Do not confiscate my citizenship

Chapter 730 Lan Qi starts the fiancée matching mode

Chapter 730 Lan Qi starts the fiancée matching mode

On the top floor of the Imperial Special Operations Office, there is a circular floor-to-ceiling glass atrium office.

"Mr. Dax, I will never waver in my future work. I will unite closely around the Imperial Special Operations Division with you as the core. I will obey the orders and prohibitions and remain unswervingly determined."

Lanci promised.

"Neither arrogant nor impetuous, steady and steady."

Dax listened with interest and spoke highly of this young and promising magic engineer.
"It's really reassuring to talk about work with you. I have to say that you and my student Nicholas are very similar in this respect. You two should also become good friends."

Duke Dax praised happily.

The two discussed the development of the empire, Landry's research prospects, and personal aspirations.

Nicholas the Kestrel listened, his expression becoming a little weird.

He didn't know whether Director Dax was praising people or hurting them.

He actually knew what many people in the empire called him. For example, Naira, the secretary to the principal of St. Creation's Monastery, the woman with prosthetic limbs and eyes, almost shouted the words "Eagle Dog" in front of him.

"Although some people in the empire currently have objections to your research results, I hope you will not be affected."

Dax looked at Lanqi meaningfully,

"Leave it to me to settle those noble nobles who are holding you back. As long as you can contribute to the empire, I will pave the way for you. I don't care about your political stance, your true thoughts, or your private life."

At this moment, his eyes seemed to be able to see many essences through phenomena.

But he won't always doubt Landry like Nicholas did.

A smart boss will pretend to be stupid. This is also a kind of trust in hiring people and not using others in doubt.

"I will do my best."

Lan Qi replied firmly.

He was right in guessing that there would be resistance within the empire.

In addition to some conservative people who are afraid of changes in the world, there must also be vampires who are afraid that humans will have sudden and uncontrollable power.

Duke Dax has always been a super radical. He will do anything that is beneficial to the empire at all costs, which is why he can sit in this position.

The two of them almost finished talking.

When parting, Dax patted Ranchi on the shoulder and watched him leave accompanied by Nicholas the Kestrel.

Ranchi and Nicholas Kestrel walked side by side in the corridor on the top floor of the Imperial Special Operations Building, heading towards the elevator.

"Your mental state really makes me feel more and more like you are an agent, but not like one. Duke Dax invited you to have afternoon tea, and you were really full."

Nicholas the Kestrel lamented Lan Qi's mentality.

This kind of psychological quality is not like that of ordinary people. There is something wrong in being so calm and composed no matter who he meets.

But he seemed a bit greedy and ate all the snacks sent by the royal family.


Lan Qi could only laugh naively.

In fact, it was Thalia who saw the snacks and asked to have a taste.

Sensing Thalia's greedy look, Lan Qi really couldn't bear it, so he agreed to give her his body so that she could taste the special afternoon tea served by the royal family of the Creation Empire.

As a result, Talia used Lan Qi's body to finish a mouthful of snacks. Knowing the taste, she became even more greedy. The sound of her swallowing saliva echoed in Lan Qi's ears from time to time.

He finally relented and kept compromising to her again and again, letting her have another piece, until there was no more food left on the coffee table and she had eaten it all.

At this point, Thalia was finally satisfied.

Lan Qi now felt that he didn't need to eat lunch and his stomach was full. Thalia had already helped him eat.

"How great. You have improved your work efficiency and I have enjoyed the delicious food. Why don't you leave the eating to me as much as possible in the future and I will help you fill your stomach."

Thalia suggested in Lanci's mind.

"No, it's too weird. Every time you finish eating with my body, there is still a little taste of food left in my mouth, like leftover food. Do you know this feeling? It's like chewing wine. …”

Lan Qi spoke to her speechlessly.

"Stop talking!"

Talia interrupted Lan Qi's words. She originally thought it was okay to eat Lan Qi's body, but when he said this, she almost blushed.

Only now did she realize how Lan Qi felt every time after chewing the food and giving control of her body back to Lan Qi!
Lan Qi and Nicholas the Kestrel took the helicopter to the first floor.

Go through the levels.

