Do not confiscate my citizenship

Chapter 756: Lanqi and Talia's Farewell Performance

Chapter 756: Lanqi and Talia's Farewell Performance

The next morning, the Governor's Mansion was in chaos, and the Demon Governor ordered a large-scale search throughout the province for the human girl who was at the dance yesterday.

"Governor, you were distracted last night. Was it because of that mysterious woman? But she didn't even leave her name. Where can we find her?"

The stage lit up, and the old butler of the demon clan spoke hurriedly.

"I'm going to find her no matter what! Please help me announce it throughout the province, and let girls between 20 and 25 years old come and try on this shoe. Whoever can wear it and walk normally will be her."

The Governor stood by the window of the Governor's Mansion and said persistently with a slight headache.

The butler took the order and hurriedly left.

"It hurts... it hurts too much..."

The Governor stared into the distance, lost in thought.
"My Cinderella, why, why are you hiding from me..."

The stage dims and the camera switches.

Waiting for the transition.

"He looks really painful. What on earth must he have been through to be able to act out such a heart-wrenching feeling."

The girl in the audience said distressedly.

"Is there a possibility that he is really in great pain?"

The man next to her looked at her speechlessly.

The lights remained dim.

The scene arrives at the Gray Girl’s home.

When the stepmother learns that the Governor is searching for the mysterious girl, she locks the Gray Girl in the attic and prevents her from showing up.

"This is a great opportunity for my family to rise to prominence. I must make the Governor choose my daughter no matter what! Let me help the Governor eliminate an interference factor first."

The stepmother raised her head and laughed greedily,

"How could the Governor take a fancy to that little idiot who only thinks about food? Don't embarrass our family."

"Yes, mother! If the governor saw her, he would probably think she was a refugee. Although the size of my feet is a little different from the magic shoes, I am very strong. The governor will definitely choose me as his bride!"

The eldest sister said proudly.

"Stop dreaming! Will the Governor fall for you? My size is closer. Humph, I still have a better chance!"

My younger sister was not convinced.

"What's the point if you can't move your feet?"

"That's better than you not being able to fit it in!"


Listening to the two sisters quarreling, the Gray Girl lamented from the attic window.

"very hungry."

She hugged her knees and talked to herself.

The more she thought about the snacks she had at last night's party, the more she swallowed.

"Governor, Governor, I am here. I am the one you have been looking for. But I am imprisoned here. How can you find me?"

The gray girl lowered her head and whispered, while her loyal animal friends gathered around her.

Talia reviewed her lines carefully this time.

She inexplicably felt that this scene could be easily performed by her.

Because the Gray Girl at this moment is just like her before she met Lanqi.

He slept in the open air at the foot of the city wall, eating one meal a day and wearing a dirty cloak.

If the current her were to travel back to the past with her memories, she would definitely look forward to that annoying rich young man showing up with a lunch box - feeding the cat in front of her, and then approaching her with a smile and talking to her.

It was an ordinary encounter at the time, but looking back now, she actually felt it was a bit beautiful.

But Talia didn't notice.

Her bitter yet sweet look in her eyes and the corners of her mouth gradually captivated the audience.

"So this is the expression on the gray girl's face when she missed meeting the Governor last night..."

"Perhaps she gradually realized that she had already fallen for the beautiful memory of the time she and the Governor spent together, but that was more like a dream."

"But now she still refuses to wake up and naively tries to believe in fate."

"If I wait for him silently, maybe I can break down more completely."

Just as Talia was in a daze.

A carrier pigeon brought her the key hidden by her stepmother.


Talia stared at the lovely pigeons in a daze.

She couldn't help but think of her old friend who had been missing for many years.

At that time, she was also looking forward to the pigeon's return.

But this separation lasted for more than a year.

It couldn't be that some beast had already put her pigeons into the pot and eaten them.

The more she thought about it, the more Talia felt that she had to go back to Nanwantina Territory again to investigate the clues about the pigeons and see it through to the end.

"Thank you, my good friends! With you, I have the courage and strength!"

Talia was moved by the scene and cried while hugging the carrier pigeon.

The gray girl opened the attic door, ran down the stairs, and ran towards the Governor's Palace escorted by carrier pigeons.


Even though the opera had been going on for more than an hour, the audience remained highly focused, with all their attention focused on the stage.

In the Governor's Mansion, the shoe-trying contest is in full swing. Countless girls come to try their luck, but no one of them can handle it.

"Maybe yesterday was really just a dream..."

The demon governor had gradually become frustrated and stared at the shoe in low spirits.

The stepmother came over triumphantly with her two daughters and the housekeeper.

"This is the last one today... I hope this shoe finds its destined owner."

The demon steward said tiredly.

"Governor, please look at my two daughters. They are fairies from heaven, worthy of the unique magic shoes in the world!"

The stepmother came over flatteringly.

