Do not confiscate my citizenship

Chapter 753: Talia doesn't remember the words at all

Chapter 753: Talia doesn't remember the words at all

More than ten minutes later.

The back of the curtain on the main stage of the Brillda Opera House.

The space was dimly lit, with spare props and decorations piled up in the corners, and only a few small lights emitting faint light.

On the floor covered with fire-proof carpet, several staff members in beige work clothes were hurrying back and forth.

As the sound of the foreground faded, the staff confirmed that the stage was ready using a short-range intercom device, then nodded to the actors.

All of a sudden, the orchestra played the prelude, and the music gradually came through the curtain. A beam of light hit the edge of the curtain, illuminating the steps.

Even backstage, you can hear the sounds from the stage.

"Lan, Lanqi, what should I do?"

At this moment, the male and female protagonists, Lanci and Talia, were dressed up and were flipping through the script without paying attention to the people coming and going around them.

If it helps Abigail.

Perhaps her favorability will become very high, and whether it is to discuss with her alone or the subsequent matters, it will be mostly successful.

But now they all realized how difficult it was to agree to this.

"Just remember as much as you can. Luckily we have read the original novel, and this adaptation is just one chapter."

Lanqi responded without even looking up.

Even though the show has already started.

But it’s not their turn yet.

The story takes place during the Holy War of the Protoss Empire.

First, some historical context.

At the time of the Cinderella story, the holy war had not yet begun, the historical figure Franklin the Great was far from rising, and the current world pattern had not yet been formed.

At that time, the Protoss Empire and the Demon Realm also had diplomatic relations. Because the Protoss Empire was relatively backward and the Demon Realm was extremely developed, in the Protoss Empire at that time, each demon had a lofty status.

The heroine of the story is a human girl, and the hero is the demon governor who was sent to guide the planning and development of this province.

The heroine, Gray Girl, was originally the apple of the eye of a noble family in the Protoss Empire. After her father passed away, she was treated as a servant by her stepmother and sisters, who made things difficult for her in every way.

Although life is hard, she still remains kind and optimistic.

One day, the governor held a grand banquet and invited local nobles from the province to attend and discuss future development matters.

The Gray Girl was qualified to go, but her stepmother and sister laughed at her, forbade her to go and made her do all the housework. The Gray Girl could only hide in a corner and cry sadly.

At this time, the kind-hearted Cupid cat appeared.

It is the most magical cat in the world. It uses cards to turn into a gorgeous carriage, and the pigeons become coachmen and servants. It gives the gray girl a dress and a pair of magic shoes and allows her to attend the party.

But the Gray Girl must come back before the clock strikes midnight, otherwise the magic will fail.

At the banquet, the gray girl and the governor met. At first, the demon governor thought that this stunningly beautiful human woman was just a fool with nothing but beauty, and wanted to tease her. However, in the end, he was confused by the clever gray girl. The governor unexpectedly discovered that this gray-haired girl was a talented woman, and he had a good chat with her without realizing it.

When the clock struck 12, the Gray Girl almost forgot, and in her haste to escape, she accidentally dropped one of her magic shoes. The Governor was at a loss, and he could only find this magic shoe, but it weighed a thousand pounds, and no woman could wear it and walk normally.

The gradually defeated governor decided to search the entire province for the owner of the shoe.

One morning, the stepmother locked the gray girl in the attic. The sister tried the magic shoes but could not move.

With the help of the God of Love Cat, the Gray Girl came before the Governor and put on the magic shoes easily.

So she was taken back to the Governor's Mansion by the Governor, which led to the final scene where the Gray Girl received the Governor's passionate confession of love.

The story is strictly based on the background of the times.

Since the ancient Protoss Empire learned a lot of knowledge from the demon world, and was ruled and built by the demons after its defeat many years later, many demon heritages are preserved in its territory. The indelible demon world style can be seen from the construction of the later imperial capital Helrom.

The Protoss can neither forgive the demons nor separate themselves from their traces, as if it were an eternal entanglement.

But that's all for later.

When the story of "Holy War Romance" begins, there is no war yet, and the demons and the Protoss are still on good terms.

However, if humans and demons at that time accidentally fell in love, what awaited them in the future would be a bumpy road full of snow, wind and thorns...

"I understand the plot, but how should I act it?"

Talia kept looking at the time. Even though she had some of the singing and dancing talents of the Great Love Poet and had mastered all of his skills, her rehearsal was the official performance, and she felt that she didn't have much hope of passing it in one go.

The only good news is that in order to ensure a smooth performance, the heroine will be played by two actors.

The small part of the opening scene, the part before the transformation, and the role of the dusty Gray Girl will be played by another actor, while the subsequent scenes of the Gray Princess acting opposite the Governor and being dressed up gorgeously will all be performed by Talia.

