look, and saw that they were a few patrol knights from the city of Vioc.

The knights looked nervous, as if they had no choice but to take on this dangerous patrol mission.

Similarly, when they saw a young man walking aimlessly on the outskirts of the city at night, they could not help but speculate and fear that he would turn into a demon at any moment.

"Feel sorry."

Lanci raised his hands to indicate that he was harmless.

[You talked with the knights, revealed your identity as a demon hunter, and slightly demonstrated your strength above level 5.]

[The knights immediately felt as if they had seen a savior.]

[Because if a strong person like you really wants to harm them, they will have no chance to resist, so they are willing to believe that you are a hunter who is here to help them deal with the demons.]

【Through simple discussions, you become closer to them. 】

[The knights are willing to cooperate with your fishing enforcement, turn a blind eye to your wandering, and promise to call you at the first opportunity if they see a demon. ]

[You have obtained some more information from the knights.]

[It seems there is more than one demon in the suburbs. 】

"Ah, Mr. Randall, I'll leave it to you."

The leading knight thanked him.

"Once you find a demon, be quick. Don't panic or fight. Call me immediately and I will be there soon."

Lanqi gave instructions to the knights.

Watching the knights leave in disgrace, he shook his head secretly.

These knights seemed to be brave enough to accept the order and take on the night patrol work that no one was willing to do.

[You continue forward, passing through a dense forest in the southeast corner of the city.]


A strange fishy smell wafted over, it was the smell of flesh and blood left by a wild animal being eaten.

Lanqi looked around and his eyes fell on a drainage ditch not far away.

Although it is impossible to find the demon through detection magic, there are some physical traces that are clues that cannot be erased.

"It seems that it is time to pay a visit."

he said to himself.

Approach the drain silently.

With the help of the dim light from the suitcase magic device, he carefully observed the traces around him.

Clearly visible claw marks, broken branches and leaves, and spots of blood.

Lanqi discovered that there were two different types of deformed footprints on the ground, one large and one small.

"It seems there is more than one demon."

Talia was also a little scared.

Now she could only see every scene without any physical manifestation, just like watching a horror movie.

Talking more to Lanqi is her only support.

"Master, don't be afraid, because I'm already here."

Lanqi's eyes were fixed on the deep jungle in the distance.

The moment the words fell.

The wind is cold and the shadows of the trees are swaying.

A red light appeared in the darkness.

Its body was twisted and deformed, half human, half beast, and it let out a shrill howl mixed with giggles, and its bloodshot eyes were beating with madness.

【You encountered a demon. 】

It's smaller than you think.

[Just when you are about to subdue it. ]

【You feel something is wrong with it, so you hesitate. 】

[Is it crying, or laughing, is it casting a murderous intent towards you, or is it expressing something to you... asking for help? ]

【You hear panicked cries for help. 】

"Help! It's a demon!"

On the other side of the city, the shouts of the knights also reached Lanqi's ears.

[You didn't hesitate for a moment and went to rescue the knights first.]

【Human life is often fleeting. 】

At the same time, the knights were approached by a terrifying demon figure.

This is a genuine large demon.

When their faces were filled with despair and at the critical moment,

The dazzling aurora cut through the night sky and hit the demon's shoulder directly.

The demon howled in pain and fell to the ground, blood gushing from his wounds.

"Mr. Randall!"

The knights looked into the distance in surprise and shouted.

They didn't expect that the demon hunter would arrive so quickly.

I saw a traveling merchant walking towards me with big strides, holding an oil lamp.

[You didn't miss the target. You just wanted to subdue the demon, not kill him. You have a lot to ask the demon.]

[This demon is bigger than the one in the forest, and is two meters tall.]

[You believe that the demon is rational and you want to talk to him.]

[But before you can open your mouth to speak. ]

[The demon growls angrily and pounces on you. ]

[You don't want to appear too strong in front of this group of knights. In order to keep a low profile and not alert the Horning Empire, you start using magic that you are not very good at, and capture the demon while ensuring that you can protect the knights.]

Lanqi stepped forward to avoid it, and a series of rock spikes from the ground pierced the demon.

The demon screamed in pain, anger burning in its red eyes, and pounced on Lanci again.

At this lightning instant, something lit up under Lanqi's feet, and several golden chains gushed out from the magic circle, wrapping around the demon's limbs and torso in the blink of an eye.

The demon was tied up tightly and couldn't move.

Lanqi approached steadily, looked at the demon, and was about to give it the final blow.


