Do not confiscate my citizenship

Chapter 736 Lanqi's Stress Disorder

Chapter 736 Lanqi's Stress Disorder
The capital of the Cretan Empire.

The Monastery of Saint Cremona on the south side of the city-state of Brildà.

The autumn midday sun shines through the floor-to-ceiling windows of the restaurant, adding a touch of warmth to the plain white walls and dark brown wooden furniture.


Lanqi sat at the dining table, with more dishes in front of him.

From time to time, Talia would bring up another plate, and the aroma filled the restaurant.

"You eat it."

Talia looked at Lanci's reserved look, turned her head and looked at him and said.

"Wait for you."

Lan Qi replied firmly.

In fact, watching Tata eat is more delicious than eating yourself.


Talia didn't know what to say and went to the kitchen again.

Soon, the dishes were ready and brought to the restaurant by Talia.

The main course is a large plate of crispy and golden fried pork chops, with oil oozing out from the crispy skin, served with lemon slices and chopped chives. A small plate next to it is filled with a refreshing and appetizing pickle salad, with a fresh aroma and a slight spicy taste.

On the other side, on the white porcelain plate, there were several baked potatoes with different expressions. They were cut into cute cat head shapes, soft and fluffy, and exuded the aroma of oil and salt after being spread with butter.

Talia brought the last of the course, took off her apron, and sat down across from Lanci.

"Tata, you're so nice meow!"

The cat boss shouted happily. In the small bowl in front of him was his favorite tuna and shrimp salad, garnished with some green seaweed.

Now Tata cooks more diligently than it, and most of the time, Tata is the chef at home.

And she lived up to everyone's expectations and took good care of both Lanqi and the cat boss.

Next is lunch time.

Condensed milk bread and apple cake were still being baked in the kitchen.

But Talia had already taken out three pieces that had been baked and gave them to Lanqi, Boss Cat and herself to try.

The soft cake base is dotted with big pieces of apples and the surface is sprinkled with cinnamon powder and fine sugar, which makes it sweet and delicious when you bite it.

The two people and the cat were chatting about nothing meaningful while having lunch.

The autumn wind occasionally blows in from outside the window, and the golden fallen leaves dance in the courtyard, and all the worries and fatigue are thrown away.

In less than half an hour, lunch was over.

"We agreed that we will go to the stream in the monastery to bask in the sun this afternoon. Sit on a bench and don't think about anything. Just have a good rest."

Talia said to Lanqi as she cleared the plates.

"No problem, no problem."

Lanqi leaned back in his chair and agreed honestly.

Talia would strictly supervise him in making cards when she was his teacher, but would also urge him to rest when his work was too heavy.

As time went by, he almost forgot how Talia looked when she first sat next to him and watched him make cards in the Nanwantina Territory.

But you should really slow down your nerves.

Lanqi pinched his eyebrows and felt the drowsiness from his Saturday nap coming back to him.

Ding dong.

The doorbell rang, interrupting Lanqi's afternoon plans and making him much more sober.

He looked towards the door, where Talia had just brought him a slice of apple cake, and then he looked towards the entrance.

"You go and see."

Lanqi and Talia looked at each other, and Talia disappeared from the spot for the time being.

"No appointment is scheduled for today."

Lanqi was a little confused and wondered who would visit at this time.

The principal's secretary Naira was very considerate and helped him keep his residence confidential.

With a hint of curiosity, Lanqi walked to the entrance and opened the door of the mansion.

The bright autumn sunshine shines on the stone road in front of the door, giving visitors a soft golden edge.

Lanqi's eyes fell on the girl outside the door, his expression slightly surprised.

The person who came was none other than Elsa Wassington, the younger sister of his current identity Landry Wassington.

Her long black hair was draped over her shoulders. Today she was wearing a casual beige shirt and a gray-blue pleated skirt, and she looked well-dressed.

"elder brother."

Elsa greeted him with a smile, her tone a little timid, but her eyes were still friendly.

"I haven't seen you for a few days, although... I did see you in class."

"Elsa, what a surprise."

Lanqi smiled back and motioned for her to come in.

"Come in and sit down. There are some afternoon desserts."

"No thanks, brother."

