Do not confiscate my citizenship

Chapter 762: Toliado is not afraid of trouble

Chapter 762: Toliado is not afraid of trouble

"Princess Alexia?"

Lanqi was not particularly surprised when he read the name, but he was still a little surprised.

"You know her?"

Abigail observed Lankey's expression.

"I met her in the Shadow World a long time ago. She and I were both students and happened to enter the same fifth-level Shadow World."

Lanqi looked up at Abigail and replied.

At that time, it was the second shadow world he challenged at Ikerit Academy. He usually spent a relaxing and pleasant time on campus with Frey and Hyperion as the student union members.

There are a total of twelve challengers in four teams at the Temple Villain Dinner. In addition to Lanci, Hyperion and Anfrey, one of the teams is from the Cretan Empire, which is the Saint of Destruction, the direct soldier of the Bishop of Destruction, and the third princess of the empire, Alexia.

The night before the Blood Count's attack, Lanci exchanged information with Alexia and gave her hope again.

Finally, at the end of the Shadow World, Lanqi promised Alexia that he would come to the Krelian Empire to help her.

Lanqi told Abigail and others about how he met Alexia.

"I do remember that the shadow world was about you killing the Saint Daughter of the Bishop of Destruction. I was so happy that I immediately thought how exciting it would be if the Saint Son of the Bishop of Destruction was gone one day."

Toliado clapped his hands.

Although the price was that he was beaten half to death, he was still very happy.

"Later, the Son of Destruction was really tricked to death by this guy."

Talia thought about the attack led by Nanwantina and reviewed it.

"That's what I said. Why would an honest man like High Priest Loren kill the Son of Destruction to silence him? There must be someone behind this. According to the information I know, Loren's students happened to take the bus back to their hometown, Nanwantina Territory. You must be involved. I immediately transferred money to Ikerit College. It was very quick."

Toliado proudly told Lanci the story behind the 20,000 pounds of charity donations.

"Why is there so much money missing from the account? You used my money to donate to the school, right?!"

After hearing what Toliado said, Abigail counted on her fingers the date when the money disappeared and suddenly realized that she could no longer bear it. She grabbed Toliado's neck and was determined to kill him today and become the bishop herself.

But she found that she really couldn't kill the eighth-level Toliado, and Toliado didn't look like he wanted to resist, so she didn't feel like continuing to compete with this guy.

"Since you know Alexia, that will be easy. I won't tell you more about the Third Princess."

Abigail pushed Toliado away like she was throwing away trash and continued to talk business with Lanchitalia Ifatia across the sofa.

"She is also someone Barton trusts very much. It was probably because of her that Barton left the military and joined the Mafia. After Barton formed an alliance with us, he introduced her to us."

Abigail said as she looked at Mafia leader Barton who was sitting at the other end of the sofa.

"Her Highness Alexia is a person who can resonate with the Sword of the Heroic Spirit of Seiros in the Empire's national magic device. The heroic spirits of her ancestors can protect her from evil spirits. Correspondingly, she can also sense the existence of some evil creatures that ordinary people cannot find. After accidentally touching the sword of Saint Bardo the Great, she accidentally saw many bloody evil shadows near the palace. She also slowly began to realize that the fate of the Cremon Empire rests on her shoulders."

Barton spoke distressedly about Princess Alexia.

At that time, the helpless Alexia could only ask for help from Patton, who was the colonel of the Imperial Guards. Patton also understood how helpless the princess was and believed him after she told him the truth.

If she tells this to the wrong person, Alexia will inevitably die.

Later, after a series of investigations after becoming the leader of the Gray Zone, Patton was finally convinced that beneath the surface of the calm Brillda, a crazy undercurrent was already following closely.

"Sword of the Heroic Spirit of Cyros?"

Thalia asked.

It was the first time she heard the real name of the sword of the Emperor of the Cretan Empire.

She knew about "Seros". When Lanqi told her history, he said that the Kreming Empire was once formed by the merger of three giants in the southern half of the southern continent, namely the Seros Empire, the Elsaya Sanctuary, and the Wenxi Free Federation, and the Seros Empire was the final winner and the main body.

It is not surprising that the ancestors of the royal family of the Krelian Empire were the royal family of the Seros Empire.

"Even though I am the commander of the Imperial Guard, I rarely see Saint Bardo's sword up close, let alone identify it. There is no detailed record of this sword in history, but I can be sure that it is the most powerful weapon in the world today, and it is definitely not comparable to ordinary epic magic weapons."

Patton shook his head.

"Not only can it provide the sword master with many immunities and blessings, it can even greatly strengthen the sword. An ancient emperor at the peak of the eighth rank in the Holy War era even managed to defeat a ninth rank demon with it."

The higher one's rank, the more one can understand the unreasonable degree of increase.

But correspondingly, only those with royal blood can wield this magic sword.

"Is it the intact red legend?"

Lanqi held his chin and groaned.

"Red legend?"

Many of you here are unfamiliar with this term.

In their impression, whether it is magic cards or magic devices, the highest quality is orange epic.

Even the [Original Slate] only stops at the orange epic level.