Unexpectedly, the demon suddenly opened his bloody mouth and sprayed a sticky and smelly venom towards Lanqi.

Lanqi was unable to dodge and was hit hard on his left arm.

Taking advantage of the moment when Lanqi was in pain, the demon suddenly broke free from his restraints and quickly fled into the forest.

"Mr. Randall, are you alright?"

Several knights immediately came over with concern.

"It doesn't matter."

[You are actually acting, because it is impossible for you to be hurt by this demon. ]

[If you capture it in front of the knights, you will need to hand it over to the knights and the city-state. Some things are inconvenient to investigate privately, so you deliberately let it run away, but you have already grasped its whereabouts, and you have to capture it alone. ]

[Tell the knights not to run around, and you'll be back soon.]

As the night grew darker, Lanqi walked through the woods, searching for the trace of the demon.

He began to experience this illusion again.

Along the way, intermittent blood spots and claw marks kept him on the trail.

at last.

In a secluded jungle basin.

He saw the dying demon and the small demon snuggling beside it.

The scars on the large demon were caused by Ranchi.

The small demon nudged the demon's chin with its head and made intermittent laughter. It looked like it was laughing, but it was actually crying, as if begging it not to leave.

Lanqi paused.

The feeling made him dizzy.

"No, no, why do these demons look so much like... a mother and son?"

Talia also somewhat understood the demon's true meaning.

They appear to be uncontrolled madness, yet they retain some human emotions.

It's like an innocent mother and son were forced to become such monsters by someone.

"Demons are originally transformed from humans through surgery..."

Lanqi covered his forehead and muttered.

Just then, there was a rustling sound behind me.


Lanqi turned around and saw several knights walking out from behind the bushes tremblingly.

They seemed uneasy staying where they were, so they followed Mr. Randall.

"Mr. Randall, please wait a moment!"

The leading knight said boldly:
"This demon seems a little different..."

He looked sad.


Lanci asked, frowning.

"I found that it seemed to understand human language, and..."

The leading knight turned his gaze towards the small demon.
"They may not want to hurt anyone, they are just looking for food in this forest. Maybe we can try to communicate with them?"

He said hesitantly.

[Among the knights, there are apparently people who have realized the same problem as you.]

[The process of you letting the demon run away made the knight see more. ]

【Things are getting troublesome.】

Just as Lanqi was talking to the knights, the demon mother lying on the ground suddenly moved.

It raised its head with difficulty and looked in the direction of Lanqi.

There was a strange gleam in those dying eyes.

Like she was begging him for something.

Lan Qi was stunned.

The next second, he suddenly stretched out his hand and pointed, and a fierce gust of wind knocked the knights to the ground.

Then, a dazzling flame burst out from the forest floor, instantly engulfing the demon mother and son.

The flames licked and the ashes drifted away.

In an instant, there was only deathly silence in the basin.

The knights were dumbfounded and speechless.

"Don't risk your lives."

Lanqi's face was covered in shadow. He picked up his suitcase and walked away without looking back.

The night was dark, and the bright moonlight poured like water on the bricks and tiles of the city of Viock.

Everything returned to calm.

It seemed as if this night was just a fleeting nightmare.

"Lanqi, why did you kill them?"

Talia asked Ranch in confusion.

It was the first time she saw Lanqi being so cruel.

Since the Mirror of Tiberius completely gave the illusion experience to Lanci, it means that in this illusion, no matter what choice he made, it would not affect the subsequent simulation. In other words, when he saw the demon mother and son, the truth had already surfaced without any conversation or interrogation.

"It is seeking relief from me... The mother's instinct makes her want to protect her child, while the human will makes her seek death."

Lanqi bit his lip, with deep compassion in his eyes.

In his mind, the look of the demon mother before her death could not be erased.

“…Is there really no hope?”

Talia rarely saw Lanqi admit so decisively that there were people he could not save.

She also knew how much of a disruption this decision would be for Lanci.

"Talia, do you still remember the background story of the first Shadow World, Purgatory Corridor Academy?"

Lanqi asked Talia in a dry voice.

"I think so."

Talia had also seen the record of Lanqi and Hyperion's Shadow World.

The entire story revolves around two key characters: the vampire envoy and the devil's city envoy.

In the historical context of the time, there was a "Non-Interference Treaty between the Vampires and the Demons" called the "North-South Treaty".

In that turbulent era, the blood clan in the south rose and fell, and the emperors of many human kingdoms were slaves of the blood clan.

The demons in the north are also weaker than the vampires, and are only isolated by the natural barriers of glaciers in the far north.

