Do not confiscate my citizenship

Chapter 73 Mr. Lankey's Important Sermon

Chapter 73 Mr. Lankey's Important Speech

In the middle of the night, the giant screen on the Gela Memorial Square emits bursts of turbulent light, sometimes shining and sometimes dim, like a lonely lighthouse silently guiding the direction in the dark.

On the stone steps facing the giant outdoor screen.

Talia was wearing a comfortable white dress, fresh and natural, like a bright color in the middle of the night, quietly walked to the edge of the square.

The field of vision here is wide, and the entire giant screen can be seen completely.

She lightly lifted the skirt behind her back, sat on the steps of the square covered with stone steps, and looked at the huge open-air screen.

Then she gradually frowned.

——On the screen.

It is a classical and deep conference room, with the towering dome of the murals of the demon world, the purple-like enchantment statues on the dark stone walls, and every detail shows the identity of the demon who can enter this conference room.

Lan Qi sat on the main seat at the front, with a teacup in front of him. While he was talking, he tapped the table twice from time to time.

The rest of the seats seemed to be full of demons from this Purgatory Corridor Academy.

Everyone is dressed in extraordinary clothes, and they look more gorgeous and solemn under the light of the chandelier in the conference room.

They were all watching Lan Qi seriously at the moment, answering Lan Qi's sharp questions from time to time, with a respectful attitude and did not dare to refute.

At this moment, Lan Qi no longer wore a school uniform jacket, he changed into a retro suit, and the name tag standing in front of the table was impressively written with a few characters from the devil world——

acting principal.


On the square of Icarite Academy, Talia frowned tightly, then rubbed her eyes and looked at the screen again.

Still nothing wrong.

Talia: "???"

Didn't she just walk away for a few hours, she wondered?

Why did this guy turn from a student into a principal? !

In the conference room on the top floor of Purgatory Corridor Academy.

The atmosphere in the conference room was tense, but full of respect and anticipation.

All the school leaders sat together in a uniform order, quietly listening to Lan Qi's opinions.

Lan Qi sat on the main seat, took a sip of tea, then put it back on the table, began to look around, and delivered a speech.

He first praised the achievements of Purgatory Corridor College in terms of teaching quality and campus culture construction. At the same time, he also reminded the school leaders of the importance and sense of responsibility of education.

Lan Qi then put forward several ideas on the education reform of Devil Academy, including promoting educational fairness, improving teaching quality, and emphasizing the construction of teachers.

He emphasized that education is the foundation of the devil world and the cradle of the future pillars of the devil world. Every educator present here shoulders the important task of cultivating new stars in the devil world.

"I hope that we can work together to make education fair, high-quality, and modern. We should also pay attention to and improve the professionalism of teachers. At the same time, we must pay attention to the all-round development of every student and stimulate their potential..."

Just as Lan Qi was directing the school's future development strategy, the door of the conference room was pushed open.

It was the vice principal who came in. He closed the door of the conference room, returned to the seat next to Lan Qi, and said to Lan Qi:

"Master Special Commissioner, the new regulations of the college have been promulgated and implemented according to your request. In addition, the blood messenger and the inspector of the Demon Realm Supervision Office have arrived in Purgatory City, and are expected to arrive at the college within an hour."

"it is good."

Lankey nodded.

When Professor Mogut brought him to the conference room earlier, he had seen the vice-principal.

It can only be said that Professor Mogut's overly confident attitude towards him saved a lot of trouble.

And when Professor Mogut entered the vice-principal's office alone, he seemed to have told the vice-principal about Lan Qi's performance in the painting classroom.

So much so that after the vice principal invited Lan Qi into the office, he just saw Lan Qi's black jade seal and respected Lan Qi.

Immediately afterwards, the college held emergency high-level meetings one after another, and the vice-principal personally carried out what Lan Qi said was "necessary to deal with the blood messenger".

"Now that the vice-principal is back, let's talk about the most important blood race issue right now."

Lan Qi glanced at the vice-principal, then at the other high-level officials, and asked:
"Actually, I don't think the problem this time is with the blood race, but that you have to think about your own problems. If Lord Demon King can protect you once, what if there is a next time? Can you protect you back?"

For a long time, no one in the conference room dared to answer.

They all knew that the honorable devil king's cronies were here to deal with the mess for them, and it was normal to be scolded, even his words were already very polite.

Hubrian stood behind Lan Qi, like his secretary, she had mixed emotions in her heart now, she didn't know why she suddenly became like this, she could only try her best to keep her expression from changing.

Lan Qi in front of her was leaning on the back of the chair, with his hands on the table, and asked all the school leaders in the conference room.

Hubrian didn't even know how Lan Qi had the guts to sit here so calmly and calmly reprimand a group of high-level demons alone!
He seemed to really regard himself as a real commissioner.

Fitted in perfectly with the school again.

"But this time, it can't be said to be your fault. The transformation technology of the empire has indeed exceeded our expectations. In addition, the blood race doesn't think much of us."

Lan Qi sighed, his tone softened half a point,
"This time I came to your school for inspection, I experienced a little bit of life as a student, generally speaking, it is still unforgettable for me. I will truthfully feedback the good experience I got to Mr. Demon King, after all, the investigation and investigation is also my purpose this time. One of the contents of the job."

After Lan Qi finished speaking, all the professors seemed to breathe a sigh of relief.

Fortunately, they have been strictly abiding by the rules during this time, and did not do anything unfair to annoy the special commissioner.

And even though the special commissioner spoke harshly, he did not hide his optimism for the school from beginning to end, but his meaning was very clear—the school would definitely be preserved.

"In short, in order to prevent such accidents and hidden dangers from happening again in the future, after I help you safely send away this blood messenger, you need to cooperate with my work, actively rectify, optimize the selection mechanism, and prevent aliens with evil intentions from mixing into our school. !Do you understand?"

Lan Qi's voice is sonorous and full of confidence.

Just the sense of responsibility and mission that was about to overflow made other college leaders unable to doubt his feelings for this school, only this enthusiasm could not be fake.

And more importantly, he has the ability to convince them.

In the eyes of this special commissioner, the blood messenger is not a trouble at all!
"Sure, please rest assured."

The vice-principal took the lead in assuring Lan Qi sincerely.

After listening to Lan Qi's strategy for dealing with blood messengers in the office, the vice principal is now absolutely convinced that this special envoy of the devil king with terrifying talents is the only demon with great wisdom who can save them!
 Sorry for being a little late, there is a small problem in the background, tomorrow will be at least four more, I will finish writing and posting the main plot of Demon Academy in one go, I guess it will be a bit late tomorrow, but at the latest ten o'clock in the evening Will post before order!
(End of this chapter)

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