Do not confiscate my citizenship

Chapter 760: Talia's Review after a Year

Chapter 760: Talia's Reappearance after a Hundred Years
The floor shook slightly and the magical runes on the wall began to glow faintly.

Talia's sudden appearance was like a huge rock thrown into a calm lake, causing a thousand waves and completely breaking the balance that had just been established between Lanqi and Abigail.

Abigail remained outwardly calm in the face of Talia's hostility.

But she was frightened by Toliado.

"Why are you yelling so loudly!"

Abigail's hands trembled slightly, and she was almost ready to activate the emergency magic defense mechanism in the space barrier.

"But she is a princess."

Toliado replied as a matter of course.

"Hammer Princess, after playing Gray Girl, you become a princess?"

Abigail felt as if Tolia had drunk a lot of fake wine today and was startled.


Talia felt mixed emotions as she listened to Abigail's words.

Since when did she start to live less like a princess?

Others all transformed from Cinderella to princess, but she seemed to have done the opposite.

She felt that the situation had eased and relaxed a little. The fact that Lanqi hadn't panicked for such a long time meant that it was indeed not dangerous.

And that mysterious man who was so terrifyingly powerful across from her—could he even call out her name?
"No, she is a real princess."

Toliado gestured to Abigail.

Then he turned around, rubbed his eyes, and looked at Talia.

"Talia, is it really you? How did you get together with McCarthy?"

Toliado asked Talia in surprise.

He didn't dare to think about these two people acting in "Romance of the Holy War". It seems he will have to watch the replay version on the Brierda Movie Channel later.

"Are you Yabo?"

Talia was also stunned.

The other party did not show any hostility towards her, and the familiar accent was exactly the same as the one she had heard in the Old Demon Realm a hundred years ago.

"Yeah! We haven't seen each other for over a hundred years!"

Toliado removed his disguise and briefly transformed back into his demon form.

I saw his slender fingers slowly stroking his face, as if tearing off an invisible mask.

His original features gradually faded, and his human eyes turned into an alluring magenta, his pupils were hideous and elongated, his skin was still pale and slightly haggard, and his ears were slightly pointed but not exaggerated.

An almost invisible layer of dark purple magic lingered around Toliado, but it dissipated like mist in an instant.

There is no doubt that he is one of the few super high-level demons left in this world.

"It's really you...why are you here?"

Talia was sure that the man in front of her was the last general of their old demon world, but she didn't understand why she met him suddenly!

"A general who surrenders?"

Lanqi roughly understood it at this point.

The surrenderist general Yabo of the old demon world, the associate professor of history Xiduo of the northern continent, and the dimensional bishop Toliado of the Resurrection Church of the southern continent are the same person.

No wonder every time Planai mentioned the general who was good at escaping, Lanqi felt a sense of déjà vu.

"I am now the cardinal of the Church of Resurrection. It is normal for me to be in the Kremlin Empire."

Togliato replied,

"What about you? How are you doing now?"

He asked Talia again.


"Well, it's just average. Have you heard of a platinum-level card maker? I just became one a while ago."

Talia flipped her hair to hide her nervousness and spoke calmly.


Lanqi tried his best to hold back his laughter, but some noise still came out and was noticed by Talia.

Talia immediately gave him a death stare.

"McCarthy, why do you have that expression?"

Before Toliado could comment on Talia, his attention was drawn to Lanci's overly complicated expression.

"All I can say is that things change over time. Don't look down on the elderly and the poor..."

Before he could finish his words, Talia's cold little hands grabbed the back of his neck.

As Lanqi began to get scared, he became much more obedient.

"By the way, who is McCarthy?"

Talia forced the subject to change.

She found that Toliado seemed to be quite familiar with Lanci, as if they had known each other for a long time.

"If you go to Protos Empire Street and shout 'Long live McCarthy', there will be crowds of Empire people shouting with you."

Toliado answered.


Talia looked at Ranchi beside her and expressed a big question mark with her eyes.

She could tell that the McCarthy Tollado was referring to was Lanci.

But why does it sound so weird?
"This is really weird. McCarthy, how come you bumped into Talia in the southern continent? My goddess of fate, you are such a joke."

Toliado still finds it amazing.

I met two incredible old friends in a row tonight.

Even if he suddenly ran into more antique friends who had been lost for a hundred years in the next period of time, he would not be as surprised as he is now.

"He was my student before he went to the Northern Continent. He met me first and then went to the Northern Continent. His name is Lanqi."