Regarding anything between the Vampires and humans, the Demons must maintain a neutral attitude. This is the basic condition for the Vampires not to attack the Demons.

But more than thirty years ago, the vampires began to suspect that the demons were secretly trying to break this balance.

The cause of the incident was originally just a ridiculous rumor that spread in the demon world some time ago.

It is said that the vampires have discovered that some humans are suspected to be disguised as demons, trying to sneak into the demon world and steal the demon's knowledge.

The demons didn't believe it at first. Often, only demons tried to disguise themselves as humans, but humans never tried to disguise themselves as demons.

It was not until later that the Grand Duke of the Blood Clan seemed to have cruelly interrogated some key information from the researchers at the Imperial Experimental Field.

And we learned that there are a few last surviving members of the Empire's secret forces, who are likely to be lurking in this Purgatory Corridor Academy for a long time!

Faced with the tough pressure from the blood clan, the attitude of the Demon Realm Inspectorate is to resolutely follow the rules. They led the blood clan envoys across the extremely cold terrain in the north to the Demon Realm, and will accompany the blood clan envoys to the academy for investigation.

This vampire messenger possesses unique blood power, which allows him to identify humans disguised as demons. Once the vampire messenger finds humans in the academy, the leaders of the Purgatory Corridor Academy will bear great responsibility.

In order to quell the anger of the vampires, the demons may even make the top brass of Purgatory Corridor Academy the victims. In addition, in order to prevent the principal from obstructing, the Education Department also transferred the principal in advance, claiming it was an important agenda, but in fact it was just to temporarily sideline the principal.

The Demon King seemed to be doing his job impartially, but in fact he still wanted to protect the Infernal Corridor Academy, so he sent a special envoy to help the Infernal Corridor Academy.

But what no one expected was that this special envoy was intercepted by the demon Lanclos who was hiding in the Purgatory Corridor Academy.

The fake demon, fake special envoy, and fake principal Lanclos has real abilities and lives up to his responsibilities, successfully helping the Purgatory Corridor Academy overcome the crisis.

This is the beginning of the legendary story of Hei Riqing.

"So Tata, think about it, how did the demons become like this, can the demons be saved, and where is the demon transformation technology now?"

Lanci asked Talia in a flat tone.

The demon transformation surgery could not be reversed, and the demon mother and son were just like the failed products at the Horning Empire's test site, and could only endure endless pain and struggle.

Lanqi looked at the moonlight and already knew the answer.

[The rules of the transformation experiment at the Horning Empire Test Field are that if you fail, you will voluntarily accept death. At the same time, every soldier who accepts the transformation will ask his colleagues before the transformation, if he fails, please kill him to maintain his last dignity as a human being.]

[Killing the demons who failed to be transformed is also the decision of the soldiers in the Horning Empire's test field with sadness and hope. It is also their principle and creed. ]

[However, some people are abusing the transformation technology and creating more failed demons. ]

You must not tolerate this behavior continuing.


Talia was shocked and speechless.

"The blood race is using civilians from the Horning Empire to conduct experiments on transforming them into demons?"

[Many years ago, when you infiltrated the Purgatory Corridor Academy, you heard from the vice-president that the reason the vampires suspected that there were humans infiltrating the academy was because they had obtained relevant information from the survivors of the Horning Empire's test site.]

[And the demon transformation technology that was supposed to be lost and short-lived in the Horning Empire should now be in the hands of the vampires. ]

[The birth of the demon must be related to the blood race. ]

【The final answer is often hidden at the beginning. 】

You find that everything is connected.

The surrounding trees began to twist, and the words of the Mirror of Tiberius appeared on the trunks of the large trees.

[You are convinced that the vampires have not chosen to coexist with humans as they appear to have, but are planning something more horrible. What will you choose next:]

【A. Turn a blind eye】

[B. Head straight to the capital]

【C. Continue investigation】

[D. Personal intervention]

[Life remaining: 2 days, 23 hours, 31 minutes]

[You are much weaker, and you clearly feel that you have fallen down nine levels.]

"How to choose, Lanqi?"

Talia felt that this time the simulation was probably approaching its end.

Lancross still has more than two days left.

But whether to continue the investigation or to travel to the distant Horning capital of Saint Trique would take much longer.

"To the capital, St. Trique."

Lanqi's choice this time was faster than any previous time.

Perhaps if we continue investigating, we can get some more information for the next simulation.

But then we probably won’t be able to see the vampires living well in the capital, Saint Trik.

If he doesn't fight the vampires today, he probably won't be able to sleep well.