"Orange epic can be considered the highest grade in theory, and red legendary is a theoretical standard. We have only encountered a defective red legendary magic device once during the turmoil that occurs once in a century in the Person Kingdom."

Lanqi mentioned the incomplete red magic device [The Record of Parroni's Grudge] that he had seen in the Flower City Pariel.

"Will the vampires target it?"

Talia raised her doubts.

If [The Book of Parroni's Grudge] would not cause lasting harm to innocent demons, she would have been greedy for this red legendary book-shaped weapon just based on its strength.

Even a small fragment of it could bring about a qualitative change in Perlman in a short period of time.

"Indeed, but according to what Barton said about its characteristics, the vampires should be more afraid of it and want to eliminate it. This sword is too threatening to them."

Lanqi gave a direct conclusion.

He was also puzzled about this.

If the Kremen Empire had such a national sword that could repel evil spirits, then in the world line that the goddess of fate showed him, how did the blood clan finally break the sword and gain complete control over the Kremen Empire?
It shouldn't be.

Could it be that besides the vampires, there are other more greedy people in the Kreming Empire who are planning something that led to the vampires' victory?

"Don't think too much about it. The disaster of the blood clan is imminent. Do important things before it becomes an emergency."

Talia sensed the doubt in Ranci's heart and spoke to him in his own words.


Lan Qi nodded.

It seems that the princess has not given up and is still actively working to save the country.

With the preparations Alexia had made in the Kreming Empire over the past year, and the alliance with her, Lanqi felt that the chances of attacking Blood Moon City head-on had increased.

"Is Alexia safe now?"

Lanqi asked the three people sitting across from the sofa.

The three of them already knew that Alexia was No. 5 of the Silver Moon Restoration Society, so they naturally knew more about Alexia's current situation in the empire than he and Talia.

"She is the one who makes the least requests in the organization. Because she is being watched invisibly by many vampires and is staying in the palace, she has fewer opportunities to take out the Holy Communication Magic Card and speak."

Abigail replied,

"Alexia hasn't spoken since the Sixth Military Goddess, Violet of the Azure Water, left Brillda."

Normally, when Alexia was able to speak, she would have left the palace and gone to a trustworthy location with a shielding barrier, but she couldn't go there too often.

Alexia didn't say a word during this period, probably because she didn't dare to leave the palace easily.

"Maybe we can contact her using the Holy Communication Magic Card, or we can find a suitable opportunity to meet her directly at an event where she will be formally present."

Toliado spread his hands.

Anyway, it should be difficult to contact Alexia before Violet comes back.

In Alexia's judgment, at least one of the First God of War, Diamond Seat Hecintus, and the Sixth God of War, Aquamarine Seat Violet, who stayed in Brillda, should be reliable. Therefore, only when both gods of war were present did she dare to leave the core barrier of the palace and take action in Brillda.

"Is she safe now, staying alone in the Crane Palace?"

Ifatia knew all too well the feeling of being alone and in danger.

It’s just that Alexia is even more high-pressure than her living environment.

"The direct descendants of the royal family are protected by the blood of the ninth-level ancestors and blessed by the power of the nation's faith. In addition, they have the royal magic device on them. It is not easy to threaten the imperial family members in the palace. After resonating with the sword, her resistance to mental magic is extremely high."

Patton talked about his previous work.

"That's great."

Lanci was sure of Alexia's situation, so there was no need to rush to force her to reassure her.

He would naturally fulfill what he promised Alexia.

This is one of the few big orders he has ever received.

"Mr. Patton, in your opinion, which of the Empire's military gods have been suspicious or suspected of being manipulated recently?" Lanqi discovered that Patton was a good Empire insider, and Patton knew too much about the Empire's military information.

He could confidently ask Patton questions that he couldn't even ask the Imperial Special Operations Department.

"So far as I know, the ones whose wills have been changed are the Fourth Military God Jasper, the Jade Seat, the Fifth Military God Lugayed, the Mica Seat, the Eighth Military God Zelkon, the Amethyst Seat, the Ninth Military God Ryan, and the Twelfth Military God Bianca, the Cat's Eye Seat."

Patton understood what Lanci meant.

According to the latest intelligence released by the other party, the blood clan has a ninth-level ancestor who can control will, which is completely consistent with his inference of various signs.

These five military gods all disliked war, but after a period of time, they all became supporters of war.

"Sardonyx, blood chalcedony, and jadeite, aren't their intentions necessarily changed?"

The third military god is Geyat, who has the throne of sardonyx, the seventh military god is Philip, who has the throne of blood chalcedony, and the eleventh military god is Simonlo, who has the throne of emerald.

Lanqi was quite impressed by these three military gods.

"Sardonyx and Blood Jade belong to military gods who intend to fight long before the war begins. Jade is more neutral and will participate in the war once it starts."

Patton traced the coffee table with his fingertips, writing numbers.

One thousand two hundred and sixty-one belongs to the neutral party.

Thirty-seven belongs to the radical faction.

Four, five, eight, nine, and two belong to the conservatives.


Lanci agreed.

On the strategic level, place the three uncontrolled military gods in the eastern region to fight.

