Do not confiscate my citizenship

Chapter 728 Lan Qi’s Promotion

Chapter 728 Lan Qi’s Promotion

The time of a class is fleeting.

Outside the classroom, in the bright black and white checkered marble corridor, golden particles float leisurely in the air.

As a sound of bells rang over the central building complex of St. Creation's Monastery, it marked the end of Ranchi's class today.

Even so, no students left the classroom, and some students who were eager for knowledge gathered at the desk and asked him questions.

It wasn't until a long time passed that the students with doubts initially understood the problem and no longer surrounded him. He quietly closed the lecture notes, carefully placed the heavy ancient books on the sandalwood podium, and greeted the students in the audience. With a friendly and sincere smile, he said goodbye and strode out of the classroom.

It was almost noon, and the Eliot Building was already bustling with people.

Groups of students held heavy book-shaped magic devices, chatting and laughing in the corridors. The laughter echoed in the empty corridors, and the aroma from the restaurant on the lower floor of Elliot Building was faintly heard.

Lan Qi walked alone in the corridor beside classroom 4-43, and the echo of his footsteps was swallowed up between the stone walls.

"The students at St. Creation's Monastery really have some unique ideas. Some of them really stopped me."

The sharp questions raised by the students in class just now are still lingering in his mind, and those opinions are worthy of his careful consideration. Sometimes Lanqi has to discuss it with Talia in his mind before making a decision. answer.

Fortunately, Thalia's eight-hundred-year-old knowledge base is not built up. It's really...

So beautiful and so powerful.

Lan Qi was halfway through his thoughts when he felt his heart being grasped by an invisible hand, so he sighed.

"Professor Landry! Please wait!"

Suddenly, there was a rush of footsteps and a young man's clear shout from behind, interrupting Lan Qi's thoughts in the corridor.

Lan Qi suddenly stopped and looked back, paused his confrontation with the spirit behind him, and returned his attention to the students of St. Creation's Monastery.

A few anxious-looking students quickly caught up with him regardless of their image, their eyes sparkling with a desire for knowledge and admiration for him.

The leading student spoke breathlessly, his excitement barely concealed in his voice.

"Professor, the new energy theory you explained in class today is really amazing, especially your idea of ​​using the principle of oscillation and resonance of living magic to improve energy conversion efficiency. It is simply a genius inspiration! But I still have some ideas about this. Doubts, I wonder if you can see if our idea is feasible.”

As he spoke, he took out pages filled with notes and his own deduction formulas.

"That's right, Professor Landry."

Another young man with blond hair and blue eyes said immediately,
"I think it can not only be developed in the direction of new energy, but also in the direction of humanitarian torture instruments. In the future, the labor reform of criminals can be directly transformed into a one-click sweep. There is no need to worry about them being lazy. It is coercive, efficient, pure, and It can reduce the workload of prison guards and the difficulty of supervision.”

The students spoke to each other excitedly, scrambling to make inferences to Lan Qi, their eyes full of eagerness and enthusiasm for knowledge.

"Why are they like this?"

Thalia asked with confusion in Lanci's mind.

She suddenly recalled that Lan Qi only spent half of the class talking about magic engineering, and the remaining half of the time was talking about ethics, religion, and philosophy.

The more some students in the classroom listen, the more uncomfortable they become.

Only a small number of students with high resistance remained unmoved.

The students chased out in front of me were obviously the ones who had changed the most.

"It's a great idea, let me take a look."

When Lan Qi saw this, he smiled kindly and did not answer Talia first. He was about to answer the students' questions one by one.

He suddenly raised his eyes and saw a familiar figure standing at the corner of the corridor——

It was Nicholas, known as the "Kestrel", the chief of the Domestic Countermeasures Section 1 of the Imperial Special Operations Division.

He was still wearing a neat and neat black military uniform.

The military medal on his chest shone brightly in the sunlight, with his hands behind his back, he stood as straight as a green pine.

Seeing Lan Qi appear, Kestrel Nicholas nodded slightly.

It seems that Professor Landry has been waiting for a long time.

The students looked along Lan Qi's line of sight, and when they saw Nicholas's stern face and the uniform of the Imperial Special Operations Office, they immediately fell silent and said nothing more.

Lan Qi also greeted the officers and looked apologetically at the students beside him.

"I'm very sorry, Alexander, Benjamin, Christopher, Gregory... I suddenly have some urgent matters that need to be dealt with as soon as possible. The questions you raised are indeed very insightful. I will stay in the office to answer questions tomorrow afternoon, every Monday, Wednesday and Thursday from 8 to 812 p.m. I’ll be in office on the th floor of the Great Monastery’s Spert Building. We’ll have a discussion then, okay?”

