Do not confiscate my citizenship

Chapter 782: Hyperion's Reappearance after Two Years

Chapter 782: Hyperion's Review after Twelve Years
Night fell over Purgatory Corridor Academy, and the silence of the school building was only broken by the occasional sound of wind.

After Lanqi took over the position of principal, it only took him an hour to complete the follow-up work of the turmoil.

All the officers of the Demon King's Army's Special Search Force were also sent away, but Lanqi entrusted them to help repair the damaged buildings of the school.

Although the school leaders of Purgatory Corridor Academy seemed curious about this particularly friendly principal, it was too late, so they did not ask too many questions and went to rest as instructed.

The clock hands were almost pointing to four in the morning.

There were cheerful conversations coming from the corridor outside the principal's room on the top floor corridor.

"This school is still the same. The vice-principal hasn't changed at all."

The heavy oak door was pushed open, and a group of people walked in, talking and laughing.

Leading the way was a tall male from the Phantom Demon Clan, with a nostalgic smile on his face.

"As soon as you opened your mouth, the vice-principal seemed to recognize you, but he didn't dare to confirm it. After all, you were the fake principal last time, and you are the real principal this time."

Hyperion stayed by Lanqi's side like a secretary.

Lanqi's principal's style is very recognizable.

She also saw many demons among the teachers that she had first seen in the movie world.

As soon as I walked into the principal's office, the air instantly became warm.

The dim light reflected on the dark brown wooden floor, and the demonic charcoal in the marble fireplace was burning quietly and crackling.

"Yes, everything here makes people feel familiar and kind, as if time has gone back to the past."

Lanqi walked to the wide brown wooden table and gently brushed his fingers across the table, feeling its ancient texture.

"This principal's office is really nice. It looks just like what I saw in my dream."

After Talia led Sigra into the principal's office, she immediately came to the window.

She thought the small round table and armchair by the window were very nice, and the night sky of the demon world outside the window was more dazzling and starry than that of the human world.

To be honest, she really wanted this room.

I remember when I was making cards with Ranchi in Huadu, I was affected by the magic power bursting out in the final stage of [Kaliera's Shadow Weaving Record] and fell into a dream. In a trance, I saw a similar principal's office.

"Caliera, I won't get lost."

Sigra, still being led, said to Calliela.

She felt that this Purgatory Corridor Academy would be a nightmare unless she simply broke through the wall and crossed it.

I was following the Son of God in the corridor earlier, but I couldn’t see him for some unknown reason.

This time, in order to prevent her from getting lost, Kaliela personally held her hand and took her into the principal's office.

Only then did Calliera feel relieved.

Although Sieglie was very grateful for Kaliela's meticulous care, she still felt a little embarrassed as if she was being treated like a child.


Talia let go.

She was so worried that Sieglie might suddenly disappear in the corridor again.

Unlike Lanqi's careless father, she is a very responsible mother.

"Why is there a swimming pool in the principal's office? I like it."

The moment Sieglie was released, she ran to the far end and looked at the water.

The water in the pool on one side of the principal's office glows with a soft blue light under the light, like a pure sapphire.

"I just want to say that I renovated this principal's office to be suitable for all ages."

Lanqi exclaimed proudly.


Talia and Sigra both looked at Lanci at the same time.

They all thought this guy deserved to die.

When the principal's office became silent.

There was a knock on the door.

"Mr. McCarthy, I have already arranged for your luggage to be stored in the school. The rooms are in the rest area, which is relatively close to the corridor of the Demon King's Royal Restaurant. If you need a guide later, please feel free to contact me."

Lysandra knocked on the door and saluted Lanqi.

"Okay, Lysandra."

Ranchi thanks her.

Before Lanqi could take the room card from Lisandra, he stopped.

Because Hyperion couldn't wait to talk to Lysandra.

Their relationship was very good in the Demon King's Castle Nakaris.

