Do not confiscate my citizenship

Chapter 764 Shadow World: Eternal Punishment and Immortality

Chapter 764 Shadow World: Eternal Punishment and Immortality
The warm afternoon sun shines on the magnificent Salem Palace.

Lanqi slowly opened his eyes.

As far as the eye can see, there are corridors formed by open carved wooden doors. The wood fragrance and flower scent emanating from the classical furniture permeate the air. The glittering crystal chandeliers reflect colorful colors, which are reflected on the gold-rimmed porcelain and silver tableware on the dining table.


Lanqi leaned back in his chair and stared at this strange yet familiar dining room.

He returned to the Northern Empire of Polant where he had first served as prime minister.

This is the official residence of Emperor Polant, Salem Palace.

Originally built as a large city-state residence for a duke, it was later acquired by the royal family and gradually expanded into the present building.

The dining room of Salem Palace was where he had lunch and talks with Queen Kershia.

I had just experienced a period of disordered darkness, and then like the first ray of sunlight at dawn penetrating through layers of darkness, my vision gradually returned to light, and I saw this environment.

The cat boss was on his lap, and the ace love devil was still on him, and they were not forced to separate.

"It seems that in the timeline of the Shadow World, I have been in the Polant Empire for a long time? Now even the familiar Black Coal Ball can be summoned at any time?"

Lan Qi said to himself.

"Who is Little Black Coal Ball Meow!"

shouted the cat boss.

Little Black Bread endured it. It didn't expect that the name Little Black Coal Ball that Lanqi gave it last time in the Polant Empire was not a casual name, but he carefully remembered this cat character.

"Where is this?"

Talia's thoughts soon came to my mind.

"Lunch with the Polante Imperial Family and the Prime Minister... This is not a fixed practice of the Empire. It is one of the informal meeting forms in the constitutional democracy of the Polante Empire. It provides an informal environment for the Emperor and the Prime Minister to discuss imperial affairs and policy issues in a more relaxed atmosphere."

Lanci answered Talia.

In the constitutional system of the Polant Empire at that time, Emperor and Queen Keshia played an important ceremonial role, while the actual executive power was mainly concentrated in the hands of the Prime Minister and his parliament.

Lanqi's head didn't move, only his eyes moved around the dining room, and every detail he noticed was full of traces of time.

His field of vision was not wide, as if something was blocking most of the light.

On the walls hang oil paintings of even more tragic historical battles, as if engraved with the country's past glory and suffering.

Judging from the changes in the details of the restaurant, many years have probably passed, but everything in Salem is still the same as I remembered.

Even the talks were still the same.

Queen Keshia still retains a deep interest and influence in state affairs, and it is part of the political tradition of the Polante Empire that the Prime Minister regularly reports on government affairs to the Emperor.

Only this time there was no smell of tobacco on him, neither the pipe nor the matches were anywhere to be found.

More importantly, he was no longer wearing the prime minister's black suit.

But... a white dress that I have never seen before?
After a while, Lanqi's attention was attracted by a painting on the wall.

Strictly speaking, that's not a painting.

It's a newspaper from three years ago.

Even after a long time, it was still treasured by the Queen and framed and hung in the Salem Palace.

[On January 611, 1, the front page headline of the Polante Morning News reads: "The Horning Empire surrenders, the end of the century's war."]

[Polant News: Yesterday, the Supreme Commander of the Allied Powers, General Alex Osborn, accepted the unconditional surrender of the Horning Army at Oberon, the headquarters of the Northern Steel Fortress.]

[Nine years after the northern Polant Empire joined the war, the dictatorship of the southern Horning Empire collapsed, and the Seville continent ushered in the dawn of peace. ]

[Prime Minister George Twyverley delivered a speech, saying: "After countless sacrifices and arduous struggles, we have finally ushered in the dawn of victory. The threat of the Horning Empire has been completely defeated, and justice will eventually triumph over evil. Let us pay the highest tribute to all the soldiers and civilians who participated in this great struggle with gratitude."]

[Emperor Rukovic II of Horning committed suicide on the 30th of last month. The Allies then advanced into the heart of Horning from the east and west. The Horning army was defeated and many officers and soldiers were captured. Finally, under the overwhelming advantage of the Allies, they were forced to surrender. Hansen Hoffmann, the Foreign Minister of Horning, signed the surrender document on behalf of the Horning army.]