Once again, we returned to the bustling lobby of the main building of the Imperial Special Operations Department.

The clear blue sky outside is unobstructed.

Stepping out of the door, you will see the magnificent steps. The wide steps extend to the end of the square. Lan Qi slowly walked down the steps, followed closely by Nicholas the Kestrel.

"How about it, Professor Landry, our Imperial Special Operations Division."

Kestrel Nicholas returned the interview.

"I am very satisfied. I am deeply encouraged by Duke Dax's words. I will work harder to live up to his expectations."

Lanci replied.

"Then I'll ask my subordinates to take you back. I still have official duties to attend to, so I won't accompany Professor Landry back to school."

Nicholas the Kestrel nodded.

He would then send Landry back to St. Creation's Monastery, and then back to the Imperial Special Operations Office.

"no problem."

Then, a brand new magic vehicle stopped in front of the two of them. Nicholas opened the door for Ranchi. Ranchi gave a slight greeting to Nicholas and got into the car.

The door closed, the magic vehicle started smoothly, and soon disappeared into the streets of Brilda city center, blending into the constant flow of traffic.

In the car, the non-commissioned officer from the Countermeasures Section sitting in the driver's seat in the front did not dare to talk to the professor in the back without permission.

For now, the other party is considered his superior.

Kestrel Nicholas also warned him not to say anything to Professor Landry under any circumstances except polite words.

Lan Qi sat in the back row and didn't care, looking out the window quietly to pass the time.

He had a lot to think about.

His fiancée was really a problem that he never expected.

Fortunately, there is no rush.

It doesn't mean that Landry's beloved will come from the border right away, but there will be a period of preparation.

First of all, the journey is long, and secondly, the engagement is not a trivial matter. The fiancée's affairs on the northwest border in Nickassonde must be settled before she can settle in the capital.

According to Duke Dex's overt and covert revelations and Lan Qi's inference, the plan will be implemented in early November at the earliest.

Therefore, it is best to have his fiancée in place by the end of this month. At the same time, Landry needs to show his correct beliefs in the empire in the near future, make more achievements, and get more recommendations. By then, he will hopefully be able to make up for his shortcomings in qualifications. was chosen to lead the project.

Unconsciously, the magic energy vehicle slowly stopped on the street opposite a building inside St. Creation's Monastery.

The driver's sergeant got out of the car first and went around to the other side to open the door for Lan Qi.

Lan Qi thanked the sergeant for his courtesy and stepped onto the stone path of the monastery illuminated by the afternoon sun.

Although Nicholas did not follow him, his every move in a short period of time is likely to be under the surveillance of this agent.

Only in the monastery of St. Cregen did Nicholas the Kestrel and his men not see him so easily.

In order not to expose any flaws, Lanci went directly to his office, the Spert Building located in the east of St. Creation's Monastery.

This building is obviously much older and was built decades ago, but the interior has been renovated several times and still looks comfortable. The lower floors are now used for small tutoring classes, and starting from the seventh floor are more Office area.

Lan Qi walked up to the eighth floor and came to his office.

The green campus scenery can be seen outside the window, and a comfortable breeze blows in from time to time.

"No matter where you are, you must work hard."

Lan Qi only relaxed his eyes for a moment, then sat down at his desk and began to deal with the pile of letters and handouts.

In this tranquility, Lan Qi soon immersed himself in busy teaching and research work.

In the afternoon, several professors visited one after another and had in-depth discussions with Lanqi on academic issues.

Several professors from the School of Magical Engineering have already made appointments with Lanci. They are all experts in a certain field. If the plan mentioned by Duke Dax comes true, professors from the School of Magical Engineering of St. Clement Monastery and even other departments may also be selected to become members.

They sat around the sofa, regardless of age, and from time to time wandered between the seats and the small whiteboard in the office, discussing the feasibility of the theory.

It wasn't until the sun set in the west and the sky gradually turned red that the professors ended the brainstorming with Lan Qi sending them away one by one.

After bidding farewell to the professors, Lan Qi organized some documents, locked the door of his office, and walked out of the Spert Building.

Taking a deep breath of the fragrant autumn air, he seemed to relax.