Thalia emphasized.

"Lan Qi..."

Toliado silently repeated the name, and it always sounded familiar to him.
"Lanqi Wilford? Good fellow, it turns out that the gate-type Loren student who pissed off Ivanos to the point of losing his mind was you! I felt at the time that you were extraordinary, but unfortunately Ikerita's defense was too strict, so I couldn't sneak in to play."

He suddenly realized and pointed at Lanqi.

Everything made sense to him.

"Why did you say Lorenzha was a species..."

Lanci asked Toliado.

"Is it possible that the sentence he just said should be 'Loren student'? Do you never think that there is anything wrong with you?"

Thalia corrected.


Toliado watched Lanci and Talia communicating, and a rare interest gradually appeared in his eyes.

"So that's it..."

Toliado muttered.

"what happened?"

Talia asked Toliado.

"Nothing, I just roughly understand your current identities and relationship."

Toliado nodded.
"It's really nice to see you again, Talia, Lanqi."

He smiled for the first time in a long time.

"Yabo, let me tell you, we were able to fight in the annihilation war in the old demon world. If you were here, maybe we could have gotten out together, instead of scattering like birds and beasts and being defeated one by one."

Talia remembered this important matter when she saw Toliado.

She couldn't help but say this.

At that time, they only had this one general left, but the general left them behind and ran away.

"Wow, you don't know the situation on my side at that time! Three eighth-level generals were chasing me and fighting me. I have never seen such a big scene!" Toliado complained with a horrified expression.

He had been on the verge of life and death dozens of times in his life, but he had no good memories of being surrounded and attacked.

"I wrongly blamed you..."

Talia replied guiltily.

It seemed that if Yabo had not taken away all the hatred, she and Ifatia would not have been able to escape.

Fortunately, Toliado possesses special spatial attributes, otherwise any other general might not be able to escape.

"The reason why I stay in the Protoss Empire is that I hope to be lucky enough to rescue the three old guys one day. Unfortunately, I am not suitable for the three great demon trials. I might fail if I go in."

Tolia explained to Talia his plans over the years.

He is actually quite suitable for prison break. Once successful, he can use huge magic power to directly teleport the big demons away. However, the huge fluctuation of magic power will be discovered by the great sage of the empire, Isis, so he only has one chance. Before finishing the things on the southern continent, he cannot try it for the time being.

"I don't think you are someone who is afraid of death. At least the negative sixth floor [Inverted Road to the Afterlife] poses no threat to you. You can't survive the negative fifth floor [Hopeless Extinction War]?"

Thalia asked him.

She had heard Antanas and the others talk about the structure of Helrom Prison.

In her impression, a heartless guy like Yabo should not be afraid of [Falling in Tenderness].

"Yeah yeah."

Toliado nodded.

Abigail glanced at Toliado and said nothing.

"But after thinking about it, I think that the reason you were able to defeat Asksan that day, Ranchi, must have been because you rescued Antanas and the other two. Otherwise, I really can't think of any way to defeat Asksan and Morodian."

Toliado asked.

"Of course, they are in Ikerit now, with a very important task..."

Lanci briefly told Toliado the premise he had explained to Ifatia in the underground palace.

Including the reasons why the vampires assassinated Hyperion, and how he and Talia met Landry on the way here.

In Talia's opinion, Toliado can be trusted.

Lanqi was also willing to trust this very reliable teammate from the Northern Continent.

"Hey, Landry..."

Toliado seemed to have sorted out many things in an instant, and said to himself in frustration,
"And I was wondering why we couldn't find Mi Gaiya at that turned out that he was being targeted by the vampires."

"Do you know Duke Migaia?"

Lanqi didn't expect to have an unexpected gain.

His last civil commission now is to find Duke Mi Gaiya, and he unexpectedly encountered a clue again after a long absence.

Logically speaking, Toliado should have nothing to do with Migaiya.

"Of course not. I'm counting on him to help me surrender to the Church of the Goddess of Destiny."

Toliado stopped talking and said to Lanqi and Talia,

"Don't worry, I will definitely help you save Miaiya, and leave the Marquis Somerset to me."

He established the Silver Moon Restoration Society outside the dimensional branch in order to gather strength to cleanse the Kremer Empire.

There is no doubt that Landry's death was caused by some information predicted by the vampires. It had nothing to do with whether he was a member of the Silver Moon Restoration Society. It was simply because he was Elsa's brother that the vampires framed him and leaked the information to the Allies, who then used their knives to kill Landry.