[This marked the end of the century-long war that lasted for nearly thirty years.]

【Large-scale mass celebrations broke out in the capital, Hersareem, and the important city of New Sinoxen of the Allied Powers. People sang and danced, cheering and rejoicing. The Hersareem Palace Square was crowded with celebrating people. People sang the national anthem and congratulated His Majesty the Emperor of Keshia and the victory of the motherland. Prime Minister Twifley and members of the royal family waved to the people in the square. Pope Saint Polante also attended the event.】

【After this unprecedentedly cruel war, the Polant Empire paid a huge price and finally defended the values ​​of freedom, justice and humanitarianism. But the trauma of war still needs time to heal, and rebuilding the homeland is a long and arduous task. I hope that under the principles of the "Oberon Convention", the post-war order will prevent the tragedy from happening again, and the flower of peace will stay forever on the continent of Seville. 】

Lanqi glanced at the newspapers and paintings on the wall that were treasured by the Queen, and gradually understood this new timeline.

Twelve years have passed.

In the ninth year after the Polant Empire, together with the Demon Realm and the Northern Countries, officially declared war on the Vampire Horning Empire, it achieved a narrow victory.

Now it’s been three years since the victory.

The next newspaper told another story: During the post-war election, everyone believed that Wilford would win, his campaign was unprecedentedly grand, and the intelligence agencies of the demon world also believed that Wilford would win with an advantage of more than 80 seats.

But Wilford failed, and the crowd that cheered enthusiastically was actually saying goodbye to Wilford.

After several years of war, service, sacrifice, bombings, death notices, rationing, and famine, the people were tired.

People were at a loss as they looked at their devastated homes, but Wilford's campaign platform was still ideological, asking people to continue working hard and pointing out the obligations and responsibilities of the Polant Empire.

But the people are tired.

Wilford wants the people to pay more but the people have already paid once in 602.

This is the manifestation of the nation's weakened morale in the general election.

Compared to the responsible people of the great northern country, what is needed more is the relaxation of food rationing, a more relaxed fiscal policy, and more public housing.

So when Wilford appeared before them after the war, a gentleman from the era of the Polant Empire, a leader in war, and spoke to the people about the greatness of Polant and the responsibility of the country, the people would applaud him warmly.

His failure became the result, and the most glorious figure of defeat remained in the report.

"It turns out that I am no longer the Prime Minister."

Lanqi thought with relief.

He was not surprised by this result.


Talia felt aggrieved in his heart.

"Because the people are suffering, no one wants to suffer more, and they shouldn't suffer more."

Lanci explained to Talia gently.

The end of Prime Minister Wilford was quite dignified.

He carried it through to the end, and the people paid tribute to him.

Continue looking to the right.

The walls are no longer covered with reports printed on coated paper, but with a few commemorative oil paintings.

They depict the most important moments of the Polant Empire in recent years.

In the largest painting, in the center of the picture is an old pope dressed in luxurious white robes, with a golden crown on his head and a scepter in his hand. His silver mask makes him look awe-inspiring without even being angry.

He stood on a high marble platform, with a flying dragon blowing its horn among the clouds. Below the platform were groups of people from the northern countries. Nobles and commoners alike knelt together, devoutly accepting the Pope's blessing.

Queen Keshia was kneeling on one knee, accepting the Pope's blessing.

The Pope placed his right hand on the Queen's head and held a copy of the Holy Trinity in his left hand, truly bestowing the imperial power on this wise and courageous Queen during the war.

Seeing this, Lanqi understood one thing.

Strictly speaking, this place can no longer be called the Polant Empire.

Its new name is -

The United Religious State of Saint Paul.

An alliance formed after the war, led by Poland, including the neighboring kingdoms of Bliss, Fuclo, and Edith.

Queen Keshia is still the emperor.

But the Polan Empire has a new Pope, Saint Polan, whose identity is unknown.

It was at this point that Lanqi came into a brand new film world.

"Meow meow."

However, Boss Cat was still looking at the newspaper curiously.

It finds the Polant Empire having successfully abolished the constitutional monarchy and the House of Commons and the House of Lords, restoring the monarchy and the ideals of divine right after the war.