Sure enough, what Kaliela showed him was crucial.

The era of blood moon ruining the world will not end so easily.

If Pope Lanclos had died peacefully, a greater catastrophe would have been left to the world.

"Then start killing!"

Talia fully supports Ranch.

Previously, Lanqi chose a more conservative option.

Only this time.

Tolerable or unbearable!
[Under the gaze of the stars, the valley is deep and the forest is dark. ]

【The betrayal brought about by trust and righteousness. 】

【It aroused anger.】

[As they have always done.] [Their sins, their impenitence, their atrocities.]

【We are witnesses.】

【The truth will be passed down forever. 】

【Give me the final verdict.】

After the demonic writings on the trees appeared, the sky began to dim.

Lanqi once again felt the sudden changes in the things around him and continued to fly south for a long time.

Until the second day and night.

He arrived at Saint Trique, the southernmost capital of the Horning Empire.

On a night with bright lights, the entire capital city of Saint-Terrick is like a shining gem.

Looking down from a high place, you can see the winding Rhine River like a shining ribbon, dividing the city into two.

Along the river bank, St. Terrick's Cathedral, which Lanclos had seen in his dream, stood tall. In the center of the nearby Horning Imperial Square stood the statue of an ancient hero. Even at night, the square was crowded with tourists, and the performances of street performers attracted many spectators to stop and watch.

On the south bank of the river, the iconic Moonlight Tower connects to the sky, and the observation deck on top of the tower sparkles in the night.

This is the dividing line.

The territory of humans is in the north, and the territory designated for vampires is in the south.

[After arriving in the capital city of Saint Trik, you first entered the human territory on the north shore.]

[You learned about the current state of the capital city of Saint Trinh.]

[Although demons often invade, the citizens are not that scared. ]

[You interviewed the residents of St. Trinian on the street.]

"Because the vampires have been protecting us."

The pedestrians on the road answered.

[Whenever you mention the devil, the citizens will answer you actively and kindly. ]

"The blood clan are all good guys, but it's a pity that those guys in the Saint Polante Church in the north always like to smear them. If there were no church, the blood clan might have slaughtered all the demons."

"The demon must be related to the demon clan. If it weren't for the demon clan, how could there be such a deformed thing? It should have been destroyed by those demons long ago."

【Listen to the words of these former fellow citizens of the Horning Empire. 】

You realize it.

【It turns out that times have really changed. 】

Talia watched Lanci question the residents of the capital, Saint Trik, one by one on the street.

She looked at Lanqi's smile.

She didn't know whether it was Lancros's smile or Lanqi's smile, but in any case, she felt very worried.

Talia is currently unable to access any information about the outer world of the Mirror of Tiberius, nor can she check how much Lanci understands Lanclos.

She also found it ridiculous.

Not a single resident felt that the vampires might be a threat.

In the eyes of the Horning people, the current stability and development of Saint Trik is almost entirely due to the help provided by the vampires in their symbiosis with them.

Even the younger generation and kids adore the vampires.

[“What exactly is a vampire?”]

[You, standing on the street, asked this question with a trembling laugh.]

Pedestrians on the street and customers in front of shops suddenly stopped all the activities they were doing.

They suddenly stood up in unison, turned around, stomped their feet, and all looked over here.

"Blood race is a friend!"

The residents of St. Trinian all had happy smiles on their faces and spoke to him in unison.


【You finally burst out laughing. 】

[Your status "Mind Rift" expands at this moment. ]

[When you experience emotional fluctuations, you will recall the most painful memories, which will make you very painful and produce hallucinations. All you can do is force yourself to cry or laugh to get through these few seconds.]

[Even your magic power began to waver. Soon, powerful creatures in Saint Trik City sensed that you, the Pope of Saint Polante, had arrived.]

On the streets of Saint-Trick under the night sky, people were coming and going, but there was only one figure who was disconnected from the surrounding crowd, standing still and laughing.

"Lanqi, can you hear me?"

Talia's anxious voice echoed vaguely in Lanqi's ears.

She knew clearly that Lanqi was feeling sad at the moment, but she laughed uncontrollably, unable to stop even when she was choking. This laughter mercilessly tore at her heart, and brought Lanqi to the brink of collapse.

But she couldn't show up to hug Lanqi.

She was like being separated by a glass wall, unable to touch Lanqi at all.

Talia had never seen Ranch like this.

Perhaps they underestimated the negative state of the ninth level, the Mind Rift, or perhaps Lanqi had already fallen too deeply into this illusion without realizing it.