The only thing that the vampires could not predict was that there was someone in that carriage who could replace Landry - thus deceiving the vampires and creating the illusion that Landry was not killed.

He possessed Pranai's divination-related Great Demon Seal [Seal of Truth], which allowed him to avoid the future predicted by the seventh ancestor, Marquis Helitier.

"I'm so sorry about Landry."

Lanci said to Toliado and Abigail.

"I think Landry would thank you."

Abigail lowered her brows and sighed sadly.

It all seemed like fate. Landry's prayer to the goddess of fate brought him the punishment he wished for, and correspondingly, his death achieved miraculous value. This might be a pious transaction with God, because McCarthy did have the ability to help Landry save his sister and also helped Landry protect Elsa.

"Please continue to use his identity."

Toliado agreed.

If it were someone else, he would never agree to let him continue to impersonate Landry, but McCarthy is an exception. He is the one who can truly make good use of this identity and give back to Landry.

"Then please lend me Landry's identity. When everything is over, I will build a tomb for him and bury him properly."

Lanqi thanked the two.

"Abigail, please help him for the next period of time."

Toliado gave the cardinal's order.

"I know. Anyway, when the Empire comes to me, I will just say that I am willing to join Professor Landry's research team. Lanqi, you should just work hard to gain power in the Empire. The title of professor of Saint Cremorne Monastery is not enough. You must at least become the person in charge of a major project, make it a success, and then be dubbed the 'Father of the Magic Fission Bomb' by people, so that you can have enough say."

Abigail nodded curtly in agreement.

No matter how much she hated magic engineering, she would still work hard when it was time to do the work.

All I can say is that life is like this, interests and talents may not match well.

“I’ve seen that future.”

Lanqi's team has received strong support from a powerful magic engineer. Even though he is just a newcomer, his chances of being selected by the Imperial Military regardless of his resume will be greatly increased.

"And you have to worry about being murdered by politicians. If you're not careful, you'll face the consequences of your achievements. One day, they'll have punished you enough and serve you salmon and potato salad, give you speeches, award you medals, pat you on the back and tell you that everything is forgiven."

Abigail sneered, as if she had already seen through the views of the imperial politicians towards magical engineers.

"Don't worry, I won't murder myself."

Lanqi believed that it was impossible for him to murder those magic engineers.

"...So you don't want to be a magic engineer."

Abigail realized that she had misjudged the person.

You really have something, bro.

"Me, you, Antanas, Sinora, Pranai, I heard that Artemis also came to the southern continent some time ago. Doesn't that mean that our old demon team is only missing Ifatia?"

Toliado pointed at himself and Talia and calculated.

He had just thought of this question.

Originally, Ifatia appeared more than ten years ago, but then disappeared again.


Lanqi and Talia looked at each other.
"Don't you know where Ifatia is?"

They thought Toliado knew that Ifatia was also in Brillda, so they didn't tell him that they had found Ifatia in the Mafia's underground base before coming to the opera house today.

After learning that Sido and Abigail were the founders of the Silver Moon Reformation, Ranch and Talia highly suspected that Mafia leader Barton was also a member of the Silver Moon Reformation.

But it is true that Patton is unlikely to reveal his boss's secret identity to the rest of the organization.

This is why Ifatia trusts Barton.

But Barton didn't know that the leader of the Silver Moon Reform Society and Ifatia were actually fellow demons from a hundred years ago.

"How can I find out where she is? She has always been smart. If she wants to hide, no one can find her. She can perfectly disguise herself as any Imperial."

Toliado spread his hands.

"She is actually in the underground palace of the Mafia. The space barrier was built by Abigail for Barton. You can take a bus, transfer from Bus 737 to Bus 901, go to Jones River Port, walk a few kilometers, contact Barton to let you pass, and then you can go to see her."

Talia reminded Toliado.

Toliado was shocked when he heard this and stared at the two people with wide eyes.

He gathered the spatial spell, closed his eyes and searched for the coordinates, then drew a circle with silver sparks on the edge of the bookshelf wall, connecting to another spatial barrier built by Abigail.


On the other side of the temporary space door opened by Toliado, Ifatia was leaning on the sofa, watching the replay of the released version of "Holy War Romance" while eating potato chips, pointing at the screen and laughing from time to time.

She suddenly realized that someone seemed to be looking at her. She turned her head in confusion and found a big hole in the air. The potato chips in her hand fell out of fear.

"Fuck, Yabo!"

Ifatia yelled.

(End of this chapter)

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