So now Talia has a last bit of time to stay backstage and prepare.

“This line is so hard to remember.”

Lanqi also kept touching his head.

Although he had read the original novel of "Romance of the Holy War", he was just a reader after all, and it was impossible for him to remember all the lines after reading it once.

If there is one part that is really catchy, it’s probably the “confession” at the end of the Cinderella chapter.

"I don't remember it very clearly!"

Talia had never had her head explode before.

And when she thought about the last part of "So cute that I want to eat you up", she felt her cheeks turn red and her heart was about to beat out of control.

The two people were like students who had not reviewed at all before the final exam and were sitting in the examination room with five minutes left, flipping through the script desperately, remembering every word!

On stage at the same time.

Climbing up the stairs, the view suddenly opens up to the magnificent opera hall - three-story golden boxes rise along the walls of the hall.

Thousands of dark velvet chairs inlaid with gold trim were neatly arranged and filled with interested spectators.

The background music on the stage sounded softly, the lights slowly came on, and the spotlight shone on the center of the stage.

The gray girl huddled beside the shabby stove, wearing a maid outfit, her face full of fatigue and despair.

"Oh my God, I'm so sleepy and hungry...but my stepmother won't let me rest, so I have to work very hard...Dad, if you are still alive, why do you let me suffer like this?"

She choked up and said to herself,

"If...if you were still here, it would be great..."

Cinderella sang a sad song and told her unfortunate experience.

"The dead leaves are falling in the cold wind, and I look up at the stars with my tearful eyes. My stepmother's harsh words hurt my heart, but can my father hear them clearly? My sisters are as mean as demons, and the bullying and humiliation are endless. The smoke from the kitchen burns my eyes, and the dust on my face cannot be washed away..."

There was a sudden knock on the door, interrupting Cinderella's singing.

She hurriedly got up and opened the door.

The Governor's demon messenger strode in.

"According to the Governor's order, the Governor's Mansion will hold a grand banquet tonight. All invited persons in the province can attend. The Governor will then select a wife of his choice from the girls of appropriate age."

The demon messenger preached with full energy,
"Alas, if the Governor had not wanted to go against the demon world, he would not have said such angry words and would not have married a human."

After he finished speaking, his expression was no longer dignified and he sighed in an imperceptible voice.

The messenger dropped the invitation and then walked away gracefully.

The gray girl watched him go away, holding the invitation in her hand, overjoyed.

"Thank you, goddess. This is my chance to turn things around. As long as I meet the governor, I will be able to impress him with my knowledge and convince him to help me revive my family."

The gray girl was surprised and delighted.

Then, the stepmother and sister came from the shadows on one side of the stage after hearing the news, strode over, and snatched the invitation from the gray girl's hands aggressively.

"Tsk, is it worth making a fuss over a mere banquet? With your shabby appearance, the Governor will be scared away if he sees you!"

The stepmother sneered disdainfully.

"That's right, how can it be so funny to wear rags to a dance?!"

"Little gray wild cat, just dream on and don't embarrass our family!"

The eldest sister agreed and the younger sister ridiculed.

"Listen to me, stay home tonight and do all the housework for me! If you dare to go to the dance, I will break your legs!"

The stepmother warned fiercely.

After scolding the Gray Girl, the three men walked away from the stage triumphantly.

The spotlight only illuminated the figure of the gray girl in the darkness.


The gray girl looked gloomy and tears were streaming down her face.

She sang in a sad and sorrowful voice. "How many bitter tears have been shed, and all my ambitions have ended. The candle has burned out tonight, and I look haggard in the mirror. How can I, a lowly person, be worthy of meeting the governor? Even if I have a lot of extravagant hopes, it's a pity that I can't spread my wings..."

The gray girl sang while stretching out her hands in vain, as if trying to retain hope, but she was powerless to let them fall.

She collapsed on the ground, crying loudly, with great sadness in her heart.

As night fell, the stepmother and sisters dressed up and set out for the ball.

The gray girl was left alone at home, falling into a deep sleep in the flickering candlelight.

At this point, applause broke out from the audience.

So far so good.

Both the actors' skills and the opera performance were top-notch, making the audience in the performance hall feel that their ticket prices were worth it tonight.

This scene is not over yet.

The gray girl, dressed like a refugee, fell asleep by the stove due to cold and hunger.

Suddenly, a dazzling white light flashed, and the Cat Immortal came slowly. He looked like an orc from the black cat tribe, with a cat's head and a human body, dressed in psychedelic clothes, holding a staff in his hand, and emitting a misty fairy aura.

"Don't cry, child. God sees your kindness. I am the messenger of the God of Love and Will. I will use my magic power to help you."

