Do not confiscate my citizenship

Chapter 722 Lan Qi’s road to empire fame

Chapter 722 Lan Qi’s road to empire fame

Professor Landry is exactly what he says he is.

The first class after he took over did not have any substantial teaching content, but was more about introducing future changes to the course.

"This class will not last for two hours. Class will end about an hour early today."

Lan Qi turned his head and looked at the window. The formulas and symbols he wrote on the glass window were like a sundial, which roughly allowed him to tell the time.

"Every Monday, Wednesday and Thursday, from 8 to 812 p.m., I will be in office on the th floor of the Great Convent's Specter Building. I am available for any conversations with school personnel. If you want to answer questions from me, please make an appointment in advance."

He stood in the center of the podium with his back to the blackboard.

Dozens of pairs of eyes stared at him.

Obviously, his simple display of hands and his inflammatory speech had captured the hearts of many students.

However, there are still some students who seem not to be affected too much. Wherever Thalia borrows Lanci's eyes, the students who sit lazily or listen upright are all talented young people.

Their energetic faces were full of arrogance, as if they were sure of victory, because each of them was the best among the elites and the "proud one of heaven" in the magical engineering community of the Southern Continent.

Regardless of whether Lan Qi's words convinced them or not, they at least made them full of curiosity about this professor and a desire to explore.

Even competitive.

That proves that Lan Qi succeeded.

Thalia was confused.

She remembered that Lan Qi probably didn't have this ability at Icerite College before.

Ever since this kid came back from the Northern Continent, it felt like he had more and more strange skills. It was as if someone had tuned him up, and he was no longer her familiar disciple.

Maybe it's an illusion, Lan Qi has no affinity with women at all, and it's impossible to change into someone else's shape.

Thalia thought about it and felt relieved.

Just like what she taught Miss Zhu Zhu, get along with boys and give priority to eating, which is Bao Yingdi.

"Everyone, you are very lucky to come to St. Creation's Monastery and study magic engineering with the best people. When I look at you, I seem to see my former self."

Lan Qi spoke slowly, his voice echoing in the spacious auditorium-like classroom.

"For scholars, the biggest temptation is not fame and fortune, but complacency with the status quo. Magical engineering is an unpredictable field. Just finding a problem that has yet to be solved can make you worry-free for a lifetime. However, blindly Studying the achievements of your predecessors will not make you a master. To achieve that level of immortality, you must have the courage and vision to surpass your predecessors.”

He paused for a moment and glanced at the faces of the students from the Abbey Empire.

As he thought, today's class would almost be over after some encouragement to the students.

The principles written in the demonic magic writings on the wall are enough for these students to study for a long time. Each student's area of ​​expertise and understanding speed are different, and students need to be given time to digest and absorb.

And those proud students who are not easy to get it done quickly are not in a hurry to convince them immediately, because Lanqi knows that he will have a lot of work in the Creation Empire next, and work will keep coming to him, and teaching is just One aspect of it.

Lanci let the students think about his previous words and put away the books on the desk.

"Professor Landry."

A student on the noble side raised his hand.

"please say."

Lan Qi politely stretched out his hand, palm upward, indicating that students could ask questions.

"Thank you."

The aristocratic girl with green eyes and purple hair is smiling and has a boyish air.
"First of all, I may offend you, but my true feeling is that the pie you are drawing right now can make some students full of expectations for you. After all, as long as this one-month assessment period is successfully passed, no matter whether this topic is completed at the end of the semester, If you are successful, you will be officially employed by St. Clare's Monastery, and no one can protect the rights of our students."

she said to the professor on the podium.

The other students in the classroom started to look at her.

Even though most of the students here are seniors, most of them have heard of Ursula, the gryphon daughter of Marquis Roland's family.

She has never been peaceful in school. Whether it is students who want to mess with her or teachers who are targeted by her, she will become extremely troublesome.

"This long-term teaching plan can be arranged by you, allowing us to gradually see your strength, but it can also become a subtle deception to cover up your flashy teaching level. If you really have such ability, Why haven't you been noticed by the imperial military yet?"

Ursula, the gryphon daughter, spread her hands and asked her most fundamental question,
"In my opinion, every word you say is very convincing, but your performance is more like a politician than a magic engineer, a politician who is good at confusing and inciting people, trying to drive us."

After she finished speaking, the students in the classroom showed hesitant expressions again.

They were not surprised by what Ursula would say, because it was her style to speak straightforwardly, and she was not afraid of offending any professor in St. Creation's monastery.