The former Prime Minister of the Polant Empire retired.

Some said that he was in poor health and could no longer perform his duties, some said that he did more harm to peace than help in peacetime, and some said that he was a ghost from the beginning, and even his name and identity were made up, as if he was a messenger sent by God to save the world.

No one knows the white-haired Pope who always wears a mask.

The real identity under the mask——

"Your appearance is stuck in your youth."

The light voice of Queen Keshia startled the cat boss on Lanqi's lap and made his fur stand on end.

It was so focused that it didn't notice.

At some point, Queen Keshia, the Emperor of Polante, had arrived at the dining room.

She sat in her old place - opposite Lanqi.

"Your Majesty Keshia."

Lanqi put the cat down and prepared to stand up to salute the newly arrived Queen Keshia.

Twelve years have passed, and the young Queen Keshia is now nearly forty years old. She has become much more mature and gentle, but still charming.

"No need to salute."

Queen Keshia extended her hand gracefully to Lanqi, motioning him to sit at the other end of the long table.

There was an air of nobility in her demeanor, her satin-like brown hair was dotted with dazzling jewels, and her clear blue eyes seemed to be able to see through the silver-white mask on the other person's face, but they could not hide her cautious sense of distance.

"Thank you, Your Majesty."

Lanqi bowed, the hem of his cloak drawing a light arc on the carpet, and sat down again.

He raised his head and met Queen Keshia's eyes.

The restaurant fell into silence for a moment, with only the ticking of the clock and the crackling of the wood in the fireplace to make the sound.

You don't feel cold inside the restaurant, but the winter air is sometimes diffused along the windowsill, with occasional frost and fog, and no trace of flying birds.

The two of them sat facing each other in silence, as if they were waiting for the food, or as if they were considering their words.

As the head of a country, Queen Keshia is usually busy with official duties and rarely has the opportunity to have such private conversations except in necessary public occasions.

According to the practice of being the prime minister, Ranch should have opened the conversation first and explained to the Queen the decision-making direction of the House of Representatives, the progress of domestic and international situations, and the challenges facing the future.

But times have changed, and this lunch is no longer the meeting between the emperor and the prime minister as it used to be.

More like.

It was just a meal between them as old friends.

After a while.

"Are you hungry now, Your Majesty?"

Lanqi's sudden question broke the silence and stunned the Queen and the cat boss who was peeking in his arms.

Boss Cat vaguely remembered that Lanqi asked the same question when he first met Queen Keshia in the Salem Palace in the Shadow World.

Are you used to living with Tata? Everyone you meet is Tata?!

Boss Cat suspected that Lanqi's database had been polluted after his several dates with Tata. Now even when he meets a normal girl, he will subconsciously consider the rule that "dating equals eating".


These words made Queen Keshia burst into laughter.

Last time they were silent because they were not familiar with each other, this time they were silent because they were too familiar with each other.

But he still opened with this remark.

"Your Holiness seems to have a good appetite?"

The Queen thought for a moment and then responded with the same question.

There was a slightly playful expression on her beautiful face.

"On the contrary, I had a good breakfast. It's already noon in the blink of an eye. Compared to eating, I think it's more important to have a good chat with His Majesty Keshia."

Lanci shook his head, a tired smile on his lips.

He had almost discovered that the Pope in the painting, wearing a white robe and a mask, was the one he was dressed in now.

It was the cat boss who jumped up in fright.

It looked up at the white-robed Ranch, and the silver mask on his face.

Really the Pope?!

It would be unbelievable if this guy became a charlatan.

"You are extra polite today, just like you have turned back into the Prime Minister you were when I first met you. I miss you so much."

The Queen bowed her head and replied,
"Why, have you come to terms with it? Or are you really planning to retire this time?"

Her expression eased a little, and she slowed down her speech, asking Lanqi sincerely.


Lanqi remained silent, not understanding what Queen Keshia meant for the time being.

Keshia stared at the man in front of him who remained a mystery to him even though he had known him for more than ten years.

"Lancros, I'm glad to see you again. Every day, I worry about hearing bad news about you."

Queen Keshia finally lowered her eyes and spoke again.
"You have too many secrets. From the time you changed your name to Wilford and spent nearly twenty years in the Polant Empire to the top of the political arena... I never thought that you were actually from the Horning Empire."

