Do not confiscate my citizenship

Chapter 776 The Black Sun Seen by Lanqi

Chapter 776 The Black Sun Seen by Lanqi

Sieglie's face looked at ease in the tranquility, no longer as alert as when she was working.

Her long eyelashes trembled slightly until she exhaled softly.

It seems that the secret has not been exposed.

Sigrid secretly rejoiced.

Fortunately, I didn't show it too much, otherwise I might not be able to use the identity of Siglei in the future.

Siglei’s status as a little girl is very useful. Whether she is hugging Lanqi or sticking to Lanqi, she will never feel embarrassed. She still has a childlike heart, and Lanqi can only tolerate her.

In addition, Siglish and her personality have some overlap, so sometimes it is particularly appropriate for Siglish to express one's feelings.

And the most important thing is that, precisely because Lanci maintains respect and admiration for both her and Siglee, he will not easily associate different people together. In his eyes, he never labels others. On the contrary, he values ​​every individual.

"Why are you looking at me like that?"

Sigray asked preemptively.

"Reminded me of a friend."

Lanqi did not lie to her and answered truthfully.

"Boy or girl? What kind of person is he?"

Sigra asked again.

Her main goal is to confuse the public.

"A woman who is extremely strong, but chooses to marry someone who is stronger than her, so she may not be able to get married."

Lanqi smiled.


Sieglie put her hands behind her back, not wanting him to see the trembling veins on her hands, and tried to keep smiling.

"Then can you help her?"

She asked, looking concerned.

"How can I help?"

Lanqi picked up the water glass and took a sip.

He seemed to find Sigley's suggestion a little ridiculous.

"Just marry her. That will help her."

Sigley said nonchalantly, leaning against the sofa, kicking her legs loosely, her toes making a tapping sound on the bottom of the coffee table.

"I'm actually quite curious about what the child you and the strongest woman would look like. How strong would it be?"


Lanqi almost choked on his saliva.

He didn't expect Sieglie to speak so threateningly.

Just when he was about to explain the problem to Sigler.

"You are the most powerful pope, aren't you?"

Sigley preached as a matter of course.


Lanqi swallowed back the words he was about to say.

He couldn't explain to Sieglie that this was actually a shadow world. Although people believed that Pope Saint Polante was at the ninth level, in reality, as an interpreter, he was only at the sixth level.

Since it cannot be explained clearly, it seems that Sigler's logic is impeccable.


"I'll try to help as much as I can."

Lanqi finally sighed and decided to end the topic with Sigley.



Sieglie slapped her cheeks, trying to sober herself up.

Her cheeks turned red from slapping herself.

"what happened?"

Lanci asked Sigray.

"I'm feeling a little sleepy again, so I'm giving myself a pick-me-up."

Sigra answered him with a blushing face.

Her face looked red from the photoshoot, very natural.

Then Sieglie looked towards the window.

The chill of the land of eternal night seeped in through the gaps in the window, forming a sharp air current in the room.

Lanqi immediately put down the cup, stood up and closed the window.

He knew very well that when they went to the snowfield together before, Sieglie often fell into a deep sleep. She would always feel tired and sleepy in a place with both cold stimulation and warm comfort.

Siglei was obviously just a little child at that time. She woke up in such extremely cold weather and still felt a little cold. She must have just wanted to get into the warm bed.

But she couldn't be willful, her job required her to stay sober at all times, even in such a safe environment.

Over time, she also learned how to force herself to fight her sleepiness.

Lanqi stood by the curtain and glanced outside. The wind and snow in Xiaoye City were even worse.

Looking at the black snow and feeling the coldness at close range, he couldn't help but yawn and covered his face with his hands.

It seems that it is not suitable to travel for the time being. It is better to rest in Xiaoye City for a while.

"Do you still remember? You used to use a gentle but slightly commanding tone to coax me to sleep. I miss it so much."

Sigley looked at Lanqi who had closed the window and asked him.

It seemed that only when she was given a task could she truly settle down and sleep soundly.

"Why, do you still need someone to coax you to sleep at your age?"

Lanqi turned around and asked her with a smile.


Sigra opened her arms.

That not only means to coax the baby to sleep, but also means to hug the baby.

"...Why do you act more like a child the older you get? You obviously didn't know how to act like a spoiled child when you were a kid."

Of course Lanqi did not agree to her. He sat aside and looked at Sigley in silence.


Talia, wearing an apron, brought out freshly baked rice from the kitchen.

As soon as she went out, she happened to hear the conversation between the two.

"You are not allowed to hug her, or I will report her."

Talia placed the food on the table and told Lanqi,
"Sieglie, you can't let any man hug you at your age. If you want to take a nap later, I'll hug you."

Then Talia said to Sieglie.

"it is good!"

Sigley immediately agreed in a childlike tone and glanced at Lanqi slyly.

Just like I didn't expect him to hug me from the beginning.