Lanqi did not sit back in his office chair, but walked to the sofa in the rest area of ​​the principal's office and leaned against it.

It was no longer working hours, he didn't need to work, and Lisandra didn't need to keep up the appearance of working, now they were just friends.

"Lysandra, thank you!"

Hyperion took Lysandra's hand and spoke to her sincerely.

It was hard for her to imagine how much risk Lysandra had taken in the past few days in order to cooperate with her from inside and outside. She might even be visited by the Lord of Blasphemy himself tonight.

With such a close friend, I just want Hyperion to stay in this era.

"Princess, I'm glad you're safe."

Lysandra breathed a sigh of relief.

Even though she was hiding in the safest principal's office of Purgatory Corridor Academy, she could still feel the tremors of the Purgatory outside the school. She was extremely scared.

Fortunately, it was McCarthy who came back, which means McCarthy won again.


What really surprised Lysandra was that she saw the supreme fantasy demon woman who ruled the demon world again.

"Lord Kaliela..."

Lysandra looked at the hazy yet beautiful figure at the window of the principal's office, her mind full of emotions, not knowing what to say.

"Ahem, yes, I'm back, kid."

Talia was a little uncomfortable for a moment being respected by the demons, so she regained her dignified attitude, turned around and answered.


The cat boss in the shadow poked his head out and looked at Tata.

It feels like Tata has become more and more abstract since he has been with Ranchi for a long time.

Talia hesitated for a moment, walked up to the timid Lysandra, and touched the headmaster's secretary's head.

"You did great, Lysandra."

Talia slowly withdrew her hand.

She wasn't sure if the real Kaliela would do this, but she felt that the young demon child needed some care.

"Lord Kaliela...?"

Lysandra shrank her neck and hugged her head in surprise, looking at the Falling Lord.

The great demon Kaliela, who had always been far away and untouchable, was actually so kind to her like a mother.

"I am no longer the regent of the demon world, so you don't have to be so reserved with me. You don't need to use honorifics."

Talia said very casually.

She was used to giving up her position and facing the facts.

There is no need to let go of yesterday’s old dreams, nor to worry too much about the future. What is important is the present.

"Is this like this?"

Lysandra was still a little flattered.

She, who originally had excellent business skills, has become a little unspeakable.

"By the way, Lisandra, could you please take care of Tamisa for me?"

Hyperion took the little gray cat out of her arms, stroked the sleeping cat carefully, and handed it to Lysandra.

The crisis has been resolved, and Lysandra has a safe office and secretary's lounge near the principal's office, which may be more suitable for the introverted Tamisha to rest in peace.

Hyperion found that she was indeed a bad mother and had not taken good care of Tamisa along the way. She asked the clever former court ceremonial officer Lysandra to make sure Tamisa had a good rest.

"No problem, leave the child to me."

Lysandra took the gray kitten and assured Hyperion,
"You guys should get some rest. I'll take my leave and go settle Tamisa."

She didn't plan to stay in the principal's office for long, so she bowed and left.

The door of the principal's office closed.

Only the principal and a few of his friends were left.

At this moment, the room was filled with relief after overcoming the danger, and all the worries were thrown away.

"It was a close call. If it were me in the past, I might not even be able to defeat Lord Blasphemy Melogas."

Sieglei clenched her fist and looked at her palm and said.

Before she was sealed in the Northern Continent, she was about level 88 according to Lanqi. Since she broke through the life-threatening seal, she has reached what Lanqi said is level 89.

If it were daytime, she and Melogas would probably be evenly matched, and it would be hard to say who would win or lose.


Hyperion threw herself on Sieglery and didn't want to let go.
"Thank you for protecting me, you're the best!"

She felt extremely distressed when she thought of the injuries Sieglie had suffered before. She didn't know what to say to Sieglie in the corridor before, but now she could finally hug her.

Although Siggle has grown bigger, her cuteness has never changed.


Sieglie was surprised to be hugged by Hyperion. The girl's warmth, softness, and the faint fruity scent in her hair could be felt in her arms without reservation.