"Ha ha……"

Lanqi's laughter gradually subsided, and his eyes began to change.

The words on the Mirror of Tiberius continued, climbing onto the clothes of Saint Trik and his group of passers-by, forming a dense and surrounding demonic text -

[The vampires are aware of your presence and have discovered your weakness.]

You will choose:

A.Wantless destruction

[B. Raid on Blood Boundary]

【C. Escape with all your strength】

[D. Personal intervention]

【You are very weak.】

Without a moment's hesitation.

Lanqi chose to go to the vampire's lair and fight the vampires head-on.

Before he even took a step towards the south bank.

The scene around suddenly changed.

The world was spinning, and both he and Talia felt themselves losing balance, realizing that they were being dragged into some kind of enchantment.

The surrounding buildings and trees fell rapidly upwards, and the sound of wind whistled in my ears.

He was falling downward at a very fast speed, and all he could see was the upside-down city.

Countless buildings seemed to be embedded in the darkness, some were upside down, some were tilted, completely ignoring the law of gravity. Gorgeous wooden buildings were intertwined with castle-like stone walls, flashing a mixture of bright and scarlet light.

Lanqi opened his eyes clearly and was sure that he was falling rapidly.

"This is... Blood Moon City?"

Talia's heartbeat quickened, realizing that Tiberius' journey would also reach its final act.

But she didn't expect that the legendary Blood Moon City would appear before her.

In the endless fall, a huge but deserted city gradually came into view.

The stacked houses are lined up in an orderly manner, forming a series of geometric patterns with concave and convex shapes and clear edges and corners.

The entire city seemed to stretch out toward the sky in despair, and then fall helplessly toward the center of the earth.


Lanqi's figure continued to fall. He could have escaped upwards, but he resolutely went downwards, passing through the layers of buildings, as if he had accepted the invitation of the vampires and was ready to fight.

He held the silver mask and covered his face with it.

The Pope has taken off his disguise and is ready for battle.

After dancing for an unknown amount of time, he was enveloped by an extremely large palace.

He saw wide corridors suddenly disappear and reappear somewhere else, doors of rooms suddenly shifted and led to completely different spaces, and stairs twisted and turned but never ended.

This is a long and narrow corridor with doors on both sides constantly opening and closing, revealing a horrifying scene. Some rooms are filled with surging seas of blood, while others are pitch black and can swallow everything.

There was a faint smell of blood in the air, which made Lanqi's nose wrinkle slightly.

He knew that this was the breath of the vampires.

Suddenly, a gorgeous sliding door opened in front of him.

He crossed and his fall began to slow.

Lanqi looked around and found himself slowly landing in the center of the palace circular square.

This is like an altar.

It also looks like a tombstone prepared for someone.

Thirteen huge stone pillars stand around the square, each of which is engraved with a gem totem corresponding to the ancestor.

When his feet finally touched the ground, he took a deep breath and felt the magical power of multiple vampire ancestors.

"Welcome to Blood Moon City, Pope Saint Polante."

The teasing voice echoed around like a declaration from God.

In the bottomless fog at the edge of the Blood King's Palace Square, the owner of the voice gradually appeared.

He looked like a human boy of twelve or thirteen years old, wearing a pure black velvet suit with the golden crest of the Horning noble family embroidered on the lapel.

He has a handsome face, porcelain-white skin, and soft brown hair that falls to his shoulders.

At first glance, he seems to be just a rich boy from St. Tricker, but when you look directly into his eyes, you will find that his red eyes are bottomless, revealing an age far beyond his appearance.

"I didn't expect you to come here. I have lived a peaceful and law-abiding life in the Horning Empire for so many years."

The third ancestor, Duke Lachar, had a faint smile on his face, as if he was mocking the stupidity of the world.

The Pope in the silver mask did not say a word to the Third Ancestor.

A blazing white ball of light burst out from his palm and shot straight into the sky, illuminating the entire Blood Moon City as bright as day. Countless bright spots of light quickly gathered in the air and turned into a giant light net, covering the Blood Moon City from all directions.

"Don't start right away, Your Holiness."

A purple-red magic barrier quickly formed around the third ancestor, Lachar, blocking the light net outside.

The two magical powers collided violently in mid-air, causing a deafening roar.

The blood vessels on the back of Pope Saint Polante's hand trembled slightly as he tried his best to maintain the light magic.

But gradually, this collision was fruitless.

"The invincible Pope Saint Polante is no better than this."

The third ancestor, Duke Lachar, murmured.