The western hub area can bring together the controlled military gods to act together, and the slight risk of the military gods discovering each other's clues will be eliminated.

"Why is there a radical faction besides the Third Military God and the Seventh Military God?"

Ifatia counted and found that there were more than just Geyat and Philip among the original fighters.

"The tenth military god is Julius of the Red Tourmaline Seat. He is always actively trying to seize power and give advice. He is hoping that one day when Hycintus falls, he will be able to take over the power of the commander-in-chief and lead the imperial army to victory."

Patton's expression became complicated, as if he understood Julius' poor leadership.

Once in the military, Patton was the strongest person closest to the God of War, and even someone who had the potential to become a God of War in the future. He had interactions with most of the Gods of War.


Lanci and Talia did hear about it.

The tenth military god, Ruby Tourmaline Julius, has been performing exceptionally well on the battlefield recently, but he is too greedy and reckless.

It is said that he is the only man who can raise the blood pressure of Hecintus, the first god of war.

"First Military God, what do you think of his situation?"

What Lanqi is most concerned about at the moment is the first military god Hecintus who is in charge of the Brildad Empire Army Headquarters.

If the First Military God is controlled by the vampires, the severity of the problem may far exceed that of the other military gods.

"In my impression, he is a gentle yet strong man, who is deeply trusted and loved by the Cretan people."

Patton commented in a tired voice,

"But his position is complex and contradictory. As a commoner, he is dedicated to maintaining the imperial power while balancing the conflicts between the nobles and the people. If it really comes to a point where the internal conflicts of the empire are unavoidable, he may agree to this war for the sake of the empire."

He thought that Hecintus might have been manipulated into starting the war, but he couldn't be sure.


Lanqi had a general understanding of the situation of several military gods and the inside story of the empire.

If I have the chance in the future, I will still ask the imperial people I can contact about the God of War. Maybe I can better infer whether the God of War is being manipulated.

For example, Ryan, the Ninth Military God, Amethyst Seat, the head of the Roland Marquis family, is Ursula's brother. Lanqi and Talia can now almost confirm from Ursula's intelligence that Marquis Ryan is controlled by the vampire ancestor Lachar.

"Talia and I are going to the Shadow World next week. You may not be able to contact us for a while, but we will contact you as soon as we return to the real world."

Lanqi looked at the clock, stood up and spoke to a few people.

As we were chatting, the clock was almost running out.

It was almost time for them to leave the Brillda Opera House and go home.

"No problem, let's meet at Abigail's house, buy some tickets and then we can reasonably gather at the opera house."

Toliado raised his hand to see them off and said.

I have to say that the interior of the opera house is an excellent secret gathering place, and it would not be suspicious to go there to watch a play every one or two weeks.

"There's one more thing I need to trouble you with, Toliado."

Lanci turned around and gave instructions to Toliado.

In Lanqi's experience in forming a team, Xiduo is the type who is extremely reliable.

"I promise to find you a perfect fiancée worthy of your principal Rocky McCarthy. You will be attracted to her."

Toliado assured Lanci.


Talia didn't know what Tolia was so excited about.

But that’s how Yabo is. In the past, when encountering complicated situations in the demon world, Pranay would stay away, but Yabo would run over and watch.

"It doesn't matter if you can't find it. I can cover it anyway."

She didn't seem to care much, but still raised her voice a little.

"Do you really think my magic power is endless? Sister Tata, you are really a burden that is too much to bear."

Lanqi is very tired now and is just holding on.

I asked Talia for help again tonight.

Even after summoning her to perform a whole play, he was running out of magic power.

I will definitely have to sleep until noon tomorrow before I can wake up.

"I'm not heavy at all!"

Talia's cheeks flushed as she argued with Lanqi.

It seemed that Talia and Lanqi were about to quarrel again.

"It's okay, sister. It's necessary for the undercover work. What are you worried about as a fake fiancée? She is totally uncompetitive with you!"

Ifatia quickly took Talia's arm and winked secretly at Lanci to help him exonerate Talia.

She knew what Toliado liked to see.

She likes it too!


Talia gradually and reluctantly accepted it.
"Ifatia, you are injured, go to bed early and get some rest."

She let go of Ifatia's hand.

"Okay, sister. See you later! If my injury can be cured, I will definitely go to your house to taste your cooking!"

Ifatia happily skipped back to the other side of the space gate.

Talia watched her sister and Barton return to the other side of the space gate, and only looked away when the space light arc was completely closed.

Anyway, she didn't want to be Lanqi's fiancée.

Only when both the Allies and the Resurrection Church's alternative fiancée reject him at the same time, will she agree to help him out in an emergency.

"So see you later Miss Abigail."

"Next time, just come to the opera house to find me. I usually stay downstairs when there are opera performances."

Lanci and Talia said goodbye to Abigail and left the mansion, following Toliado up the corridor on the second floor of the Brillda Opera House.

"You two can go to the Shadow World without any worries. When you come back, I will use teleportation magic to bring your fiancée here for you."

Toliado patted Lanci with a solemn oath.

"Tsk tsk, what kind of fiancée could make him so moved."

Talia said without any sourness.
"Can you compare to this princess?"

(End of this chapter)

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