She recalled Hyperion's disgust towards her when they were in the Northern Continent.

Looking at Hyperion's overflowing love at this moment, Sigrid found that her guess was indeed correct -

Hyperion has completely different feelings towards Sigrid and Sigrid.

Even though Sigrid and Siegfried are actually very similar, Hyperion didn't realize it at all and was extremely hypocritical towards them.

"I've become so strong, aren't you afraid of me?"

Sieglie asked tentatively.

"You've become so strong. I feel relieved. You must be fine." Hyperion hugged Sieglie tighter.

This shadow world might be the last time she sees Sigler.

From then on, I never saw my sister again.

As long as she knew that Sieglie was alive and well tens of thousands of years ago in history, Hyperion could say goodbye to her with joy.

"...Sister...can't you always stay with me?"

Sieglie asked innocently and ignorantly.

Let Hyperion hold her.

"I... Of course I want to be with you forever, never to be apart again..."

Hyperion didn't know how to explain, so her voice became hesitant and she began to mumble.

"Me too. Can you promise to say that to me the next time we meet?"

Sieglie whispered in Hyperion's ear like a dream.

It was like being hugged by Hyperion, which made her feel at ease.


Hyperion said firmly.

His expression was full of sadness and reluctance.

"Then it's settled..."

Sigler has a natural voice.

But a sly smile appeared on his face.

She was almost unable to hold it in, afraid that she would tremble too violently and be discovered by Hyperion.

"Are you cold, Sigra?"

Hyperion felt Sigra trembling.

"Yes, so hold me tight, okay?"

Sieglie believed that it was a good opportunity not to be missed.

When Hyperion sees her in the real world in the future, she will no longer be so affectionate with her.

At first, she wanted Hyperion to be a saint, but Hyperion ignored her.

Now, with a little trick, Hyperion can take the initiative to throw herself into his arms.

"it is good."

As expected, Hyperion did as Sieglie wished and hugged her tighter.

"Can you please say that you like me the most, sister?"

Sigra requested sincerely, whispering in Hyperion's ear.

"I love you the most. How can you be so cute, my Sigley."

Hyperion was about to twist into a caterpillar. She treated Sigra as her big pillow and was reluctant to let her go.

It’s obvious that Sigley never acted like a spoiled child to her when she was a child.

Now that Sieglie has grown up, she has become even more attached to her.

"Oh, you two."

Talia put her hands on her hips and looked at Hyperion and Sigra, who were attracted to each other like magnets the moment they met.

You can feel their happiness through the air.

Even if they were sisters, I'm afraid they couldn't be as loving as these two.

But seeing Hyperion and Sigra having so much fun, Talia also felt healed.

Both Hyperion and Sigra looked in the direction of the voice towards the gray-haired Phantom Witch standing by the French window.

As soon as the two men let go, they both rushed towards her.


Hyperion simply missed me too much.

Siglei followed the atmosphere and couldn't stop her playful heart.

"I thought I would never see you again, but you said you would never abandon me and would always be there for me."

Hyperion's voice was tearful, and all her grievances burst out at this moment.

The moment she heard Lord of Blasphemy Merogas say that Kaliera was dead in the Demon King's Castle, she felt heartbroken beyond words. The moment she saw Kaliera again, her first reaction was whether she had fallen into the trap of falling in love.

Only now that she was sure that Kaliela was real did Hyperion feel a sense of stable happiness.

"Huprienne, I will always be with you."

Talia stroked Hyperion's long hair and closed her eyes with mixed feelings.

She also patted Sigra on the back.

With these two beloved daughters, she felt that her life was too perfect.

Now that her sister in the present life has been found, if she can also cure the poison fire in her sister's body, quell the disaster in the southern continent, and return to the comfortable life in Ikerite, perhaps she really has nothing else to ask for.

The only pity is that in this world, she only has Hyperion, not Sieglie.