It's not a loss to trick yourself into Kaliela's arms.

"I'll probably be ready in less than half an hour, you can eat first."

Talia said to the two people and the cat on the sofa.

"Wait for you."

Lanqi stretched and replied, he also felt a little hungry and sleepy.

Talia nodded silently and trotted back to the kitchen.

"You three get along so well, you're almost like a family, meow, you must stay together forever."

Boss Cat squatted on the coffee table and spoke to them.

Although it knows in its heart that this beauty cannot last into the present world, it hopes to cherish it with them for at least these twenty-one days.

Lanci and Sigra had already reached a consensus that they would wait for Kaliela to arrive before having dinner together.

A table without a chef is soulless.

Boss Cat agrees with this.

The main dish that Tata served today was beef ribs that were slow-cooked to perfection at low temperature, sprinkled with chopped black truffles, a specialty of the Orc city-state, and served with mushroom sauce. Every layer of aroma created waves of flavor.

The main course is lemon-flavored salt-baked lobster rice, which is a combination of fresh shrimp and Little Night City black rice. The addition of lemon juice and spices makes this dish spicy and fresh. There is also a caramel roast duck, the skin of which is roasted until golden and crispy, paired with the fruity aroma of roasted pears and the slightly spicy black pepper honey sauce.

The rest of the dishes are still being prepared.

These were all Sigley's favorite dishes. Everyone seemed to be very accommodating to her, and Boss Cat directly ordered the dishes for her.

"I didn't expect that Kaliela's cooking skills were so good. She's just like a good wife. I almost want to marry her."

Siglei couldn't help but comment as she smelled the aroma wafting from the dining table.

"Don't you think of her as your mother?"

Lanqi asked in surprise.

"It's because she has a good temper that you can say that about her. Actually, she is very young."

Sigray laughed unhappily and said to Lanqi.

They started chatting and laughing again.

The more they talked, the sleepier Lanqi's eyes became, and Sigler's voice became lower and lower.

It was almost noon in Little Night City, but there was still no daylight.

Lunch time seems more like dinner with the view outside the window.

"By the way, aren't you sleepy?"

Sigra noticed that Lanci had been yawning earlier.

He already looked a little tired from the weight training along the way.

Logically, he should rest.

But after arriving at the city-state where he could rest, he hardly slept.

In other words, he was in a state of tension in the Land of Eternal Night. The greater the changes he saw in the orc city-state, the less he wanted to sleep.

"Kind of."

Ranch admitted.

After chatting with Siegler for a while and going to the window to enjoy the cool breeze, he did feel a little sleepy. Of course, it was not ruled out that Siegler had made him relax.

"Take a break. Don't drive while tired."

Sigra spoke softly to him, sitting next to him and stroking his head.

"How many times have I said that..."

Lanqi seemed to be tired of lecturing her.

"You can't be so close to people..."

“You are special.”

After saying this, Sieglie stopped talking.

Her voice, as warm and gentle as the spring breeze, is like a hypnotic lullaby.


Lanqi nodded his head twice, the sound faded away, and he seemed to be in a cloud, drowsy.

Gradually, the only sounds in my ears were the wind and snow outside the window, my gentle breathing, and the pulse-like heartbeat.

At this time, the drowsiness accumulated during driving began to surge in like a tide, and it was irresistible.

As his vision flickered, Siegler's figure became increasingly blurred, with only the light and violet color blocks being extremely clear.

With this thought in mind, Lanqi closed his eyes.


I don’t know how much time passed.

Consciousness is intermittent.

Not sure where I am.

It was a time and world that had never been seen before.

The earth roared and was stained with blood.

The sky was shrouded in gray, black and blood-red, and thick smoke billowed straight into the sky.

The sun turned into a dead ash, losing its warmth and light.

The ground was no longer a solid support, but was cracking and collapsing amidst the constant tremors.

Large tracts of residents, millions of people, fled in panic like swarms of ants, but found that there was nowhere to escape. Countless corpses lay on the ground, some crushed, some trampled to death in the chaos.

Cries and shouts for help came one after another, but they seemed so insignificant amid the roar of the legion's footsteps.

On the distant horizon, a moving black wave was advancing slowly and unstoppably. The black fog creatures were taking heavy steps in unison, and every step shook the land within a radius of several kilometers.

Wherever they passed, forests were instantly swallowed up, rivers were cut off and diverted, hills were razed to the ground, and huge city-states were as fragile as cardboard in front of them. Buildings were easily crushed and architectural fragments fell like raindrops.

The air was filled with pungent smoke, dust, and the smell of blood.

A large city-state was reduced to ruins in just a few hours.

The man wearing a silver-white mask stood on the high ground, standing at the top of all living beings.

The scene of destruction was reflected in his green eyes, and the expression engraved on his mask was cold and almost numb, and he dominated the war like a god.