Lan Qi walked aimlessly to an outdoor coffee shop in the outer area of ​​St. Creation's Monastery, sat down outside the shop, and ordered a cup of mint tea.

The afterglow of the setting sun, the maple trees in the distance, and the wooden table in front of Lan Qi reflected similar colors.

The evening breeze is mixed with the fragrance of the earth and the clearness of the stream. In the distance, the St. Creation Monastery is dyed in the woods, and the beautiful scenery of autumn is panoramic.

Lan Qi leaned back in his chair, sipped mint tea, and took out his work diary again, like a professor aimlessly enjoying his leisure time but unable to let go of research.

Dusk is getting darker.

There are only a few customers in the coffee shop, most of them are faculty and staff of the monastery, who come to take a break and enjoy a moment of tranquility.

As dinner time approached, many people had dispersed, leaving only a few guests strolling in the garden or chatting in low voices.

Just when Lan Qi seemed to be immersed in his own thoughts, a woman in a black dress quietly came to the table behind him and sat down.

She has a beautiful figure, and her black hair is spread behind her shoulders, glowing softly in the sunset.

The arrival of the woman did not seem to alarm Lan Qi. He still sat there quietly, staring at the work diary in his hand.

But at this moment, the surroundings seemed to be silent.

Whether it was the sound of the autumn wind, the sound of the stream, or the slight crisp sound of the coffee shop, they all disappeared in Lan Qi's ears. The invisible small soundproof barrier quietly unfolded, blocking all the surrounding noise, leaving only Lan Qi and the woman behind him.

Lan Qi did nothing. The soundproof barrier was triggered by the magic device carried by the other party.

"You finally came."

Lan Qi didn't move his mouth. He was already wearing the thought ring made by Professor Borao for the poet of great love.

He picked up the glass and took a sip, seemingly not surprised by the arrival of the woman in black dress.

"I thought you would be more cautious, Professor Landry Wassington."

The woman in black skirt said coldly.

"This location is quite safe. Doesn't it mean that you are willing to show up?"

Lan Qi didn't look back at him, but the voice was all too familiar to him.

It was Unity, the female Allied spy she met on the Brilda train that day.

She was wearing a white porcelain mask that day, and even if she wasn't wearing a mask today, her appearance must have been disguised.


Unity, who was wearing a black dress, remained silent for the time being.

She picked up the coffee cup.

The other party obviously guessed that she was looking for him, so he deliberately waited for her here. This feeling that everything was expected made her particularly uncomfortable.

She really wanted to find this guy as soon as possible, because according to the intelligence of her colleagues, this guy pretending to be a professor had already done something terrible in the empire.

It was confirmed that the other person had been to the Empire's Special Operations Office today, and Unity confirmed that this guy was the Empire's eagle dog, the number one eagle dog among the eagle dogs.

Even if he interacts with the Allies for unknown purposes, there is no doubt about his evil nature.

When she was thinking.

"When you go to check out later, pay attention to the coffee cups sold in the store. I will hide an invisible video crystal inside. You can find it by sensing the magic at close range. Buy it with the coffee cup. ”

Lan Qi suddenly spoke, letting Unity behind him hear his words.

"……what is inside?"

Unity remained calm, but her voice was filled with suspicion.

She doesn't need to use magic props. As a well-trained agent, she is good at ventriloquism.

"What you want, the results of my research."

Lan Qi told her bluntly.

"Why did you give these to me?"

Unity couldn't figure it out for a while.

While she was still thinking about how to reach a deal with this man, the other party had already proposed to give her what she wanted?

Completing the task too easily made her feel uneasy.

"Because this power cannot be possessed by the empire alone."

Lan Qi replied briefly.

It was difficult for him to explain the concept of "balance of terror" in a few sentences.

Often people don’t understand until the world actually changes.

"Then I'll accept it."

Unity didn't hesitate. She walked around the cafe first, found the coffee cup Landry was talking about, and bought it to prevent other customers from taking it away during this conversation. Bought.


Without the Allies as competitors, the Empire would not have realized the urgency and paid more attention to Landry.

This guy's ambition is truly terrifying. For the sake of his own status and power, he is actually willing to sell out the empire.

Unity settled the bill very naturally, and when she was about to leave, she heard Landry's voice again.