The problem is that her doubts are not without reason.

As for the principle on the glass, no student here can easily prove its actual value.

And whether it can really be turned into a magical engineering creation that can be successfully used.

When Professor Landry bombarded the magic card, he observed that it could split into several smaller broken magic bodies and release a large amount of energy. Although Professor Landry has not yet explained this theoretically, his experiment And measurement is not difficult, because the failure to make magic devices and magic cards is often accompanied by a large or small energy burst.

The key lies in the latter principle described in the wall text, the theory of magic card chain reaction, that is, the fission event of a magic card can trigger a chain reaction. Each fission will release more magic bodies, and these magic bodies will Can cause more magic cards to fission.

Although Professor Landry only proposed a basic principle of human beings stealing fire from gods.

But it is too crazy, the theory has limitations, and no one can guarantee success.

Its value is either inestimable or zero.

"Professor, have you ever considered that if you open a door to the 'hidden world' at this moment and we are witnessing history, how can you ensure that you will not be targeted by the extremist forces within the empire or hide from you?" An assassination attempt by an Allied spy?"

"Teacher, do you currently have any 'certainty' results, except for this kind of 'uncertainty' topic?"

More and more questions are being raised.

The more the students thought about Ursula's words, the more they felt that her words were very practical and awakened them.

If you think about it carefully, if this new professor is a famous academic giant, his words may be convincing and full of admiration for the time being, but the problem is that he has almost no achievements before, so it is more like a castle in the air that is too obsessed with his own theory. .


Landry's sister Elsa bit her lip lightly and looked at Ursula on the right side of the classroom, wondering what to do with Ursula.

My brother's first class was supposed to be going smoothly and was about to end, but if Ursula disrupted it like this, it might lead to unpleasant troubles next.

Elsa believes that her brother definitely has outstanding talents, but it also takes time to achieve his goals step by step.

Once he falls into Ursula's rhythm of first questioning and then believing, he will also face increasing resistance when he engages in scientific research while full of doubts.


Ursula, who was being stared at by Elsa, was not only unapologetic, but also blew her a kiss frivolously with her index and middle fingers, as if to tell Elsa that she was deliberately torturing Professor Landry.


Elsa suddenly felt that she could not communicate with Ursula, so she turned her head and stopped looking at this woman.

I don't know now whether my brother is thinking about how to solve the problem, or whether he simply feels that the classroom is a little restless and is planning to wait for them to calm down before he speaks.

All that is certain is that Professor Landry still looks calm.

Not only the students on the aristocratic side of the classroom, but also the geniuses on the civilian side had to agree with Ursula.

For some students, it is too early to tell whether Professor Landry's rhetoric is the arrogance of a newcomer or whether it is true.

After all, his true level has not yet been tested, and they have doubts in their hearts.

"What level is your brother?"

Just when Elsa was worried about her brother, a young boy in the row in front of her turned around and asked.

This young man seems to be the center of the civilian students, or is admired by the surrounding students. He has thick brown curly hair, an upright face with handsome lines, and a pair of dark blue eyes under his slender eyebrows. Colorful eyes.

He was dressed simply and neatly. He seemed to be less interested in showing off, preferring to focus on his inner self. He only wore an ordinary white shirt and casual pants, looking like a gentle scholar.

"Senior Nathaniel..."

Elsa was in a daze, not expecting the magic craftsman to suddenly ask her.

As the most favored student of the St. Creation Monastery by the professors, Nathaniel is also a talented alchemist who is considered to be very likely to win the Grant Award, the highest honor in magic engineering in the Creation Empire in the next ten years. He has become Now the youngest royal magic craftsman in the empire, he can graduate from St. Clare's Monastery at any time, or he can continue his studies and serve as a tutor part-time.

It can also be said that he is the most advanced student in this classroom.

After Nathaniel asked, more civilian students around looked at Elsa.

"I haven't seen him in many years, and I don't know."

Elsa pouted and shook her head, saying,

"But my brother is really awesome."

she added.

Elsa is now also very curious about her brother's level, and she only looks forward to chatting with him after class.

She has missed her brother so much for so many years, and feels that he is both strange and familiar at the same time.

So she extremely hoped that this class could end smoothly.

"You said he is very powerful, then he should indeed have some abilities."

After Nathaniel finished speaking to Elsa, he looked at the podium again.

When he is thinking intently, he frowns slightly and presses his lips into a straight line.