The elder sister and the younger sister were fighting over trying on the shoes and forcing their feet into them.

But the elder sister couldn’t put it on and the younger sister couldn’t take a step.

Seeing his beloved shoes being treated as a toy by the two men, and coupled with his great disappointment this morning, the Governor was furious.

"Damn it! You guys have ruined my sincerity! Come on, arrest all of these troublemakers!"

The Governor ordered.

The soldiers dragged the stepmother and sisters down, intending to punish them severely.

"Wait, Governor, we didn't mean to offend you!"

The stepmother panicked.

"Did you remember to greet me, the Governor General of the Demon Tribe? This alone is enough to violate the current diplomatic law of the Protoss Empire. Go to prison and spend this winter!"

Lanci ordered them.

At the critical moment, the gray girl arrived panting.

"Your Excellency the Governor, I am here. I am the girl you have been looking for!"

The gray girl shouted across the guards of the Governor's Mansion.

"Yes, yes, she is also our child, let her try too."

The stepmother quickly said to the Governor.

"I don't want to believe you anymore, and I'm already tired from today."

The Governor covered his forehead and spoke weakly to the noble lady who was talking nonsense.

Just hearing Talia's voice made him feel a dull pain in his head.

The more I thought about it, the angrier I got. Why did he try so hard to save the situation today?
"Give me a chance, Governor!"

The gray girl did not give up and kept shouting.

"That's enough. The person I'm looking for is definitely not someone like you who is reckless and skinny like a refugee! She is very beautiful. She ate all the cakes at the banquet yesterday. She has an ideal and healthy body shape for now. She looks to be around 20 to 25 years old, and has a mature and older charm!"

The Governor pointed at her, who was covered in dust, and scolded her.


Talia's hands suddenly creaked, making a sound of joints moving, and the air around them began to feel cold.

She remembered the lines were roughly this, but not in such detail.

She took off her shoes and made a throwing gesture towards Lanqi.

"It's you...? It's really you!"

The Governor was overjoyed and recognized the Gray Girl immediately.


There was silence below the stage.

His expression changes so quickly.

“Is this the level of a veteran actor?”

“Was the actor scared at that moment?”

"I don't think so. Since the previous scene was changed, it would be reasonable to slightly modify the way of recognizing the gray girl here."


Everyone in the Governor's Mansion stood where they were, looking at the male and female protagonists.

Originally, the gray girl was supposed to try on the magic shoes and make sure they fit perfectly, and then the governor could recognize her.

How did you recognize it so immediately?
Everyone was a little slow, but soon caught up with the crowd's exclamations.

The Governor stepped forward quickly and stood in front of the gray girl.

He took the gray girl's hand affectionately.

"The sky is passing by in a hurry, time is passing by in a hurry, how can I keep you here? When I woke up from my dream last night, I realized that there was nothing beside me. Except for that shoe, I don't know how to find your footprints? Now that you and I meet again, how can I let you leave again?"

After the two finished singing and dancing.

"My lovely girl, I have no appetite, only you in my mind."

The Governor said to the gray girl.

"Yes, me too."

The gray girl's eyes were filled with tears of happiness.

The crowd erupted in deafening cheers and applause.

The minister and the butler also smiled happily. "Good, good! It's really a match made in heaven, a perfect couple!"

The guests all congratulated him.

The stepmother and sisters looked pale and didn't even dare to apologize.

"Gray Girl, no, Madam Governor! We are wrong, please forgive us! We are so blind and heartless!"

She knelt trembling.

"Stepmother, sister, although you have been mean to me for many years, I have never felt any resentment in my heart. Even if you have locked me up, I am willing to share today's joy with you. I hope that in the future, we will have no more complaints."

Gray Girl is tolerant and generous.

The stepmother was moved to tears.

The Governor looked at the gray girl with a smile and admired her even more.

"In any case, you have been charged with illegal detention. You should finish your jail term this winter. A good life starts with the rule of law."

He added.

The atmosphere was warm and touching.

The cheerful finale march played.

The story of "Holy War Romance - Cinderella" has also come to the final scene.

In the Governor's Mansion.

The Governor invited his beloved girl to have breakfast with him and brought her a sumptuous meal.

At the dinner table, the Governor was no longer grim.

He admired the beauty whose mystery was solved, as if he had found a treasure.

"Girl, you are so cute today..."

Lanqi still felt his scalp tingling when he recited this line again after a long time.

"You're so cute that I want to eat you instead of breakfast."


Talia's face started to heat up when she heard this.

The second time she heard Lanqi say this, her heart beat faster than last time, much faster!

Talia took two deep breaths before slowly reciting the heroine's lines:

"Can you wait until I finish breakfast?"

After she finished speaking, she picked up the smooth matcha cheese mochi and put it into her mouth.


Lanqi suddenly raised his hand to cover his mouth.

This time he really couldn't hold it in.