But Talia was relieved. Even though the words "impossible perfection" filled her life from beginning to end, sometimes accepting this imperfection, accepting the fact that there must be sacrifices when there is gain, can make one's mind broad-minded, which is also a kind of perfection.

"Okay, that's great."

Lanqi leaned on the sofa and clapped his hands.

There is nothing more beautiful than this picture.

He was also moved.

Even the portrait of the goddess of fate on the wall seemed to be smiling.

"Lanqi, stop laughing. I'm a little scared of meow."

Boss Cat stuck his head out to take a look, then pulled up his trouser legs.

It always felt that something was a little scary, but it couldn't put it into words, and Lanqi didn't notice it at all.

It is said that boys who love to laugh will not have bad luck.

I believe Lanqi is fine.

The clock is ticking.

Xutasi chatted by the window for a long time before they reluctantly realized it was time to part.

"Phew, I'm going to bed."

Sigra rubbed her eyes sleepily.

She felt that Lanci might also want to talk to Hyperion about matters related to the Shadow World.

Everyone else thought she was a native of the projection of the shadow world.

If he were there, they wouldn't be able to discuss matters in the shadow world.

Anyway, her work in this shadow world should be finished, and the strongest opponent has been defeated. All she has to do now is to have fun, eat and drink with Hyperion and Calliela in the Purgatory Corridor Academy.

"I'm going to rest too."

Talia also looked towards the door of the principal's office.

In order to prevent Hyperion from being sad and to give her a complete memory of the shadow world, Talia played the role of Calliela.

Kaliela is definitely not a challenger, so she should also avoid the topic of the shadow world.


Siglei's eyes, which had originally been tinged with fatigue, brightened up.

Along the way, she and Calliela kept each other warm on the sled, but when they arrived at the city-state, Sigra rested alone, while Calliela stayed in the kitchen to cook with great energy, and sometimes she seemed to disappear out of thin air.

These are the last few days I can spend with Kaliela.


Talia's original intention was to find a place to cancel the summoning state.

But Sigra looked like she wanted her mother to be with her.

And it was true that Siglei needed to take her back to her residence herself, otherwise she would get lost in the corridor again.

Even if I could let Lisandra lead Sieglee to navigate around the Purgatory Corridor Academy, I would feel embarrassed to always ask Miss Lisandra for help. She has a lot of work to do and is the busiest demon besides the principal.

"What should I do, Lanqi? Do you have enough mana?"

Talia asked Lanqi in her heart.

"If you don't do anything big, you can still maintain your summoning."

Ranch responded.

As long as Sigler is happy.

Tonight's decisive battle was played to the best of the winners.

How could I refuse her request if she wanted eight hundred years old wine to accompany her? She deserved the reward.

"Well, I'm going to take care of Sigra, you take care of Hyperion!"

Talia transmitted the message, not bothering to be angry with Lanqi, and happily opened the door of the principal's office while nodding to Sigra.

"Sieglie, do you want a midnight snack? Let's go eat before we go to bed."

Talia suggested.

I just heard from Lysandra that the Demon King's Royal Restaurant is very close to the accommodation we have been assigned.

When Talia saw the Devil's Royal Restaurant in the video of Lanqi's first shadow world, she missed it for a long time and thought that she would never have the chance to see the authentic Devil's Royal Restaurant in her life. Unexpectedly, she would have the opportunity to eat there as soon as she came to the shadow world.

"Perfect, or Calyera you will enjoy life."

Sieglie couldn't wait to follow and caught up with the gray-haired witch.

"See you tomorrow~"

As she disappeared at the door of the principal's office, she blew a kiss to Lanqi and Hyperion.

"See you tomorrow……"

Hyperion raised her hand hesitantly and looked at the principal's office door that closed automatically.

She always felt that something had changed in Kaliela.

Strictly speaking, Cagliera is still Cagliera, the general direction has not changed, but there is always a brand new flavor.

(End of this chapter)

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