Although Nathaniel felt that the professor's right approach was to ignore Ursula, or use his subtle words to deal with it.

But Nathaniel instead wanted to see Landry show off something more.

Unlike the fiery Ursula, they will sincerely hate flashy teachers, and accordingly, they will maintain the politeness they should have on the surface.


Thalia watched everything silently in Lanqi's spiritual world.

She felt that sometimes Lan Qi's hypnosis and incitement didn't work.

For example, in the flower capital Parrieux, Countess Christina of the Baptiste family was immune to Ranch. Some people have unknown qualities that make it difficult for Ranch to easily arouse their desire.

As long as there is one awake individual, the entire group can be awakened.

Lan Qi now has no way to prove that his theory is correct.

The empire may still be preparing to study the process from 0 to 1. Lan Qi actually already has the finished product of 10 in his hands. The problem is that his progress is too high and he cannot get it out.

It is not even the so-called fission, but a more powerful fusion. The problem is that he cannot take out the [Fusion Wolf] casually, because the obsidian-like special effects of the Age of Gods will reveal his identity as the holder of the sealing tablet.

No matter what, it was too much for a sixth-level professor from a remote area like Landry Wassington to come up with something like that. An undercurrent began to surge in the classroom.

The man in the center of the icy vortex turned a blind eye and clapped his hands with a relaxed expression.

"Power only occurs in the shadows. This is the rule of the political game. What we are discussing now is obviously still in the field of magic engineering."

On the podium, Teacher Landry responded to Ursula's question that "he is like a politician rather than a magician."

His words made the classroom gradually quiet.

"So you would rather see knowledge that any student in the classroom can master and use as long as they work hard?"

he asked.

As a new professor in the college, he sensed that some students in the audience had lingering doubts about what he had just said.

"of course."

Many students replied.

Others also chirped, and the atmosphere suddenly became lively.

Professor Landry's words completely ignited their curiosity for the first time.

Ursula's "regardless of whether it's true or false, question it first before speaking" is essentially a rogue questioning method. After learning this skill, she became extremely good at using it. Many professors in the school now know how to avoid it.

Although there is no need for Professor Landry to fall into the self-certification trap at this moment, if he had real strength, that would be another matter.

"Then I will teach the students something easy to understand. I hope it will be helpful to you."

Professor Landry looked around the large classroom.

As he spoke, he walked to the far left of the whiteboard, gently picked up a paint pen, and wrote slowly on the whiteboard.

at first.

Just some basic concepts and axioms.

But it soon evolved into a complicated derivation of the itinerary.

Symbols and mantras flowed and evolved on the whiteboard one after another, and Professor Landry's familiar figure was immersed in it as if no one else was watching.

“Isn’t this the original text and interpretation of Genesis?”

"He seems to be writing the "Chapter of Sealing and Imprisonment" and "Chapter of Fire and Fury" in demonic script."

There was still a lot of noise in the audience, and no one could tell what the professor's purpose was.

This time they could easily understand.

You must know that the interpretation of Genesis is only a level 1 and 2 course. The students who can sit here have already studied the contents of the thirty-three chapters.

"He doesn't think he can fool us with something as basic as this, right?"

"Over the years, in addition to the undeciphered divine magic, the interpretation of "Genesis" has already been very helpful to the study of magic engineering."

Listening to these voices, Elsa gradually lowered her head and became embarrassed.

Even she could understand what her brother was writing, which meant that what he wrote this time was too basic and could not convince the magic craftsmen of St. Creation Monastery.

"and many more."

"This interpretation..."

But as the derivation intensified, the scene gradually became quiet, leaving only the rustle of paint pens being rubbed rapidly.

Everyone looked at the gradually denser text on the whiteboard and unconsciously sat up straight forward, showing doubts.

When Professor Landry wrote that epoch-making closing symbol in the last line.

The whole audience was silent.

Everyone stared at the documents in stunned silence.

Then someone screamed in surprise.

For a time, the classroom was in chaos, and the students were arguing nonstop.

“Why do I feel like I have an epiphany?”

"Especially for the [Fire] and [Seal] attributes."

"I don't understand. What is this? What do you understand? Please teach me."

Pointing, shaking people around, praising or slandering, but no one can explain the mystery.

In an instant, the entire convention of seal attributes and fire attributes seemed to be broken and reshaped.

The more they looked at it, the more they felt something was wrong.

The interpretation written by the professor was easy to understand, yet extremely profound, as if two original slates had been dissected and placed in front of them!
Even Ursula's initial expression of disdain began to fade away.