His tone was sincere but polite, and he called each student's name accurately.

"You are busy first, we will see you tomorrow."

The students nodded immediately, feeling as if their hearts were being filled with something. They thought that Professor Landry, who had just met for two days, would not have any impression of them, but they did not expect that Professor Landry was already so familiar with them, paid attention to them, and even could I could feel the unique sincerity and importance in his eyes.

"See you tomorrow."

As Lan Qi said this, he turned back, took long strides, and walked straight towards Nicholas the Kestrel.

"Professor Landry, I'm sorry to interrupt you. Is it convenient for you to come with me to the headquarters of the Imperial Special Operations Division now? I still need to confirm with you what we discussed earlier."

When Nicholas saw the professor approaching, his tone was as low as ever, and no emotion could be heard.

"Okay, my classes for today are over, and I can go with you now."

Lan Qi's face was calm and relaxed, a smile appeared on the corner of his lips, and he nodded readily in agreement.
"I kept you waiting, Chief Nikolai."

He thanked Nicholas.

"My original job today was also to investigate and record the 4-21 classroom, which was just right."

Nicholas the Kestrel was a little surprised when he saw that Professor Landry had no objection to agreeing to the invitation, but he didn't show it.

He made a "please" gesture.

"The Special Operations Division vehicle is parked not far from the Elliott House."

Nicholas walked neatly, and Lanci walked side by side through the grand and deep corridor of Eliot House.

The students watched the two people walking away, whispering continuously, and the questions in their hearts were gradually replaced by curiosity.

What is the connection between the mysterious Professor Landry and the Imperial Special Operations Department?

Countless guesses were swirling in the minds of the students, and they even couldn't help but ask Landry's sister Elsa, but she just clenched her sleeves in her chest and shook her head.

the other side.

"It seems you are very popular with the students."

Nicholas the Kestrel seemed to be even more familiar with the environment of Eliot Hall than Mr. Landry. He was slightly a step ahead of the professor, as if he was leading the professor away.

He had just noticed the students chasing him from classroom 4-43, but those students all chose to retreat when they saw him, the officer Nicholas Kestrel.

"After all, I like interacting with students."

Lan Qi lowered his eyes and smiled slightly.

"Do you have a special talent for emotional communication? Can you quickly build good relationships with people around you?"

Nicholas the Kestrel looked at the man again and asked him.

"Maybe this is not a talent, but a kind of knowledge - the knowledge of studying how people or society should be. Even if it is not available, it will not affect your current life, but one day, when you encounter a major obstacle in life, if Knowing 'what to do' may hold clues to overcoming barriers."

Lan Qi looked out the window into the distance and replied. "Your sister seemed to be looking for trouble just now. Why are you so cold to her?"

Nicholas the Kestrel nodded and did not continue the topic with Lan Qi, but instead spoke.

There was a half-joking tone in his voice, and there was also a clear temptation.

Just now I looked in the direction of the door of Classroom 4-43, and I could tell at a glance that there was a girl who looked very similar to Landry among the students.

Nicholas had investigated Landry in advance, and he knew Landry's household registration information clearly.

Elsa Wassington, Landry Wassington's biological sister who had been dependent on each other since she was a child, grew up with Landry in the small town on the border of Nyxassend in the northwest of the Kraiju Empire, and was sent here a few years ago. After arriving in the capital Brilda, the brother and sister have not seen each other for a long time, and they should even miss them.

It seemed that she originally wanted to talk to her brother, Professor Landry, but when she saw that her brother was being targeted by people from the Empire's Special Operations Division, she no longer planned to get close to him, as if she knew that her approach might cause trouble to her brother. After looking away and nodding, he turned around and left.

"Time is like a wild donkey. It keeps running. My sister grows up in the blink of an eye."

Lan Qi seemed to be recalling the past and sighed,

"I can come back to handle family matters at any time, but the official affairs of the empire cannot be delayed for a moment. I think besides Chief Nikolai, there are people in the Special Operations Division waiting for me."

He looked at Nikolai, otherwise they could just find a place nearby to talk. There was no need for Nikolai to wait outside the classroom on time and take him to the headquarters of the Imperial Special Operations Division.

"of course."

Nicholas the Kestrel did not deny Ranchi’s statement.

Indeed, he was responsible for taking Professor Landry back.

"Elsa is a heart-warmingly sensible child. She has not had much contact with me in the past few years. If Section Chief Nicholas has any doubts about me, just come to talk to me and please don't disturb her. Okay. ?"

Lan Qi said with a rare frank attitude.

"……no problem."

Kestrel Nicholas chuckled in relief and nodded.

It didn't take long for the two of them to walk down the maze-like Elliot Building and onto the street beside the square.