As one of the Pope's few friends, or one of his few living friends, she knows the Pope's secrets and past.

Ever since he underwent the transformation at the Horning Empire's testing ground, his time has forever stopped at that moment.

Strictly speaking, this acquired forbidden product should be called a demon.

Neither a demon nor a human.

The mortality rate of demon transformation surgery is extremely high, and one must go through countless tortures before there is a glimmer of hope for success. To some extent, it is equivalent to abandoning one's own race and turning oneself into a monster.

As a negative side effect, not only do they not have the true immortality of the demons, their lifespan is also greatly shortened compared to humans.

Perhaps for Lanclos, living to his forties was already a miracle. He had to endure unimaginable pain every moment, relying entirely on the tenacity of his soul to resist death, supporting this body that was about to collapse, and doing the last things.


The man in white robe sitting opposite him remained silent.

"Lancros, if you don't want to talk, then you don't need to talk, just listen to me."

Queen Keshia continued speaking in a gentle voice. Originally, the Queen thought that this lunch would be a difficult test, but because of Lanqi's previous words, it became easier.

Lancros is always changing, but there is always a hint of sincerity and humility in his green eyes.

She could see that, unlike most powerful people, the man in front of her had a sense of responsibility but not a desire for power.

This is why she is willing to treat him sincerely no matter how weird and unpredictable he is.

"To be honest, the more I get to know you over the years, the more unfamiliar you seem to me."

She looked at Lanqi,

"No matter what, I will help you. After you die, I will keep your secrets secret. You deserve to be remembered for generations to come."

Queen Keshia assured him.

"Thank you, Your Majesty."

Lanci replied.

Because the country believes in the Church of St. Paul, the Pope's voice in this country is quite high, actually even exceeding that of the emperor. For many decision-making issues, the emperor in office needs to listen to the Pope's opinions.

At this point, Lanqi roughly understood the story of the past twelve years.

During the first nine years of the war, his church made outstanding contributions to the fight against the Horning Empire, and its ecclesiastical power grew. On the surface, Prime Minister Wilford and Pope Lanclos were opposite sides of power, but no one would have thought that Prime Minister Wilford's other identity was actually the leader of the church.

He secretly continued to cede political power to theocracy, and finally gave himself a perfect ending, announcing the defeat of the political power and the rise of theocracy.

So in the following three years, Prime Minister Wilford became history, and a Pope who was above the imperial power was born.


Perhaps the Pope's time is almost up, and as an old friend, the Queen wants to see him off for the last time.

"I hope I will never need to use my talents. A Saint Polante country that doesn't need me is a truly beautiful country."

Lanqi answered frankly and easily, without any pretense in his tone.

This shadow world seems to represent the last period of Black Sun Lanclos' life.

He had read the price of human demonization and distortion in the collection of books in Lichtens Castle on the border of the Horning Empire in the second shadow world.

It is difficult for a demon like Lancross, who underwent immature artificial transformation at the Imperial Test Field in his early years, to live beyond the age of thirty.

Now, Lanclos is almost 49 years old in this timeline.

It was a little hard for Lanqi to understand why he was still alive.

However, the advantages accumulated from the first three shadow worlds finally brought about a happy ending.

"You're still like this."

Looking at Lanqi's eyes, Queen Keshia said sincerely, the guilt and reluctance in her heart turned into waves of bitterness that surged into her heart.

She could not forget that Prime Minister Wilford had answered her in the same way when he first met her.

Even if he is let down by the empire, he will never let it down.

"You said you weren't hungry. I've said everything I wanted to say to you. I won't waste your time here. Please go back to the Pope's Hall."

Queen Keshia wiped her eyes, forced a farewell smile to an old friend, and said to Lanqi.

"Goodbye, Your Majesty."

Lanqi stood up, saluted to Keshia again and said goodbye.

After coming to this shadow world, there has been no prompt to exit the shadow world for such a long time, which made him feel that he should not stay here to eat.

He needs to quickly figure out more about this era.

For example, the demon world.

For example, his friends in this era.

Now that he won, his friends in the movie world should also have a happy reunion.

"See you."

Queen Keshia waved to him.