The cat fairy gently awakened the gray girl leaning against the coal stove, accompanied by fairy music.

"The messenger of the god of love?"

The gray girl woke up from her dream.
"Can you hear the call from the bottom of my heart? Can I...can I really see the person who saved me?"

"Don't worry, kid. As long as you believe in wishes and dreams, everything is possible. Quick, cards and carrier pigeons, come to me!"

The cat fairy smiled kindly, waved his staff, and a golden light flashed.

Countless cards flew in front of it, forming a magnificent carriage like a house of cards. A group of black and white pigeons surrounded its knees and transformed into uniformed housemaids. The gray girl was also tightly obscured by the clouds and mist, and she took the opportunity to run back to the stage.

All that’s left is for the dressed-up Cinderella to appear on stage, making for a perfect replacement and starting the next scene.

"Magic staff, obey my command!"

The cat fairy waved his staff and chanted loudly.

"Cute transformation!"

He finished the spell.

A burst of light.

But when the light mist dissipated, nothing happened and there was no trace of Cinderella on the stage.

There was no movement in the background either.

The Cat Immortal was stunned and looked around.

He quickly waved his staff again, the light mist filled the air again, and the music started.

"The night wind blows gently, the petals scatter, and God of Love, your voice gently washes through the world."

This is a sacred dance dedicated to and imitating the god of love.

The sound of prayers passed through the sky above the square and reached the top of the stage.

"Under your care, fate continues to grow."

The Cat Fairy chanted loudly,
"Cute transformation!"


This time it wasn't just the stage that was quiet.

The audience was also quiet.

"I'm so cute and I transform!"

The Cat Immortal still refused to believe it and jumped around in a big circle with his staff.

Cinderella still didn't show up.

"Change again!"

"Change for me!!"

"Why don't you come out!"


The backstage at this time.

The actors and props team were busy running back and forth.

Occasionally, an extra would pass by and notice the male and female leading actors who were reciting their lines.

"Why aren't you two moving yet?"

"One more look, just one look."

Talia's hands were almost tearing the script.

Theoretically, Talia could go on stage first, and Lanqi could tell her how to recite the lines backstage. However, Lanqi is now in a very difficult situation, and is racing against time to memorize the lines, so it is impossible for him to help Talia.

They all regretted agreeing to Abigail's request just now.

I heard that those actors stayed up all night memorizing their lines and rehearsed for hundreds of hours before they reached the standard for the performance.

They can memorize a few words in these few minutes!


A mansion in the city of Nistro, in the province of Thuringia.

The curtains on the first floor were glowing with a warm light, as if a family gathering was taking place there.

In front of the magic wallpaper screen in the living room.

"Uh, why is the pre-swing so long?"

Hyperion sat on the sofa, eating melon seeds, waiting for the next scene to begin.

"That's right. We need to whet the appetite before the exciting plot. It's good enough that there are no commercials."

Shinora explained to Hyperion.

However, she is still looking forward to the appearance of the male protagonist, the Governor, just in case he is a super handsome guy.

Now she not only pays attention to the handsome guy's face, but also cares about his inner qualities and temperament. Thinking carefully, Lanqi is still unique in this aspect. However, Lanqi is too perfect, so Shinola feels that he is a little unreal and has no hope for him.

“But why do I feel like this guy on the stage is going crazy?”

Antanas said, pointing at the screen.

She saw that the cat fairy had tried all kinds of dances, except for street dance.

"It shouldn't be a performance accident. It's normal for the released version to have special Easter eggs."

The Ice Witch stared at the book in her hands, listening most of the time and occasionally looking up.

Under the promotion of its new executive, the Brillda Opera House attaches importance to media and education promotion, carries out various educational projects, and popularizes the art of opera. The "Global Live" project broadcasts live performances through high-definition films to media terminals and theaters around the world.

The opera house occasionally offers lectures, seminars, behind-the-scenes tours and other activities, attracting audiences of different ages and having a very high social influence.

Hundreds of thousands of visitors come to watch performances every year, and it has become one of the most popular high-end cultural centers in Brillda. Accidents during large-scale performances are unlikely to occur.


Just like that, a while passed.

"I change, change, change, change--!"

The sound that was about to break in front of the stage kept echoing behind the curtain.

"What are you doing?!"

Abigail ran backstage from the audience and saw Talia still lingering there. She got furious and said,
"Auntie, come on stage quickly!!"

Abigail pushed Talia against the curtain.

"Hmm! Lanqi, save me!"

Talia turned around, walked forward, her eyes full of signals for help, and transmitted the message.

She felt that when she got nervous, she couldn't remember a single word.


Lanqi was still memorizing the lines. At least one of them had to remember them.

He believed that no matter what situation he encountered, he could make it work.

(End of this chapter)

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