"Lanqi, why did you let him know that Elsa is your weakness?"

Thalia asked in Lan Qi's mind in confusion.

She felt that Nicholas still doubted Lan Qi all the time, and Lan Qi's answer to Nicholas just now was very dangerous.

"Actually, if I don't care about Elsa, it will make Nicholas suspicious. In addition, it's good to sell him a flaw. Not only can he be sure that I care about my sister, but it can also make him think that I am better at handling my sister. People with weaknesses and families are often the real spies who are alone and have no worries.”

Lanci responded to Thalia.

"...You are so smart."

Thalia thought for a while and agreed with Lanqi.

This kid is really skilled as a spy. When faced with a problem, his face does not turn red and his heart does not beat. He can jump all the traps and find the optimal solution in an instant. He is simply a natural lurker.

For a short time, the black magic vehicle parked on the other side of the road in the square quickly moved to the road after seeing Nicholas the Kestrel and Professor Landry.

"Hello, sir."

Secret agents in formal attire saluted Nicholas through the window.

Nikolai put one hand on his back and opened the rear door for Lan Qi with the other hand. He watched him get into the car and then sat on the other side of the back seat.

Until the secret agent in the driver's seat quietly started the engine.

With a slight buzz, the vehicle drove away from the Eliot Building of St. Clare's Monastery and headed towards the central area of ​​the capital Brilda.

The Imperial Special Operations Division was established more than a hundred years ago. It was originally organized to deal with the threat of demon spies during the Holy War. It played an important role in the Holy War, and later gradually transformed into conducting intelligence activities against neighboring countries and the Kingdom's United Council Alliance.

Its mission is to secretly collect secrets inside and outside the empire to protect the national security interests of the Kremer Empire. The threats it focuses on include terrorism, organized crime, regional conflicts, the proliferation of weapons of mass destruction, etc. It has at least three thousand well-trained agents, and has several regional special service stations and professional departments. It is independent of the Imperial Military Staff and Command led by the First Military God Hecintus, but they also cooperate with each other.

Duke Dax Reynolds, the current Director of the Empire's Special Operations Division, is one of the most mysterious figures in the Empire. His identity as Minister of Foreign Affairs and Director of the Division has been kept secret for more than twenty years, and it was not until a few years ago that it was truly made public.

The headquarters where Nicholas the Kestrel will take Ranchi to is located at Holworth Crossing in the center of Blirda, hence the nickname "Hallworth Cross Claw".

After Lanqi arrived in the capital, he had never been to such a central place.

"Who will we see later?"

Lan Qi asked Nicholas beside him.

In the back seat, Ranch leaned back on the soft leather seat, waiting for the ride to the headquarters of the Imperial Special Operations Division.

The fragrance of flowers, wind and afternoon sun coming from the window filled the car, adding a bit of laziness to Landry's handsome face. He seemed a little tired when he got into the car after class.

Nicholas the kestrel was still sitting like a chess player.

"The top commander of our Imperial Special Operations Division, Director Dax."

Nicholas the Kestrel glanced at Lan Qi and replied.

He found that the professor was not nervous at all when he was around him. He didn't know whether it was because of his psychological quality or because he was born like this.

After that, he looked out the car window at the Empire State Building passing by.

"Did Duke Dax ask Chief Nikolai to take me to the Imperial Special Operations Office?"

Lan Qi was slightly surprised and smiled.

"Yes, the position of honorary advisor of the Special Operations Division is not something I can have the final say on."

Kestrel Nicholas nodded.

"That's really flattering."

Lan Qi promised Nicholas.


Thalia felt a little worried now.

The research results that Lanqi left at St. Creation's Monastery have obviously attracted the attention of many high-level officials in the empire, and Dax is one of them.

For a true Imperial Eagle Dog, this is undoubtedly an opportunity to display talents, demonstrate value, and gain power. However, for an Allied spy, this will be a den of dragons and tigers, and any flaws in the body will be magnified without limit, possibly I don’t even know when I will die.

The new environment that Lan Qi is about to come into contact may seem like a beautiful place, but in fact there are countless hidden pitfalls that make her heart beat uneasily all the time.

"Tata, just be the cook. Don't think too much about anything else. Leave the work to me."

Lan Qi chatted with her in his mind,

"I will definitely let you live a good life in the empire, so you can rest assured."

he added.

"Then come on..."

Talia didn't mind Lanqi calling her a cook, because she was indeed helping Lanqi cook every day, and Lanqi had remembered her.

Hearing that Lan Qi was so enthusiastic about her career and had a sense of responsibility, she felt that it would be good to live with this guy. If his name was not Lan Qi, he would really be an ideal partner.

(End of this chapter)

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