Elsa waved her hand and politely declined.
"I just have a little thing to tell you. There's no need to go in and disturb your rest."

"That's it."

Lanqi was a little surprised, but still respected Elsa's wishes, leaned against the door frame, and said gently,
"Then tell me, is there anything you need my help with?"


Elsa lowered her forehead, twisting the hem of her skirt with her slender fingers, as if she was considering her words.

After a moment, she raised her eyes.

"I want to go to the Pantheon in the afternoon, and then there's a performance at the Imperial Opera House in the evening. Ursula and I have an appointment to go see it together."

Elsa took out two tickets for the play, placed them horizontally in front of her and showed them to her brother.

It is said to be adapted from "The Romance of the Holy War" written by the playwright Theodore Arendelle from the southern coast of the Northern Continent.

Her violet eyes held unspeakable words.

Lanqi glanced at the tickets and roughly understood what Elsa meant. She probably wanted to go and see it alone.

Ursula, the daughter of Marquis Roland, seems to have a very good relationship with Elsa. They can often be seen talking after class. Lanqi feels relieved to see that Elsa has friends.

Lanqi suddenly realized the problem and stared at the theater information on the ticket stub.

"Wait, Theodore Arendelle?"

Lanqi had a stress disorder when he saw the title of the play.

Isn't "Romance of the Holy War" the book that Talia put a knife to his neck and asked him to read?

He was not sure whether the line "so cute that I want to eat you up" would appear during the performance, and whether he would be able to sit still in the audience if he really saw this scene performed.

This is not the point yet.

He saw a familiar name -

Back in the Protos Empire in the northern continent, he and Associate Professor Sido spent a lot of time together at school, and the reason why he was able to force Duke Morodian into a dead end when he faced him at the Capitol of the Protos Empire was indispensable to the evidence that Associate Professor Sido Arendelle left for the military.

"Yes, brother, have you read Mr. Xiduo's book?"

Elsa asked curiously.

The Protoss Royal School of Magic is one of the top overseas institutions recognized by the Ministry of Education and Study Abroad of the Kremlin Empire.

The writer Xiduo is a historian who travels frequently between the northern and southern continents. He has the status of a professor at a regular overseas university and also has a permanent residence permit in the Kremer Empire.

"I have read it."

Lanqi replied, his voice a little difficult.

He literally "read it".

At that time, Associate Professor Xiduo was targeted by Duke Morodian and disappeared. In the end, Duke Morodian was arrested and Xiduo never appeared again. It turned out that Xiduo had crossed the sea to the southern continent. No wonder Duke Morodian couldn't find him.

Lanqi thought to himself.

"Then can we go together today? Ursula gave me extra tickets."

Elsa's purple eyes lit up instantly, and she mustered up the courage to speak. If my brother is a fan of the original novel, he would probably be interested in this adapted play.

"Sorry... I may have to take care of some work."

Lanqi hesitated slightly, but still shook his head with a hint of apology.

This is the truth.

He also wanted to avoid being alone with Elsa.

As long as she accidentally talked about the past, if Talia couldn't read her mind, she would be exposed.


Elsa didn't show any disappointment, she just nodded obediently and replied.

Even so, when Lanqi saw her lower her head and her eyes seemed to dim, he felt guilty.

Even if Elsa was a little more willful or a little more disappointed, she just cared about others more than herself.

"Then I'll go first. We'll talk again when you're done with your work, brother."

Elsa quickly regained her cheerfulness, as if she didn't want her brother to think too much, so she took a half step back and said to him with a smile.


Lanqi nodded and shook his hand at Elsa, saying goodbye to her.

But after thinking about it, he still hesitated.

"If you leave the monastery, take the cat with you."

Lanqi bent down at the entrance, pulled the cat boss out from the shadows, and handed it to Elsa outside the door.

Since the little gray cat has been around, the role of the little black cat has been greatly reduced.

"Who is the little gray cat?"

A cold voice sounded in Lanqi's heart.

"A guy who always likes to run around me, can cook and do housework, and drools when he sees food, and he's a bit heavy..."

Before Lanqi could finish his words, Talia grabbed his heart, choking his voice and making him unable to continue.

"Brother, what's wrong with you?"

Elsa looked at the black-haired, blue-eyed young man in front of her with concern, who seemed to be in a strange condition.