Under the reception of the guards, Lanqi passed through a series of corridors.

He stepped out of the magnificent gates of Salem Palace and came to the door.

The streets of Helsalem were bustling with people, and citizens were busy coming and going. The noise of the city was always coming from both sides of him.

It’s different from a decade ago.

There is hope in people's eyes.

The fog of fear was dispelled.

The city also came alive.

After finishing his meeting with Queen Kershia, Pope Saint Paul was scheduled to return to his papal palace.

When Lanci's figure appeared at the gate of the royal residence, the members of the Knights Templar who had been waiting for a long time immediately knelt on their knees, as if they were seeing the arrival of a god.

They were dressed in silver armor with the emblem of Saint Polante embroidered on their chests and held sharp spears in their hands, like a group of guards of the sky.

"My Lord, His Holiness the Pope has arrived!"

"Glory - praise -"

As the Knight Commander chanted in a high and clear voice, the uniform voices of praise resounded through the sky like a raging storm.

Lanqi walked out slowly, followed by several clergymen dressed in gorgeous Apocalypse robes, who served respectfully on both sides.

Next, we took the temple vehicle back to the Papal Palace of St. Paul.

Ten minutes later.

The majestic fortress located at the top of the imperial capital can be vaguely seen.

Like an oil painting in the imperial palace, it always shines with solemn and sacred glory in the afternoon sun.

On the way, Lanqi looked out of the car through the mask.

Occasionally, one would see an old couple holding the young officers' belongings and praying with tears in their eyes, a young girl holding a newly opened lily and shyly saluting, and children excitedly climbing on their parents' shoulders, stretching their tender necks to look at the vehicle of the Papal Palace.

Lanqi watched quietly.

Before I knew it, the vehicle had slowed down and stopped in front of the Papal Palace of St. Paul.

The Papal Chamber is located at the highest point of the imperial capital of Hershalom. It is the residence and center of power of Pope Saint Polante.

The exterior walls are made of stone, with spires towering into the sky. There is a huge stained glass window on the front of the hall, which is surrounded by chalk walls and defense towers. In addition to the external infrastructure, the core area is the throne room of Pope Saint Paul.

Lanqi's footsteps echoed on the white stone steps, and the lights in the Pope's Hall were lit up.

He passed through the ranks of the Knights Templar in silver armor and entered the door of the Pope's Hall.

The door slowly closed, isolating the hustle and bustle of the world from outside.

The huge church was dimly lit, with only a few rays of setting sun shining through the window frames. The holy light of heaven fell on the red carpet in front of the altar.

Lanqi walked slowly towards the throne. The clergy stood on both sides of him and closed the several-meter-high black gold door of the throne room for him.


He stood in front of the throne and was not in a hurry to return to his seat.

Instead, he turned and faced the mirror on the side of the temple.

I saw a figure in the mirror, tall and straight, and might be mistaken for an old man. Perhaps it was because his youthful face was covered, and that was the impression he gave with his white hair.

The outer layer of the pure white robe is embroidered with gold thread, and the hem and cuffs are trimmed with gold. Inside is a dark red lining with a religious pattern of the Trinity embroidered on the front.

"Oh, I became the Pope?"

Lanqi took off the silver mask in front of the mirror.

In this shadow world, his attire has been changed into the Pope's robe, and his hair has been dyed pure white.

Standing in front of the mirror with the mask on, he didn't recognize himself.

"Wait, Lanqi, you seem to have an extra debuff."

Talia suddenly reminded.

She found that after Ranchi came to the shadow world, a strange state appeared.

But it was too secretive, and she was not able to identify it until now, when she was in the throne room and could use her magic without worry.

【Mind Rift】

[Category: Negative Status]

[Level: Epic]

[Attribute: Spirit]

[Rank: 9]

[The aftermath of the battle with the third ancestor, Duke Lachar. ]

Talia shared the information with Lanqi through her thoughts.

“…I feel fine.”

Lanqi sensed it carefully and responded.

He didn't feel like he was getting weaker or sick again.

Or maybe his spell resistance is just very high.

"Take care of yourself. If you feel unwell, tell me immediately."

Talia instructed.

"Thank you, Master."

Lanqi put on the mask again.

Restored the Pope's momentum.