At this point, it is no longer possible to tell whether it is people's fate or their will.

There is only endless slaughter.

The atrocities continue.

"Please let me go, don't kill us!"

"help me!!"

"Why, why did you stoop to this level?"

Being begged, resented, cursed and questioned.

He didn't explain anything.

He just watched everything with his eyes beneath the mask.

He is sin and punishment, the demon that brings suffering to all living beings, and the black sun that brings disaster to the world.

All the doubts were like passing clouds in his ears.

Until he kills them all, or they come and kill him.

He will never stop.

【No forgiveness, no hope of relief.】

[Our compatriots have all awakened, but we can’t fall asleep! ]

The man opened his lips almost silently, like the whisper of a resentful spirit, or like the decree of a tyrant.

As the note fell, his back merged into the darkness again. Holding his black mist skeleton scepter, he walked forward alone.


Lanqi woke up from his nap.

Looking at the clock, he found that he had accidentally fallen asleep for ten minutes.

"Are you awake?"

Siglei leaned lazily on the sofa, looking through the window lattice at the flying snow outside the window.

Noticing that Lanqi had woken up, she lowered her head and looked at Lanqi.

Lanqi opened his eyes wide and found himself lying on Sigra's lap, and she was gently stroking his forehead.


Lanqi immediately sat up and kept a certain distance from Sigley.

Wherever I look, it is no longer the dark and gloomy place in my dreams.

The pure white snowflakes danced in the air, lightly and gracefully. In a short while, the entire city was about to be lit up by this pure white cover.

The faint sunlight shines through the window screen and falls onto the wooden table, as if a thin layer of white silk was spread on the table.

The weather has quietly changed.

The shortest day in Little Night City has arrived.

Only during the few tens of minutes at noon can there be a little sunlight.

Lanqi stared out the window in a daze.

"Why, did you dream about something bad?"

Sigray didn't mind Lanqi's avoidance of her attitude at all, and asked with concern.

"Probably yes."

Lanqi covered his forehead, unable to tell whether he was shaking his head or nodding.

When I think back on my dreams, the scenes always appear from a third-person perspective.

But if you think about it carefully, in the dream, you should be in the first-person perspective.

He didn't know whether it was a dream in the blink of an eye or the negative state of this shadow world had been activated again.


Sieglie looked at him for a while, but didn't worry too much. She just leaned back on the sofa again, closed her eyes and talked to herself.
"Now as Pope Saint Polante, you hold enough power to move the entire Seville continent. Every decision you make may affect the fate of millions of lives."

She seemed to be able to understand Lanqi's thoughts and even guess a little about his dreams.

After passing through the last Little Night City in the Land of Eternal Night, the next stop is the final destination, the Demon Realm.

She knew that going further would prompt Lanqi to have a deeper understanding of Black Sun.

Perhaps the demon world will be the final resting place where the secrets of the Black Sun are buried.

If the demon world is no longer the demon world he knows, what expression should he show on this trip?

Just like this little night city.

It is not frightening to revisit an old place and find it familiar or strange.

The scary thing is that it is both familiar and unfamiliar. It is so discordant that it makes people uncomfortable, but they have to accept this injustice. Even if they want to find someone to argue with or share their thoughts with, they have no way to express themselves.

But they must go. Escape is not a solution. The only correct answer is to move forward.

"No matter what, cheer up and go to the demon world!"

Sigley cheered Lanci on.

"Thank you, but this journey may be hard."

Lanqi turned his head to look at her and thanked her again.

With Sigley cheering him on, he always felt that the road ahead would not be difficult.

"I'll be with you."

That's all Sigley said.

In her dream, she dreamed that she was in the demon world as Siglei, and she was well aware of the turmoil in the demon world.

This will inevitably make Lanqi's understanding of Black Sun further deepen.

But it doesn't matter.

She will accompany Ranchi to understand.

Sigley stood up, walked slowly to Lanqi's sofa, raised her hand gently and covered his eyes.

"I believe you will come up with a conclusion and achieve the relatively perfect world we have longed for."

Sieglie said softly.

It was as if she wanted to pass on some of the warmth to him and let him feel her voice.

A person who thinks all the time - good at distinguishing between right and wrong, or at the dividing line between them, he can always transcend the appearance of things and stand in a world that only he can see.

While touring the world.

What exactly is reflected in his eyes?

Sieglie slowly removed her hands and brought them back.

Those eyes, like emerald green water, were still as clear as ever, filled with thought and compassion.

Sigley believed he would eventually find the answer.


Lanqi's gaze was directed towards the south.

It seemed as if I was looking very far away.

Maybe it's the Holy Roman Empire, maybe it's the sea that separates the north and south territories, or maybe it's the Horning Empire on the other side of the sea.

"Are those enemies on the other side of the sea?"

he murmured.

He didn't know, but he would see it for himself.

(End of this chapter)

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