He seemed to be having trouble breathing for a moment, but he recovered after a while and his breathing became smooth again.

"It's okay. I've been a little too tired lately and my heart is a little uncomfortable."

Lanqi shook his head and dealt with the girl in front of him.

"You deserve to die, Lanqi!"

When Talia thought about how Lanqi secretly sensed her weight every time, she felt like dying with Lanqi.

After all, she is 168cm tall and weighs 53kg, which is considered very slim, not heavy at all!

"So Tata, you already weigh 53 kilograms..."

Lanqi was surprised to realize that he remembered that the last time he fed her in the Person Kingdom, it was still 52.6.

"Ahh! Go to hell!"

Talia didn't know why this man always paid attention to this, and she was going crazy.

Lanqi was arguing with Talia in his mind, but his expression had returned to normal.

"Brother, you should take some time to rest. It's not good to work too hard."

Elsa was relieved to see that her brother was fine.

Then she looked at the cute little black cat with surprise. She originally thought that her brother would not let anyone touch this cat.

The fifth-level contracted beast is much stronger than her second-level one.

Her brother gave her this fighting cat, obviously out of concern for her safety outside school.

"What's it called?"

Elsa asked her brother as she reached out and gently stroked the little black cat's back.

Even though she knew the cat was of a much higher rank than her, Elsa still didn't feel the slightest bit of fear, it was as harmless as a house cat.

"Little black bread."

Lanci replied.


Boss Cat yelled angrily.

You are the bread, your whole family is the bread!

It was about to retort, but then it remembered that it really needed an alias in the Kremlin Empire, so it held back.

If it rejected the name, Ranch might come up with a worse one.

Thinking about it this way, Boss Cat felt that the little black bread was not bad.

"I'll leave it to you."

Lanqi winked at the cat boss.

Suddenly, Boss Cat understood Lanqi's intention.

Who would be wary of a little black cat like this?

Elsa only loves it because it is her brother's cat.

Maybe Elsa will tell it all her inner thoughts later, including her memories with her brother.

This time, we sent Captain Cat to gather intelligence!
What it needs to do is to talk to Elsa naturally and listen to Elsa tell about her past with her brother!

Thinking about it this way, I feel that Lanqi is so hateful...

Completely taking advantage of girls' minds.

"Oh, take this."

Lanqi hooked his finger at the cat boss, called the cat boss back to his side, and handed it a rare purple magic card.

[Transmutation: Human]

[Category: Spell Card]

[Grade: Purple Rare]

[Attribute: Hidden]

[Level: 2]

[Effect: After use, the race can be changed to human, and the true attributes and appearance characteristics of the person will not be changed. The cooling time is 24 hours.]

【Note: Classic remake. 】


The floating cat boss looked at this familiar translucent purple card.

It has an unknown fear about changing its own form. It is afraid that it will fall if it walks on two feet, and it feels weird if it turns into a human.

So even though he knew Lanqi had countless copies of [Transformation: Human], he never asked him for them.

"Don't change unless you have no other choice, because I registered you as a contracted beast for the Saint Cremon Monastery staff. If someone finds out your rank, it will be very troublesome to explain."

Lanqi whispered into the cat boss's ear.

The cat boss in cat form is too harmless, not wild at all, just the docility of a domestic cat. Unless an eighth-level magic is used, or it is locked by extremely strong identification magic, others cannot detect its true rank.

But if it is in human form, as long as it uses its eighth-level telekinesis, it will make people of the same race feel an instinctive fear of superiority, and even if the strength of its magic power is not high, it will still show its domineering nature.

When necessary, it can transform into a human to scare the enemy.


Boss Cat understood and put away [Transformation: Human].

Although the security in Brillda is quite good during the day, since there are still terrorist organizations like the Silver Moon Reformation that can succeed in assassinating imperial dignitaries, it means that there is still danger.

It has been with Lanqi for so long that it can be considered a master at bluffing. It knows how to bluff.

"Don't worry, meow. I'm here, so you don't need to worry or take action. If anyone dares to provoke me, I will end his life! Legendary cards have been configured with one click."

The cat boss tilted his head and wagged his tail, telling Lanqi and Elsa confidently.

(End of this chapter)

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