"Is this the Holy Spirit Religious State that I am in today?"

Lanqi came to the wall engraved with a map, stood with his hands behind his back, and looked at the map of the world.

Even without any deliberate acting, his temperament is natural when he puts on this outfit.

"I feel like you're a super behind-the-scenes mastermind right now, meow!"

The cat boss poked his head out from the shadows and was horrified to see Lanqi like this.

Generally speaking, in the storybooks, this mysterious Pope who holds supreme power and appears to be great and upright is definitely not a good person!

"Don't tell me, don't tell me. Now the territory of Saint Polante Church has become so large that it was unimaginable before. It is simply the Northern Continent version of the Kreming Empire. Even though it is not as large as the Horning Empire, which annexed the entire southern continent at the height of the war, it seems that it is not without the capital to fight the Horning Empire head-on."

Lanqi looked at the map and talked to himself, drawing lightly in the air with his fingertips.

"What on earth are you thinking about, meow!"

Boss Cat originally thought that the power of Shadow World Ranchi had declined this time, but he did not expect that it would still perform steadily and rise steadily again.

Before Boss Cat could say anything else, the long-awaited information about the shadow world finally appeared before their eyes.

[Shadow World: Eternal Punishment Ending]

[Level: Eighth Level]

【Total number of challengers: 9】

Generally, the Shadow World prompt appears late because the challengers from other Void Gate entrances have not yet entered.

Seeing this number of people, Lanqi felt relieved for the time being.

Hyperion should have arrived as promised.

[Twelve years ago, you withstood the pressure from Congress and became the light that illuminated the Polant Empire during the darkest moment of the southern and northern continents. You ignited the hope and courage of the people, mobilized the country, and declared war on the Horning Empire.]

[Some old things died, but something new sprouted there. Although the crosses in your cemeteries have multiplied, and although your homes have turned into black ruins, your nation has been resurrected, allowing the vampires to witness the unprecedented power. ]

[You have used your life-or-death actions and efforts to gain the final glory of the Polant Empire and the turning point in the fate of mankind. The entire Polant Empire is determined to reverse the defeat of the northern continent. Although you may lose everything, it is better to lose your country and your race than to give up your ancestral homeland and become slaves. The empire begins to perform its last elegy and last performance, its last stubbornness, and its last glory.]

Same as always.

Prompt messages began to appear in his field of vision.

[Experienced nine years of fierce battles with the northern kingdoms and the demon world. 】

【You win. 】

【But it came at a heavy price. 】

【That is why this victory is so precious. 】

[You have come a long way, shining like a star. You don't care about any fate in the past, even if it is unknown to people. Compared with the memory that has disappeared and cannot be described with beloved words, you fall deeper and deeper in the embrace of tranquility and dreamland.]

[People celebrated and cheered for the hard-won peace, holding on to their imagination of happiness and looking forward to the return of a prosperous era. ]

【You are trapped in a state of confusion.】


The font of the shadow world turned dark red and distorted, as if it was broken.

Lanqi's ears began to echo with shrill screams, wails, and fires that could not be extinguished. They surged and rose violently. He listened to the echoes of the catastrophe and his soul collapsed out of control.

Natural disasters abound, fireworks are high, and the color is blindingly red.

He subconsciously covered his eyes, feeling a tingling sensation in his nerves.

"what happened to you?"

Talia sensed something was wrong with Lanqi and asked with concern in her heart.

"It's nothing. It was like I was under an illusion just now. It seems that this negative state I have brought with me since I came to this shadow world... It affects me from time to time."

When Lanqi blinked again and looked at the information from the Shadow World, the last sentence had disappeared.

It turned out that he had seen it wrong.

[It takes a lonely soul to dedicate himself, a person who stands out from the crowd. 】

[Every time you count the stars in the sky, you wonder why someone had to die.]

[And why, in the end, you are the one who survived. 】

[In the last moments of your life, you are only one step away from your dream, yet it seems like you are thousands of miles away...]

[Mission Objective 1: Read the letter from old friend Kaliela. (To be continued)]

[Mission Objective 2: Understand the state of mind of Black Sun Lanclos. (To be continued)]

[Mission Objective 3: All challengers survive until the end of the 21-day time limit.]

(End of this chapter)

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