"Do me a favor."

Lan Qi's speech made Unity return to the seat behind Lan Qi and sit down again.


Unity asked with a stern expression, her back to him.

Professor Landry's research is still in its infancy. If she wants to successfully obtain research-related information, she needs to cooperate with him for a long time. If the other party needs it, she will have to provide bargaining chips accordingly.

"I need a fiancée. She must be from the northwest border of Nickassonde. It is best to have a smart allied spy who can play this identity well. If you are not worried, I will just use the identity."

Lanci said.


This immediately caused Unity to remain silent for ten seconds.

She was analyzing whether this man really had a mission or was just lustful.

This imperial bureaucracy disgusted her even more.

After all, according to the opponent's strong strength, if they really live in the same house, it will be difficult to ensure the safety of their fellow allies.

The woman in black dress tapped her fingers on the table, as if she was still thinking about it.

Lan Qi did not look back at her. At this time, no matter who they were, they were strangers with no communication.

The sun has set half a minute further in the west.

at last.

"I don't guarantee success, and even if you have an identity, I still need the consent of the other party, but I will try my best to help you find a suitable identity, and you must maintain your identity as Landry and continue to cooperate with me."

Unity said in a deep voice, and then she stood up and left.

As a matter of principle, she would never cooperate with anyone from the Imperial Special Operations Division.

But compared to the cruel front line, espionage is also a battlefield where countless lives are shouldered, and she has to make trade-offs on some things.

A piece of information, in one hour, may determine the fate of a division.

Nowadays, the war situation on the front line makes it difficult for her to sleep and eat well every day. Even her nightmares are about her hometown being engulfed by the flames of war, which wakes her up soaked in cold sweat.

Even a careless sleep talk could reveal her identity and kill an entire line of colleagues.

She didn't know when she would die, or whether she would die without any bones left. She was only afraid that she would die worthless.

The intelligence in the mind of the careerist behind him is irreplaceable. Collecting his information from other channels is equally risky, or even higher. It is not certain how complete the information can be obtained through multiple channels. It is undoubtedly risky to seek information directly from him. It’s already a dream option.

After a long time.

Outdoor seating at the outdoor cafe.

"...I seem to have been misunderstood a bit."

Lan Qi felt relieved that the Allied spies were gone, and thought bitterly.

With Unity's reply, he had achieved his goal.

Now he is gradually no longer entangled in Unity's suspicion.

If everyone thinks of him as the Imperial Eagle Dog, it will actually be a recognition of his acting skills.

If you can even deceive your own people, it will be no problem to deceive your enemies.

He will bear all the misunderstandings and bear them.

"Is it possible that you have been misunderstood? A large part of it is your own responsibility."

Thalia felt that Unity was really not to blame.

If she were Unity, it would be hard for her to believe that Lan Qi was on the Allied side. He was so dedicated in his performance.

"It's impossible. There must be a loneliness carved behind the glory. This is how Dean Loren survived."

Lanci immediately denied it.

"Do you want to ask Loren? Why was he questioned in the first place?"

Thalia almost laughed angrily.

She now had to admit that Loren was really an honest and loyal person. What kind of saint could he be so gentle to Lan Qi all the time?

"I came out of the Darkest Solar Eclipse Demon Realm of the Seventh Level Shadow World and actually asked him. He just smiled and didn't say anything. This shows that he thought the same as me."

Lan Qi replied confidently.


Thalia choked.

It seems that Loren really has no objection.

"Call it off and go home."

Lan Qi put away his work diary and pushed the chair back under the iron table.

The comrades on Poson's side obviously did not have as large a spy agency as the Allied spies represented by the Kingdom of Canberra. It would take time to contact Poson's spies. The only way to find a fiancée was to give priority to Unity.

As long as the Allies can figure out the identity, whether they come directly or let Talia disguise themselves, everything will be smooth sailing.

Although this old man may not be able to play a fiancée of his age, but all the flaws mean there are no flaws. The performance of Talia's own foodie characteristics will not easily be questioned.


Thalia felt that Lan Qi was becoming more and more presumptuous.

"Traitor, I may not be willing to be your fiancée yet."

She muttered in her mind.

(End of this chapter)

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