A magic circle formed on the ground covering several kilometers beneath his feet, emitting magic power far exceeding the magic burst from the Pope just now.

The purple-red light spots all over the sky circulated wildly in the Blood King's Palace, transforming into giant red python chains that whistled towards the Pope's light array, causing the air to stagnate.

The silver-masked Pope cast a spell, quickly forming a rock-sealed shield in front of him.

During the clash between Pope Saint Polante and the third ancestor Lachar, fine cracks appeared on the rock shield, and it was shaky and in danger of crumbling.

Countless dazzling rays of light burst out from the Pope's body, interweaving into thousands of light wheels in mid-air, carrying a tremendous force, sweeping straight towards the third ancestor, Lachar.

The two destructive forces collided violently in the void, and the entire Blood King Palace erupted with a loud noise that shook the earth and sky.

The spells of both sides collapsed in an instant, forming the largest-scale control cancellation.

The Pope gasped as blood oozed from beneath his mask.

The third ancestor Lashar on the opposite side looked quite relaxed.


The third ancestor, Lachar, shook his palms and asked frivolously.

The innate magic that Hei Riqing created for the vampires can indeed allow him to fight against the vampires across one level, and he can even kill the vampires instantly if they are at the same level.

But the problem now is——

The third ancestor, Lachar, seemed to see through the current state of Pope Saint Polante.

He didn't mind fighting with Pope Saint Polante as he wished.

But in his home ground, the Blood King Palace, we have to follow his rules.

The raging flames, the blindingly red fire like liquid, swept across the entire square, turning the dark Blood Palace Square into a crimson abyss.

The flames also began to burn Pope Saint Polante.

"Don't just stand there, come and entertain the guests together."

The third ancestor, Duke Lachar, turned his head and looked toward the sky meaningfully, with a smile on his lips, and shouted to the figures in the blood mist at the edge of the Blood King Palace Square.

"Then let's take revenge today and complain today."

At this moment, Pope Saint Polante had no time to react.

All he saw was a figure in front of him.

The figure had a frown on his face and a provocative smile on his lips. He was wearing a military uniform, which was torn apart when his power exploded.

His right hand stretched forward violently and hit Pope Saint Polante in the cheek, which would have set everything off in the next second.

When the explosion resounded throughout the Blood King's Palace, dust flew everywhere and Pope Saint Polante was knocked heavily away.

The violent force caused the inner wall of the Blood King's Palace where the Pope was trapped to collapse like a surging sea tide, and the collision was faster than thunder!
The impact created a strong wind, which blew the corner of the coat of the third ancestor Lachar, who was watching from a distance.

"Somerset, you really hate our Pope."

The third ancestor, Lachar, teased as he looked at the powerful vampire figure.

"I really can't understand why I lost to this guy in the first place."

The eighth ancestor, the Marquis of Somerset, clenched his wrists, making a creaking sound, and walked to the side of the third ancestor, the Duke of Lachar.

After Lachar had confirmed the Pope's condition, he dared to take the first step.

In the ruins of the Blood King's Palace in the distance, the Pope barely stood up, and the magic power around him seemed to turn into pure electric light, constantly causing electric cocoons to explode.

The Pope's profile was covered by shadows and firelight, part of the right side of the mask was broken, and his face was covered in blood, flowing down his cheeks.

The eighth ancestor Somerset was stared at by the emerald green eyes under the mask and couldn't help but shudder.

Before the Pope could catch his breath, the third ancestor, Duke Lachar, attacked again out of the blue.

Countless purple-red tongues of fire burst out from the ground and instantly bound the Pope tightly.

The pure electric light and magic power on the Pope's body became stronger and stronger, but those evil tongues of fire attached to him, madly sucking his power like bloody leeches.

In a blink of an eye, the eighth ancestor, the Marquis of Somerset, sneered as if to give himself courage and punched again.

The fist whizzed down with a tremendous force, the wind from the fist seemed to carry a temperature of tens of thousands of degrees, and blood rushed into the sky.

The Pope watched as the fist of the eighth ancestor, the Marquis Somerset, was about to hit him, and he knew that the defensive magic would only be disrupted and disintegrated by the third ancestor, the Duke of Lachar.

His magic power surged wildly again, and he chose to collide head-on with the eighth ancestor Somerset.

"You're bluffing! The Pope!"

The eighth ancestor Somerset laughed loudly, with hot blood flashing on his fist, and smashed it hard into the Pope's face.

Just as the fist was about to touch the Pope, the Pope's whole body glowed brightly, and magic power condensed into a bright white light beam around him.