Compared to the students whose eyes were already attracted by the whiteboard, her surprised and confused eyes were more focused on Elsa's brother.

"Professor, has he not seen [Original Slate - Fire] and [Original Slate - Seal]..."

"What nonsense are you talking about?"

Although some students murmured, they also knew very well that a joke is still a joke.

[Original Slate-Fire] is a slate that is almost impossible for current magic craftsmen to observe in their lifetime.

There is only one reason, and that is its current owner.

Going to Bishop Ivanos of Destruction to ask for a look at the stone slab is tantamount to going to court the King of Hell.

[Original Slate - Seal] is a slate that people from the Southern Continent have no chance of seeing.

Only a madman would look at the stone slabs of Asksan in the northern continent with calculations.


Thalia was speechless.

No one really doubts that this guy has two stone slabs in his hand.

After all, it is better to believe that Loren will be resurrected than to believe that this professor has the original tablet.

As Lanqi's co-researcher, Talia knows better than anyone that Lanqi only wrote part of the secrets of magic engineering contained in the two stone tablets [Original Slate - Seal] and [Original Slate - Fire] into " In his interpretation of these two chapters of Genesis, it seems to have nothing to do with the original tablets.

This almost allowed the students to initially observe the basics of [Original Slate - Seal] and [Original Slate - Fire]. Of course, after Lan Qi and Da Ai's interpretation, they were broken down into easier-to-understand parts.

Accordingly, today's class is no longer the first class for ordinary professors.

It is an academic conference. Tomorrow, the entire imperial academic world may focus on him, Landry Wassington.

Next, countless important figures from the empire may come looking for him.


Thalia suddenly felt a little unable to stop the car.

How come this kid is really going to move up step by step in the empire? !
"Hope this helps you."

Professor Landry seemed to have expected such a reaction.

He picked up the book on the desk again, and his voice awakened the students who were staring at the whiteboard behind him, causing them to draw their thirsty eyes from the words back to him.

"Each of you has the potential to shine in the next few years and become a leader in a certain field of magic engineering in the Creation Empire."

He turned sideways and knocked hard on the shiny whiteboard behind the podium.

"I don't want to teach you some useless paper knowledge. If you can't turn it into your actual skills after learning it, then it will just waste both parties' time, so this process will also be quite difficult, and you may have to make some decisions. The consciousness of being thrown into death and surviving, being thrown into death and being resurrected!”

These words were loud and precise, as if he was going to impart his lifelong knowledge to these students.

The students were stunned at first.

Immediately, everyone's blood surged up, and their eyes were filled with fire of fighting spirit and excitement.

Compared with using avoidance to solve the self-proof trap, dispelling doubts head-on is the best way to gain trust.

And this professor really did it.

Regardless of what the professor had written on the window before, the gift the professor gave them at this moment was enough for them to occupy this classroom for the whole day today.

They might be witnessing history!

No other teachers or students will be able to use this classroom today, and the words on the whiteboard will never be erased.

Ursula seemed unusually calm. She looked at the new professor intently, thinking about something carefully.

Gradually, the corners of her pursed mouth rose slightly.

"Your brother is interesting, Elsa."

She murmured silently.

In addition to her, there were many young people in the classroom in the classroom at this moment who seemed to be born to be the protagonists. They all began to change their views on this new mysterious professor to varying degrees.

No matter which talented face attracts the most attention, they all have different thoughts.

"Before this battle, St. Clare's Monastery was regarded as the end of learning in the Southern Continent, because Irving Grant, Leonardo Wilson, Mira Talinsky and other famous magic engineers in the empire, St. Clare's The throne of the monastery has not shaken in these four hundred years, and you may be the next magic engineer who will continue to push St. Creation's monastery to glory——"

Lan Qi put on his gray coat and walked on the podium. He raised his hands and waved his arms to put on his clothes, like a performer finishing a passionate performance.
"The world is turning fast, and your time has come."

After saying these words, there was silence in the classroom for dozens of seconds.

There was a sudden burst of applause.

Both the students from the aristocratic faction and the students from the popular faction couldn't help but stood up and watched the professor pay their respects.

"Long live Creation!"

"Imperial magic engineering will be immortal!"

"I will be the next one to contribute to the empire, for sure."

The applause and cheers lasted for a long time.

The students raised their arms and shouted, following the professor's leaving back with fanatical eyes.

(End of this chapter)

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