Just as a storm began to surge in Lanqi's heart, Talia's cold eyes moved closer to him, and her light breathing moved closer to him.

She observed Ranchi.

"Does that mean it's okay?"

Lanci maintained an actor's sense of conviction and delivered the line with conviction.

"I've finished eating. What did you just say?"

Talia finished chewing the mochi and looked up to ask.


"Wow, she's amazing. I remember that in previous performances, the heroine always had a transition to this part, which meant she had finished eating. This time, the heroine really ate."

The audience was amazed by today's stage effects.

"How on earth did she manage to finish it so quickly?"

“I’ve heard that Director Abigail is very strict in directing, but I didn’t expect that she would rehearse the actors to this extent in the public version.”

VIP seats.

"I can't come..."

Abigail buried her head and muttered to herself in confusion.

Her script clearly stated that all she needed to do was to give a transition.

But the heroine ate the pastry so fast that she couldn't see clearly.

Where on earth did Xiduo find these two weird actors?


"What I want to say is that I am intoxicated by your cute appearance while eating. Before the memory begins to fade, I want to be by your side forever like a lucid dream."

Lanci stared at Tata's face and finished speaking the lines for the last scene.



Talia's expression was dull, her voice became softer and softer, and her cheeks were bright red.

It's just a Ranchi.

A little Ranchi!

Why did it make her heart beat so fast!
"Governor, when you are looking at me, you don't know that I am in danger."

Talia felt that she had been able to speak well throughout the entire stage play, but at this moment, she was so nervous that she couldn't even control her voice.

"Come, come to my world. I am not afraid. You can end my life or play with my heart."

She shrank her neck, closed her eyes tightly, and spoke in a trembling voice with tears almost overflowing from the corners of her eyes.

After hearing the final dialogue between the Governor and the Gray Girl, the audience in the opera house could no longer sit still. Many of them were so excited that they stood up and clapped their hands.


The city of Nystro.

The evening show in the mansion's living room was almost coming to an end.

Hyperion stared at the screen without saying a word.

"It's getting late, let's go to bed...?"

Shinora asked softly, tentatively.


Antanas dared not speak now.

Because Pranay hasn't come back yet.

She was a little worried that Pranay wouldn't come back tonight and would show up in the car waiting for them at the door tomorrow morning.

The previous performances just gave me a sense of déjà vu.

The last part was exactly the same as what they saw on the second floor of Boss Cat’s restaurant that day.


Sinora and Antanas looked at each other and decided to continue persuading Hyperion to rest today.

"Huprieanne, are you okay?"

The Ice Witch put down the book and asked her with concern.

"I'm actually fine."

Hyperion shook her head.

"My aunt is pure and innocent, and I, Lanqi, am upright. It is impossible for them to get together secretly. I believe they don't need a reason."

She clenched her fists firmly.

The Ice Witch stared at Hyperion for a moment.

She knew Hyperion's sentimental character very well, and sometimes Hyperion was particularly prone to internal conflicts.

"Alas, after all, I am not your real mother. At a time like this, it would be better if Ifatia were here. She could at least comfort you."

The Ice Witch shook her head.

"Uh, Mom...will you be in Brillda?"

Hyperion looked into the distance, wiped her tears, and said hopefully.


The whole audience was boiling with excitement and applause was thunderous.

Golden confetti and colorful petals were flying, and the atmosphere was filled with singing and dancing.

The finale performers took turns to sing.

"True love ultimately triumphs over all, kindness and forgiveness move people's hearts. Hard work eventually pays off, and a humble maid becomes a princess. Persist in hope that dreams will come true, and the magic of love will make your life happy!"

The curtain slowly dropped, the stage dimmed, and the spotlight shone on the happy shadows of the Gray Girl and the Governor.

The music gradually gets louder and the play ends.

The audience applauded for a long time.

At the curtain call, the cast and crew walked onto the stage and bowed to the audience.

Everyone's face was filled with a sense of accomplishment and pride, but at the same time they were sweating.

The talents of these two actors that Director Abigail found temporarily are unquestionable.

But they are too free.

Until this moment, the other actors in the crew couldn't tell whether the male and female protagonists had acted out of place, or whether director Abigail had temporarily changed her strategy, but no one dared to ask.

No matter what.

Their hard work and sweat finally paid off.

I believe that today's public release will also be well received, and its release into public sale is just around the corner.


Corridors inside the opera house, rooms isolated by temporary bans.

Abigail stood behind the door, waiting impatiently for the communication to be connected.

"Can you be more reliable, my Lord Bishop? Where did you find the actors? If we had been a little unlucky today, it would have been a serious stage accident!"

She held up a pink communication card and questioned the other party.


There was a buzzing sound coming from the communication magic card.

"Ah? The actor you're looking for is still stuck on the road?"

Abigail couldn't believe it.

"Who are these two?"

She lost her voice.

(End of this chapter)

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