The light prism continued to expand until it shattered into pieces, dyeing the world pure white.

A deafening roar echoed in the Blood King's Palace.

The blazing white light engulfed the figure of the eighth ancestor Somerset, blasting him away without a trace.

After the explosion.

There was silence for a long time.

"Damn guy..."

The eighth ancestor Somerset stood up from the blood mist. He almost turned into a bloody man. His whole body was burnt, and his teeth, gums and jawbone were exposed on his cheeks.

"Somerset, you are too careless. Even if he is very weak now, you can't fight him head-on."

The third ancestor, Lachar, commented with a smile.

"Come again."

The eighth ancestor Somerset looked at his bloody muscles and actually laughed.

Seeing the Pope's condition, he was sure that he was now capable of causing harm to the Pope.


The Pope's face was pale, and another piece of the silver mask fell off. He was trying hard to support his shaky body.

The blow just now was not a suitable move.

If the eighth ancestor Somerset acted as a meat shield and exchanged injuries with him, and the third ancestor Lachar interfered from behind, he would probably find it difficult to cope with it.

Just as the Pope put aside all distractions and continued this desperate battle.

A faint feminine fragrance wafted from somewhere.

"This farce needs to end."

A cold young female voice came from the blood mist. She appeared in the Blood King's Palace wearing a dark purple tulle dress.

She closed her eyes and pursed her red lips. Her eyelashes cast a shadow in the firelight, making the teardrop mole under her eyes more eye-catching.

The Pope had to look again at this new ancestor.

"We originally only hoped to wait until you died of natural causes, but we didn't expect you to come to us on your own initiative, Pope Saint Polante."

The vampire astrologer, the seventh ancestor, Marquis Helitier, spoke.

She can predict the future as well as provide healing and amplification.

With her presence, the injuries on the Eighth Ancestor's body that were burned by the light began to recover immediately.

At the same time, the magic power of the third ancestor, Duke Lachar, and the aura of power of the eighth ancestor, Marquis Somerset, began to rise.


The Pope's face remained expressionless beneath the gap in his mask as he looked at the three blood clan ancestors surrounding him in the crimson blood palace.

"How can I be left out of this kind of thing? I also want to try to see if I can devour the power of His Holiness the Pope."

Before the battle began, another voice floated out.

The blood mist condensed into the ninth ancestor, Marquis Bernhard, who was wearing an off-white silk shirt, a black velvet vest, and an emerald green bow tie around his collar.

His golden brown curly hair hung loosely on his forehead, slightly obscuring his red eyes.

He smiled and nodded to Pope Saint Paul, revealing a row of neat white teeth, as respectful as a gentleman inviting a guest to take a seat.

Of course, there was only one thing he had to do.

That is.

Please ask the emperor to go on the road.

In the Blood King's Palace, the divine fire howled, the dome was gloomy, and the blood moon hung high in the sky.

The vampire ancestors looked at the Pope.

The Pope stood alone, bathed in the pale red moonlight, still without saying a word.

His pupils seemed to be filled with determination, and his magic power rose to the extreme.

The peace that came at the end of three decades of war was nothing more than a false facade.

The blood clan will never repent, and the Horning Empire has been corrupted to the core.

The goal of the blood clan from the beginning to the end has been to retreat in order to advance, using the suffering people of the Honing Empire as a shield to deceive Pope Saint Polante and avoid his unstoppable power in this life. When his lifespan as a human being is exhausted, that will be the time for their blood moon to make a comeback.

They will then become more cautious and more ferocious.

There is no way a more dangerous human hero will be born, and there is no way the Horning Empire will ever try to save itself again.

They will become stronger having learned their lessons.

They want to completely enslave humanity and destroy the demon world.

The Pope finally understood what message Calliera wanted to convey.

"I can't accept the thought that you can live in this world for one more second."

He spoke almost word by word, like a devil walking out of purgatory, and walked towards the direction of the third ancestor Lachar.

Accept the fate of coming into this world.

I also remember the names that I was responsible for.

Countless emotions burned his heart until it festered.

So hateful, so ugly.

The raging anger burned his heart.

In the roar of Lancros.

In the underground of Saint Trick in the Honing Empire, the blood moon and the howling wind are roaring, and the war of the Age of Gods is about to break out again.


There is no light, no color in the darkness.

There was only the sound of heavy footsteps.

When he could see clearly again, he had been taken to the top of St. Terrick's Cathedral.

He opened his weak eyes.

From a distance, the once prosperous city has turned into ruins, with dried limbs and broken arms scattered among the collapsed buildings.

No matter whether they were old men, women or children, their blood had long been sucked dry or evaporated. Even from a distance, the strong smell of blood could be smelled.

It seemed that their battle had spread from Blood Moon City to the ground, and the shockwaves had caused many residents of Saint Tric, the capital of Horning, to suffer.

These residents serve as high-quality food, providing immediate replenishment for the vampires.

After the war, the South Bank had become a place for the four vampires to feast after their carnival.

They quickly replenished the losses from the previous battle.

Under the blood-red moonlight, a suffocating sense of absurdity and hallucination enveloped the entire city.

"Well, Your Holiness, what do you think of this beautiful scenery?"

The third ancestor, Duke Lachar, lifted Pope Saint Polante by the scruff of his neck, turned him to face the barren land, and asked him in his ear.

At this moment, only half of Pope Saint Polante's body was left. He was cut into a human pig and was held dying in the hands of the winner Lacharti.


The Pope's dim eyes had lost all their life.

Even though his lips trembled slightly, no sound came out.

"We actually left some survivors on purpose."

Marquis Moset wiped the corner of his mouth and said to the Pope with a smile.

"Think about it, after you've fought with all your might, you've revealed your original demonic form. What effect will it have if people see you?"

The seventh patriarch, Heritel, also asked him.

"People of the Honing Empire, look!"

The third ancestor, Lachar, raised the Pope in his hand a little higher, as if to show it to the people in the Moon Temple.

"Who is the culprit for today's disaster, or the disasters in the past few decades?"

As Duke Lachard finished speaking, every word he spoke was filled with commanding authority.

Under this blood moon, he is the ruler of the night, and all human will seems insignificant.


The half-body Pope still lowered his lifeless eyes, allowing Duke Lachar to humiliate him, but he could not refute anything.

【You lose. 】

【You are like a king who has lost everything. 】

[In Blood Moon City, you were besieged by the third ancestor Duke Lachar, the seventh ancestor Marquis Helitier, the eighth ancestor Marquis Somerset, and the ninth ancestor Marquis Bernhard. Even if you have the ability to restrain the vampires, you are powerless in the Blood King's Palace.]

[People have seen through your demonic form.]

[Many surviving citizens crawled out of the ruins, looking at the defeated Glowing Demon in horror.]

"Pope Saint Polante?"

"It turns out that all the peace is a lie."

"The bright and majestic Pope Saint Polante is actually a demon!"

"He really deserves to die!"

[You listen to the indignant voices of the people of the Horning Empire, and their eyes glaring at you with bloodshot eyes.]

[Are you the most evil person? ]

[You have failed to live up to those who sacrificed for you.]

[You also failed to save the Church and the Demon World. 】

【Everything you do is in vain.】

"Haha, Lanclos, you still lose."

The third ancestor, Lachar, looked at the Pope in his hand with pity, with a smile of victory on his face.

Next, the Honing Empire and the blood clan occupied the righteous high ground in the counterattack against the Holy Spirit Kingdom.

The backbone of the Saint Polante Church was shattered, a crisis of trust began, and the outcome was clear before the war began.

"Okay, I can send you on your way."

Lachar seemed to have had enough fun, and completely shattered the Pope's body with magic power, turning it into a bloody mist and throwing it down from the Moon Temple.
"Thank you for playing the clown and performing this short farce for me during the blood moon."

Lachar's laughter was full of joy, as if telling Lanclos that the weak race of human beings had always been nothing more than a toy of his Third Ancestor.

The Pope was also torn into pieces, and even the last remaining silver mask began to dissipate.

As one second passed, the world left behind began to fall apart.

He seemed to hear a voice.

tell him.

If your wings can still flap, please remember.

Those countless birds with their wings burned -

Scattering the ashes, there will never be rest.

The bones turned to sand.

All the sacrifices were worthless.

It was all in vain.

The voices of the people who were devoured were heard.

Sadness flickers in the darkness.

The blood moon illuminates the colonnade on the other side and illuminates the vague memories.

And Black Sun's figure fell deeper and deeper in this turbulence until he came to rest.

【How can I feel at peace?】

A few big words and the voices of countless wronged souls kept echoing in his ears, knocking on Hei Ri's heart and his chilled blood.

But they could not wake up the Pope who was sleeping like a corpse.




Until I don’t know how much time passed.

Just when he might have finally rested in peace—


Opened his eyes.

Those green eyes filled with violence were either a punishment of anger or a blessing of liberation from shackles.

(End of this chapter)

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